Browse Topic: Urban mobility

Items (52)
ABSTRACT As part of an Internal Research and Design effort to take existing disparate technologies and integrate them into a single autonomous vehicle to advance the state-of-the-art in unmanned ground vehicle autonomy, SwRI has developed a data representation and routing algorithm to deal with the complexities of interconnecting urban roadways and the static and dynamic hazards in such an environment. The program was designed to utilize data from a Route Network Definition File (RNDF), which contains a priori roadway network data. Using its known location and a given destination, the vehicle determines the shortest route to completion. If, during traversal of that route, the vehicle detects an obstacle in its path using its on-board sensors, it will dynamically re-route its path whether that requires changing lanes on a multiple lane road or turning around completely and finding a different route if the path is completely blocked
Mentzer, ChristopherMcWilliams, GeorgeKozak, Kristopher
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force across various industries, revolutionizing processes and enhancing efficiency. In the automotive domain, AI's adaption has ushered in a new era of innovation and driving advancements across manufacturing, safety, and user experience. By leveraging AI technologies, the automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation that is reshaping the way vehicles are manufactured, operated, and experienced. The benefits of AI-powered vehicles are not limited to their manufacturing, operation, and enhancing the user experience but also by integrating AI-powered vehicles with smart city infrastructure can unlock much more potential of the technology and can offer numerous advantages such as enhanced safety, efficiency, growth, and sustainability. Smart cities aim to create more livable, resilient, and inclusive communities by harnessing innovation through technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), devices, data
Shrimal, Harsh
The need to reduce vehicle-related emissions in the great cities has led to a progressive electrification of urban mobility. For this reason, during the last decades, the powertrain adopted for urban buses has been gradually converted from conventional Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), diesel, or Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), to hybrid or pure electric. However, the complete electrification of Heavy-Duty Vehicles (HDVs) in the next years looks to be still challenging therefore, a more viable solution to decarbonize urban transport is the hybrid powertrain. In this context, the paper aims to assess, through numerical simulations, the benefits of a series hybrid-electric powertrain designed for an urban bus, in terms of energy consumption, and pollutants emissions. Particularly a Diesel engine, fueled with pure hydrogen, is considered as a range extender. The work is specifically focused on the design of the Energy Management Strategy (EMS) of the series-hybrid powertrain, by comparing
Nacci, GianlucaCervone, DavideFrasci, EmmanueleLAKSHMANAN, Vinith KumarSciarretta, AntonioArsie, Ivan
The deployment of autonomous urban buses brings with it the hope of addressing concerns associated with safety and aging drivers. However, issues related autonomous vehicle (AV) positioning and interactions with road users pose challenges to realizing these benefits. This report covers unsettled issues and potential solutions related to the operation of autonomous urban buses, including the crucial need for all-weather localization capabilities to ensure reliable navigation in diverse environmental conditions. Additionally, minimizing the gap between AVs and platforms during designated parking requires precise localization. Next-gen Urban Buses: Autonomy and Connectivity addresses the challenge of predicting the intentions of pedestrians, vehicles, and obstacles for appropriate responses, the detection of traffic police gestures to ensure compliance with traffic signals, and the optimization of traffic performance through urban platooning—including the need for advanced communication
Hsu, Tsung-Ming
With the influx of artificial intelligence (AI) models aiding the development of autonomous driving (AD), it has become increasingly important to analyze and categorize aspects of their operation. In conjunction with the high predictive power innate to AI solutions, due to the safety requirements inherent to automotive systems and the demands for transparency imposed by legislature, there is a natural demand for explainable and predictable models. In this work, we explore the various strategies that reveal the inner workings of these models at various component levels, focusing on those adapted at the modeling stage. Specifically, we highlight and review the use of explainability in state-of-the-art AI-based scenario understanding and motion prediction methods, which represent an integral part of any AD system. We break the discussion down across three key axes that are inherent to any AI solution: the data, the model architecture, and the loss optimization. For each of the axes, we
Okanovic, IlmaStolz, MichaelHillbrand, Bernhard
To identify the influences of various built environment factors on ridership at urban rail transit stations, a case study was conducted on the Changsha Metro. First, spatial and temporal distributions of the station-level AM peak and PM peak boarding ridership are analyzed. The Moran’s I test indicates that both of them show significant spatial correlations. Then, the pedestrian catchment area of each metro station is delineated using the Thiessen polygon method with an 800-m radius. The built environment factors within each pedestrian catchment area, involving population and employment, land use, accessibility, and station attributes, are collected. Finally, the mixed geographically weighted regression models are constructed to quantitatively identify the effects of these built environment factors on the AM and PM peak ridership, respectively. The estimation results indicate that population density and employment density have significant but opposite influences on the AM and PM peak
Su, MeilingLiu, LingChen, XiyangLong, RongxianLiu, Chenhui
Understanding driving scenes and communicating automated vehicle decisions are key requirements for trustworthy automated driving. In this article, we introduce the qualitative explainable graph (QXG), which is a unified symbolic and qualitative representation for scene understanding in urban mobility. The QXG enables interpreting an automated vehicle’s environment using sensor data and machine learning models. It utilizes spatiotemporal graphs and qualitative constraints to extract scene semantics from raw sensor inputs, such as LiDAR and camera data, offering an interpretable scene model. A QXG can be incrementally constructed in real-time, making it a versatile tool for in-vehicle explanations across various sensor types. Our research showcases the potential of QXG, particularly in the context of automated driving, where it can rationalize decisions by linking the graph with observed actions. These explanations can serve diverse purposes, from informing passengers and alerting
Belmecheri, NassimGotlieb, ArnaudLazaar, NadjibSpieker, Helge
In the frame of growing concerns over climate change and health, renewable fuels can make an important contribution to decarbonizing the transport sector. The current work presents the results of an investigation into the impact of renewable fuels on the combustion and emissions of a turbocharged compression-ignition internal combustion engine. An experimental study was undertaken and the engine settings were not modified to account for the fuel's chemical and physical properties, to analyze the performance of the fuel as a potential drop-in alternative fuel. Three fuels were tested: mineral diesel, a blend of it with waste cooking oil biodiesel and a hydrogenated diesel. The analysis of the emissions at engine exhaust highlights that hydrogenated fuel is cleaner, reducing CO, total hydrocarbon emissions, particulate matter and NOx
Chiavola, OrnellaMatijošius, JonasPalmieri, FulvioRecco, Erasmo
Electrification of road transport is a critical step towards establishment of a sustainable transport ecosystem. However, a major hindrance to electric mobility is the high cost and weight of the battery pack. Downsizing the battery pack will not only address these issues, but will also reduce embedded emissions due to battery manufacturing. One approach towards reducing battery pack size and still offering the user of electric vehicles similar mobility experiences as in case of conventional vehicles is to set up extensive network of charging or battery swapping stations. Another approach is to provide the vehicle with required energy while it is on the move. However, conventional systems such as overhead line or conducting rails have several disadvantages in the urban environment. One solution that has come up in this regard in recent times is the concept of Electric Roads System (ERS), which involves dynamic wireless power transfer (DWPT) to the vehicles from power transmitters
Sardar, ArghyaPrasad, Mukti
Accurately predicting the future trajectories of surrounding traffic agents is important for ensuring the safety of autonomous vehicles. To address the scenario of frequent interactions among traffic agents in the highway merging area, this paper proposes a trajectory prediction method based on interactive graph attention mechanism. Our approach integrates an interactive graph model to capture the complex interactions among traffic agents as well as the interactions between these agents and the contextual map of the highway merging area. By leveraging this interactive graph model, we establish an agent-agent interactive graph and an agent-map interactive graph. Moreover, we employ Graph Attention Network (GAT) to extract spatial interactions among trajectories, enhancing our predictions. To capture temporal dependencies within trajectories, we employ a Transformer-based multi-head self-attention mechanism. Additionally, GAT are utilized to model the interactions between traffic agents
Wu, XigangChu, DuanfengDeng, ZejianXin, GuipengLiu, HongxiangLu, Liping
Electrification of transport, together with the decarbonization of energy production are suggested by the European Union for the future quality of air. However, in the medium period, propulsion systems will continue to dominate urban mobility, making mandatory the retrofitting of thermal engines by applying combustion modes able to reduce NOx and PM emissions while maintaining engine performances. Low Temperature Combustion (LTC) is an attractive process to meet this target. This mode relies on premixed mixture and fuel lean in-cylinder charge whatever the fuel type: from conventional through alternative fuels with a minimum carbon footprint. This combustion mode has been subject of numerous modelling approaches in the engine research community. This study provides a theoretical comparative analysis between multi-zone (MZ) and Transported probability density function (TPDF) models applied to LTC combustion process. The generic thermo-kinetic balances for both approaches have been
Maroteaux, FadilaMancaruso, EzioPommier, Pierre-LinVaglieco, Bianca Maria
The urban mobility electrification has been proposed as the main solution to the vehicle emission issues in the next years. However, internal combustion engines have still great potential to decarbonize the transport sector through the use of low/zero-carbon fuels. Alcohols such us methanol, have long been considered attractive alternative fuels for spark ignition engines. They have properties similar to those of gasoline, are easy to transport and store. Recently, great attention has been devoted to gaseous fuels that can be used in existing engine after minor modification allowing to drastically reduce the pollutant emissions. In this regard, this study tries to provide an overview on the use of alternative fuels, both liquid and gaseous in spark ignition engines, highlighting the benefits as well as the criticalities. The investigation was carried out on a small displacement spark ignition engine capable to operate both in port fuel and direct injection mode. Engine was fueled with
Catapano, FrancescoDi Iorio, SilvanaMagno, AgneseSementa, PaoloVaglieco, Bianca Maria
Ultrafine particles, in particular solid sub-100 nm particles pose high risks to human health due to their high lung deposition efficiency, translocation to all organs including the brain and their harmful chemical composition; due to dense traffic, the population in urban environments is exposed to high concentrations of those toxic air contaminants, despite these facts, they are still widely neglected. Therefore, the EU-Commission set up a program for clean and competitive solutions for different problem areas which are regarded to be hotspots of such particles. HORIZON AeroSolfd is an EU project, co-funded by Switzerland that will deliver affordable, adaptable, and sustainable retrofit solutions to reduce exhaust tailpipe emissions from petrol engines, brake emissions and pollution in semi-closed environments. VERT, a Swiss based international industry organization, has a long research history in the field of nanoparticle filtration and it is in charge of reducing tailpipe emissions
Rubino, LaurettaMayer, AndreasCzerwinski, JanLutz, ThomasLarsen, LarsEngelmann, DaniloLehmann, Martin
As a crucial part of the intelligent transportation system, traffic signal control will realize the boundary control of the traffic area, it will also lead to delays and excessive fuel consumption when the vehicle is driving at the intersection. To tackle this challenge, this research provides an optimized control framework based on reinforcement learning method and speed guidance strategy for the connected vehicle network. Prior to entering an intersection, vehicles are focused on in a specific speed guidance area, and important factors like uniform speed, acceleration, deceleration, and parking are optimized. Conclusion, derived from deep reinforcement learning algorithm, the summation of the length of the vehicle’s queue in front of the signal light and the sum of the number of brakes are used as the reward function, and the vehicle information at the intersection is collected in real time through the road detector on the road network. Finally, the proposed method is implemented
Lu, GaohuiZhan, ZhenfeiRehman, HamzaChen, XiatongHe, Xin
For realistic traffic modeling, real-world traffic calibration data is needed. These data include a representative road network, road users count by type, traffic lights information, infrastructure, etc. In most cases, this data is not readily available due to cost, time, and confidentiality constraints. Some open-source data are accessible and provide this information for specific geographical locations, however, it is often insufficient for realistic calibration. Moreover, the publicly available data may have errors, for example, the Open Street Maps (OSM) does not always correlate with physical roads. The scarcity, incompleteness, and inaccuracies of the data pose challenges to the realistic calibration of traffic models. Hence, in this study, we propose an approach based on spatial interpolation for addressing sparsity in vehicle count data that can augment existing data to make traffic model calibrations more accurate. This study will primarily assist in traffic modeling for Fuel
Patil, MayurTulpule, PunitMidlam-Mohler, Shawn
Electric propulsion is the object of intense research efforts all over the world, as a viable solution to fossil resource exploitation and pollutant emissions, towards a sustainable development. In this paper, we perform a thorough Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of multiple electrical solutions for urban mobility, from bicycles to buses, comparing the results to those of traditional, fossil-fuel-based vehicles. This activity is of particular interest as the decision of European Parliament to interrupt the fossil fuel vehicles starting from 2035. To assess the life-cycle impact of each solution, several routes within middle size Italian cities, representative of the most Italian cities have been considered. This analysis has been performed by means of an ad-hoc integrated procedure with on-line, free tools that account also for traffic distribution. To carry out a complete study, an LCA analysis has been done which includes all life’s phase of the vehicles, starting from production to
Andreassi, LucaDe Angelis, Lorenzo
One-way car-sharing services (CSSs) are believed to be a promising transportation mode for urban mobility. Due to the disparity of city functional areas and population, travel demand and vehicle supply in a CSS may inevitably tend to be imbalanced as well. Therefore, an essential requirement of one-way CSSs is the capability of providing fleet management solutions to improve quality of service and system performance. In other words, a CSS depends heavily on technologies that offer strategic decisions on topics like Fleet sizing Location and capacity of depots and charging stations Matching of travelers with vehicles Relocation of vehicles and dispatchers for fleet rebalancing Balancing and charging schedules of electric vehicles Car-sharing Mobility-on-Demand Systems addresses trending CSS technologies and outlines some insights into the existing unsettled issues and potential solutions. The discussions and outlook are presented as a collection of key points encountered in system
Guo, GeHou, YuqinKang, Ming
This paper explores the efficacy and efficiency of a system for the effective location of electric gridlines during daytime and night-time by the onboard and offboard transceivers of UAV through vehicle to infrastructure communication. The usage of electric gridlines in urban areas helps to extend the range of the UAVs by charging the onboard battery using an extended arm. The same arm can also be used for direct propulsion of the motors onboard UAV, thereby minimizing the reliance on battery. UAVs with advanced Image processing algorithms are utilized in the inspection of the electric grid lines themselves in the Power industry. The camera based algorithms are not effective during night-time when the gridlines are near invisible. This can be mitigated by evaluating light in other spectral ranges, but this would add to the load of the UAV. We propose a system which combines multiple information sources and helps locate the gridlines for range extension, specifically for the delivery of
Pappala, Lokendra Pavan KumarEnagandula, SrujanManoharan, Sandeepkumar
Modeling, prediction, and evaluation of personalized driving behaviors are crucial to emerging advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) that require a large amount of customized driving data. However, collecting such type of data from the real world could be very costly and sometimes unrealistic. To address this need, several high-definition game engine-based simulators have been developed. Furthermore, the computational load for cooperative automated driving systems (CADS) with a decent size may be much beyond the capability of a standalone (edge) computer. To address all these concerns, in this study we develop a co-simulation platform integrating Unity, Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO), and Amazon Web Services (AWS), where Unity provides realistic driving experience and simulates on-board sensors; SUMO models realistic traffic dynamics; and AWS provides serverless cloud computing power and personalized data storage. To evaluate this platform, we select cooperative on-ramp
Zhao, XuanpengLiao, XishunWang, ZiranWu, GuoyuanBarth, MatthewHan, KyungtaeTiwari, Prashant
Urban air mobility (UAM) refers to urban transportation systems that move people by air. UAM offers the potential for reducing traffic congestion in cities and providing an integrated approach to urban mobility. With the emergence of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, drone technology, and the possibility of automated aircraft, interest in this topic has grown considerably for private sector solution providers—including aerospace and technology companies—as well as urban planners and transportation professionals. Unsettled Issues Concerning Urban Air Mobility Infrastructure discusses the infrastructure requirements to effectively integrate UAM services into the overarching urban transportation system to enable multimodal trips and complete origin to destination travel. Click here to access the full SAE EDGETM Research Report portfolio
McQueen, Bob
It has been predicted that the prevailing COVID-19 situation would result in increased demand for personal vehicles. There is a renewed interest in the 3 wheeled vehicles for short urban mobility in western countries due to their inherent cost advantages which will make it affordable for the common man. As the world is moving towards electric vehicle technology, a light 3 wheeled vehicle option will also help in reducing battery weight and thereby help in addressing the range concerns. In addition, slow speed 3-wheelers need not pass extensive safety regulation tests in many western countries including the USA. Three-wheeled vehicles are not new to developing countries like India as three-wheeled auto-rickshaws are quite popular for short distance shared travel. The existing single front wheel design known as delta design may have a stigma attached to it due to historic reasons in India. There is also a perception that the three-wheeled vehicles are highly unstable. Therefore, the
Nimje, RahulManivasagam, Dr. ShanmugamPatil, Amol
Advanced air mobility (AAM) refers to urban transportation systems that move people and goods by air. This has significant implications for reducing traffic congestion in cities and for providing an integrated approach to urban mobility. With the emergence of drone technology and the possibility of more autonomous aircraft, interest has grown considerably in AAM. Unsettled Issues in Advanced Air Mobility Certification discusses the impact of AAM on private sector solution providers including aerospace and technology companies and goes into solutions for urban planners and transportation professionals for better integration across all AAM modes. Click here to access the full SAE EDGETM Research Report portfolio
McQueen, Bob
With the enhancements in vehicle electrification and autonomous vehicles, Traffic systems are also being improved at an accelerated rate to aid the development of improving fuel economy standards. For this to be possible, it is essential that traffic can be accurately modeled and predicted. The existing toolsets are proprietary and expensive and traffic modeling is not a trivial task due to its dependence on various factors such as place, time, and weather. To address these issues, an entirely open-source Software-In-Loop (SIL) fleet-focused traffic modeling toolset has been developed with the ability to take environmental factors with powertrain-in-the-loop into account leveraging Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) and python. The proposed SIL toolset encompasses the creation of a microscopic traffic distribution which accounts for the usual traffic trends of a typical day. Parameters such as the number of vehicles entering the network and the speed of all the vehicles at a time of a
Padisala, Shanthan KumarYurkovich, Benjamin
Due to the infeasibility of exhaustive on-road testing of Automated Vehicles (AVs) and vehicles with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), virtual methods for verification and validation of such vehicles have gained prominence. In order to incorporate the variability in the characteristics of test scenarios such as surrounding traffic, weather, obstacles, road network, infrastructure features, etc., as well as provide the option of varying the fidelities of subsystem models, this study discusses a modular software block-set for virtual testing of AV/ADAS controllers based on open source tools. The core concept is to co-simulate the traffic, vehicle dynamics, sensors, and the 3D scenes required for perception. This is achieved using SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility, a microscopic road-network-based traffic generation tool) and Unreal Engine (for 3D traffic flow generation). Due to the difference in the simulation timestep sizes of SUMO and Unreal Engine, as well as some of the
Tulpule, PunitMidlam-Mohler, ShawnKarumanchi, AdityaJin, Yishen
Contemporary trends are leading towards the electrification of aircraft for urban mobility applications. Accordingly, there is a high demand for advancements in light-weight, high voltage technologies to realize these new aircraft types. Driven by recent developments in the automotive industry, hybrid Pyrofuse protection devices have emerged as one such new candidate technology. Pyrofuses offer rapid clearance of fault currents, reduced cost and weight when compared to conventional mechanical breakers. In addition, Pyrofuses have the ability to tune the time-current curve to fit the application’s fault response characteristics. However, Pyrofuses are non-resettable devices whose exclusive use for electrical protection could present potential operational hazards and certification challenges in aerospace applications. Model-based analysis will be critical in supporting this evaluation. Accordingly, this paper offers the first complete design methodology to transiently model Pyrofuse
Altouq, ShadanFong, KennyNorman, PatrickBurt, Graeme
Urban mobility represents one of the most critical global challenges nowadays. Several options regarding design and power sources technologies were recently proposed; among which electric and hybrid vehicles are quite successful to meet the increasingly restrictive environmental targets. This significant goal may affect the perceived vehicle comfort and drivability, especially in everyday urban scenarios. The purpose of this paper is to carry out a comparison in terms of comfort between vehicles belonging to different categories, but all designed for urban mobility: an electric 2-passenger quadricycle used during the demonstration phase of the European project STEVE, an internal combustion engine 2-passenger car (Smart Fortwo), an electric 4-passenger car (Bolloré Bluecar) and an internal combustion engine 4-passenger car (Fiat 500). Leading European car-sharing services use the last three car models. Onboard accelerations at the seat, the feet and the steering wheel are recorded, as
Vella, Angelo DomenicoVigliani, AlessandroTota, AntonioLisitano, Domenico
The study aims at an integrative analysis between the means of locomotion, the routes and the technology for monitoring and enforcement. It aims to equalize the daily travel flows following the provisions of Law 12,587 / 12, known as the Urban Mobility Law, and contributing to the improvement of the life quality of the population. The inclusion of urban tolls tends to reduce the number of journeys of individual motor vehicles in the expanded center, an area already established since 1996. In contrast, investment in the provision of public transport service, in addition to favoring the reduction of emission of pollutants in the atmosphere, tends to shorten travel time and significantly improve the health and well-being of the population. The technology-based monitoring allows real-time enforcing of the circulating fleet in the expanded center, indirectly contributing to public safety. As a result, the integration of monitoring, roads and fleet establishes a collective gain in urban
de Mello Filho, Luiz Vicente Figueirado Amaral, Marcos AlmeidaGabriel, João CarlosIano, Yuzo
Society sees itself in an era in which ecological and sustainability issues have assumed great importance, and with that, several issues need to be revised. When it comes to mobility, a key point is to determine the most efficient way to travel a certain distance with the lowest cost and environmental impact. Due to the size of the world fleet of vehicles, it is easy to understand how an increase of efficiency of the internal combustion engines (ICE) lead to a reduction of the total volume of fuel consumed in the planet. That combined to the possibility of integration with an online network, showing the flow conditions of each road, would allow a further reduction of the fuel consumed globally as well as a mitigation of the emission of harmful gases to the environment associated to urban mobility. In Brazil, the automobile fleet consists of approximately 60% of Flex-Fuel vehicles, which can use either ethanol or gasoline. Despite of the fact that the biofuel is renewable and less
Correia, Vitor Costa AntonelliGomes, Paulo César de FerreiraFranieck, Erwin Karl
The safety, reliability and efficiency in the progress of the autonomous vehicle have increased in recent years. In parallel, companies in the segment of people transportation, either individually or shared, took the world leadership using smartphone app into a new concept of urban mobility with conventional vehicles with drivers, starting consequently a change of habit of the population, and defying the laws of local transport. These services for urban mobility are related as tendencies of driving forces in the face of the relevance of the limitations of resources, population density, greater awareness toward the environment and traffic congestion. The acquisition of the “own vehicle” as currently, conceived and successful by Alfred Sloan in the 1920s, has become a question for future generations. This study shows that the provision of a more secure service, reliable, and efficient, will enable a significant reduction in total cost of ownership to the increasingly sophisticated and
Briganti, Murilo Cesar Perinde Mello Filho, Luiz Vicente FigueiraCardamoni, RaquelIano, Yuzo
The world urbanization is growing rapidly, bringing many challenges for people to move in dense metropolitan regions. Public transportation is not able to attend the whole demand, and individual transportation modes are struggling with traffic congestion and stringent regulations to reduce its attractiveness, such as the license plate restriction in São Paulo. On the other hand, enablers like smartphones mass penetration, GPS connected services and shared economy have opened space to a whole new range of possible solutions to improve people perception on urban mobility. This work aims to evaluate the modal choice behavior models and understand the success factor of current mobility solutions in the city of São Paulo. The data available through origin/destination researches will be used to validate the models used in this work
Steckelberg, DaniloBarretto, GuiraMorales, Nicolás
Urban Mobility is one of the most critical issues at the present. Public transport in connection with feeder bus system is proposed to be one of the main solution. Chulalongkorn University has a fleet of electric feeder bus in operation for a few years now. The fleet service is, however, to be improved because of current limitations in battery energy capacity and long battery charging time. This paper aims to examine the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the electric feeder buses using various types of energy storage. The results on the sensitivity analysis highlight the major parameters that exert strong influence in the TCOs. The fast charging system using supercapacitor battery bus shows the lowest TCO for the present bus fleet. The travel distance (km/year) and operational years were illustrated to be the top two parameters that exert major influence towards the TCO
Nilprapunt, WachiraSripakagorn, Angkee
This paper determines the market positioning of the electric vehicle, while applying tools like SWOT analysis, Porter’s five forces, external environment analysis or the Ansoff’s Matrix. It is important to note that these tools are applied looking from the perspective of the electric vehicle, i.e. how the electric vehicle impacts a conventional fossil fuel drive automobile manufacturer. There is no doubt that the electric vehicle - or at least some version of it - is the future of urban mobility. At the same time it has been considered as a new product among automotive industry. Nevertheless it cannot be neglected that the time of the electric vehicle has not come so far. It is more probable that there might be another evolution step, for example the hybrid electric vehicle, before the fossil fuel driven automobile will be replaced
Jussani, Ailton CondeHeer, AndreasIbusuki, Ugode Moura Côrtes, Carlos
Electric cars are the future of urban mobility which have very less carbon foot print. Unlike the conventional cars which uses BIW (Body in White), some of the electric cars are made with a space frame architecture, which is light weight and suitable for low volume production. In this architecture, underbody consists of frames, battery pack, electronics housing and electric motor. Underbody drag increases due to air entrapment around these components. Aerodynamic study for baseline model using CFD simulations showed that there was a considerable air resistance due to underbody components. To reduce the underbody drag, different add-ons are used and their effect on drag is studied. A front spoiler (air dam) is used to deflect the incoming air towards sides of the car. A under hood cover for front components, trailing arm cover for trailing arm and rear bumper cover for rear components were used to reduce underbody drag. Finally it is observed that aerodynamic behavior of the car
Gorre, ParandhamaiahPrasad, PlnKumbhar, MansinhKale, GajananPathapadu, Vamsi
The Brazilian automotive market presents special characteristics: at the same time that it demands similar technologies applied in developed markets like USA and Europe for luxury cars, in the sub-compact entry-level segments (a segment where the profit margin is very tight) there are unique characteristics that justify the development of different cars. Taking into consideration the mini cars segment, there is no car developed specifically for the Brazilian market. While the mini cars development for the entry level segment is still rare, every new auto show presents new proposals and some of them are on the streets, but most are mainly focused in the luxury segment. These vehicles currently in the market are in a price range where it is not economically feasible for them to be acquired by someone who is coming from a motorcycle-based usage. The same economical reason limits the usage of these cars as a second smaller car for urban mobility (go to work, school, shopping, etc.), where
de Lira, Bruno Henrique RochaVilela, Daniel
When approaching new mobility solutions such as car-sharing, it soon becomes apparent that it may be necessary to develop specific vehicles for this application. In this paper, Applus IDIADA explains its experience in the development of the iShare, an electric vehicle conceived as a demonstrator of our complete vehicle development capabilities following the principle of “development led by functionalities”, with the consideration that it would be used in open car-sharing fleets running according to the MIT's (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) “mobility-on-demand” concept. This paper explains the process followed in order to reach the definition of the different parts, systems and components that are the result of the consideration of the Technical Functionalities, such as Active Safely, Passive Safely, Driveability, NVH, Fleet Management, Maintenance and Comfort, that in their turn result from the basic vehicle specifications defined from the analysis of the key functionalities of
Satué, Ricardo
The e-born₃ is an innovative urban electric vehicle which can be easily transformed from a van to a passenger vehicle. The e-born₃ was created from scratch as an electric vehicle, which permits greater versatility in component packaging and volume usage. The innovative character of the e-born₃ is developed along three lines: passive safety performance, vehicle energy efficiency and the ergonomic considerations linked to the interior layout. The elimination of conventional combustion engine powertrain elements together with the use of wheel-embedded electric motors leads to certain freedom when packaging and designing the body in white and vehicle interior. This freedom enables improvement of the passive safety performance by permitting innovative concepts, such as an innovative layout of the driver and passengers or a short vehicle front end that minimizes pedestrian injuries. The different combination of types of closures achieves a versatile range of utilization, from taxi to load
Chimeno, Robert
The increasing demand for urban mobility, combined with the constriction of investment capacity of transit authorities and private companies make bus based systems a great option for public transport systems, since they allow the provision of high quality services at a fraction of the costs of rail based systems. In this scenario, Bus Transit System - BTS and Bus Rapid Transit - BRT allow the implementation of transport networks at considerably lower costs than their rail system counterparts. This is specially true to developing-nation cities, that have infrastructure costs as a pre-eminent decision-making factor in technology selection. From an environmental perspective, traction technology and fuel option are decisive to define systems' performance. Unlike rail based systems, that are generally electrified, bus based systems allow the use of a variety of traction options, like Diesel and Otto engines, Trolleybus, Hybrid (Diesel-Electric) and Fuel Cell Engine as well as fuels, like
Barbosa, Fábio Coelho
The recent development of electric vehicles creates a new area of interest regarding their potential impacts on natural resource and energy networks. Water consumption is of particular interest, as water scarcity becomes a growing problem in many regions of the world. Water usage can be traced to the production of gasoline, as well as electricity, for regular operation of these vehicles. This paper focuses on the development of a framework to analyze the amount of water consumed in the operation of both conventional and electric vehicles. Using the Systems Modeling Language, a model was developed based on the water consumed directly in energy generation and processing as well as water consumed in obtaining and processing a vehicle's fuels. This model and framework will use the above water consumption breakdown to examine conventional and electric vehicles in metropolitan Atlanta to assess their impacts on that and other urban networks. Initial results show that electric vehicles can
Yen, JeffZullo, JohnTejada, FranciscoBras, BertGuldberg, Tina
An adaptative energy management strategy for series hybrid electric vehicles based on optimized maps and the SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility) predictor is presented here. The first step of the investigation is the off line optimization of the control strategy parameters (already developed by the authors) over a series of reference mini driving cycles (duration of 60s) obtained from standard driving cycles (UDDS, EUDC, etc) and realistic driving cycles acquired on the ITAN500 HEV. The optimal variables related to each mini driving cycle are stored in maps that are then implemented on the ITAN500 vehicles. When the vehicle moves, a wireless card is used to exchange information with surrounding vehicle and infrastructure. These information are used by a local instance of the SUMO traffic prediction tool (run on board) to predict the driving conditions of the HEV in the future period of time T=60s. The predicted driving cycle is compared with the reference mini driving cycles and the
Donateo, TeresaPacella, DamianoLaforgia, Domenico
Today, nearly half of the world population lives in urban areas. As the world population continues to migrate to urban areas for increased economic opportunities, addressing personal mobility challenges such as air pollution, Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) and traffic congestion in these regions will become even a greater challenge especially in rapidly growing nations. Road transportation is a major source of air pollution in urban areas causing numerous health concerns. Improvements in automobile technology over the past several decades have resulted in reducing conventional vehicle tailpipe emissions to exceptionally low levels. This transformation has been attained mainly through advancements in engine and transmission technologies and through partial electrification of vehicles. However, the technological advancements made so far alone will not be able to mitigate the issues due to increasing GHGs and air pollution in urban areas. Electrification of propulsion systems may play a
Atluri, V.PrasadKoprubasi, KeremGupta, RajivBrinkman, Norman D.
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