Browse Topic: Exhaust valves

Items (683)
Rotary valve technology can provide increased flow area and higher discharge coefficients than conventional poppet valves for internal combustion engines. This increase in intake charging efficiency can improve the power density of four-stroke internal combustion engines, particularly at high engine speeds, where flow is choked through conventional poppet valves. In this work, the valvetrain of a light duty single cylinder spark ignition engine was replaced with a rotary valve train. The impact of this valvetrain conversion on performance and emissions was evaluated by comparing spark timing sweeps with lambda ranging from 0.8 to 1.1 at wide open throttle. The results indicated that the rotary valvetrain increased the amount of air trapped at intake valve closing and resulted in a significantly faster burn duration than the conventional valvetrain. Additionally, the spark to CA10 burn duration of the rotary valvetrain was highly sensitive to spark timing, which was not true of the
Gainey, BrianVaseleniuck, DarrickCordier, DanGarrett, Norman
Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) have long been studied as a potential pathway to achieve higher thermal efficiency in spark ignition engines. Researchers have studied coatings with different thicknesses and thermophysical properties to counteract the volumetric efficiency penalty associated with TBCs in spark ignition. To achieve an efficiency benefit with minimal charge heating during the intake stroke, low thermal inertia coatings characterized by their larger temperature swings are required. To study the impact of low thermal inertia coatings in spark ignition, coatings were applied to the cylinder head, piston crown, intake and exhaust valve faces, and intake and exhaust valve backsides. Tier III EEE E10 certification gasoline was used to keep the experiments relevant to the present on-road vehicles. This study is aimed at analyzing durability of the coatings as well as efficiency and emissions improvements. Thus, a 100-hr. durability test was conducted to assess the durability of
Bhatt, AnkurGandolfo, JohnVedpathak, KunalJiang, ChenJordan, EricLawler, BenjaminGainey, Brian
The two-stroke engine has a small displacement and high output, and therefore saves space when the engine is installed in a vehicle. Thus, the application of two-stroke engines to HEVs is a very effective means of reducing vehicle weight and securing engine space. On the other hand, the unfired element increases in the exhaust gas with a two-stroke engine because the air-fuel mixture is blown through to the exhaust system during the scavenging process inside the cylinder. Moreover, combustion becomes unstable due to the large amount of residual burnt gas in the cylinder. To solve these problems, we propose a two-stroke engine that has intake and exhaust valves that injects fuel directly into the cylinder. We describe the engine shape and the method that can provide high scavenging efficiency and stable combustion in such a two-stroke engine.
Hisano, AtsushiSaitou, MasahitoSakurai, YotaMatsuda, Yoshimotoichi, Satoaki
The paper presents a preliminary study on a virtual 2-stroke 3-cylinder 0.9 L DI SI supercharged engine running on Hydrogen (H2), able to meet both high performance targets and ultra-low emissions limits (NOx<20 ppm). Combustion is similar to a conventional 4-stroke H2 DI engine, while the design of the cylinder and the actuation law of both intake and exhaust valves are specifically optimized for the 2-stroke cycle. In comparison to a more conventional 2-stroke loop scavenged engine, with piston-controlled ports, the use of poppet valves enables a more flexible control of the gas exchange process and to maintain the same design of a 4-stroke engine for pistons, cylinders block, crankcase and lubrication system. On the other hand, it is more difficult to avoid the short-circuit of the fresh charge, while permeability of the valves becomes quite critical at high engine speed. Therefore, particular care was devoted to the optimization of the intake and exhaust ports geometry, as well as
Caprioli, StefanoVolza, AntonelloMattarelli, EnricoRinaldini, Carlo Alberto
Heavy-duty vehicles are primarily powered by diesel fuel, emitting CO2 emissions regardless of the exhaust after-treatment system. Contrastingly, a hydrogen engine has the potential to decarbonize the transportation sector as hydrogen is a carbon free, renewable fuel. In this study, a multi-physics 1D simulation tool (GT-Power) is used to model the gas exchange process and performance prediction of a two-stroke hydrogen engine. The aim is to establish a maximum torque-level for a four-stroke hydrogen engine and then utilize different methods for two-stroke modeling to achieve similar torque by optimizing the gas exchange process. A camless engine is used as base, enabling the flexibility to utilize approximately square valve lift profiles. The preliminary step is the GT-Power model validation, which has been done using diesel and hydrogen engines (single-cylinder heavy-duty) experiments at different operating points (871 rpm, 1200 rpm, 1259 rpm, and 1508 rpm). Thereafter, the validated
Tripathy, SrinibasKoopmans, LucienHemdal, StinaKuylenstierna, Claes
Spark ignition knock is highly sensitive to changes in intake air temperature. Hot surface temperatures due to ceramic thermal barrier coatings increase knock propensity by elevating the incoming air temperature, thus mitigating the positive impacts of low heat transfer losses by requiring spark retard to avoid knock. Low thermal inertia coatings (i.e. Temperature swing coatings) have been proposed as a means of reducing or eliminating the open cycle charge heating penalty of traditional TBCs through a combination of low thermal conductivity and low volumetric heat capacity materials. However, in order to achieve a meaningful gain in efficiency, a significant fraction of the combustion chamber must be coated. In this study, a coated piston and intake and exhaust valves with coated combustion faces, backsides, and stems are installed in a single-cylinder research engine to evaluate the effect of high coated fractions of the combustion chamber in a knock-sensitive architecture. Spark
Gandolfo, JohnGainey, BrianJiang, ChenJordan, EricFilipi, ZoranLawler, Benjamin
For vehicles with internal combustion engines, tailpipe emissions heavily rely on the aftertreatment system, typically a catalytic converter. Modern three-way catalysts (TWC) can very effectively convert the unburnt hydrocarbons (HC), CO, and NOx into non-harmful gases such as H2O, CO2, and N2 when the catalyst brick reaches a relatively high temperature. However, before that catalyst light-off temperature is reached, the emissions conversion efficiency is low, leading to high tailpipe emissions. Due to this light-off temperature requirement of the catalytic converter, the emissions from the engine cold-start period contributes a significant portion of vehicle overall emissions. One of the major reasons for high emissions during cold start is low combustion chamber wall temperatures, lower than the initial boiling temperature of gasoline fuel. This results in fuel film formation, and significantly incomplete evaporation prior to combustion. In this study, an approach to increase the
Zhu, ShengrongHollowell, JeffreyHa, Kyoung-PyoFantin, NicholasShirley, Mark
With the objective of further enhancing the engine performance of the Acura brand and the environmental performance of the Honda brand in relation to the North American market, where there is a need for powertrains with driving force margin for SUVs and pickup trucks, Honda has developed a 3.0 L turbocharged engine and a 3.5 L naturally aspirated engine. Both engines adopt the same newly developed valvetrain structure and share main engine geometries. These newly developed engines are equipped with a compact new valvetrain structure combining Hydraulic Lash Adjusters and roller rocker arms with a valve-lifter based Variable Cylinder Management system which has an internalized switching mechanism. This newly developed valvetrain made it possible to incorporate dual overhead cam structure without enlarging the cylinder head shape relative to the single overhead cam structure. It further achieves this while permitting application of a Variable Cylinder Management system and of a Variable
Taki, ShotaroKonishi, YukioTomitani, YukiIshii, KazumasaImakita, AkioKawawa, Satoshi
When a turbocharger exhaust-driven turbine wheel spins fast enough to produce the desired level of boost, a wastegate is typically used to allow the excess exhaust pressure to divert around the turbine wheel. By opening the wastegate (typically boost-pressure referenced), exhaust pressure bypasses the turbo’s turbine wheel to prevent the turbo from reaching an unsafe speed. To actuate wastegate, different actuating mechanisms like pneumatic, vacuum or electric are available, which regulates poppet valve positions e.g. full close, open or partially open. In electronic wastegate valve, exhaust pressure pass through the bypass hole collides with the face of valve causing vibration. Such vibration is transmitted to the wastegate components causing rattle noise. It is challenging to design a wastegate mechanism which can sustain wastegate loads at high temperature and give quiet and robust performance within the full operating range of the engine. In order to improve the rattle noise, the
Patel, Lala RamBaladhandapani PhD, DhanasekarDu, Isaac
Multi-level Miller-cycle Dynamic Skip Fire (mDSF) is a combustion engine technology that improves fuel efficiency by deciding on each cylinder-event whether to skip (deactivate) the cylinder, fire with low (Miller) charge, or fire with a high (Power) charge. In an engine with two intake and two exhaust valves per cylinder, skipping can be accomplished by deactivating all valves, while firing with a reduced charge is accomplished by deactivating one of the intake valves. This new ability to modulate the charge level introduces new failure modes. The first is a failure to reactivate the single, high-charge intake valve, which results in a desired High Fire having the air intake of a Low Fire. The second is a failure to deactivate the single intake valve, which results in a Low Fire having the air intake of a High Fire. Reliably detecting these two faults has proven challenging for classical techniques that se measured MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure) and/or crank angle acceleration to
Serrano, JoeOrtiz-Soto, ElliottChen, S KevinChien, Li-ChunJoshi, Abhishek
Diesel engine is vital in the industry for its characteristics of low fuel consumption, high-torque, reliability, and durability. Existing diesel engine technology has reached the upper limit. It is difficult to break through the fuel consumption and emission of diesel engines. VVA (Variable Valve Actuation) is a new technology in the field of the diesel engines. In this paper, GT-Suite and ANN (artificial neural network) model are established based on engine experimental data and DoE simulation results. By inputting Intake Valve Opening crake angle (IVO), Intake Valve Angle Multiplier (IVAM) and Exhaust Valve Angle Multiplier (EVAM) into the ANN Model, and by using SA (simulated annealing algorithm), the optimized results of intake and exhaust valve lift under the target conditions are obtained. According to the optimized results, the fuel consumption of BSFC (brake specific fuel consumption) can be saved by 3.9%, 0.9%, and 7.3% at three different target working conditions
Lou, DimingTang, YuanzhiZhao, YinghuaFang, LiangTan, PiqiangHu, ZhiyuanHan, JieSong, Xiaojun
The valve train is one of the most important part of engine , and its function is fresh charge inlet and exhaust exit according to order of engine based on intake and exhaust valve [1].The compression relief brake mechanism is one of the integrated brake technologies in Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) which not only reduces engine speed during downhill under overspeed condition by opening of one of the exhaust valves before the power stroke but also helpful to reduce brake pad wear by assisting in vehicle braking. The clearance between exhaust valve and piston during compression relief brake event is important aspect for overall valve train dynamic perspective. Valve motion study included this valve to piston clearance measurement in engine testing as mandate during product development phase. Looking at new products in future and to improve system level valve train dynamics in integrated brake design hardware, it is required to validate the design changes, a valve lift experimental
Mestry, KapilMahajan, PratikJagadale, HarshavardhiniBhosale, SandeepGundecha, DeepakSaha, SiddheswarKoner, Manas
To elucidate the complex characteristics of pre-chamber combustion engines, the interaction of the hot gas jets initiated by an active narrow throated pre-chamber with lean premixed CH4/air in a heavy-duty engine was studied computationally. A twelve-hole KAUST proprietary pre-chamber geometry was investigated using CONVERGE software. The KAUST pre-chamber has an upper conical part with the spark plug, and fuel injector, followed by a straight narrow region called the throat and nozzles connecting the chambers. The simulations were run for an entire cycle, starting at the previous cycle's exhaust valve opening (EVO). The SAGE combustion model was used with the chemistry modeled using a reduced methane oxidation mechanism based on GRI Mech 3.0, which was validated against in-house OH chemiluminescence data from the optical engine experiments. Two different piston geometries, a flat piston geometry, and a more realistic bowl piston geometry were studied to understand the influence of jet
Sanal, SangeethEcheverri Marquez, ManuelSilva, MickaelCenker, EmreIm, Hong G.
To comply with increasingly stringent pollutant emissions regulations, diesel engine operation in a catalyst-heating mode is critical to achieve rapid light-off of exhaust aftertreatment catalysts during the first minutes of cold starting. Current approaches to catalyst-heating operation typically involve one or more late post injections to retard combustion phasing and increase exhaust temperatures. The ability to retard post injection timing(s) while maintaining acceptable pollutant emissions levels is pivotal for improved catalyst-heating calibrations. Higher fuel cetane number has been reported to enable later post injections with increased exhaust heat and decreased pollutant emissions, but the mechanism is not well understood. The purpose of this experimental and numerical simulation study is to provide further insight into the ways in which fuel cetane number affects combustion and pollutant formation in a medium-duty diesel engine. Three full boiling-range diesel fuels with
Cho, SeokwonBusch, StephenWu, AngelaLopez Pintor, Dario
Cylinder air-charge is one of the most important parts of the torque control in a gasoline engine, due to the necessity to keep a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, for the three-way catalyst to work efficiently. Throttle and phasing of the camshafts are actuators that have a big effect on the cylinder air-charge, this results in a cross-coupling between the actuators. One approach to handle the cross-coupling that occurs with multiple actuators is to use model predictive control (MPC), that handles the cross-coupling through the use of models and optimization. Models that support computation of gradients and hessians are desirable for use in MPC. To support the model design experimental data of cylinder pressure, from an inline four-cylinder engine with dual independent cam phasing, supported by gas exchange simulation, the effects from variable valve timing on the cylinder air-charge are investigated during the valve overlap period. The analysis highlights the effect of a phase described
Holmbom, RobinEriksson, Lars
In the present work it was studied the flow around the intake and discharge valves of the HONDA CBR 600RR Engine, used in Formula SAE by the team of CEFET-MG, Formula Cefast. Presenting the methodology and experimental results in the measurement of the reversal discharge coefficient of the intake port and the discharge coefficient of exhaust valve of the engine used in the prototype, serving as a starting point for further studies and development of the prototype drive system. These experimental tests were performed on the flow bench infrastructure of the Pontificia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, PUC-MG, using the engine head, same model as used in the Formula Cefast team prototype. Necessary parts and adaptations for tests were developed, such as a mechanism for opening and closing the valves during the experiment. Measurements were taken to define the actual mass flow rate of air through the valves for valve lifts, ranging from 0 mm to 7.3 mm for the exhaust valve and from 0
de Oliveira, Heitor Augusto IvoGuzzo, Márcio ExpeditoFilho, Fernando Antonio RodriguesMoreira, Thiago Augusto AraújoQueiroz, Jaqueline Mendes
Future Diesel engines must meet extended requirements regarding air-fuel ratio, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) capability, and tailored exhaust gas temperatures in the complete engine map to comply with the future pollutant emission standards. In this respect, parallel turbines combined with two separate exhaust manifolds have the potential to increase the exhaust gas temperature upstream of the exhaust aftertreatment system and reduce the catalyst light-off time. Furthermore, variable exhaust valve (EV) lifts enable new control strategies of the boosting system without additional actuators. Therefore, hardware robustness can be improved. This article focuses on the parallel-sequential boosting concept (PSBC) for a high-performance four-cylinder Diesel engine with separated exhaust manifolds combined with EV deactivation. One EV per cylinder is connected to one of the separated exhaust manifolds and, thus, connected to one of the turbines. By closing one of the EVs, the corresponding
Xia, FeihongSchlosshauer, AdrianTidau, FlorianSommerhoff, ArndKindl, HelmutFriederichs, HannoPischinger, StefanAndert, Jakob
Recent developments in High-Pressure Thermochemical Recuperation technology in the Technion – Israel institute of Technology, were first to allow engines to work on a hydrogen-rich reformate as a stand-alone fuel by its direct injection (DI) to the combustion chamber.This was achieved by using a Magneti Marelli gasoline direct injector, IHP072, modified to enable the gaseous reformate injection. However, this injector , under the used working conditions, suffered from a low flow cross section, non-reliable closure and a non-optimized jet structure, which had a detrimental effect on engine performance. In order to optimize engine performance, i.e. to achieve higher flow rate, shorter open-close timing and higher backward pressure resistance (in the cylinder), an improved injector is needed. In the present work, a novel DI injector was designed producing over expanded reformate jet. One of the main features of the new injector is an outward-opening valve)POPPET valve) with a relatively
Netzer-Lichinitzer, AsherTartakovsky, Leonid
A multi-position 4-stroke piston engine utilizing a novel rotary valve system was developed for handheld outdoor power equipment applications such as chainsaws, brush cutters, and string trimmers. The purpose of the project was to create a low-emission 4-stroke engine with 2-stroke performance levels including high RPM limits and power output. This was accomplished using a rotary valve system in lieu of the typical poppet valves of traditional 4-stroke engines. The prototype was then incorporated into a functional product for overall performance evaluation. Three prototype 45cc rotary valve engines were developed and tested in both real-world usage and on laboratory engine dynamometers to measure power output and emissions levels. The rotary valve system provided the ability to achieve high RPM limits without the risk of valve float, delivered improved volumetric efficiency, and exhibited lower vibration and noise levels with improved power density over traditional 4-stroke valvetrains
Garrett, Norman H.Uddin, MesbahBergman, MikaelPurvis, GarrettVaseleniuck, DarrickCordier, Dan
Ever since mainstreaming of automobiles, engineers are focusing on making the vehicles better by means of making them more efficient, powerful and less polluting. In this study, venues of improving low end torque via improvement in volumetric efficiency as well as proper selection of turbochargers is done. An in-depth analysis of gas dynamics with respect to valve timing is studied along with the AVL Boost 1D simulation. It was found that volumetric efficiency starts to improve when there is a reduction in exhaust - exhaust valve overlap. There is an improvement found in the fresh air ratio (lambda) as the residual gas content is reduced. After the selection of valve timing, turbocharger optimization is done with comparison between two turbine sizes. Along with turbocharger comparison, technology comparison is also done namely between normal electronic VGT (Variable Geometry Turbo) (bigger turbine) and electronic VGT coupled with waste gate (smaller turbine). Dynamic as well as static
Jain, Praveer KirtimohanChendil, ChellapandiAsthana, ShivamSanjay, NehalMeda, Venkata SaikumarR, SivasubramamanianDaithankar, ParagRamadandi, PadmavathiRS, RanganathanA, Guru Sankar
In order to meet the challenges of future CAFE regulations & pollutant emission, vehicle fuel efficiency must be improved upon without compromising vehicle performance. Optimization of engine breathing & its impact on vehicle level fuel economy, performance needs balance between conflicting requirements of vehicle Fuel Economy, performance & drivability. In this study a Port Fuel Injection, naturally aspirated small passenger car gasoline engine was selected which was being used in a typical small passenger car. Simulation approach was used to investigate vehicle fuel economy and performance, where-in 1D CFD Engine model was used to investigate and optimize Valve train events (Intake and exhaust valve open and close timings) for best fuel economy. Engine Simulation software is physics based and uses a phenomenological approach 0-D turbulent combustion model to calculate engine performance parameters. Engine simulation model was calibrated within 95% accuracy of test data. This model is
kadekar, amruthaRani, AbhaSarna, Nishant
The partnership for advancing combustion engines (PACE) is a US Department of Energy consortium involving multiple national laboratories and includes a goal of addressing key efficiency and emission barriers in light-duty engines fueled with a market-representative E10 gasoline. A major pillar of the initiative is the generation of detailed experimental data and modeling capabilities to understand and predict cold-start behavior. Cold-start, as defined by the time between first engine crank and three-way catalyst light-off, is responsible for a large percentage of NOx, unburned hydrocarbon and particulate matter emissions in light-duty engines. Minimizing emissions during cold-start is a trade-off between achieving faster light-off of the three-way catalyst and engine out emissions during that period. In this study, gaseous and soot emissions were measured at a distance representative of the three-way catalyst position downstream of the engine at a 2 bar net indicated mean effective
Jatana, Gurneesh S.Dal Forno Chuahy, FlavioSzybist, James
Despite a long history of development, modern spark-ignition (SI) engines are still restricted in obtaining higher thermal efficiency and better performance by knock. Knocking combustion is an abnormal combustion phenomenon caused by the autoignition of unburned air-fuel mixture ahead of the propagating flame front. This work describes investigations into the significance of spark plug location (with respect to inlet and exhaust valve position) on the knock formation mechanism. To facilitate the investigation, four spark plugs were installed in a specialized liner at four equispaced distinct locations to propagate flames from those locations, which provoked a distinct flame propagation from each and thus individual autoignition profiles. Six pressure transducers were arranged to precisely record the pressure oscillations, knock intensities, and combustion characteristics. Four of the six transducers were mounted on the circumference of the liner (each next to one of the spark plugs
Uddeen, KalimShi, HaoTang, QinglongTurner, James
The introduction of real driving emissions cycles and increasingly restrictive emissions regulations force the automotive industry to develop new and more efficient solutions for emission reductions. In particular, the cold start and catalyst heating conditions are crucial for modern cars because is when most of the emissions are produced. One interesting strategy to reduce the time required for catalyst heating is post-oxidation. It consists in operating the engine with a rich in-cylinder mixture and completing the oxidation of fuel inside the exhaust manifold. The result is an increase in temperature and enthalpy of the gases in the exhaust, therefore heating the three-way-catalyst. The following investigation focuses on the implementation of post-oxidation by means of scavenging in a four-cylinder, turbocharged, direct injection spark ignition engine. The investigation is based on detailed measurements that are carried out at the test-bench. Due to the complexity of the investigated
Tromellini, RodolfoKUMAR, MADANMoeeni, SalaarChiodi, MarcoBargende, MichaelKuboyama, TatsuyaMoriyoshi, Yasuo
This paper presents analytical research conducted into the level of fuel consumption improvement that can be expected from turbocompounding a medium-duty opposed-piston 2-stroke engine, which is part of a hybridized vehicle propulsion system. It draws on a successful earlier study which showed a non-compounded opposed-piston engine to be clearly superior to other forms of 2-stroke engine, such as the widely adopted uniflow-scavenged poppet valve configuration. Electrical power transmission is proposed as the method of providing the necessary variable-speed drive to transmit excess turbine power to the system energy storage medium. The work employs one-dimensional engine simulation on a single-cylinder basis, using brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) as the reportable metric, coupled with positive or negative power flow to the engine from the compounder; this is a variation on an approach successfully used in earlier work. Here it shows the sensitivities of the overall system to
Young, AlexanderTurner, JamesHead, Robert
Pre-chamber combustion (PCC) engines allow extending the lean limit of operation compared to common SI engines, thus being a candidate concept for the future clean transportation targets. To understand the fundamental mechanisms of the main chamber charge ignition in PCC engines, the effects of the composition in the pre-chamber were investigated numerically. A well-stirred reactor combustion model coupled with a methane oxidation mechanism reduced from GRI 3.0 was used. An open-cycle simulation was run with initialization at exhaust valve opening (EVO). For posterior simulations, the initial flow field was attained by mapping the field variables obtained from the full cycle simulation. The entire simulation domain (pre-chamber and main chamber) global excess air ratio (λ) was set to 1.3. As parametric variants, additional amounts of fuel were further injected into the pre-chamber to achieve a global pre-chamber λ of 0.7 and 1.0 at spark timing, thus having the pre-chamber and the main
Silva, MickaelSanal, SangeethHlaing, PonnyaCenker, EmreJohansson, BengtIm, Hong G.
This paper shows the potential benefits of implementing four configurations of reed valves at the inlet of the two-stroke compressor used in the double compression expansion engine (DCEE) concept or 8-stroke engines over the conventional poppet valves used in 4-stroke internal combustion engines. To model the reed and poppet valve configurations, the discharge coefficient was estimated from RANS computational fluid dynamics simulations using ANSYS Fluent 2020 R1, with a pressure difference up to 0.099 bar. The calculated discharge coefficients for each case were then fed in a zero-one dimension model using GT-Power to understand the valve performance i.e. the volumetric efficiency of the compressor cylinder and the mean indicated pressure during the compression process at 1200 rpm. The results showed that for reed valve configurations, the discharge coefficient and mass flow rate were higher, the pressure drop was lower and the response with negative pressure difference was faster
Moreno Cabezas, KevinGoyal, HarshAndersson, ArneJohansson, Bengt
For the regeneration of the Lean NOx Trap (LNT) a rich air-to-fuel ratio must be generated. This operation is very critical and has low combustion stability, especially in low load operation. A certain minimum engine load is always required for the regeneration phase. In the Real Driving Emissions this minimum engine load can be undercut over a long period of time. Hence, a reliable regeneration phase is not possible. The aim of these investigations is to extend the engine map range in which regeneration is possible towards lower loads. This is done by means of a variable valve train with second exhaust valve lift, which increases the internal residual gas amount. This in turns increases the temperature at start of combustion in the cylinder. Especially at low load and low combustion stability this leads to a stabilization of the combustion process. This advantage in combustion stability can be used for a reduction of the minimum engine load. The approach of this work consists of
Brotz, MichaelMaul, MarkusBerner, Hans-JuergenBargende, Michael
Exhaust sensors and actuators used in automotive applications are subjected to wide variety of operating ambient conditions , the performance of these actuators is challenging especially at cold ambient operating conditions, active exhaust tuning valves with position sensors are used to adjust the sound levels, or noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) from a control unit within the vehicle that leads to an improved driving experience wherein the driver selects their preferred sound levels. However, the operating behavior is crucially influenced by the characteristics of the drive cycle and ambient temperature. The study in this paper is intended to evaluate the icing formation at the start of drive cycle and at different ambient temperature conditions. The test data were obtained through real road and chassis dyno testing at different ambient conditions. The results of the testing indicated that a drive cycle with low engine speed and engine load, like a typical city road and cold
Dadam, Sumanth ReddyRavi, VinodJentz, RobertKumar, VivekSharma, Sanyam
Industry 4.0, in addition to simple digitization itself, proposes the development of a complex innovation chain based on the combination of multiple technologies that inevitably forces companies to rethink all of their maintenance, business and process management methods. The use of artificial intelligence, in turn, through techniques of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) enables the construction of unsupervised mathematical and statistical systems capable of managing, diagnosing and acting on maintenance and fault detection systems. It was proposed in this work a discussion about the identification of the fault criticality condition in each load category in an internal combustion engine through the use of a neuron map. Measurements were made under the following load conditions: no load (0 Kw), 0.5 Kw, 1.0 Kw and 1.5 Kw, through insertion in standard condition (without failure), and in conditions with failures of the following types: wear on the valve stem exhaust, clearance between the
Silva Junior, Edilson Marinho dade Sousa, Delany RamosMarinho, Larissa Campos Rodrigues PinheFormiga, Cleiton Rubens BarbosaMatamoros, Efrain Pantaleon
This paper deals with designing methodology of centrifugal type automatic decompression system (CADS) for small gasoline engine. CADS reduce the operator’s fatigue to start the engine. When engine cranked, CADS releases combustion pressure of the engine via opening of exhaust valve momentarily during compression stroke, which drastically reduces the hand pulling force required to start the engine with recoil starter unit. A 172 cc gasoline engine, which has applications in agricultural purposes, has been used for designing and development of CADS, which has to be installed at camshaft cam gear assembly of engine. With the new developed concept operator’s hand pulling force for starting the engine has been reduced to 41 % and henceforth durability of engine starting system increased significantly. In this paper detailed design approach has been discussed of working model of CADS. Based on predicted failure modes and generated RPN values, design calculations were carried out for various
singh, sahildeepA., Senthilkumar
Particle emissions from heavy-duty engines are regulated both by mass and number by Euro VI regulation. Understanding the evolution of particle size and number from the exhaust valve to the tail pipe is of vital importance to expand the possibilities of particle reduction. In this study, experiments were carried out on a heavy-duty Euro VI engine after-treatment system consisting of diesel oxidation catalyst, diesel particulate filter and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) unit with AdBlue injection followed by ammonia slip catalyst. The present work focusses on the SCR unit with regard to total particle number with and without nucleation particles both. Experiments were conducted by varying the AdBlue injection quantity, SCR inlet temperature [to vary the reaction temperature], exhaust mass flow rate [to vary the residence time in SCR], and fuel injection pressures [to vary inlet particle number and inlet NOx]. Sampling for particle measurements was performed at the inlet, upstream
K, Arun PrasathBernemyr, HannaErlandsson, Anders
The work is aimed at increasing the reliability, accuracy, information content and depth of the process of diagnosing the cylinder-piston engine group. For this, an automated diagnostic system has been developed, which includes a system unit with a monitor, special software for measuring and processing information, a measuring analog-to-digital module, adapters for connecting to the engine. The diagnostic system allows you to record the change in pressure of the cylinder for every degree of rotation of the crankshaft with an error that does not exceed 1.7%. Measurements are performed in test mode, when the crankshaft of the engine is scrolled with a starter, and strain gauges are screwed in place of spark plugs. The measurement results are presented in the form of diagrams, text and digital values. The system also allows you to save, reproduce and transmit diagnostic information in digital, graphic and text form. Using the developed diagnostic system, the engines of automobiles of
Saraiev, OlexiiSaraieva, IrynaGritsuk, Igor V.Volkov, VladimirLitikova, OleksandraBelousov, EvgenSavchuk, VolodymyrSamarin, OleksandrAhieiev, MaksymVolodarets, MykytaVrublevskyi, RomanKurnosenko, Daria
Direct injection (DI) and jet ignition (JI), plus assisted turbocharging, have been demonstrated to deliver high efficiency, high power density positive ignition (PI) internal combustion engines (ICEs) with gasoline. Peak efficiency above 50% and power density of 340 kW/liter at the 15,000 rpm revolution limiter working overall λ=1.45 have been report-ed. Here we explore the further improvement in power density that may be obtained by replacing gasoline with ethanol or methanol, thanks to the higher octane number and the larger latent heat of vaporization, which translates in an increased resistance to knock, and permits to have larger compression ratios. Results of simulations are proposed for a numerical engine that uses rotary valves rather than poppet valves, while also using mechanical, rather than electric, assisted turbocharging. While with gasoline, the power density is 410-420 kW/liter, the use of oxygenates permits to achieve up to 475 kW/liter working with methanol.
Boretti, Alberto
A computational fluid dynamics study of the scavenging process in a large two-stroke marine engine is presented in this work. Scavenging which is one of the key processes in the two-stroke marine engines, has a direct effect on fuel economy and emissions. This process is responsible for fresh air delivery, removing the combustion products from the cylinder, cooling the combustion chamber surfaces and providing a swirling flow for better air-fuel mixing. Therefore, having a better understanding of this process and the associated flow pattern is crucial. This is not achievable solely by experimental tests for large engines during engine operation due to the difficulties of measuring the flow field inside the cylinder. In this study, the axial and tangential velocities are compared and validated with the experimental results obtained from Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) tests [1]. The simulations are conducted using both Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (URANS) and Large Eddy
Nemati, ArashOng, Jiun CaiJensen, Michael VincentPang, Kar MunMayer, StefanWalther, Jens Honore
A 2-stroke boosted uniflow scavenged direct injection gasoline (BUSDIG) engine was researched and developed at Brunel University London to achieve higher power-to-mass ratio and thermal efficiency. In the BUSDIG engine concept, the intake scavenge ports are integrated to the cylinder liner and controlled by the movement of piston top while exhaust valves are placed in the cylinder head. Systematic studies on scavenging ports, intake plenum, piston design, valve opening profiles and fuel injection strategies have been performed to investigate and optimise the scavenging performance and in-cylinder fuel/air mixing process for optimised combustion process. In order to achieve superior power performance with higher thermal efficiency, the evaluation and optimisation of the boost system for a 1.0 L 2-cylinder 2-stroke BUSDIG engine were performed in this study using one dimensional (1D) engine simulations. The results show that the engine exhaust valve opening (EVO) timing and exhaust
Wang, XinyanZhao, Hua
As greenhouse gas regulations continue to tighten, more opportunities to improve engine efficiency emerge, including exhaust gas heat recovery. Upon cold starts, engine exhaust gases downstream of the catalysts are redirected with a bypass valve into a heat exchanger, transferring its heat to the coolant to accelerate engine warm-up. This has several advantages, including reduced fuel consumption, as the engine’s efficiency improves with temperature. Furthermore, this accelerates readiness to defrost the windshield, improving both safety as well as comfort, with greater benefits in colder climates, particularly when combined with hybridization’s need for engine on-time solely for cabin heating. Such products have been in the market now for several years; however they are bulky, heavy and expensive, yielding opportunities for competitive alternatives. Customer voice expresses needs for less complex designs that reduce package space, mass and part count (i.e. cost) while maintaining or
Kotrba, AdamGardner, TimothyStanavich, JohnBellard, RaphaelKunkel, BrianMorley, Nicholas
Flow variations from one cycle to the next significantly influence the mixture formation and combustion processes in engines. Therefore, it is important to understand the fluid motion and its cycle-to-cycle variations (CCVs) inside the engine cylinder. Researchers have generally investigated the cycle-to-cycle flow variations in moderate- to large-sized engines. In the present work, we have performed the flow measurement and analysis in a small spark-ignition engine. Experiments are conducted in an optically accessible, single-cylinder, port-fuel-injection engine with displacement volume of 110 cm3 at different throttle openings (i.e. 50% and WOT) using particle image velocimetry. Images are captured at different crank angle positions during both intake and compression strokes over a tumble measurement plane, bisecting the intake and exhaust valves and passing through the cylinder axis. The histograms of vorticity are used as a metric for the quantification of cycle-to-cycle flow
Alam, AfaqueMittal, MayankLakshminarasimhan, V
Two-stroke engines have to face the problems of insufficient charge for short intake time and the loss of intake air caused by long valve overlap. In order to promote the power of a two-stroke poppet valve diesel engine, measures are taken to help optimize intake port structure. In this work, the scavenging and combustion processes of three common types of intake ports including horizontal intake port (HIP), combined swirl intake port (CSIP) and reversed tumble intake port (RTIP) were studied and their characteristics are summarized based on three-dimensional simulation. Results show that the RTIP has better performance in scavenging process for larger intake air trapped in the cylinder. Its scavenging efficiency reaches 84.7%, which is 1.7% higher than the HIP and the trapping ratio of the RTIP reaches 72.3% due to less short-circuiting loss, 11.2% higher than the HIP. The RTIP also behaves better in mixture formation and combustion performance with higher air utilization and superior
Dong, MengmengPei, YiqiangQin, JingWang, ChenxiZhang, YanLiu, WeiZhang, Shuyong
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