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This specification establishes the minimum required performance and validation for the seatbelt pyrotechnic pretensioners integrated into retractors, buckles, and/or anchors. It also includes pyro for switchable load limiters. This specification is intended to focus on the performance of the tensioner function integrated into the aforementioned devices and NOT the entirety of the device integrated into the vehicle. See Figure 1 in 2.2.
With the capability of predicting detailed injury of occupants, the Human Body Model (HBM) was used to identify potential injuries for occupants in car impact events. However, there are few publications on using HBM in the aviation industry. This study aims to investigate and compare the head, neck, lumbar spine and thoracic responses of the Hybrid III and the THUMS (Total Human Model for Safety) model in the horizontal 26g and vertical 19g sled tests required by the General Aviation Aircraft Airworthiness Regulations. The HIC of THUMS and Hybrid III did not exceed the requirements of airworthiness regulations. Still, THUMS had higher intracranial pressures and intracranial stresses, which could result in brain injury to the occupants. In vertical impact, the highest stress of the neck of THUMS appears at the cervical spine C2 and the upper neck is easily injured; in horizontal impact, the cervical spine C7 has the highest load, and the lower neck is easily injured. Due to the low
Shi, XiaopengDing, XiangheGuo, KaiLiu, TianfuXie, Jiang
Drop tower testing was conducted using 50th percentile male PMHS at 15G peak acceleration in a rigid seat, with a seat pan-to-seatback angle of 90°. Subjects were instrumented with 6DOF motion blocks at T1, T4, T12, L3, and S1 to capture detailed vertebral body kinematics. Pressure sensors were also placed throughout the lumbar spine to estimate force in the intervertebral discs from S1-L2. PMHS were restrained using a pilot torso harness attached to the seat at the shoulders and lap belt, both pretensioned to 89 N. Reaction forces were measured in the seat using six-axis loads under the seat pan. Final positioning of the occupant was documented using a FARO arm point probe and laser scanner. To recreate the experimental setup, CAD models of the experimental fixture were meshed using a commercial FE modeling software (Hypermesh) and imported into LS-Dyna for incorporation with the THUMS model. The belt routing tool in LS-PrePost v4.9.12 was used to develop the torso harness and
DeWitt, Timothy R.Marcallini, Angelo M.Bolte IV, John H.Kang, Yun-Seok
Extreme out-of-position pre-crash postures may need high-force pre-pretensioner (PPT) for effective repositioning (Mishra et al., 2023). To avoid applying a high force on the chest, we hypothesized that in case of these extreme postures the PPT may be activated in the absence of a pre-crash motion as a cautionary measure. Therefore, the aims of this study were: (1) to understand the effect of the PPT in repositioning a forward-leaning occupant in static conditions and (2) to characterize occupants’ kinematic variability during repositioning. Sixteen healthy volunteers (8 males, 8 females, 23.8 ± 4.2 years old) were seated with a 40° forward posture on a vehicle seat and restrained with a 3-point seat belt equipped with a PPT. Two PPT seatbelt conditions were examined: low PPT (100 N) and high PPT (300 N). Head and trunk rearward displacements relative to the initial forward-leaning position at 350 ms from PPT onset were collected with a 3D motion-capture system and compared between
Witmer, MaitlandGriffith, MadelineGraci, Valentina
This study compared modern vehicle and booster geometries with relevant child anthropometries. Vehicle geometries (seat length, seat pan height, shoulder belt outlet height, and roof height) were obtained for 275 center and outboard rear seating positions of US vehicles (MY 2009–2022). Measurements of 85 US boosters (pan height and pan length) and anthropometries of 80 US children between 4–14yo (seated height, thigh length, leg length, and seated shoulder height) were also collected. Comparisons were made between vehicles, boosters, and child anthropometries. Average vehicle seat lengths exceeded child thigh lengths (+9.5cm). Only 16.4% of seating positions had seat lengths less than the child thigh length mean+1SD. Even for children at least 145cm, only 18.8% had thigh lengths greater than the average vehicle seat length. Child thigh lengths were more comparable with average booster seat pan lengths for all multi-mode and high-back designs (-2.0cm) and low-back boosters (+3.1cm). The
Baker, Gretchen H.Connell, Rosalie R.Rhodes, Carrie A.Mansfield, Julie A.
The primary purpose of the active safety feature is to reduce the danger of a collision between the car and an obstruction. To improve occupant safety, active safety systems must be included on all new vehicles; nonetheless, not all incidents are preventable. The frequency of incidents on the road has recently increased in tandem with the number of cars, making it critical to investigate the crashworthiness of a vehicle because human life is at the top of the priority list. This study examines an occupant's responses prior to a crash event, as well as studies into how occupant posture influences injury data. Most of the existing research focuses on the pre-crash event or the occupant's optimal seated position. However, it is critical to understand an occupant's reflex or behavior during the pre-crash event, when the occupant is typically not in an appropriate seating posture due to the panic reflex. As a result, an occupant's reflex in a panic situation will change their seating
Shankara Murthy, SantoshSrinivasa, PraveenCK, UmeshPatil, ShubhamJois, Rahul
ZF rethinks safety with new airbags, belt tensioner. ZF knows that the steering wheel remains one of the most relevant components in an automotive interior, because this is where drivers have direct contact to the vehicle. As steering wheels become adorned with more functions than some drivers know what to do with, ZF put Marc Schledorn in charge of the teams rethinking how the driver airbag could operate in a world with ever-busier steering wheels. The solution is a new type of steering wheel airbag that ZF Lifetec (ZF's renamed Passive Safety Systems division) announced in June. Instead of moving through a thermoplastic airbag cover mechanically fixed in the center of the wheel, Schledorn told SAE Media, the new design positions the airbag on the top side of the steering wheel and then expands through the upper rim of the wheel when needed.
Blanco, Sebastian
The on-board emergency call system with accurate occupant injury prediction can help rescuers deliver more targeted traffic accident rescue and save more lives. We use machine learning methods to establish, train, and validate a number of classification models that can predict occupant injuries (by determining whether the MAIS (Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale) level is greater than 2) based on crash data, and ranked the correlation of some factors affecting vehicle occupant injury levels in accidents. The optimal model was selected by the model prediction accuracy, and the Grid Search method was used to optimize the hyper-parameters for the model. The model is based on 2799 two-vehicle collision accident data from NHTSA CISS (The Crash Investigation Sampling System of NHTSA) traffic accident database.The results show that the model achieves high-precision prediction of occupant injury MAIS level (recall rate 0.8718, AUC(Area under Curve) 0.8579) without excluding vehicle model, and
Huida, ZhangLiu, YuRui, YangWu, XiaofanFan, TiqiangWan, Xinming
In 1983, a seat belt use rate survey was published in which 9% shoulder belt use was observed for front-outboard passengers. Nearly forty years later the national estimate of seat belt use has achieved a record high of 91.6% belt use by adult front-seat passengers in 2022. In contrast, there have been very few studies conducted in order to determine seat belt use within large buses and motorcoaches. In 2013, the NHTSA published a final rule amending FMVSS 208 to require seat belts for each seating position in all new over-the-road buses. Beginning in 2016, newly manufactured buses were required to be equipped with lap and shoulder belts for each driver and passenger seat. Recent studies have reported that seat belt use on motorcoaches with relatively long routes was only 2.6%. Similarly, seat belt use in airport shuttle buses was reported to be only 1%. The present observational study was conducted to determine an updated seat belt usage rate of passengers on airport shuttle buses. The
Gregg, Richard H.
Determining occupant kinematics in a vehicle crash is essential when understanding injury mechanisms and assessing restraint performance. Identifying contact marks is key to the process. This study was conducted to assess the ability to photodocument the various fluids on different vehicle interior component types and colors with and without the use of ultraviolet (UV) lights. Biological (blood, saliva, sweat and skin), consumable and chemical fluids were applied to vehicle interior components, such as seatbelt webbing, seat and airbag fabrics, roof liner and leather steering wheel. The samples were photodocumented with natural light and UV light (365 nm) exposure immediately after surface application and again 14 days later. The review of the photos indicated that fabric type and color were important factors. The fluids deposits were better visualized on non-porous than porous materials. For example, blood was better documented on curtain airbags than side or driver airbags. Blood and
Boysen, KevinParenteau, ChantalToomey, DanielGregg, Richard H.
There are established federal requirements and industry standards for frontal crash testing of motor vehicles. Consistently applied methods support reliability, repeatability, and comparability of performance metrics between tests and platforms. However, real world collisions are rarely identical to standard test protocols. This study examined the effects of occupant anthropometry and passive restraint deployment timing on occupant kinematics and biomechanical loading in a moderate-severity (approximately 30 kph delta-V) offset frontal crash scenario. An offset, front-to-rear vehicle-to-vehicle crash test was performed, and the dynamics of the vehicle experiencing the frontal collision were replicated in a series of three sled tests. Crash test and sled test vehicle kinematics were comparable. A standard or reduced-weight 50th percentile male Hybrid III ATD (H3-50M) or a standard 5th percentile female Hybrid III ATD (H3-5F) was belted in the driver’s seating position. In the crash test
Courtney, AmyCrosby, CharlesMiller, BruceOsterhout, AaronWalker, JamesGondek, Jonathon
Background: The Indian automobile industry, including the auto component industry, is a significant part of the country’s economy and has experienced growth over the years. India is now the world’s 3rd largest passenger car market and the world’s second-largest two-wheeler market. Along with the boon, the bane of road accident fatalities is also a reality that needs urgent attention, as per a study titled ‘Estimation of Socio-Economic Loss due to Road Traffic Accidents in India’, the socio-economic loss due to road accidents is estimated to be around 0.55% to 1.35% of India’s GDP [27] Ministry of road transport and highways (MoRTH) accident data shows that the total number of fatalities on the road are the highest (in number terms) in the world. Though passenger car occupant fatalities have decreased over the years, the fatalities of vulnerable road users are showing an increasing trend. India has committed to reduce road fatalities by 50% by 2030. In this context, the automotive
Mehta, PoojaPrasad, AvinashSrivastava, AakashArora, PankajHowlader, Ashim
In 2021, 412,432 road accidents were reported in India, resulting in 153,972 deaths and 384,448 injuries. India has the highest number of road fatalities, accounting for 11% of the global road fatalities. Therefore, it is important to explore the underlying causes of accidents on Indian roads. The objective of this study is to identify the factors inherent in accidents in India using clustering analysis based on self-organizing maps (SOM). It also attempts to recommend some countermeasures based on the identified factors. The study used Indian accident data collected by members of ICAT-ADAC (International Centre for Automotive Technology - Accident Data Analysis Centre) under the ICAT-RNTBCI joint project approved by the Ministry of Heavy Industries, Government of India. 210 cases were collected from the National Highway between Jaipur and Gurgaon and 239 cases from urban and semi-urban roads around Chennai were used for the analysis. Based on this study, the following results were
Vimalathithan, KulothunganRao K M, PraneshVallabhaneni, PratapnaiduSelvarathinam, VivekrajManoharan, JeyabharathPal, ChinmoyPadhy, SitikanthaJoshi, Madhusudan
In day-to-day life, accidents do occur frequently all around the globe. It is difficult to prevent these accidents as they occur due to different reasons, which cannot be easily controlled. However, the fatal injuries occurring to passengers can be reduced by installing efficient safety systems in vehicles, which will help in saving the lives of mankind. Many safety systems are being installed in vehicles such as seat belt restraints, airbags, etc. Generally, three-point seat belts are installed in passenger vehicles for safety purposes. This type of seat belt doesn't arrest the entire motion of the occupant's body during vehicle crashes, which can lead to fatal injuries and sometimes even death during vehicle crashes. To buckle passengers with seats, we can use five-point seat belts which will help in mitigating the injuries as compared to three-point seat belts. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of five-point seat belts on occupant safety during vehicle crashes on flat rigid
Vinodh, T.Dineshkumar, C.Jeyakumar, P.D.Muthiya, Solomon JenorisVinayagam, Nadana KumarChristu Paul, R.Dhanraj, Joshuva Arockia
Bus transport is an important element in a sustainable transport strategy. The objective of this study is to understand crashes and injuries involving buses, suggest potential passive-safety interventions, estimate their effectiveness, and compare their effectiveness between Germany and India. Descriptive analysis of crash data from the German In-depth Accident Study (GIDAS) and the Road Accident Sampling System India (RASSI) database was performed in two parts: First, bus passengers and their injuries were analyzed and second, pedestrian injuries in bus-to-pedestrian crashes were analyzed. Lastly, interventions were suggested, and their effectiveness was estimated. Analysis of bus passengers showed that most moderate-to-critical injuries in the GIDAS data were to the head caused by interior bus components. In the RASSI data, head injuries were also frequent, often due to bus interior contact, but also due to ejection and impact to the ground or bus exterior. As many as 31% of all
Ranmal, AartiJeppsson, HannaStrandroth, JohanLubbe, Nils
Restraint systems in automotives are inevitable for the safety of passengers. Seat belts are one such restraint system in automotives that prevent drivers and passengers from being injured during a crash by restraining them back. Seatbelt on automotives has interface with Body-in-white (henceforth called as BIW) and Trim parts in-order to serve its purpose at vehicle level. One such interface part of seat belt is the web guide, which assists and ensures the nylon web’s smooth motion at different seat track positions. Web-guides on automotives ensure the flawless motion of seat belt web at pillar trim areas. In this paper, we are discussing alternate ways of assisting the seat belt web without the web-guide as a separate part. In-order to assist and ensure the motion of nylon web in its trajectory, we have extended the flange of the pillar trim involved. The paper throws light on the advantages of using an extended trim flange as web-guide for seat belt web instead of a separate web
D, GowthamBornare, HarshadGangapuram, SureshDeoli, ManishRitesh, KakadeSai, KonduruKakani, Phani Kumar
SS304 is a type of stainless steel that is well-known for its high ductility and resistance to corrosion; as a result, it is typically utilized in a variety of applications, such as the exhaust systems of automobiles and the springs that are used in seatbelts. Because of its qualities, it will eventually be employed in a variety of body parts, including fuel tanks and chassis, among other things. Due to its properties, SS304 is known to be incredibly difficult to machine using conventional methods. Through a wire electrical discharge machining process, it is easier to cut complex materials with high surface finishes. In this study, a study was conducted on the WEDM process parameters of SS304 to optimize its machining process. The study was carried out using the DoE approach, which involved planning the various experiments. The parameters of the process, such as the pulse on time, peak current, and off time, were analyzed to determine their performance. The various performance measures
Natarajan, ManikandanPasupuleti, ThejasreeKatta, Lakshmi NarasimhamuSomsole, Lakshmi NarayanaD, PalanisamyKiruthika, Jothi
Objective: This study aimed to optimize restraint systems and improve safety equity by using parametric human body models (HBMs) and vehicle models accounting for variations in occupant size and shape as well as vehicle type. Methodology: A diverse set of finite element (FE) HBMs were developed by morphing the GHBMC midsize male simplified model into statistically predicted skeleton and body shape geometries with varied age, stature, and body mass index (BMI). A parametric vehicle model was equipped with driver, front passenger, knee, and curtain airbags along with seat belts with pretensioner(s) and load limiter and has been validated against US-NCAP results from four vehicles (Corolla, Accord, RAV4, F150). Ten student groups were formed for this study, and each group picked a vehicle model, occupant side (driver vs. passenger), and an occupant model among the 60 HBMs. About 200 frontal crash simulations were performed with 10 combinations of vehicles (n = 4) and occupants (m = 8
Yang, ZhenhaoDesai, AmoghsiddBoyle, KyleRupp, JonathanReed, MatthewHu, Jingwen
Pyrotechnic seat belt pretensioners typically remove 8–15 cm of belt slack and help couple an occupant to the seat. Our study investigated pretensioner deployment on forward-leaning, live volunteers. The forward-leaning position was chosen because research indicates that passengers frequently depart from a standard sitting position. Characteristics of the 3D kinematics of forward-leaning volunteers following pretensioner deployment determines if body size is correlated with subject response. Nine adult subjects (three female), ages 18–43 years old, across a wide range of body sizes (50–120 kg) were tested. The age was limited to young, active adults as pyrotechnic pretensioners can deliver a notable force to the trunk. Subjects assumed a forward-leaning position, with 26 cm between C7 and the headrest, in a laboratory setting that replicated the passenger seat of a vehicle. At an unexpected time, the pretensioner was deployed. 3D kinematics were measured through a nine-camera motion
Hellenbrand, CiboneyBrown, J. FletcherGoodworth, Adam
The reality of the autonomous vehicle in a near future is growing and is expected to induce significant change in the occupant posture with respect to a standard driving posture. The delegated driving would allow sleeping and/or resting in a seat with a reclined posture. However, the data in the literature are rare on the body kinematics, human tolerance, and injury types in such reclined postures. The current study aims at increasing the knowledge in the domain and providing useful data to assess the relevance of the standard injury assessment tools such as anthropomorphic test devices or finite element human body models. For that purpose, a test series of three male Post-Mortem Human Subjects (PMHS) were performed in frontal impact at a 13.4 m/s delta V. The backseat inclination was 58 degrees with respect to the vertical axis. The semi-rigid seat developed by Uriot et al. (2015) was used with a stiffer seat ramp. The restraint was composed of a lap belt equipped with two 3.5 kN load
Baudrit, PascalUriot, JérômeRichard, OlivierDebray, Matthieu
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) specifies laboratory test procedures and minimum requirements for the manufacturer of restraint systems for use in civil aircraft. It is intended to establish a minimum level of quality which can be called upon by the designer of those systems. However, compliance with this standard alone may not assure adequate performance of the restraint system under normal and emergency conditions. Such performance requires consideration of factors beyond the scope of this standard, and must be demonstrated by a system evaluation procedure which includes the seat, the occupant, the specific restraint installation, and the cabin interior configuration. This standard specifies the requirements for Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 restraint systems. Buckles that release automatically or through any means other than the direct action of the fingers or thumb on the buckle are beyond the scope of this standard.
Aircraft Seat Committee
The seat frame to be applied to future autonomous vehicles is expected to be rotatable considering various seating configurations. For the rotatable or swivel seat frame, it might be more difficult to secure passenger-related safety performances including seat belt anchorage (SBA) strength than a conventional seat frame because the conventional seat frame has two seat belt anchoring points on the body center pillar whereas those points of the swivel seat frame should be all located within the rotating structures in the seat frame. Since the swivel seat frame adds a structure for rotation, the mass of the swivel seat frame significantly increases compared to the nonrotatable seat frame, which may become an obstacle to reducing the mass of the vehicle. Currently, there are not many cases of mass production of rotating vehicle seats, and there are hardly any reports of mass reduction through advanced steel materials or corresponding numerical safety performance. In this study, the mass of
Kim, Jaehyun
Airbag and seat belt pretensioner deployment characteristics depend on multiple factors, such as the magnitude, direction, and rate of vehicle deceleration as detected by vehicle crash sensors and evaluated by vehicle-specific algorithms. Frontal airbag and pretensioner deployments are likely to be commanded during frontal crash events with high initial vehicle deceleration typically associated with high vehicle change in velocity (delta-V). However, within a range of moderate changes in vehicle speeds, referred to as the “gray zone,” a vehicle-specific algorithm may or may not command deployment depending on crash pulse parameters and occupant sensing, among other items. Publicly available testing in the moderate-speed range is lacking and would be useful to evaluate the effects of airbag and pretensioner deployment on occupant kinematics and loading. In this study, sled tests were performed using a standard passenger vehicle buck simulating frontal deceleration impact events in a
Sharpe, Sarah S.Grijalva, SandraAllin, LeighCourtney, AmyToney-Bolger, MeganPokutta-Paskaleva, AnastassiaCrosby, Charles L.Carhart, Michael
Child occupants have not been studied in far-side impacts as thoroughly as frontal or near side crash modes. The objective is to determine whether the installation method of child restraint systems (CRS) affects far-side crash performance. Twenty far-side impact sled tests were conducted with rear-facing (RF) CRS, forward-facing (FF) CRS, high-back boosters, and belt only. Each was installed on second row captain’s chairs from a recent model year minivan. Common CRS installation errors were tested, including using the seat belt in Emergency Locking Mode (ELR) instead of Automatic Locking Mode (ALR), not attaching the top tether, and using both the lower anchors (LA) and seat belt together. Correct installations were also tested as a baseline comparison. Q3s and Hybrid III 6-year-old (6yo) anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs) were used. Lateral displacements of the CRS and head were examined as well as injury metrics in the head, spine, and torso. For RF CRS, the ELR belt installation
Mansfield, Julie
This SAE Recommended Practice describes common definitions and operational elements of Event Data Recorders. The SAE J1698 series of documents consists of the following: SAE J1698-1 - Event Data Recorder - Output Data Definition: Provides common data output formats and definitions for a variety of data elements that may be useful for analyzing vehicle crash and crash-like events that meet specified trigger criteria. SAE J1698-2 - Event Data Recorder - Retrieval Tool Protocol: Utilizes existing industry standards to identify a common physical interface and define the protocols necessary to retrieve records stored by light duty vehicle Event Data Recorders (EDRs). SAE J1698-3 - Event Data Recorder - Compliance Assessment: Defines procedures that may be used to validate that relevant EDR output records conform with the reporting requirements specified in Part 563, Table 1 during the course of FMVSS-208, FMVSS-214, and other applicable vehicle level crash testing.
Event Data Recorder Committee
This recommended practice describes boundaries of hand control locations that can be reached by a percentage of different US driver populations in passenger cars, multi-purpose passenger vehicles, and light trucks (Class A vehicles). This practice is not applicable to heavy trucks (Class B vehicles).
Human Accom and Design Devices Stds Comm
This SAE Recommended Practice provides design, test, and performance guidelines on the comfort, fit, and convenience for active restraint systems for heavy trucks and multipurpose passenger vehicle applications over 10000 pounds gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). The information pertains to the forward facing seating positions.
Truck Crashworthiness Committee
Though there are active safety features in the passenger cars, unfortunately not all accidents are avoidable. Airbags are the passive safety feature which avoid occupants in colliding with the car interiors and help to mitigate the fatal injuries. Trend and interest in the recent times is to study the occupant injury for front row seats. The second-row occupants are usually protected with the passive safety systems by Seat belts, Inflatable Curtain airbags, seat airbags, Windshield airbags etc. These are installed in the side and rear areas of car to pass on the regulations like FMVSS, ECE and other global standards. This particular case study is to evaluate or say how effective are the occupants in the second rows if they are unbelted. In few of the crash tests and experiment of frontal impact collision, the child dummies will be placed on female dummy lap without wearing the seat belt. In this, we see the second-row occupants will be seriously injured in most of the cases. Though the
Srinivasa, PraveenSundaram, BalachandarPatil, Shubham
This SAE Standard defines the safety and performance requirements for low-speed vehicles (LSVs). The safety specifications in this document apply to any powered vehicle with a minimum of four wheels, a maximum level ground speed of more than 32 km/h (20 mph) but not more than 40 km/h (25 mph), and a maximum gross vehicle weight of 1361 kg (3000 pounds), that is intended for operating on designated roadways where permitted by law.
Special Purpose Vehicle Committee
ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the application of a novel Additive Molding™ process in the design optimization of a combat vehicle driver’s seat structure. Additive Molding™ is a novel manufacturing process that combines three-dimensional design flexibility of additive manufacturing with a high-volume production rate compression molding process. By combining the lightweighting benefits of topology optimization with the high strength and stiffness of tailored continuous carbon fiber reinforcements, the result is an optimized structure that is lighter than both topology-optimized metal additive manufacturing and traditional composites manufacturing. In this work, a combat vehicle driver’s seatback structure was optimized to evaluate the weight savings when converting the design from a baseline aluminum seat structure to a carbon fiber / polycarbonate structure. The design was optimized to account for mobility loads and a 95-percentile male soldier, and the result was a reduction in
Hart, Robert JPerkins, J. ScottBlinzler, BrinaMiller, PatrickShen, YangDeo, Ankit
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) specifies criteria for the design, development, standardization, and comprehension testing of placards containing pictures, drawings, symbols, and/or written instructions for locating and operating aircraft emergency equipment. This ARP also provides guidance in the selection and implementation of warning placards intended to instruct occupants inside, and rescue personnel outside, the aircraft.
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This SAE Standard defines requirements relating to the elements of design, operation, and maintenance of light utility vehicles (LUVs). The safety specifications in this document apply to any self-propelled, operator-controlled, off-highway vehicle 1829 mm (72 inches) or less in overall width, exclusive of added accessories and attachments, operable on three or more wheels or tracks, primarily intended to transport material loads or people, with a gross vehicle weight of 2500 kg (5500 pounds) or less, and a maximum design speed less than or equal to 40.23 km/h (25 mph). This document is not intended to cover go-karts (ASTM F2007-07a), fun-karts (ASTM F2011-02e1), dune buggies, and all terrain-vehicles (ATVs) complying with ANSI/SVIA 1.
Special Purpose Vehicle Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice provides a Glossary of Terms commonly used to describe Seat Belt Restraint Systems Hardware and their function. These terms are currently defined in various SAE Recommended Practices but are sometimes inconsistent. It is intended for this document to supersede the definitions found in separate SAE Recommended Practices.
Motor Vehicle Council
This SAE Recommended Practice describes test procedures for evaluating hardware used in motor vehicle seat belt assemblies. Related hardware performance requirements are described in SAE J141. Test procedures and performance requirements for retractors will be covered in separate SAE Recommended Practices to be issued later.
Motor Vehicle Council
This SAE Recommended Practice describes performance requirements for hardware used in motor vehicle seat belt assemblies when tested in accordance with the test procedures specified in SAE J140. Test procedures and performance requirements for retractors will be covered in separate SAE Recommended Practices to be issued later.
Motor Vehicle Council
This SAE Recommended Practice specifies performance requirements and test procedures for the strength and location of seat belt assembly anchorages. It applies to seat belt anchorages attached to vehicle body structure or to seat assemblies in the vehicle. Design Considerations are specified in SAE J383.
Motor Vehicle Council
This SAE Recommended Practice specifies design recommendations for the location of seat belt assembly anchorages which will promote proper transfer of occupant restraint forces on the strongest parts of the human anatomy to the vehicle or seat structure. Test procedures are specified in SAE J384.
Motor Vehicle Council
This SAE Recommended Practice describes the test procedures for conducting rear impact occupant restraint and equipment mounting integrity tests for ambulance patient compartment applications. Its purpose is to describe crash pulse characteristics and establish recommended test procedures that will standardize restraint system and equipment mount testing for ambulances. Descriptions of the test set-up, test instrumentation, photographic/video coverage, and the test fixtures are included.
Truck Crashworthiness Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice describes the test procedures for conducting side impact occupant restraint and equipment mounting integrity tests for ambulance patient compartment applications. Its purpose is to describe crash pulse characteristics and establish recommended test procedures that will standardize restraint system and equipment mounting testing for ambulances. Descriptions of the test set-up, test instrumentation, photographic/video coverage, and the test fixtures are included.
Truck Crashworthiness Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice describes the test procedures for conducting frontal impact occupant restraint and equipment mounting integrity tests for ambulance patient compartment applications. Its purpose is to describe crash pulse characteristics and establish recommended test procedures that will standardize restraint system and equipment mounting testing for ambulances. Descriptions of the test set-up, test instrumentation, photographic/video coverage, and the test fixtures are included.
Truck Crashworthiness Committee
Seatbelts have been acknowledged to be among the most effective vehicle implements that enhance vehicle occupants’ safety. Using seatbelts has been established as a highly effective means of reducing crash severity. On the contrary, speeding has been associated with an increased likelihood of crash occurrence and severity. Investigating factors associated with these two aspects of driving behavior is vital to improving road safety. This study examines the association of previous crash-involvements with seatbelt use and speeding habits by investigating whether crash-involved drivers were less likely to use seatbelts and more likely to adopt speeding habits. The study further explores the effects of annual driving distance on seatbelt use and speeding behaviors, and whether these effects are influenced by previous crash-involvements. The required data to meet the objectives of the study was obtained through self-report questionnaires distributed and completed online among a sample of
Shehab, Mahdi
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