Browse Topic: Evacuation and escape

Items (223)
This ARP provides design and performance recommendations for emergency exits in the passenger cabin. This ARP does not apply to Crew Emergency Exits.
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) recommends design features for facilitating relocation of portable slide/rafts for deployment at an alternate exit under ditching conditions.
S-9A Safety Equipment and Survival Systems Committee
In any human space flight program, safety of the crew is of utmost priority. In case of exigency in atmospheric flight, the crew is safely and quickly rescued from the launch vehicle using Crew Escape System (CES). CES is a critical part of the Human Space Flight which carries the crew module away from the ascending launch vehicle by firing its rocket motors (Pitch Motor (PM), Low altitude Escape Motor (LEM) and High altitude Escape Motor (HEM)). The structural loads experienced by the CES during the mission abort are severe as the propulsive, aerodynamic and inertial forces on the vehicle are significantly high. Since the mission abort can occur at anytime during the ascent phase of the launch vehicle, trajectory profiles are generated for abort at every one second interval of ascent flight period considering several combinations of dispersions on various propulsive parameters of abort motors and aero parameters. Depending on the time of abort, the ignition delay of PM, LEM and HEM
S, SubashBabu P, GirishDaniel, Sajan
This AS provides the minimum performance requirements for the following types of inflatable emergency evacuation devices (hereinafter referred to as device[s]): 1 Type I - Inflatable Slide: A device suitable for assisting occupants in descending from a floor-level airplane exit or from an airplane wing to the ground. A Type I off-wing slide is a device that does not include a ramp. 2 Type II - Inflatable Slide/Raft: A device suitable for assisting occupants in descending from a floor-level airplane exit or an airplane wing to the ground that is also designed to be used as a life raft. A Type II off-wing slide/raft is a device that does not include a ramp. 3 Type III - Inflatable Exit Ramp: A device suitable for assisting occupants in descending from certain overwing exits to an airplane wing. 4 Type IV - Inflatable Ramp/Slide: A device suitable for assisting occupants from an overwing exit or airplane wing to the ground. It is a combination ramp and wing-to-ground device. 5 Type V
S-9A Safety Equipment and Survival Systems Committee
These recommendations are to aid the international air transport industry by identifying a standard, minimum amount of safety instructions and procedures that should be provided in the PSIS. Aircraft operators are encouraged to customize the PSIS to their own operations. This document also provides recommendations for: a Passenger safety information briefings and associated materials, b Demonstration emergency equipment, c Ensuring passenger suitability for those seated in exit seats, d The standardization of safety briefings for passengers seated at exits who may be responsible for opening exits on transport aircraft during an emergency, and e A standardized protective brace position to reduce the severity of injury during severe turbulence, rapid deceleration, or a sudden impact. In addition, these recommendations pertain to briefings on aircraft on which the cabin crew would conduct the exit seat briefing, and to briefings on aircraft without cabin crew, on which pilots would
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This article describes the research work taken to compare the effect of air blast and surface-buried mine blast loading on an armored fighting vehicle (AFV) escape hatch, using the coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) technique. Two types of escape hatch were considered for the study, namely, the flat plate version and double-side curved-plate version. To evaluate the research methodology used in this investigation, initially, a published experimental work on a circular plate subjected to air blast was chosen and a benchmark simulation was carried out using the CEL technique to establish the simulation procedure. Then the established procedure was utilized for further analysis. It was observed that the variation in the deformation between the published literature and the simulation work was well within the acceptable engineering limits. After that, numerical studies were conducted on the flat and double-side curved hatch by subjecting it to both air blast and surface-buried mine blast
Parthasarathy, SundaresanKumar, J. Rajesh
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice recommends general criteria for the development and installation of an aircraft emergency signal system to permit any crew member (flight or cabin) to inform all other crew members that an emergency evacuation situation exists and that an evacuation has been or should be immediately started.
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) specifies criteria for the design, development, standardization, and comprehension testing of placards containing pictures, drawings, symbols, and/or written instructions for locating and operating aircraft emergency equipment. This ARP also provides guidance in the selection and implementation of warning placards intended to instruct occupants inside, and rescue personnel outside, the aircraft.
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
Although accidents caused by drivers’ physical condition account for only a small percentage of all traffic accidents, they are highly likely to lead to serious accidents if they do occur, so speedy actions from both product and social rule aspects are desirable. In response, many companies have developed and commercialized emergency stop assist system which stops in the lane, and also the development and discussion of emergency stop assist systems with pull-over function is being promoted in several countries in order to ensure the safety of the own vehicle, the following vehicle, and the evacuation of passengers, and to shorten the rescue time. Regarding Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in the market, the ones which are categorized as Lv.2 by SAE are mainstream, so the development of emergency stop assist systems with pull-over function that utilize Lv.2 ADAS is required in order to spread the use of it. In this paper, we describe the basic design and concept of an emergency
Kiriki, JumpeiUejima, TaiyoNemoto, HiromiSawai, ShunichirohAraki, Ryutaro
This document contains information that can be used by the air transportation industry to evaluate the design of airplane interior stairways with respect to the safety of passengers and crew in normal operating conditions and emergency evacuations.
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides guidance for the design and location of cabin crew stations, including emergency equipment installations at or near such stations, so as to enable the cabin crew to function effectively in emergency situations, including emergency evacuations. Recommendations regarding design of cabin crew stations apply to all such stations; recommendations regarding location apply to those stations located near or adjacent to floor level exits.
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) defines the performance requirements for equipment to be used by untrained cabin occupants for protection from toxic and irritant atmospheres while on board and during evacuation of an aircraft.
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This aerospace standard (AS) defines the requirements of portable protective breathing equipment for use during smoke/fire conditions on board an aircraft.
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides information and recommended guidelines for handling carry-on baggage prior to emergencies and during the emergency evacuation of transport category aircraft. Recommendations are provided on limiting the size, amount, and weight of carry-on baggage brought into the cabin, improved stowage of carry-on baggage to minimize hazards to passengers in flight and during emergency evacuations, and procedures to ensure carry-on baggage is not removed during an emergency evacuation.
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) provides minimum performance and design standards for a handheld, high-intensity, flashing Aviation Visual Distress Signal (AVDS) based on light-emitting-diode (LED) technology operating simultaneously in visible (white) and near infrared (NIR) spectra designed to facilitate location and rescue of aviation accident/ditching survivors in open sea conditions.
S-9A Safety Equipment and Survival Systems Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) provides design criteria for onboard stairways intended for use by passengers aboard multi-deck transport category airplanes. It is not intended for stairways designed for use only by crewmembers, supernumeries, or maintenance personnel. Additionally, this AS does not apply to fuselage mounted or external stairways used for boarding passengers, which are covered by ARP836.
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) applies to comprehensibility testing of aircraft markings, signs, and placards that are intended to provide information to passengers, crew, or ground personnel exclusively through pictorial symbols (pictograms). Markings, signs, and placards where text is complemented by pictograms are not in the scope of this document. In case text and pictograms are used in a redundant manner, comprehension testing is not required.
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
In recent years, the number of reported traffic accidents due to sudden deterioration in driver’s physical condition has been increasing, it is expected to develop a system that prevents accidents even if physical condition suddenly changes while driving, or reduces damage through vehicle body control. For this purpose, it is necessary to detect sudden changes of the driver’s physical condition, and research is being conducted widely. Among them, it is reported that some of such changes may appear in the heartbeat interval. In other words, by acquiring the driver’s heartbeat interval in real time, it may be possible to detect the sudden changes, and reduce traffic accident. Even if a traffic accident occurs, the damage can be reduced by emergency evacuation immediately after detecting sudden changes. Therefore, we focused on the technology to detect the heartbeat interval with 24GHz microwave Doppler radar, which can detect heartbeat non-contactly while maintaining the interior design
Tsuchiya, KentoMochizuki, KentaOhtsuki, TomoakiYamamoto, Kohei
Since flow separation causes increase of the drag on bluff bodies, its control method has been studied for many years. Active control methods are currently focused as an alternative to passive ones because they impose a larger drag penalty under certain conditions. Although the effectiveness of a steady jet using suction, blowing or pulsed jets has been demonstrated, it is difficult to obtain an effect commensurate with weight increase because the mechanism is complicated. One method of solving this problem is a synthetic jet. Synthetic jets are produced by periodic ejection and suction of fluid from an orifice induced by oscillation of a diaphragm inside a cavity. Small engine powered vehicles demand less drag, a compact package and light weight because the drivers expect fuel efficiency, load capacity and economy. Synthetic jets can supply them because they contribute drag reduction and require only simple components. In this study, the influence of synthetic jets on the drag of a
Kato, NaotoWatanabe, ShunsukeHasegawa, Hiroaki
Ice protection is important for aero-engine induction system, such as the inlet vanes. For the ice protection of such parts manufactured with low thermal conductivity polymer-based composite material, the combined heating method using interior jet impingement and exterior ejection film has certain advantages. The simulation model coupling CFD with solid heat conduction was developed and solved with the anisotropic thermal conductivities model to investigate the heat transfer enhancement in the stagnation region of aero-engine inlet vanes due to ejection slot and anisotropic heat conduction, which is related to the curved geometry, ejection slots and anisotropic heat conduction. The temperature distribution and heat flux ratio between the stagnation region on outside surface and the impingement region inside were calculated and analyzed for the configuration with different ejection angle and different materials. The results show that ejection slots and anisotropic heat conduction plays
Ke, PengLiu, JieSchaeflein, LukasYang, KunZhou, Hongkui
An improved anti-icing design with film heating ejection slot and cover for the inlet part of aero-engine was brought out, which combines the interior jet impingement with the exterior hot air film heating and shows promising application for those parts manufactured with composite materials. A hybrid method based on the combination of the Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) is developed to optimize the anti-icing design for a typical aero-engine inlet vane in two dimensions. The optimization aims to maximize the heating performance of the hot air film, which is assessed by the heating effectiveness. The film-heating ejection angle and the cover opening angle are the two geometric variables to be optimized. Numerical model was established and validated to generate training and testing samples for BPNN, which was used to predict the objective function and find the optimal design variables in conjunction with the GA. The optimal values of the film-heating
Liu, JieKe, Peng
In recent years, several buses have ignited in some cities in China, causing numerous deaths and significant property damage. However, few research studies have been conducted to deal with such accidents. Therefore, in this work, a linear-shaped charge jet with rectangular cross sections was used to hew out evacuation routes for burning buses, and the parameter design for the shaped charge jet was improved according to asymmetry limitations and human tolerance. A numerical finite element simulation model of the behavior of a jet penetrating the jambs was established using ANSYS/LS-DYNA software. The asymmetrical characteristics of an arc segment in the structure of a rectangular-shaped charge were analyzed, in addition to the influence on the deviations of the jet penetration capacity and blast injuries to occupants caused by the side effects of detonation. Furthermore, overlooking the risks posed to bystanders by the process of hewing out evacuation routes, the calculation results
Fu, YanshuZhang, Chaoyang
Automotive liftgate latches have been subject to regulation for minimum strength and inertial resistance requirements since the late 1990’s in the US and globally since the early 2000’s, possibly due to liftgate ejections stemming from the first generation Chrysler minivans which employed latches that were not originally designed with this hazard in mind. Side door latches have been regulated since the 1960’s, and the regulation of liftgate, or back door latches, have been based largely on side door requirements, with the exception of the orthogonal test requirement that is liftgate specific. Based on benchmarking tests of liftgate latches, most global OEM’s design their latches to exceed the minimum regulatory requirements. Presumably, this is based on the need to keep doors closed during crashes and specifically to do so when subjected to industry standard tests. The focus of this paper is to understand the specific loads seen by center-mounted liftgate latches when exposed to
Nelsen, JamesWu, Homer
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides design and performance recommendations for emergency exits in the passenger cabin.
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This Aerospace Recommended Practice recommends general criteria for the development and installation of an aircraft emergency signal system to permit any crew member (flight or cabin) to inform all other crew members that an emergency evacuation situation exists and that an evacuation has been or should be immediately started.
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This document contains information that can be used by the air transportation industry to evaluate the design of airplane interior stairways with respect to the safety of passengers and crew in normal operating conditions and emergency evacuations.
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
Flow control over aerodynamic shapes in order to achieve performance enhancements has been a lively research area for last two decades. Synthetic Jet Actuators (SJAs) are devices able to interact actively with the flow around their hosting structure by providing ejection and suction of fluid from the enclosed cavity containing a piezo-electric oscillating membrane through dedicated orifices. The research presented in this paper concerns the implementation of zero-net-mass-flux SJAs airflow control system on a NACA0015, low aspect ratio wing section prototype. Two arrays with each 10 custom-made SJAs, installed at 10% and 65% of the chord length, make up the actuation system. The sensing system consists of eleven acoustic pressure transducers distributed in the wing upper surface and on the flap, an accelerometer placed in proximity of the wing c.g. and a six-axis force balance for integral load measurement. A dSPACE™ hardware connected to the software environment Matlab/Simulink® and
Andreoli, DaniloCassaro, MarioBattipede, ManuelaAhmadi, GoodarzMarzocca, Piergiovanni
Loads slung under aircraft can go into divergent oscillations coupling multiple degrees of freedom. Predicting the highest safe flight speed for a vehicle-load combination is a critical challenge, both for military missions over hostile areas, and for evacuation/rescue operations. The primary difficulty was that of obtaining well-resolved airload maps covering the arbitrary attitudes that a slung load may take. High speed rotorcraft using tilting rotors and co-axial rotors can fly at speeds that imply high dynamic pressure, making aerodynamic loads significant even on very dense loads such as armored vehicles, artillery weapons, and ammunition. The Continuous Rotation method demonstrated in our prior work enables routine prediction of divergence speeds. We build on prior work to explore the prediction of divergence speed for practical configurations such as military vehicles, which often have complex bluff body shapes. Results from simulations are presented for 3 vehicle shapes: one
Liberi, BrandonKijjakarn, PraditukritKomerath, Narayanan
NHTSA issued the FMVSS 226 ruling in 2011. It established test procedures to evaluate countermeasures that can minimize the likelihood of a complete or partial ejection of vehicle occupants through the side windows during rollover or side impact events. One of the countermeasures that may be used for compliance of this safety ruling is the Side Airbag Inflatable Curtain (SABIC). This paper discusses how three key phases of the optimization strategy in the Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), namely, Identify; Optimize and Verify (I_OV), were implemented in CAE to develop an optimized concept SABIC with respect to the FMVSS 226 test requirements. The simulated SABIC is intended for a generic SUV and potentially also for a generic Truck type vehicle. The improved performance included: minimization of the test results variability and the optimization of the ejection mitigation performance of the SABIC. Results from this study show that for generic SUV and Truck type vehicles with hardware similar
Uduma, KaluPurushothaman, DipuPawargi, Darshan SubhashBilkhu, SukhbirBeaudet, Brian
The Department of Transportation (DOT) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) awarded a contract to Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) to conduct research and testing in the interest of motorcoach fire safety. The goal of this program was to develop and validate procedures and metrics to evaluate current and future detection, suppression, and exterior fire-hardening technologies that prevent or delay fire penetration into the passenger compartment of a motorcoach - in order to increase passenger evacuation time. The program was initiated with a literature review and characterization of the thermal environment of motorcoach fires and survey of engine compartments, firewalls, and wheel wells of motorcoaches currently in North American service. These characterizations assisted in the development of test methods and identification of the metrics for analysis. Test fixtures were designed and fabricated to simulate a representative engine compartment and wheel well. Fire
Huczek, Jason P.Stephenson, R. Rhoads
Nowadays, the influence of aerodynamics on vehicles capabilities is mostly studied in terms of energy efficiency; maximum speed; maximum linear accelerations; cooling capacity of brake systems; resistance and deformation of elements exposed to aerodynamic forces; stability during lateral wind and during braking for straight ahead maneuvers; noise caused by airflow; proper evacuation of exhaust gases and aesthetics of cars. Generally, a model for CFD analysis is used and six constant coefficients are determined. However, there is insufficient information about the interaction of vehicle aerodynamics with vehicle suspension and the effects that this interaction generates on the dynamic behavior of the vehicle. In this work this interaction is studied, and there is an analysis of how vehicle aerodynamic characteristics impact on suspension behavior and how suspension characteristics could diminish or amplify aerodynamic. To perform the simulations a functional model was built and three
Nerini, CarlosFernandes, ClaudioNoguchi, EricCastro, RomuloAlmeida, UilianPeixoto, Vinícius
The Mississippi Evacuation and Traveler’s Assistance (MSETA) system provides public assistance for emergency evacuation and tourism/travel. The MSETA system is composed of three major components: (1) a Web server that provides an interface to the public, (2) a GIS/backend server that retrieves data from multiple sources, and (3) a database server to store the data.
The oil flow in the oil ring groove was observed in order to improve the oil ejection efficiency in the oil ring groove. The oil flow was visualized with a clear head piston using fluorescing agent and particles under motoring condition. The influences of oil ring specification on the direction and the velocity of the oil flow were evaluated. The velocity of the oil ring with oil vent holes was faster than that of the oil ring without oil vent holes. In the case of the oil ring with vent holes, the reverse flow of the oil toward the front side was observed in the back clearance. Therefore, oil vent holes can change the oil flow and improve the oil ejection efficiency in the oil ring groove.
Ichinose, ShigenoriIwade, KiyoshiHata, Yoshiharu
Three years of data from the Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS) were analyzed to identify accidents involving heavy trucks (GVWR >10,000 lbs.). Risk of rollover and ejection was determined as well as belt usage rates. Risk of ejection was also analyzed based on rollover status and belt use. The Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) was used as an injury rating system for the involved vehicle occupants. These data were further analyzed to determine injury distribution based on factors such as crash type, ejection, and restraint system use. The maximum AIS score (MAIS) was analyzed and each body region (head, face, spine, thorax, abdomen, upper extremity, and lower extremity) was considered for an AIS score of three or greater (AIS 3+). The majority of heavy truck occupants in this study were belted (71%), only 2.5% of occupants were completely or partially ejected, and 28% experienced a rollover event. In the analyzed data set, none of the belted occupants experienced a complete
Zabala, Michael E.Yang, NicholasImler, StacyZhao, KeRay, Rose
The role of CAB is protecting the passenger's head during rollover and side crash accidents. However, the performance of HIC and ejection mitigation has trade-off relation, so analytical method to satisfy the HIC and ejection mitigation performance are required. In this study, 3 types of CAB were used for ejection mitigation analysis, drop tower analysis and SINCAP MDB analysis. Impactor which has 18kg mass is impacting the CAB as 20KPH velocity at six impact positions for ejection mitigation analysis. In drop tower analysis, impactor which has 9kg mass is impacting the CAB as 17.7KPH velocity. Acceleration value was derived by drop tower analysis and the tendency of HIC was estimated. Motion data of a vehicle structure was inserted to substructure model and the SID-IIS 5%ile female dummy was used for SINCAP MDB analysis. As a result, HIC and acceleration values were derived by MDB analysis. As a result of ejection mitigation analysis, the impactor was ejected in type 1 of the CAB but
Kim, BaeyoungLee, KangwookLee, Jeong KeunSong, June-Young
Ejection Mitigation testing is now required by the U.S. government through FMVSS 226 [1]. FMVSS 226 contains the requirement of using a linear guided headform in a horizontal impact test into the inflated curtain, or other ejection mitigation countermeasure that deploys in the event of a rollover. The specification provides dimensions for a featureless headform [2] but there are limited specifications for the headform skin surface condition. In the “Response to Petitions” of the 2011 Final Rule for FMVSS 226 [3], the NHTSA declined the option to include a headform cleaning procedure. This research presents a case study to quantify the effect of changes in the friction between the headform and curtain on the measured excursion. The study presented here shows that a change in friction between the headform and curtain can affect excursion values by up to 135 millimeters (mm).
Heading, MindyStein, DouglasDix, Jeff
The control in transient conditions when hydraulic brake and regenerative brake switch mutually is the key technical issue about electric vehicle hybrid brake system, which has a direct influence on the braking feel of driver and vehicle braking comfort. A coordination control system has been proposed, including brake force distribution correction module and motor force compensation module. Brake force distribution correction module has fixed the distribution results in hydraulic brake force intervention condition, hydraulic brake force evacuation condition and regenerative brake force low speed evacuation condition. Motor compensation module has compensated hydraulic system with motor system, which has fast and accurate response, thus the response of whole hybrid system has been improved. Simulation results in transient conditions show that the coordination control strategy can effectively reduce the fluctuations and deviations of total brake force, and improve braking feel of driver
Zhu, ZhitingXiong, LuJin, Chi
This paper presents the details of the study to optimize and arrive at a design base for a vacuum pump in an automotive engine using resilient back propagation algorithm for Artificial Neural Networking (ANN). The reason for using neural networks is to capture the accuracy of experimental data while saving computational time, so that system simulations can be performed within a reasonable time frame. Vacuum Pump is an engine driven part. Design and optimization of a vacuum pump in an automotive engine is crucial for development. The NN predicted values had a good correlation with the actual values of tested proto sample. The design optimization by means of this study has served the purpose of generating the data base for future development of different capacity vacuum pumps. The ANN approach has been applied to automotive vacuum brake for predicting the optimized evacuation time and the power for a vacuum pump of 110 cc capacity with vacuum tank capacity of 3 cc at pressure of 500 mbar
V, GanesanSuresh Kumar, J
Electroimpact's newest riveting machine features a track-style injector with Bomb Bay Ejection Doors. The Bomb Bay Ejection Doors are a robust way to eject fasteners from track style injector. Track style injectors are commonly used by Electroimpact and others in the industry. Using the Bomb Bay Doors for fastener ejection consists of opening the tracks allowing very solid clearing of an injector when ejecting a fastener translating to a more reliable fastener delivery system. Examples of when fastener ejection is needed are when a fastener is sent backwards, when there are two in the tube, or when a machine operator stops or resets the machine during a fastening cycle. This method allows fasteners to be cleared in nearly every situation when ejecting a fastener is required. Additional feature of Electroimpact's new injection system is integrated anvil tool change. Anvils with fingers are parked on each Injector and an indexing system automatically changes tools for different fastener
Krejci, Cosmos
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