This study investigates the frequency response characteristics of laminated composite rectangular plates, focusing on the influence of fiber orientation. The composite plates, composed of 12 layers of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites (GFRP), were chosen for their superior mechanical properties and broad applicability in engineering fields, including the automotive sector. In automotive engineering, these composites are valued for their lightweight properties and high strength, contributing to enhanced performance and fuel efficiency. The analysis employed a combination of finite element methods and Taguchi experimental design techniques to understand how fiber orientation affects the dynamic behavior of these plates. To systematically explore the impact of fiber orientation on the frequency response, the study utilized Taguchi's orthogonal array design. Specifically, the L9 (3^3) and L16 (4^4) orthogonal arrays were employed to structure the experimental runs effectively. These arrays minimize the number of experimental trials while ensuring a comprehensive exploration of the parameter space. Each group of three or four plies was treated as a control factor, with fiber orientation angles varied from 7.5 to 90 degrees. This range was chosen to encompass a wide spectrum of possible orientations, providing a thorough investigation. To identify the optimal fiber orientations for maximizing the frequency response, the study employed signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio analysis. This technique is integral to Taguchi methods, quantifying the robustness of the design by measuring the deviation of the response from the desired target. Higher S/N ratios correspond to better performance and stability, guiding the selection of optimal fiber orientations. Additionally, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to discern the statistical significance and contribution percentages of the control factors influencing the frequency response. This statistical tool was crucial in identifying the most influential parameters and their respective contributions. The combined use of finite element modeling, Taguchi design techniques, S/N ratio analysis, and ANOVA culminated in a comprehensive understanding of the frequency response characteristics of laminated composite plates. The findings highlight the critical role of fiber orientation in enhancing the frequency response of GFRP composite plates. Optimizing fiber orientation in composite materials can significantly improve vehicle performance by reducing vibrations and enhancing structural integrity.