Browse Topic: Globalization

Items (219)
Clean-burning fuels, aftertreatment and other innovations place the heavy-duty combustion engine on a low-carbon emissions trajectory. Agriculture, industrial, mining, construction, freight transport and other major global economy sectors rely on vehicle power to thrive. “Internal combustion engines - those powered by gasoline, diesel, natural gas or propane - really are key to our current economy, and we see [the ICE] as a key part of our energy future,” Allen Schaeffer, executive director of the Engine Technology Forum, a U.S.-based educational organization, said during a September webinar. Hosted by the Engine Technology Forum, the “Taking Internal Combustion Engines to the Next Level” session focused on current and under-development innovations aimed at increasing engine efficiency and lowering emissions.
Buchholz, Kami
The global medical device market is projected to reach a value of $656 billion USD by 2032 with a CAGR of 3 percent over the coming decade.1 The preceding decades of globalization and increased prosperity has provided advancement in both medical technology and access to advanced medical care for a greater proportion of the world’s population. Further, an aging population in North America, Europe, and parts of Asia will increase the need for healthcare-related services and medical devices in the coming decades. At present, the North America market continues to dominate the industry, accounting for approximately 43 percent of the market’s revenue share; however, markets in the Asia-Pacific region have the highest expected growth rates in the coming decades.1 Growth and innovation in the medical device market will be critical in the years to come.
Internal combustion engines are becoming ever more efficient as mankind seeks to mitigate the effects of climate change while still maintaining the benefits that a mechanized society has brought to the global economy. As peak values, mass production spark-ignition engines can now achieve approximately 40% brake thermal efficiency and heavy-duty truck compression-ignition engines can approach 50%. While commendable, the unfortunate truth is that the remainder gets emitted as waste heat and is sent to the atmosphere to no useful purpose. Clearly, if one could recover some of this waste heat for beneficial use then this is likely to become important as new means of mitigating fossil CO2 emissions are demanded. A previous study by the authors has identified that the closed Joule cycle (or complications of it beginning to approximate the closed Ericsson cycle) could reasonably be developed to provide a practical means of recovering exhaust heat when applied to a large ship engine. In that
Turner, JamesKenkoh, Kesty YongGubba, SreenivasaVorraro, Giovanni
Sustainability has evolved from being just a niche engagement to a fundamental necessity. The reduction of carbon emissions from aspects of human activity has become desirable for its ability to mitigate the impact of climate change. The Transportation industry is a critical part of the global economy – any effort to curb emissions will have a significant impact on CO2 reduction. Engine lubricant can play an efficient and key role to enhance powertrain performance that have undergone significant hardware changes to reduce emissions. As part of a significant collaborative programme between Tata Motors and Infineum, a new engine oil formulation SAE 5W-30 API FA-4 has been developed and commercially introduced for use in the modern Bharat Stage 6 Phase 2 engines. Introduction of SAE 5W-30 API FA-4 engine oil for Tata Commercial Vehicle application is a step towards delivering a sustainable option beyond improved fuel economy, longer drain interval and enhanced engine wear protection
Tyagarajan, SethuramalingamSingh, SamsherThanapathy, Saravana RajaBondre, SushilPollington, MarkLim, Pei YiMadan, Lalit
“New Space" is reshaping the economic landscape of the space industry and has far-reaching implications for technological innovation, business models, and market dynamics. This change, aligned with the digitalization in the world economy, has given rise to innovations in the downstream space segment. This “servitization” of the space industry, essentially, has led to the transition from selling products like satellites or spacecraft, to selling the services these products provide. This also connects to applications of various technologies, like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and virtualization. Redefining Space Commerce: The Move Toward Servitization discusses the advantages of this shift (e.g., cost reduction, increased access to space for smaller organizations and countries), as well as the challenges, such as maintaining safety and security, establishing standardization and regulation, and managing risks. The implications of this may be far-reaching, affecting not only
Khan, Samir
This standard defines FOD Prevention Program requirements for organizations that design, develop, and provide aviation, space, and defense products and services; and by organizations providing post-delivery support, including the provision of maintenance, spare parts, or materials for their own products and services. It is emphasized that the requirements specified in this standard are complementary (not alternative) to customer, and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Should there be a conflict between the requirements of this standard and applicable statutory or regulatory requirements, the latter shall take precedence.
G-14 Americas Aerospace Quality Standards Committee (AAQSC)
This document is limited to the aerospace industry, where an approved manufacturer requests a supplier to ship an article against the approved manufacturer’s quality system directly to a customer. The direct ship process is not required or applicable to standard parts or military parts. In this process, the approved manufacturer is responsible for assurance that the article conforms to type design information.
G-14 Americas Aerospace Quality Standards Committee (AAQSC)
Cloud-computing networks are speeding AV development and preparing to manage tomorrow's data-reliant AV fleets. You might never spot one, but computing clouds will be crucial for the success of autonomous vehicles (AVs). The automotive and digital worlds have begun aligning to create the cloud-based digital backbones that will enable AVs to operate safely on real roads and in real time. From an engineering perspective, the same networked resources derived from these partnerships are helping to speed AV development, with connected vehicles already paving the digital pathways. Cloud computing leverages global networks linking hardware-filled data centers to provide on-demand processing power and data storage needed to scale computing requirements via virtualized software environments. Data and requests can come from anywhere on the planet and be managed from equally separated servers. Cloud computing systems are maturing concurrently with AV development in a confluence that is helping to
Seredynski, Paul
The growth in global economies has led to a world that has become much more mobile in the last few decades. The number of enplanements has increased and is expected to continue to do so at an annual average rate of 1.8% through 2039 [1]. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of aircraft in service was expected to increase annually to meet the travel demand. Next-generation, more-complex aircraft were scheduled to replace the older aircraft at a pace that still allowed sufficient capacity to meet the increasing demand. The events of 2020 have driven the industry to accelerate retirement of older aircraft while deferring the introduction of new aircraft. While the length of the industry recovery period cannot be predicted, most analysts believe that demand for travel will return once a vaccine is widely available. The impact to the design of next-generation aircraft will likely be shaped by technologies that are being accelerated for the post-COVID world as well as for new mobility
Walthall, Rhonda
ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is two-fold. Firstly, to inform the audience on the inherent risk of shortage of raw materials used to produce high-tech devices, sources and the different levels of stakeholders involved in the transformation process – all of which is a subset of the supply chain. Secondly, given that we live in a complex global economy within which changes are occurring rapidly, we need to develop an awareness of risks in our surrounding business environment and develop the skillset necessary to manage risks well.
Khaled-Noveloso, Lubna
This SAE Standard covers normalized electric-resistance welded flash-controlled single-wall, low-carbon steel pressure tubing intended for use as pressure lines and in other applications requiring tubing of a quality suitable for bending, double flaring, beading, forming, and brazing. Material produced to this specification is not intended to be used for single flare applications, due to the potential leak path caused by the Inside Diameter (ID) weld bead or scarfed region. Assumption of risks when using this material for single flare applications shall be defined by agreement between the producer and purchaser. This specification also covers SAE J356 Type-A tubing. The mechanical properties and performance requirements of SAE J356 and SAE J356 Type-A are the same. The SAE J356 or SAE J356 Type-A designation define unique manufacturing differences between coiled and straight material. Nominal reference working pressures for this tubing are listed in ISO 10763 for metric tubing, and SAE
Metallic Tubing Committee
This SAE Standard covers stress relieved electric resistance welded flash controlled single wall high strength low alloy steel tubing intended for use in high-pressure hydraulic lines and in other applications requiring tubing of a quality suitable for bending, double flaring,cold forming and brazing. Material produced to this specification is not intended to be used for single flare applications due to the potential leak path caused by the ID weld bead. The grade of material produced to this specification is of micro-alloy content. Nominal reference working pressures for this tubing are listed in ISO 10763 and SAE J1065. Brazed and/or welded tube assembly configurations made to specific geometry and components in association with this material may require qualification testing in accordance with ISO 19879. Cold forming the tube end configurations avoids this systemic testing by not compromising the structural integrity of the tube material. In an effort to standardize within a global
Metallic Tubing Committee
Limited to the commercial aerospace industry where a request is made for a PO to have Direct Delivery Authorization (DDA), which includes an Appropriate Arrangement (AA) between the PO and the Design Organization (DO). In this process the DO is responsible for ensuring the continuous updating of design and airworthiness data to the PO, whilst the PO is responsible for assurance that the manufactured article conforms to approved design and airworthiness data. The PO is responsible to provide airworthiness release documentation.
G-14 Americas Aerospace Quality Standards Committee (AAQSC)
The business environment is ever changing, several innovations have allowed companies to transcend borderlines and become global entities. While the opportunities are numerous so are the challenges. In this fiercely competitive global marketplace, success requires companies to pay closer attention to supplier relations. The relationship between an automotive industry and its suppliers is an example of it, so the application of CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) superelement technique may improve, in terms of NVH (Noise, Vibration and Harshness), the vehicle development efficiency, without compromising confidentiality directives. Most of NVH requirements must be tracked through Transfer Functions (TFs) analyses at response points located on the Trimmed-Body Finite Element Model (FEM), as for example: Point Mobility, Vibration Transfer Function (VTF) and Acoustic Transfer Function (ATF). As the Trimmed-Body is an assembly of sub-systems, some of them developed in-house and other by
Carvalho, Gimaezio GomesMartins, Luis Guilherme Mariano Viana
Automotive industry is looking for new design and product development practices to become more competitive. Challenges in current global market have often included sustainable development, environmental regulation and innovative solution to reach customer needs. Today, carmakers are striving to take competitive advantages over global marketplace. Model-Based-Design (MBD) seems to be a feasible answer to improve software development practices in automotive industry. Furthermore, it has been reported as a novel development approach to develop advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). Among ADAS technologies often required to reduce driver fatigue is Electric Power Assisted Steering (EPAS). By using an auxiliary servomotor, it can reduce significantly driver effort in parking maneuvers. In this scenario, this paper aims to describe how MBD can be used to design EPAS control system. In addition, the tests Model-In-the-Loop (MIL), Software-In-the-Loop(SIL) and Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL
Silva, Rafael Rodrigues daTeixeira, Evandro Leonardo Silvade Almeida Pinto, André MuriloSantos, Max Mauro Dias
Global sales of electric and hybrid vehicles continue to grow as emission legislation forces vehicle manufacturers to build cleaner vehicles, with some 8 million already in service. Hybrid and Electric vehicles contain some of the most complex systems ever used in the automotive field, sophisticated and unique electric hybrid systems are added to modern motor vehicles which are already quite complex. As these vehicles reach the end of their lives they will be processed by the global vehicle recycling industry and the high voltage components will be reused, recycled or re-purposed. This paper explores safe working practices for businesses involved in a global marketplace who are completing battery disabling, removal, disassembly, storage and shipping; includes the various technologies and safe working practices along with some of the legal restrictions on dismantling, storage and shipping of high voltage batteries around the world. The paper will also explore how detailed safety
Hobbs, DavidOssenkop, CharlesLatham, Andy
There is an eternal extended cooperation between the CMM-coordinate metrology and automotive industry which affecting positively the world economy. Coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is considered as one of the very important techniques to increase the manufacturing quality. Hence, giving more attention to the CMM metrology can play a good role in that area to increase the outcome of the auto industry with high quality. Thus, developing CMM-coordinate metrology techniques constitutes allows important issue and needs more and more scientific research work to enhance the automotive industry. This paper aims to give an overview on the new research works performed in this area during the last few years. The article discusses the latest technology and being updates, such as micro-CMM and hybrid-multi-probe-CMM. On the other hand some new applications of CMM-coordinate metrology techniques in automotive industry have been presented.
Ali, Salah H. R.
Design of vehicle for targeted customer usage is one of the key steps during vehicle development process. Due to globalization, most of vehicles, aggregates, components are being designed for global market considering worldwide load spectrum. Generally for doing this the vehicle response is being measured for different markets but this process is very time consuming. Also for getting these vehicle dependent parameters, exercises need to be repeated on each type/class of vehicle. So there is a need to have a robust procedure, tools which will helps OEM’s to predict the loads, vehicle response for different market segments at an early stage of vehicle development program using the inputs which are vehicle independent. The solution for this could be to use vehicle independent input such as digitized road profiles (2D or 3D) of target customer markets in combination with proper MBD simulation tools. This paper discuss about methodology used for generation of the 3D digital Indian road
Pawar, PrashantJoshi, OmkarSaraf, Mangesh
This document identifies the basic elements and provides a standard for structuring operator self-verification programs within the aviation, space, and defense industry for producers of commercial and military aircraft and weapons platforms, space vehicles, and all related hardware, software, electronics, engines, and composite components. The requirements specified in this standard are complementary (not alternative) to contractual and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Should there be a conflict between the requirements of this standard and applicable statutory or regulatory requirements, the latter shall take precedence.
G-14 Americas Aerospace Quality Standards Committee (AAQSC)
Globalization has intensively driven focus of car manufacturers on comfort and ergonomics. Luxuries are becoming essential features of product mix. Customer’s expectations and desires are changing because of cut throat competition and increasing variety of options. In order to sustain in marketplace, OEM has to be competitive while providing features and options with appropriate quality. Vigorously changing dimensions and definitions of comfort level, luxury and aesthetics has driven the intense focus of OEM’s on customer touch points, customer touch points are those components of vehicle which customer accesses while driving the vehicle and they play vital role in generating drive feel of vehicle. Customer’s drive feel about the vehicle is most complex and critical factor and is of subjective nature. Now days drive feel is an important aspect of product differentiation. Gear shift feel is very crucial touch point in overall drive feel of vehicle. Customer desires overall Gear shift
Gurav, Onkar P.Deshmane, Santosh
This SAE Standard covers normalized electric-resistance welded, cold-drawn, single-wall, low-carbon steel pressure tubing intended for use as pressure lines and in other applications requiring tubing of a quality suitable for bending, flaring, forming, and brazing. In an effort to standardize within a global marketplace and ensuring that companies can remain competitive in an international market it is the intent to convert to metric tube sizes which will: Lead to one global system Guide users to preferred system Reduce complexity Eliminate inventory duplications
Metallic Tubing Committee
This SAE Standard covers cold drawn and annealed seamless low-carbon steel pressure tubing intended for use as hydraulic lines and in other applications requiring tubing of a quality suitable for flaring and bending. In an effort to standardize within a global marketplace and ensuring that companies can remain competitive in an international market it is the intent to convert to metric tube sizes which will: Lead to one global system Guide users to preferred system Reduce complexity Eliminate inventory duplications
Metallic Tubing Committee
The world population is growing, globalization has resulted in a higher standard of living in many countries, and people are living longer. With increased living standards and choices people make, lifestyle-related illnesses, such as cardiovascular diseases, are on the increase. Companies race to make medical devices to cure challenging physical conditions and diseases. Novel materials are an integral part of supporting such design and development. One such material is Nitinol (NiTi), a serendipitous discovery in 1959 by William J. Buehler during research at the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, MD. Nitinol, which saw use in medical devices beginning in the late 1980s, stands for Nickel Titanium Naval Ordnance Laboratory.
Defending cyberspace is a complex and largely scoped challenge that considers emerging threats to security in space, land, and sea. The global cyber infrastructure presents many challenges because of the complexity and massive amounts of information transferred across the global network daily. The cyber infrastructure is made up of the data resources, network protocols, computing platforms, and computational services that bring people, information, and computational tools together.
The SAE Standard covers normalized electric resistance welded flash controlled single-wall, carbon steel pressure tubing intended for use as pressure lines and in other applications requiring tubing of a quality suitable for cold forming, welding and brazing. Material produced to this specification should not be used for single flare applications due to the potential leak path that would be caused by the ID weld bead or scarfed region. Assumption of risks when using this material for single flare applications to be defined by agreement between the producer and tube purchaser. The grade of material produced to this specification is higher in carbon and manganese content than the grade of material specified in SAE J356 and is intended to service higher pressure applications than equivalent sizes of SAE J356. Due to the higher carbon and manganese content the forming characteristics of the finished tube are diminished versus the SAE J356 product. Special attention to the overall forming
Metallic Tubing Committee
The SAE Standard covers normalized electric resistance welded, cold-drawn, single-wall, SAE 1021 carbon steel pressure tubing intended for use as pressure lines and in other applications requiring tubing of a quality suitable for bending, flaring, forming, and brazing. The grade of material produced to this specification is higher in carbon content and manganese content than the grade of material specified in SAE J525 and is intended to service higher pressure applications than equivalent sizes of SAE J525. Due to the higher carbon and manganese content the forming characteristics of the finished tube are diminished versus the SAE J525 product. Special attention to the overall forming requirements of the finished assembly shall be taken into consideration when specifying material produced to this specification. In an effort to standardize within a global marketplace and ensuring that companies can remain competitive in an international market it is the intent to convert to metric tube
Metallic Tubing Committee
With the development of world economy, the shortage in the supply of oil energy as well as the greenhouse effect have become a public concern around the world. The application of biodiesel on vehicle transportation has become the focus of development in many countries. Biodiesel, Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME), is made during the process of transesterification of the animal and vegetable oils. Compared with fossil diesel, biodiesel has some characteristics, such as organic acid, higher water saturation, and oxygen content. From the results of the literatures [1] to [5], it showed that biodiesel would cause the inflation of some plastic and flexible products and the corrosion of metal materials. Metal fuel tanks have the characteristics of high flammability, high impact resistance, and good workability and are often used in commercial vehicles. The corrosion of metal materials is a natural chemical change and it can be influenced by the environment. The metal materials soaked in
Ku, Yong-YuanTang, Ta-WeiLin, Ko WeiChan, Steven
The automobile market is witnessing a different trend altogether - the trend of shifting preference from powerful to fuel efficient machines. Certain factors like growing prices of fuel, struggling global economy, environmental sensitiveness and affordability have pushed the focus on smaller, efficient and cleaner automobiles. To meet such requirements, the automobile manufacturers, are going stringent on vehicle weights. Using electric and hybrid power-plants are other options to meet higher fuel efficiency and emission requirements but significant cost of these technologies have kept their growth restricted to only few makers and to only few regions of the globe. Optimizing the vehicle weight is a more attractive option for makers as it promises lesser time to market, is low on investment and allows use of existing platforms. However, lightweighting and NVH often conflict each other in vehicle development and hence design optimization plays a vital role in assigning a tradeoff
Thomas, Ajo JohnGosain, AvnishBalachandran, Prashanth
Limited to the aerospace industry, where an approved manufacturer requests a supplier to ship an article against the approved manufacturer’s quality system directly to a customer. The direct ship process is not required or applicable to standard parts or military parts. In this process the approved manufacturer is responsible for assurance that the article conforms to type design information.
G-14 Americas Aerospace Quality Standards Committee (AAQSC)
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