Browse Topic: Glass fibers
Shipbuilders didn’t have the option of fiberglass when the nonprofit American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) was established 160 years ago to help safeguard life and property on the seas. Fortunately, technology to help better ensure the safety of ocean vessels has also come a long way in that time, in part because people have become a spacefaring species.
Anode-free sodium metal batteries (AFSMBs) with initial zero sodium anodes are promising energy-storage devices to achieve high energy density and low cost. The morphology and reversibility of sodium controls the cycling lifespan of the AFSMBs, which is directly affected by the separator. Here, we compared the sodium deposition and corresponding electrochemical behaviors under the influence of three commercial separators, which were Celgard 2500, Al2O3-coated PP separator and glass fiber (denoting as 2500, C-PP and GF). Firstly, the reversibility of sodium plating/stripping was tested using half-cells, where coulombic efficiencies were stable at ~99.89% for C-PP and GF compare to 99.65% for 2500, indicating more dead sodium were formed for 2500. Then, the morphologies of deposited sodium were compared using optical microscopy. Compared to inhomogeneous sodium growth under 2500, C-PP obtained more flatter sodium layer with less height difference, attributing to the high mechanical
Additive manufacturing is currently being investigated for the production of components aiming for near net shape. The presence of chopped glass fibers with PA6 increases the melt viscosity and also changes the coefficients of thermal expansion and increase the heat resistance. The great dimensional stability obtained with the fusion of the PA6 with the fiber results in an extremely durable material even in adverse environments for many other materials used in 3D printing. PA6 is a material oriented for users who need to make structural parts and exposed to high mechanical stresses. The impact, test tensile, and flexural results for as-built PA6 with various infill patterns, including grid, triangle, trihexagon, and cubic, are tested.
Manufacturing processes impact many factors on a product. Depending on the selected method, development time, part performance and cost are affected. In the automotive sector, there is a growing demand for weight reduction due to the advent of electrification and the greenhouse gas emission regulations. In addition, geometric complexity is a challenging factor for the feasibility of mass production of parts. In this scenario, plastic materials are a very interesting option for application in various vehicle parts, since these materials can be molded by injection, vacuum forming, among others, while maintaining good mechanical properties. Almost a third of a vehicle’s parts are polymeric, making the development of these materials strategic for car manufacturers. This article investigates the impact of the presence of fiberglass in a thermoplastic automotive body part. Three rounds of injection simulations were performed using Autodesk Moldflow Adviser considering polypropylene with 20
Vehicle weight reduction is important to improve the fuel mileage of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles and to extend the range of Electric Vehicles (EVs). Glass Fiber Reinforced (GFR) Composite (Polyamide) brackets provide significant weight reductions at a competitive part price. Traditionally, metal brackets are designed to surpass a target natural frequency and static stiffness. Composite brackets are inherently less stiff and have lower natural frequencies. However, composite brackets also have higher material damping than metal brackets, and good isolation performance can be achieved. The key to integrating composite brackets into the vehicle design is to perform adequate analysis to ensure that the noise and vibration performance at the vehicle level meets expectations. In this paper, case studies are presented for two different vehicles – a Clevis bracket for an IC Engine vehicle, and an electric motor mount bracket. For each case, measurement data is used to develop
Numerically investigating the effects of fiber orientation angles and control factors which is an important factor for minimize the deflection of laminated composites. This paper aims to observe the deflection analysis of laminated rectangular plates subjected to cantilever-type loading. The plates are made up of Glass fiber reinforced polymer composite (GFRP). The plates are having 12 plies, are subjected to self-weight, and are analyzed using different orientation angles by using the finite element method. Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array is being used to obtain different orientation angles of fiber and arrangements. The orientation angle for 3 control factors varies between (10° to 90°) and for 4 control factors between (7.5° to 90°). The Signal to Noise (S/N) ratio is used to estimate the optimum levels for minimum deflection value of control factors. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is performed for analysing the responses which have powerful influential control factors and their
Formic acid can be obtained from the captured carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the vicinity of traffic-congested points. This work included the conversion of formic acid into Methanol at a controlled temperature of 300 °C and a pressure of 1.1 bar approximately. The experimental setup includes the mass flow rate controller for the utilization of formic acid in the reaction chamber and the mass flow rate monitor that measures the volume of methanol coming out of the reaction chamber. The inside surface of the reaction chamber is coated with anti-corrosive material, which is glass fiber reinforcement to prevent the corrosion effect of formic acid. The reaction chamber contains reactants of copper oxides (0.75-0.80 grams) as catalysts and graphene oxide (115-120 grams) as reducing agents in powder form. The reaction has been performed in a closed atmosphere for a period of eight to ten hours and the temperature is maintained at 300°C approximately. The yield of the methanol is from
This specification covers “E” glass in the form of woven cloth.
Silica-based glass optical fibers without coating can withstand temperatures greater than 600°C. However, glass fibers need to be protected from the environment. Standard telecom fibers are typically coated with acrylate that allow their use in temperatures up to 85°C. Specialty optical fibers can be produced with a polyimide coating, which allows these fibers to be used in environments up to 300°C. This type of fiber has been used extensively in the oil and gas industry to provide important communications and sensing functions for reservoir management.
This specification covers high-purity not less than (99.95%) silica in the form of woven cloth.
During aircraft wing assembly, machined fiberglass shims are often used between mating parts to compensate for inherent geometric variability due to manufacturing. At present, fiberglass shims for large aerospace structures, such as shims attached to wing ribs, are manufactured either manually or by precision machining, both of which pose a challenge due to tight tolerance requirements and wide geometric variations in the aircraft structures. Relative to articulated arm industrial robots, gantry-style computer numerical control (CNC) machines are costly, consume large footprints, and are inflexible in the application. Therefore, industrial robots are viewed as potential candidates to replace these gantry systems to facilitate metrology, shim machining, and permanent joining of aircraft structure, with all these processes taking place in the assembly process step. However, the accuracy of articulated arm robots is limited by errors in kinematic calibration, gear backlash, joint
Electric vehicle is the current trend in automotive industry. A light weight material at affordable cost is preferred for these types of vehicles. Composite is a suitable material for this due to their attractive strength-to-weight ratio. Even though carbon fiber reinforced composites provide very good strength and modulus its usage is limited because of their higher price. Hybrid laminates stacked with glass/carbon/kevlar fiber layer shall provide good strength at lower cost. This work focus on the flexural behaviour of glass fiber reinforced laminates stacked with carbon and kevlar fiber as outer layer. Laminates were prepared by hand lay-up method. Three-point bending test was conducted as per ASTM standard. A significant improvement in flexural modulus and bending resistance was observed for the glass/carbon-epoxy hybrid laminates when compared with the glass-epoxy laminate. The failure mechanism was also studied using optical micrographs.
With the increasing need for developing fuel-efficient and high-performance vehicles, light weighting has become a very important aspect in automotive industry. Hence conversion of the existing metal components to composites is gaining momentum. Composite materials are much lighter than metals and offer many advantages such as fuel efficiency, corrosion resistance and improved life which has resulted in the increased usage of composite materials. Front under-run protection device (FUPD) is a protective device which is fitted on the front side of a truck which prevents the vehicle in front from under-running below the truck and also absorbs impact energy in case of a collision. This paper discusses the design, development and certification from ARAI of the lightweight composite front under-run protection device (FUPD). It has resulted in 33.33% weight reduction compared to the earlier metal component. The light-weight composite FUPD withstands loads of 80 kN and 160 kN as per the
This paper presents the free surface behaviour of liquid while degas tank bottle is in service. The liquid in the degas tank is subjected to exceed the mean line in the service and the fluid levels in all chambers varies as there is continuous movement and sloshing in the fluid. The objective of this work is to optimize the baffle design such that the fluid level in the tank does not exceed the mean line in service and fluid in the all chambers will be maintained at same level. The scope of work is also to enhance the tank baffles which will further dampen the fluid sloshing and the fluid de-aeration should be done effectively to avoid any possible structural damage. The simulation of liquid free surface behaviour is done using commercial CFD software. A numerical model is developed based on Volume of Fluid (VOF) technique to track the free surface motion of liquid. The explicit time discretization scheme is employed to solve the volume fraction equation. From the numerical analysis
This SAE Standard covers the minimum requirements for a low-permeation tubing (100 g/m2/day or less) for use as a low pressure (14.5 kPa) liquid- or vapor-carrying component for use in gasoline or diesel fuel filler, vent, and vapor systems. The construction shall be designed to be functional over a temperature range of -40 to 100 °C for the T1 designation, or -40 to 125 °C for the T2 designation.
The transportation industry is currently in a transition toward the use of zero-emission vehicles; however, reaching it will take a considerable amount of time. In the meantime, a diesel powertrain will remain the workhorse for most heavy-duty transportation. In order to reduce the engine’s environmental impact, biofuels, such as biodiesel, are used as drop-in fuels or fuel blends. The use of drop-in fuels may create challenges for the fuel system since sticky deposits can precipitate and cause injector malfunctioning or premature fuel filter plugging. It has been concluded in the past that these deposits have been caused by soft particles. In this article, soft particles created through the degradation of biodiesel and their effect on filters are studied. The article aims to analyze fuel filters and investigate the materials responsible for soft particle separation. The study includes three pre filters and three main filters that are commercially available truck filters. Different
As the automotive industry strives for an increased fuel economy, lightweighting is a key factor and can be realized through composite materials. Composites have better strength-to-weight ratio as compared to metals. In this paper, static and fatigue analysis is performed on an oil pan made of polyamide-6,6 and 50% glass fiber (PA66-GF50). PA66 has a glass transition temperature of 170°C; therefore, it is suitable for automotive applications where the operating range is −40°C to 150°C. Long glass fiber (LGF) composite has an aspect ratio of 30-50 in the oil pan. Fibers break in the molding process but are still considerably longer than with conventionally compounded short glass fiber (SGF) composite, where the aspect ratio of fiber is between 10 and 20. However, the computer-aided engineering (CAE) procedure for life prediction of short glass fiber-reinforced (SGFR) plastic versus LGF-reinforced plastic is the same. CAE simulations have been performed for both static and fatigue
This paper aims to present the design of a mono-leaf in steel/composite sandwich structure (epoxy/glass fiber). The automotive main challenges now-a-days are fuel economy and CO2 emission reduction. To achieve such goals, the usage of new materials and design optimization procedures are required. This research focuses on light-load commercial vehicles, in special, rear suspension. Leaf springs are the key components of such suspension. Therefore, the design optimization procedure developed is centered into leaf spring weight reduction. The design optimization procedure was bounded by industry regulatory standards and base on analytical and numerical experiments. Once the design phase is completed, a finite element analysis was performed using ANSYS Workbench®. The finite element analysis not only provided a detailed mapping of stress and displacement fields, but it also allowed to identify possible regions of failures. Moreover, it is possible to make a comparison among all the cases
The development of new components that have a structural commitment and still achieve mass reduction is becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated materials for production for the automotive market for commercial and passenger vehicles. To achieve this level of demand the use of composite materials such as carbon fiber, glass fiber or a compound of the two has become a reality, however the production rate was still considered a problem for medium volume parts (up to one hundred thousand parts per year). The work demonstrates the construction and simulation of a PoC (proof of concept) using these composites in a warm stamp process where the material a thermoset composite plate is preheated to the working temperature, then it is inserted in a tool preheated stamping, remaining closed for a few minutes where the material is consolidated and then the part is extracted already cured without the need for cooling, thus ensuring the projected production tackt compared to the autoclave
This paper aims at identifying the flexural and shear complex moduli of a sandwich beam by simply measuring the displacement field and applying an inverse resolution of the Timoshenko beam problem. A first development [1] employed the RIFF technique (from the french "Resolution Inverse Filtrée Fenêtrée") [2]. This article presents an improvement, using the RIC method ("Résolution Inverse Corrigée" in french) that involves a correction of the finite difference scheme as originally suggested in [3]. By applying this method specifically to the Timoshenko beam problem [4], one can asses the viscoelastic parameters of composite beams, based on a coarse mesh measurement of the displacement field using a simple accelerometer and an instrumented hammer. An experimental validation conducted on a sandwich honeycomb beam with fibreglass faces allows satisfactory identifications despite a low spatial resolution (down to 2.1 samples per wavelength).
Scientists and technologists attracted towards natural fibers like banana, cotton, coir, sisal, hemp and jute for the application civil structures and consumer goods. It was identified the electrical resistance, thermal and acoustic insulating properties for possessing of these natural fibers in composites. Natural fibers have many benefits compared to artificial fibers, as an example less density, less weight; low cost, specific properties and they are recyclable and biodegradable. There aren’t any skin effects because of high strength and stiffness, renewable. In alternative manner, there also are some limitations, as an example less thermal stability and wetness uptake. several of them studied a major improvement in properties of hybrid composites with reinforced with glass fiber in resin content however it’s naturally hazard with usage of this glass fiber content. There are many publications on review of fiber reinforced composites, a notable research has been done on natural fiber
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