Browse Topic: Safety regulations and standards

Items (809)
In the context of advancing automotive electronic systems, ensuring functional safety as per ISO 26262 standards has become of primary importance. This paper presents the development of an AUTOSAR-compliant Software Component (SWC) applied to ISO 26262 applications. Using MATLAB/Simulink, we design and simulate a SWC that operates within the AUTOSAR architecture, focusing on fault detection and activation of safety mechanisms. The SWC is built to monitor specific system parameters and operational anomalies. Upon detecting a fault, it triggers predefined safety mechanisms to mitigate risks and ensure system integrity. The simulation focus on capability to accurately identify faults and execute safety measures effectively, thus demonstrating a practical approach to enhance automotive system safety implementation and its reuse. This paper not only highlights the importance of ISO 26262 in the automotive industry but also illustrates the feasibility of developing and integrating safety
Santiago, Frederico Victor Scoralickdos Santos Machado, ClebersonImbasciati, HenriqueCosta, Silvio Romero Alves
Vehicles equipped with automated driving systems (ADS) may have non-traditional seating configurations, such as rear-facing for front-row occupants. The objectives of this study are (1) to generate biomechanical corridors from kinematic data obtained from postmortem human subjects (PMHS) sled tests and (2) to assess the biofidelity of the Global Human Body Models Consortium (GHBMC) 50th male (M50-O) v6.0 seated in an upright (25-deg recline) Honda Accord seat with a fixed D-ring (FDR) in a 56 km/h rear-facing frontal impact. A phase optimization technique was applied to mass-normalized PMHS data for generating corridors. After replicating the experimental boundary conditions in the computational finite element (FE) environment, the performance of the rigidized FE seat model obtained was validated using LSTC Hybrid III FE model simulations and comparison with experiments. The most recent National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Biofidelity Ranking System (BRS) method was
Pradhan, VikramRamachandra, RakshitStammen, JasonKracht, CoreyMoorhouse, KevinBolte, John H.Kang, Yun-Seok
With the trend of increasing technological complexity, software content and mechatronic implementation, there are increasing risks from systematic failures and random hardware failures, which is to be considered within the scope of functional safety. ISO 26262 series of standards provides guidance to mitigate these risks by providing appropriate requirements and processes. To develop a safe product with respect to above mentioned complexities, it is very critical to develop a safe system and hence a thorough and robust “Technical Safety Concept” is very important to ensure absence of unreasonable risk due to hazards caused by malfunctions of E/E systems. ISO26262-Part 4 provides guidelines for “Product development at the system level”, to design safety-related systems that include one or more electrical and/or electronic (E/E) systems and that are installed in series production road vehicles. Defining requirements at system level for each individual technology and systematically
Cheni, Dileep KumarDesai, Priyanka Pradeep
Exploring the mechanical properties of soft tissues under compressive loading is crucial for understanding their role in automobile incidents. Soft tissues, which serve as cushions or padding between bone and vehicle interiors, significantly influence contact duration and forces, thereby altering incident kinematics and injury. In this investigation, muscle and soft connective tissues from post-mortem human subjects (PMHS) forearms were excised and subjected to compression and indentation testing methods at various rates and strains. Specific samples with higher proportions of muscle were compared against samples without muscle tissues to evaluate the role of compositional changes. Anthropomorphic test device (ATD) upper extremity foam and vinyl–foam composite analog tissues underwent similar testing for comparison. High impact rates simulating those in high-speed automotive collisions were achieved using a custom-built drop tower impactor setup. The results revealed significantly
Dennis, Cole J.Quenneville, Cheryl E.
Electromechanical brakes (EMB) are currently coming into focus in the automotive industry. This trend was confirmed in 2022, when a first automotive supplier [1] announced the series production of EMB systems. One major driver is safety, especially if EMB systems are implemented with smart actuators that install redundant electronic control units (ECU) and distributed software [1]. Earlier, the authors have addressed safety mechanisms in EMB actuators [2]. In this article the authors extend their investigation to address safety mechanisms in future EMB central control systems (CCS). Impact of different brake system topologies (X-, H-, centralized) vis-à-vis potential safety mechanisms within communication buses and ECUs is analyzed.
Schrade, SimonRöhler, AndreasNowak, XiVerhagen, ArminSchramm, Dieter
ML approaches to solving some of the key perception and decision challenges in automated vehicle functions are maturing at an incredible rate. However, the setbacks experienced during initial attempts at widespread deployment have highlighted the need for a careful consideration of safety during the development and deployment of these functions. To better control the risk associated with this storm of complex functionality, open operating environments, and cutting-edge technology, there is a need for industry consensus on best practices for achieving an acceptable level of safety. Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Safety Standards for Machine Learning-based Road Vehicle Functions provides an overview of standards relevant to the safety of ML-based vehicle functions and serves as guidance for technology providers—including those new to the automotive sector—on how to interpret the evolving standardization landscape. The report also contains practical guidance, along with an example
Burton, Simon
In recent decades, it can be noted an advance in new technologies applied to commercial vehicles. This advancement led to the development of new functions making products more efficient and safer, benefiting the society in general. Commercial vehicle manufacturers brought their products to levels higher than those required by current legal resolutions. Among the various resolutions applied to the braking system, in CONTRAN #915/22, which specifies minimum requirements of performance of vehicles brakes, the part 7 of NBR 10966 stands out. This standard determines requirements for compatibility between towing and towed units combined as a vehicle. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the thermal balance between the brakes of a motor vehicle combined with a semi-trailer. The tests were carried out by varying the pneumatic pressure that controls the service brake of towed units during braking. Some of the pressure levels were complying with compatibility requirements, others were not
Dias, Eduardo MirandaTravaglia, Carlos Abílio PassosRodrigues, AndréRudek, CludemirBritto, Danilo
Verification and validation (V&V) is the cornerstone of safety in the automotive industry. The V&V process ensures that every component in a vehicle functions according to its specifications. Automated driving functionality poses considerable challenges to the V&V process, especially when data-driven AI components are present in the system. The aim of this work is to outline a methodology for V&V of AI-based systems. The backbone of this methodology is bridging the semantic gap between the symbolic level at which the operational design domain and requirements are typically specified, and the sub-symbolic, statistical level at which data-driven AI components function. This is accomplished by combining a probabilistic model of the operational design domain and an FMEA of AI with a fitness-for-purpose model of the system itself. The fitness-for-purpose model allows for reasoning about the behavior of the system in its environment, which we argue is essential to determine whether the
Paardekooper, Jan-PieterBorth, Michael
Faults if not detected and processed will create catastrophe in closed loop system for safety critical applications in automotive, space, medical, nuclear, and aerospace domains. In aerospace applications such as stall warning and protection/prevention system (SWPS), algorithms detect stall condition and provide protection by deploying the elevator stick pusher. Failure to detect and prevent stall leads to loss of lives and aircraft. Traditional Functional Hazard and Fault Tree analyses are inadequate to capture all failures due to the complex hardware-software interactions for stall warning and protection system. Hence, an improved methodology for failure detection and identification is proposed. This paper discusses a hybrid formal method and model-based technique using System Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) to identify and diagnose faults and provide monitors to process the identified faults to ensure robust design of the indigenous stall warning and protection system (SWPS). The
Kale, AlexanderMadhuranath, GaneshShanmugham, ViswanathanNanda, ManjuSingh, GireshDurak, Umut
This document derives from the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) 105 and 135 vehicle test protocols as single-ended inertia-dynamometer test procedures. The test sequences enable brake output measurement, friction material effectiveness, and corner performance in a controlled and repeatable environment. This SAE Document also includes optional sections for parking brake output performance for rear brakes with hydraulic or Electric Park Brakes (EPB). It applies to brake corners from vehicles covered by the FMVSS 105 and 135 when using the appropriate brake hardware and test parameters. The FMVSS 135 applies to all passenger cars and light trucks up to 3500 kg of gross vehicle weight (GVWR). The FMVSS 105 applies to all passenger cars, multi-purpose vehicles, buses, and trucks above 3500 kg of GVWR. This document does not include testing for school bus applications or vehicles equipped with hydraulic brakes with a GVWR above 4540 kg. This document does not evaluate or
Brake Dynamometer Standards Committee
THOR-AV 5F, a modified THOR-5F dummy, was designed to represent both upright and reclined occupants in vehicle crashworthiness studies. The dummy was evaluated in four test conditions: a) 25° seatback, 15 km/h, b) 25° seatback, 32 km/h, c) 45° seatback, 15 km/h, d) 45° seatback, 32 km/h. The dummy’s biomechanical responses were compared against those of postmortem human subjects (PMHS) tested in the same test conditions. The latest National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) BioRank method was used to provide a biofidelity ranking score (BRS) for each data channel in the tests to assess the dummy’s biofidelity objectively. The evaluation was categorized into two groups: restraint system and dummy. In the four test conditions, the restraint system showed good biofidelity with BRS scores of 1.49, 1.47, 1.15, and 1.79, respectively. The THOR-AV 5F demonstrated excellent biofidelity in three test conditions: 25° seatback, 15 km/h (BRS = 0.76); 25° seatback, 32 km/h (BRS = 0.89
Wang, Z. JerryHumm, JohnHauschild, Hans W.
With the current trend of including the evaluation of the risk of brain injuries in vehicle crashes due to rotational kinematics of the head, two injury criteria have been introduced since 2013 – BrIC and DAMAGE. BrIC was developed by NHTSA in 2013 and was suggested for inclusion in the US NCAP for frontal and side crashes. DAMAGE has been developed by UVa under the sponsorship of JAMA and JARI and has been accepted tentatively by the EuroNCAP. Although BrIC in US crash testing is known and reported, DAMAGE in tests of the US fleet is relatively unknown. The current paper will report on DAMAGE in NCAP-like tests and potential future frontal crash tests involving substantial rotation about the three axes of occupant heads. Distribution of DAMAGE of three-point belted occupants without airbags will also be discussed. Prediction of brain injury risks from the tests have been compared to the risks in the real world. Although DAMAGE correlates well with MPS in the human brain model across
Prasad, PriyaBarbat, Saeed D.Kalra, AnilDalmotas, Dainius J.
The on-board emergency call system with accurate occupant injury prediction can help rescuers deliver more targeted traffic accident rescue and save more lives. We use machine learning methods to establish, train, and validate a number of classification models that can predict occupant injuries (by determining whether the MAIS (Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale) level is greater than 2) based on crash data, and ranked the correlation of some factors affecting vehicle occupant injury levels in accidents. The optimal model was selected by the model prediction accuracy, and the Grid Search method was used to optimize the hyper-parameters for the model. The model is based on 2799 two-vehicle collision accident data from NHTSA CISS (The Crash Investigation Sampling System of NHTSA) traffic accident database.The results show that the model achieves high-precision prediction of occupant injury MAIS level (recall rate 0.8718, AUC(Area under Curve) 0.8579) without excluding vehicle model, and
Huida, ZhangLiu, YuRui, YangWu, XiaofanFan, TiqiangWan, Xinming
While various Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) features have become more prevalent in passenger vehicles, their ability to potentially avoid or mitigate vehicle crashes has limitations. Due to current technological limitations, forward collision mitigation technologies such as Forward Collision Warning (FCW) and Automated Emergency Braking (AEB) lack the ability to consistently perform in many unique and challenging scenarios. These limitations are often outlined in driver manuals for ADAS equipped vehicles. One such scenario is the case of a stationary lead vehicle at the side of the road. This is generally considered to be a challenging scenario for FCW and AEB to address because it can often be difficult for the system to discern this threat accurately and consistently from non-threatening roadway infrastructure without unnecessary or nuisance system activations. This is made more difficult when the stationary lead vehicle is only partially in the driving lane and not
Scally, SeanParadiso, MarcKoszegi, GiacomoEaster, CaseyKuykendal, MichelleAlexander, Ross
The rapid advancement of new energy vehicle technology has led to the widespread placement of battery packs at the bottom of vehicles. However, there is a lack of corresponding regulations and standards to guide aspects related to vehicle bottom safety. This lack of guidance obscures the relative importance of various parameters impacting the structural safety of battery packs under dynamic impact conditions. Consequently, research on battery pack bottom collisions holds practical significance and offers valuable reference material. This study proposed a method based on the first collision point to examine the impact of bottom collisions on the mechanical safety performance of battery pack bottoms. A finite element model of the battery pack was established to investigate the effects of different impact types. During the collision event, the first collision point on the battery pack absorbed the most energy, resulting in the most severe damage and the formation of a distinct dent at the
Yan, PengfeiWang, FangMa, TianyiGao, YanHan, Ce
Robustness testing of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) features is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and reliability of these systems. ADAS features include technologies like adaptive cruise control, lateral and longitudinal controls, automatic emergency braking, and more. These systems rely on various sensors, cameras, radar, lidar, and software algorithms to function effectively. Robustness testing aims to identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in these systems under different conditions, ensuring they can handle unexpected scenarios and maintain their performance. Mileage accumulation is one of the validation methods for achieving robustness. It involves subjecting the systems to a wide variety of real-world driving conditions and driving scenarios to ensure the reliability, safety, and effectiveness of the ADAS features. Following ISO 21448 (Safety of the intended functionality-SOTIF), known hazardous scenarios can be tested and validated through robustness
Almasri, HossamFan, Hsing-HuaMudunuri, Venkateswara Raju
Often, when assessing the distraction or ease of use of an in-vehicle task (such as entering a destination using the street address method), the first question is “How long does the task take on average?” Engineers routinely resolve this question using computational models. For in-vehicle tasks, “how long” is estimated by summing times for the included task elements (e.g., decide what to do, press a button) from SAE Recommended Practice J2365 or now using new static (while parked) data presented here. Times for the occlusion conditions in J2365 and the NHTSA Distraction Guidelines can be determined using static data and Pettitt’s Method or Purucker’s Method. These first approximations are reasonable and can be determined quickly. The next question usually is “How likely is it that the task will exceed some limit?” This question, addressed using discrete event simulations such as IMPRINT, requires the distribution types and parameters (mean, standard deviation, etc.) for each task
Green, Paul
Improving passenger safety inside vehicle cabins requires continuously monitoring vehicle seat occupancy statuses. Monitoring a vehicle seat’s occupancy status includes detecting if the seat is occupied and classifying the seat’s occupancy type. This paper introduces an innovative non-intrusive technique that employs capacitive sensing and an occupancy classifier to monitor a vehicle seat’s occupancy status. Capacitive sensing is facilitated by a meticulously constructed capacitance-sensing mat that easily integrates with any vehicle seat. When a passenger or an inanimate object occupies a vehicle seat equipped with the mat, they will induce variations in the mat’s internal capacitances. The variations are, in turn, represented pictorially as grayscale capacitance-sensing images (CSI), which yield the feature vectors the classifier requires to classify the seat’s occupancy type. This paper details the working of the proposed technique in monitoring vehicle seat occupancy statuses non
Prasanna Kumar, RahulMelcher, DavidButtolo, PietroJia, Yunyi
Verification and validation (V&V) of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is a challenging task. AVs must be thoroughly tested, to ensure their safe functionality in complex traffic situations including rare but safety-relevant events. Furthermore, AVs must mitigate risks and hazards that result from functional insufficiencies, as described in the Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF) standard. SOTIF analysis includes iterative identification of driving scenarios that are not only unsafe, but also unknown. However, identifying SOTIF’s unknown-unsafe scenarios is an open challenge. In this paper we proposed a systematic optimization-based approach for identification of unknown-unsafe scenarios. The proposed approach consists of three main steps including data collection, feature extraction and optimization towards unknown unsafe scenarios. In the data collection step, we proposed an efficient way of data collection by focusing on key areas of the Operational Design Domain (ODD) (e.g
Singh, Tajindervan Hassel, EdwinSheorey, AkshayAlirezaei, Mohsen
Driving Automation Systems (DAS) are subject to complex road environments and vehicle behaviors and increasingly rely on sophisticated sensors and Artificial Intelligence (AI). These properties give rise to unique safety faults stemming from specification insufficiencies and technological performance limitations, where sensors and AI introduce errors that vary in magnitude and temporal patterns, posing potential safety risks. The Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF) standard emerges as a promising framework for addressing these concerns, focusing on scenario-based analysis to identify hazardous behaviors and their causes. Although the current standard provides a basic cause-and-effect model and high-level process guidance, it lacks concepts required to identify and evaluate hazardous errors, especially within the context of AI. This paper introduces two key contributions to bridge this gap. First, it defines the SOTIF Temporal Error and Failure Model (STEAM) as a refinement of
Czarnecki, KrzysztofKuwajima, Hiroshi
Steer-By-Wire (SBW) system directly transmits the driver's steering input to the wheels through electrical signals. However, the reliability of electronic equipment is significantly lower than that of mechanical structures, and the risk of failure increases, so it is important to conduct functional safety studies on SBW systems. This paper develops the functional safety of the SBW system according to the requirements of the international standard ISO26262, and first defines the relevant items and application scope of SBW system. Secondly, the Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) method was used to combine scenarios and possible dangerous events to carry out Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment (HARA), and the Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) was obtained according to the three evaluation indicators of Exposure, Severity and Controlabillity, and then the corresponding safety objectives were established and Fault Tolerant Time Interval (FTTI) was set. Finally, the safety analysis of the
Li, AohanKaku, ChuyoWang, ZhenhuaZheng, Hongyu
The Large Omnidirectional Child (LODC) developed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has an improved biofidelity over the currently available Hybrid III 10-year-old (HIII-10C) Anthropomorphic Test Device (ATD). The LODC design incorporates enhancements to many body region subassemblies, including a redesigned HIII-10C head with pediatric mass properties, and the neck, which produces head lag with Z-axis rotation at the atlanto-occipital joint, replicating the observations made from human specimens. The LODC also features a flexible thoracic spine, a multi-point thoracic deflection measurement system, skeletal anthropometry that simulates a child's sitting posture, and an abdomen that can measure belt loading directly. This study presents the development and validation of a dynamic nonlinear finite element model of the complete LODC dummy. Based on the three-dimensional CAD model, Hypermesh was used to generate a mesh of the finite element (FE) LODC model. LS
Challa, Balaji Naga Sai AbhishiktYang, PeiyuCarlson, MichaelSuntay, BrianStammen, JasonNoll, Scott
Engine stall, a noteworthy occurrence in traditional vehicles, poses challenges due to the inability to disconnect the engine from the driveline. Consequently, in such scenarios, the vehicle experiences a loss of propulsion, necessitating the driver to pull over. The severity of propulsion loss events is underscored by regulatory bodies like the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), potentially leading to costly recalls for Automotive Manufacturers. Therefore, proactive measures to avert Loss of Propulsion (LoP) events, including the exploration of remedial actions, are strongly encouraged during powertrain controls design. In contrast, hybrid electric vehicles offer a unique advantage. Given the ability to connect or disconnect the engine from the driveline in hybrid or electric-only modes, an engine stall in hybrid mode need not result in a complete loss of propulsion. In such situations, a hybrid electric vehicle can seamlessly transition to electric-only mode
Basutkar, AmeyaPatel, NadirshRostiti, Cristian
To reduce the harm caused by the failure of electronic and electrical system, the application of ISO 26262 functional safety standard in the automotive industry is more and more widespread. As a critical safety-related electronic and electrical system in automobile, electric power steering is very important and necessary to meet the requirements of functional safety. This paper introduces the main development activities of functional safety at software level. In order to realize the purpose of freedom from interference in memory, the safety mechanism of memory protection is proposed in software safety analysis. The memory protection is realized in AUTOSAR architecture by configuration.
Ye, XiaomingYang, YandingLi, LingyangDu, JiaWang, Yongliang
The safety of commercial aviation industry has come under extensive scrutiny and how the system safety process is applied. One specific system safety regulation concerns how unsafe system operating conditions are meeting regulatory requirements. Minimal regulatory guidance was available on this topic and an industry committee (American Society for Testing of Materials) decided to provide a consensus standard with input from a cross-section of airplane manufacturers, suppliers, and regulatory authorities on what is meant by an unsafe system operating condition and how compliance can be shown to the regulation(s). The committee determined that an unsafe system operating condition is when a failure condition severity increases (to hazardous or catastrophic) due to crewmember(s) inaction. For example, if a hazard has occurred it is possible the severity can increase to an unacceptable level as the crewmember(s) are not aware of the hazard. Enabling the crewmember(s) to mitigate the failure
Estagin, Edward
The objective of this study was to quantify the field performance of passenger vehicle event data recorders (EDRs) in recording data into non-volatile memory at the 8 km/h delta-v (Δv) trigger threshold specified by Title 49, Part 563 of the Code of Federal Regulations (Part 563). Part 563 applies to passenger vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2012. The trigger threshold is distinct from the threshold required to deploy an airbag. Events meeting the trigger threshold will cause data to be preserved on the EDR even if airbags are not deployed. This is the first study to quantify EDR trigger threshold performance. This data is valuable in the evaluation of sub-airbag deployment crashes. The study was accomplished via analysis of EDR and reconstructed Δv data from 3,960 cases in the Crash Investigation Sampling System (CISS) database maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The binary presence or non-presence of an event on the EDRs of
Watson, Richard A.Bonugli, EnriqueGreenston, MathewSantos, ErickMartinez, Jonathan
The automotive industry has seen accelerating demand for electrified transportation. While the complexity of conventional ICE vehicles has increased, the powertrain still largely consists of a mechanical system. In contrast, vehicle architectures in electrified transportation are a complex integration of power electronics, batteries, control units, and software. This shift in system architecture impacts the entire organization during new product development, with increased focus on high power electronic components, energy management strategies, and complex algorithm development. Additionally, product development impact extends beyond the vehicle and impacts charging networks, electrical infrastructure, and communication protocols. The complex interaction between systems has a significant impact on vehicle safety, development timeline, scope, and cost. A systems engineering approach, with emphasis on requirements definition and traceability, helps ensure decomposition of top level
Narasipuram, Rajanand PatnaikKarkhanis, Varad AbhimanyuEllinger, MichaelK M, SaranathAlagarsamy, GuruprasathJadhav, Ravindra
Electrical and Electronic systems in a vehicle are increasing manifolds with Electric and ADAS Vehicles taking the lead. There is a rapid transition happening from hardware driven vehicles to software driven vehicles. ISO 26262 is a global standard defined for functional safety (FuSa) in the automotive industry which addresses the structured design and development approach for eliminating electrical malfunctions leading to critical hazards such as fire in EVs. The standard defines specific requirements that need to be met by the safety relevant electrical system and also by development processes. Though the implementation of FuSa is crucial from vehicle safety point of view, its compliance is still a challenge majorly due to lack of awareness, in-built complexities, increase in project development time and subsequent cost. In this work, we focus on a FuSa implementation model taking into account the conventional new program development cycle. FuSa deliverables are integrated and mapped
PATHAK, ISHAKothari, Bhushan
Designing an effective AVAS system, not only to meet safety regulations, but also to create the expected perception for the vulnerable road user, relies on knowledge of the acoustic transfer function between the sound actuator and the receiver. It is preferable that the acoustic transfer function be as constant as possible to allow transferring the sound designed by the car OEM to ensure the safety of vulnerable road users while conveying the proper brand image. In this paper three different methodologies for the acoustic transfer function calculations are presented and compared in terms of accuracy and calculation time: classic Boundary Element method, H-Matrix BEM accelerated method and Ray tracing method. An example of binaural listening experience at different certification positions in the modeled simulated space is also presented.
Calloni, MassimilianoHadjit, RabahSalvekar, PinakMusser, Chadwyck
The passive safety performance of a child seat is modulated by the design features of the child seat and the vehicle interior. For example, in the rear-facing configuration, the child seat impacting front structures increases the head injury risk during a frontal crash. Therefore, this study evaluates the effectiveness of the load leg countermeasure in improving the child seat's overall kinematics and its capability to prevent the secondary impact on the vehicle interior structure in a severe frontal crash scenario. An in-depth, real-world crash investigation involving a properly installed rear-facing child seat impacting the center console was selected for the study where the infant sustained a severe brain injury. In addition, this crash is employed to choose the crash parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of the load leg countermeasure in a similar scenario. Finally, crash sled tests are conducted using the crash signature of the vehicle as obtained from the NHTSA NCAP rigid
Thorbole, Chandrashekhar
Ensuring compliance with the ISO 26262 automotive functional safety standard involves meeting specific quality and complexity standards for automotive source code. However, achieving compliance becomes challenging when dealing with auto-generated code, as the code generator may not consider the required product metrics. This often leads to high metric values that exceed the permissible range. Assessing the impact of design on Hersteller Initiative Software (HIS) metrics within the visual modeling environment becomes difficult, with metrics reports only available after code generation. This makes it hard to achieve compliance through model reworking and regeneration. To address this problem, a methodology is proposed. It defines modeling guidelines and an architecture for generating HIS-compliant code. The HIS metrics are translated into corresponding model implementations, such as mapping the “Number of Function Parameters” metric to the number of subsystem ports and the guideline
Abraham, Atul Varghese
Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications has the potential to increase the safety and autonomy of automated vehicles in addition to improving reliability, efficiency, infotainment, traffic, road safety, energy consumption, and costs. V2X is enabled by 5G technologies which promise faster connections, lower latency, higher reliability, more capacity and wider coverage. However, research is lacking in determining exactly how V2X can improve the safety, security, and autonomy of automated vehicles and more specifically what are the main V2X requirements. This paper provides a novel framework and structure to introduce V2X as a perception sensor sub-system into ADAS and ADS and to allocate top level target safety requirements to this new modality. To illustrate the novel structure, an example is provided using AD use cases in the context of the five SAE driving automation levels Level 1 through Level 5. The design follows methodologies from standards and regulations such as ISO 26262
Pimentel, Juan
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) identifies the risks and dangers associated with the carriage and use of pyrotechnic signaling devices in transport category aircraft life rafts and slide/rafts, and provides a rationale for allowing the use of alternative non-pyrotechnic devices authorized by FAA/TSO-C168. These devices offer an equivalent level of safety while eliminating flight safety risks, enhancing survivability of aircraft ditching survivors, reducing costs, eliminating dangerous goods transportation and handling issues, and reducing environmental impact of dangerous goods disposal.
S-9A Safety Equipment and Survival Systems Committee
This document covers minimum performance standards for protective equipment used on the flight deck during rapid decompression (5 to 30 seconds) up to a maximum pressure altitude of 45000 feet. Equipment with the capability to adequately protect flight deck crew from hypoxia up to FL450 is anticipated to provide sufficient protection at lower altitudes.
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
A research program has been launched in Iran to develop an evaluation method for comparing the safety performance of vehicles in real-world collisions with crash test results. The goal of this research program is to flag vehicle models whose safety performance in real-world accidents does not match their crash test results. As part of this research program, a metric is needed to evaluate the severity of side impacts in crash tests and real-world accidents. In this work, several vehicle-based metrics were analyzed and calculated for a dataset of more than 500 side impact tests from the NHTSA crash test database. The correlation between the metric values and the dummy injury criteria was studied to find the most appropriate metric with the strongest correlation coefficient values with the dummy injury criteria. Delta-V and a newly created metric T K 200 Y , which is an indicator of the kinetic energy transferred to occupants in a 200 ms time interval and in the lateral direction, were
Sadeghipour, Emad
This SAE Recommended Practice presents a method and example results for determining the Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) for automotive motion control electrical and/or electronic (E/E) systems. The ASIL determination activity is required by ISO 26262-3, and it is intended that the process and results herein are consistent with ISO 26262. The technical focus of this document is on vehicle motion control systems. The scope of this SAE Recommended Practice is limited to collision-related hazards associated with motion control systems. This SAE Recommended Practice focuses on motion control systems since the hazards they can create generally have higher ASIL ratings, as compared to the hazards non-motion control systems can create. Because of this, the Functional Safety Committee decided to give motion control systems a higher priority and focus exclusively on them in this SAE Recommended Practice. ISO 26262 has a wider scope than SAE J2980, covering other functions and accidents
Functional Safety Committee
Aircraft surface precipitation static (p-static) charge can be generated when aircraft fly through ice particles, rain, snow and dust. However, in the context of p-static protection, this document is used for providing guidance for any thing that charges the outer surface of the aircraft (e.g. engine exhaust). P-static discharges from the aircraft can disrupt aircraft communication, navigation, and surveillance radios, and can damage aircraft radomes and windshields. This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) defines design considerations for aircraft p-static control and related methods to verify acceptable aircraft p-static performance. This ARP addresses p-static charging due to the aircraft flying through ice particles, rain, snow and dust. It does not address other triboelectric charging that may be present in an aircraft, such as triboelectric fuel charging or environmental control system or air conditioning static charging. It does not address electrostatic charging created
AE-2 Lightning Committee
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