Browse Topic: Aircraft deicing

Items (292)
The purpose of this ARP is to provide the sample selection criteria and endurance time test procedures for SAE Type I aircraft deicing/anti-icing fluids required for the generation of endurance time data of acceptable quality for review by the SAE G-12 Holdover Time Committee. A significant body of previous research and testing has indicated that all Type I fluids formulated with conventional glycols, as defined in 3.1.1 of AMS1424, perform in a similar manner from an endurance time perspective. This applies to Type I deicing/anti-icing fluids formulated with propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, and diethylene glycol only. As a result, Type I deicing/anti-icing fluids containing these glycol bases no longer require testing for endurance times. The methods described in this ARP shall be employed, however, if endurance time testing of a conventional glycol-based Type I deicing/anti-icing fluid is desired or requested by a fluid manufacturer, operator, or other organization. Fluids
G-12HOT Holdover Time Committee
This manual contains information regarding aircraft deicing/anti-icing surfaces and areas.
G-12M Methods Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) covers forced air technology including: reference material, equipment, safety, operation, and methodology. This resource document is intended to provide information and minimum safety guidelines regarding the use of forced air or forced air/fluid equipment to remove frozen contaminants.
G-12E Equipment Committee
This document establishes an industry standard checklist for the auditing of the methods and procedures used in aircraft deicing and anti-icing on the ground to support conformance with the industry global standards, AS6285, AS6286 and AS6332. The checklist covers the use of SAE AMS1424 and SAE AMS1428 qualified fluids (Types I, II, III, and IV) and non-fluid methods.
G-12T Training and Quality Programs Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS)/Minimum Operational Performance Specification (MOPS) specifies the minimum performance requirements of remote on-ground ice detection systems (ROGIDS). These systems are ground based. They provide information that indicates whether frozen contamination is present on aircraft surfaces. Section 1 provides information required to understand the need for the ROGIDS, ROGIDS characteristics, and tests that are defined in subsequent sections. It describes typical ROGIDS applications and operational objectives and is the basis for the performance criteria stated in Sections 3 through 5. Section 2 provides reference information, including related documents, definitions, and abbreviations. Section 3 contains general design requirements for the ROGIDS. Section 4 contains the Minimum Operational Performance Requirements for the ROGIDS, which define performance in icing conditions likely to be encountered during ground operations. Section 5 describes environmental
G-12HOT Holdover Time Committee
As aerospace engineers push the boundaries of new frontiers, the need for advanced materials that can withstand the rigorous demands of these advanced applications is relentless. These materials go beyond functionality; it is about ensuring reliability in the skies, where failure is not an option. Fluorosilicone can help do exactly that. In the 1960s, the U.S. Air Force noticed that conventional silicone-based sealants, coatings, and other components degraded rapidly when exposed to fuels, de-icing fluids, and other hydrocarbon-based solvents. Dimethyl-based silicones are non-polar and easily absorb hydrocarbon-based solvents, which may result in material swelling, mechanical weakening, and ultimately, failure.
This document establishes the minimum training and qualification requirements for ground-based aircraft deicing/anti-icing methods and procedures. All guidelines referred to herein are applicable only in conjunction with the applicable documents. Due to aerodynamic and other concerns, the application of deicing/anti-icing fluids shall be carried out in compliance with engine and aircraft manufacturers’ recommendations. The scope of training should be adjusted according to local demands. There are a wide variety of winter seasons and differences of the involvement between deicing operators, and therefore, the level and length of training should be adjusted accordingly. However, the minimum level of training shall be covered in all cases. As a rule of thumb, the amount of time spent in practical training should equal or exceed the amount of time spent in classroom training.
G-12T Training and Quality Programs Committee
This ARP describes methods that are known to have been used by aircraft manufacturers to evaluate aircraft aerodynamic performance and handling effects following application of aircraft ground deicing/anti-icing fluids (“fluids”), as well as methods under development. Guidance and insight based upon those experiences are provided, including: Similarity analyses. Icing wind tunnel tests. Flight tests. CFD and other numerical analyses. This ARP also describes: The history of evaluation of the aerodynamic effects of fluids. The effects of fluids on aircraft aerodynamics. The testing for aerodynamic acceptability of fluids for SAE and regulatory qualification performed in accordance with AS5900. Additionally, Appendices A to E present individual aircraft manufacturers’ histories and methodologies, which substantially contributed to the improvement of knowledge and processes for the evaluation of fluid aerodynamic effects, and Appendix F considers the modeling of fluid removal from
G-12ADF Aircraft Deicing Fluids
This specification covers runway deicing and anti-icing products in the form of a liquid. Unless otherwise stated, all specifications referenced herein are latest (current) revision.
G-12RDP Runway Deicing Product Committee
This specification covers a runway deicing and anti-icing product in the form of a solid. Unless otherwise stated, all specifications referenced herein are latest (current) revision.
G-12RDP Runway Deicing Product Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) provides a description of a screening method for use in the field for verifying an AMS 1428 anti-icing fluid is above its minimum low shear viscosity as published with holdover time guidelines. The test will determine if the fluid is (a) satisfactory, (b) unsatisfactory, or (c) borderline needing more advanced viscometry testing. Other field tests may be required to determine if an anti-icing fluid is useable, such as refractive index, appearance or other tests as may be recommended by the fluid manufacturer.
G-12ADF Aircraft Deicing Fluids
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides guidelines for the standardization of safe operating procedures to be used in performing services and maintenance at designated deicing facilities (DDFs), comprising both central deicing facilities (CDFs) and remote deicing facilities. These procedures are necessary for the proper deicing/anti-icing of aircraft on the ground and performance of associated checks in accordance with the various approved ground icing programs, while considering applicable local environmental, operational, and economic requirements. This document should be used by operators, regulators, and airport authorities to develop and standardize approvals and permits for the establishment and operation of a DDF. The coordination of stakeholders is required prior to the approval of design plans for a deicing facility. Operating procedures shall be agreed to, in writing, by all air operators, airport authorities, regulators, and service providers prior to
G-12DF Deicing Facilities Committee
This foundation specification (AMS1424S) and its associated category specifications (AMS1424/1 and AMS1424/2) cover a deicing/anti-icing material in the form of a fluid.
G-12ADF Aircraft Deicing Fluids
This work presents a comprehensive numerical model for ice accretion and Ice Protection System (IPS) simulation over a 2D component, such as an airfoil. The model is based on the Myers model for ice accretion and extended to include the possibility of a heated substratum. Six different icing conditions that can occur during in-flight ice accretion with an Electro-Thermal Ice Protection System (ETIPS) activated are identified. Each condition presents one or more layers with a different water phase. Depending on the heat fluxes, there could be only liquid water, ice, or a combination of both on the substratum. The possible layers are the ice layer on the substratum, the running liquid film over ice or substratum, and the static liquid film between ice and substratum caused by ice melting. The last layer, which is always present, is the substratum. The physical model that describes the evolution of these layers is based on the Stefan problem. For each layer, one heat equation is solved
Gallia, MariachiaraRausa, AndreaMartuffo, AlessandroGuardone, Alberto
Wind turbines in cold climates are likely to suffer from icing events, deteriorating the aerodynamic performances of the blades and decreasing their power output. Continuous ice accretion causes an increase in the ice mass and, consequently, in the centrifugal force to which the ice shape is subjected. This can result in the shedding of chunks of ice, which can jeopardize the aeroelastic properties of the blade and, most importantly, the safety of the surrounding people and of the wind turbine structure itself. In this work, ice shedding analysis is performed on a quasi-3D, multi-step ice geometry accreted on the NREL 5MW reference wind turbine. A preliminary investigation is performed by including the presence of an ice protection system to decrease the adhesion surface of the ice on the blade. A reference test case with a simple geometry is used as verification for the correct implementation of the procedure. The procedure was shown to be robust and will be used in the future within
Rausa, AndreaCaccia, FrancescoGuardone, Alberto
Under the EU Clean Sky 2 research project InSPIRe – Innovative Systems to Prevent Ice on Regional Aircraft, numerical and experimental studies have been performed to investigate the potential to minimise the electrical power required for wing ice protection on a regional aircraft wing. In a standard electrothermal de-ice protection scheme there is a parting strip heater which runs along the full spanwise protected extent and is permanently powered. This splits the ice formation on the leading edge into an upper and lower region, which makes it easier to shed. However, the parting strip is relatively energy intensive and contributes a significant portion of the overall power demand. Developing a system which is able to provide the desired ice protection function without a parting strip would therefore offer a substantial power saving. The great difficulty with such a system is in ensuring that acceptable ice shedding occurs. Through numerical design studies a heater layout and power
Moser, RichardRoberts, IanPlassnegger, BerndKuehnelt, HelmutAnich, MaxNugnes, Giuseppina Giusy
Ice and snow accretion on aircraft surfaces imposes operational and safety challenges, severely impacting aerodynamic performance of critical aircraft structures and equipment. For optimized location-based ice sensing and integrated ‘smart’ de-icing systems of the future, microwave resonant-based planar sensors are presented for their high sensitivity and versatility in implementation and integration. Here, a conformal, planar complementary split ring resonator (CSRR) based microwave sensor is presented for robust detection of localized ice and snow accretion. The sensor has a modified thick aluminum-plate design and is coated with epoxy for greater durability. The fabricated sensor operates at a resonant frequency of 1.18 GHz and a resonant amplitude of -33 dB. Monitoring the resonant frequency response of the sensor, the freezing and thawing process of a 0.1 ml droplet of water is monitored, and a 60 MHz downshift is observed for the frozen droplet. Using an artificial snow chamber
Shah, AaryamanNiksan, OmidZarifi, Mohammad H.
Quasicrystalline (QC) coatings were evaluated as leading-edge protection materials for rotor craft blades. The QC coatings were deposited using high velocity oxy-fuel thermal spray and predominantly Al-based compositions. Ice adhesion, interfacial toughness with ice, wettability, topography, and durability were assessed. QC-coated sand-blasted carbon steel exhibited better performance in terms of low surface roughness (Sa ~ 0.2 μm), liquid repellency (water contact angles: θadv ~85°, θrec ~23°), and better substrate adhesion compared to stainless steel substrates. To enhance coating performance, QC-coated sand-blasted carbon steel was further exposed to grinding and polishing, followed by measuring surface roughness, wettability, and ice adhesion strength. This reduced the surface roughness of the QC coating by 75%, resulting in lower ice adhesion strengths similar to previously reported values (~400 kPa). The durability of polished QC coating was evaluated using sand and rain erosion
Yang, QimengDolatabadi, AliGolovin, Kevin
This paper describes the feasibility of a de-icing device based on forced vibrations induced in an ice-covered rectangular aluminum plate using an amplified piezoelectric actuator. The removal of the ice layer is caused by the creation of mechanical stresses induced by relatively fast time-varying mode shapes in the very low kHz-range large enough to overcome the adhesion forces at the material/ice interface.
Bolzmacher, ChristianLeroy, Edouard
Thermal ice protection systems (IPS) are used extensively in aeronautics. They are tailored according to the aircraft characteristics or flight envelope and can be used in different modes, anti-icing to avoid ice accretion or de-icing to remove the ice once accreted. A relevant issue by this application is the runback icing, caused by the downstream flow of melted or running water to unprotected areas, where activation is not possible in terms of energy consumption. Passive systems are being explored to complement or replace active systems, although, up to now, solutions have not been reported with the required performance for real-life applications. One of the most commonly reported anti-icing strategy relays on superhydrophobicity, i.e., it is based on the water roll-off capacity of Cassie-Baxter superhydrophobic surfaces (CB-SHP). Precisely, running wet phenomena, where liquid water is flowing on the surface, could be an appropiate application field for this type of materials
Mora, JulioGarcía, PalomaCarreño, FranciscoMontes, LauraLópez-Santos, CarmenRico, VictorBorras, AnaRedondo, FranciscoGonzález-Elipe, Agustín R.Agüero, Alina
This work presents the anti-icing simulation results from a pressure sensing probe. This study used various turbulence models to understand their influence in surface temperature prediction. A fully turbulence model and a transition turbulence model are considered in this work. Both dry air and icing conditions are considered for this study. The results show that at low Angle of Attack (AOA) both turbulence model results compared well and at higher AOA the results deviated. Overall, as AOA increases, the k-ꞷ SST model predicted the surface temperature colder than the Transition SST model result.
Thangavel, SathishBajpai, Shivanshu
Research institutes and companies are currently working on 3D numerical icing tools for the prediction of ice shapes on an international level. Due to the highly complex flow situation, the prediction of ice shapes on three-dimensional surfaces represents a challenge. An essential component for the development and subsequent validation of 3D ice accretion codes are detailed experimental data from ice shapes accreted on relevant geometries, like wings of a passenger aircraft for example. As part of the Republic of Austria funded research project JOICE, a mockup of a wingtip, based on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration common research model CRM65 was designed and manufactured. For further detailed investigation of electro-thermal de-icing systems, various heaters and thermocouples were included. The mockup was investigated in the Icing Wind Tunnel of Rail Tec Arsenal in Vienna, Austria under various Appendix C and Appendix O icing conditions with and without activated
Puffing, ReinhardNeubauer, ThomasMoser, RichardHassler, WolfgangSchweighart, SimonFerschitz, HermannDiebald, StefanBreitfuss, WolfgangKozomara, David
In-flight icing significantly influences the design of large passenger aircraft. Relevant aspects include sizing of the main aerodynamic surfaces, provision of anti-icing systems, and setting of operational restrictions. Empennages of large passenger aircraft are particularly affected due to the small leading edge radius, and the requirement to generate considerable lift for round out and flare, following an extended period of descent often in icing conditions. This paper describes a CFD-based investigation of the effects of sweep on the aerodynamic performance of a novel forward-swept horizontal stabilizer concept in icing conditions. The concept features an unconventional forward sweep, combined with a high lift leading edge extension (LEX) located within a fuselage induced droplet shadow zone, providing passive protection from icing. In-flight ice accretion was calculated, using Ansys FENSAP-ICE, on 10°, 15° and 20° (low, intermediate, and high) sweep horizontal stabilizers, with
Page, JamesOzcer, IsikZanon, AlessandroDe Gennaro, Michele
This paper focuses on the design of the thermoelectric ice protection system (IPS) for the engine air intake of the Next Generation Civil Tiltrotor (NGCTR), a demonstrator under development in Leonardo Helicopters. A specific IPS design strategy for the novel intake configuration is proposed. The main constraint which driven the design strategy is a maximum power of 10.6 kW available for the full intake IPS system. The IPS was designed for safe aircraft operations within the Appendix-C icing envelope. The numerical approach adopted to perform the design and the resulting IPS concept are presented. Calculations of the required IPS heat fluxes revealed that maintaining running wet conditions on the entire intake surface is not feasible due to the limitation to the maximum IPS power demand. Therefore, a de-icing IPS design strategy is proposed. The anti-icing mode is adopted only on the lip region to avoid formation of ice caps whereas de-icing zones are defined within the intake duct
Tormen, DamianoZanon, AlessandroDe Gennaro, Michele
The purpose of this paper to is to review the methodology applied by Collins Aerospace to develop, test and qualify a more robust surface ply rubber compound that has demonstrable improvements in durability and performance at sub-freezing temperatures. Using in-service products as a reference, pneumatic deicers in use on regional turboprop applications were selected as a basis for operational characteristics and observed failure modes. Custom test campaigns were developed by Collins to comparatively evaluate key characteristics of the surface ply material including low temperature elasticity, erosion durability, and fluid susceptibility. Collins’ proprietary engineered rubber formulations were individually evaluated and built into fully functional test deicers for component level testing to DO-160G environmental exposure, comparative ice shed performance in Collins’ Icing Wind Tunnel and erosion in Collins’ Rain Erosion Silo.
Taylor, AndrewSlane, CaseyHu, JinBotura, Galdemir
One of the most significant challenges for the aviation industry in the winter is the deicing operations on runways. As a result, deicer chemicals can pollute the environment if used in a large amount. A mathematical model could help optimize the use of deicer chemicals. Road deicing models exist to predict pavement temperature covered by snow/ice during deicing operations. However, the specificity of airport operations requires a model for the runway deicing to simulate the mass of ice melted with usage of deicing agents. Here we propose a model for runway deicing and validate it against experimental results. Our model considers temperature, diffusive flux, and time changes in a normal direction. It also calculates the mass and heat transfer in three regions (liquid, mushy, and solid). We used the enthalpy method to determine the temperature and the interface location at each time step. In the liquid and solid, the deicer concentration is obtained by Fick’s law and updated at each
Maroufkhani, AidaCharpentier, ClaireMorency, FrancoisMomen, Gelareh
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes the minimum requirements for ground-based aircraft deicing/anti-icing methods and procedures to ensure the safe operation of aircraft during icing conditions on the ground. This document does not specify the requirements for particular aircraft models. The application of the procedures specified in this document are intended to effectively remove and/or prevent the accumulation of frost, snow, slush, or ice contamination which can seriously affect the aerodynamic performance and/or the controllability of an aircraft. The principal method of treatment employed is the use of fluids qualified to AMS1424 (Type I fluid) and AMS1428 (Type II, III, and IV fluids). All guidelines referred to herein are applicable only in conjunction with the applicable documents. Due to aerodynamic and other concerns, the application of deicing/anti-icing fluids shall be carried out in compliance with engine and aircraft manufacturer’s recommendations.
G-12M Methods Committee
This document establishes the minimum training and qualification requirements for ground-based aircraft deicing/anti-icing methods and procedures. All guidelines referred to herein are applicable only in conjunction with the applicable documents. Due to aerodynamic and other concerns, the application of deicing/anti-icing fluids shall be carried out in compliance with engine and aircraft manufacturers’ recommendations. The scope of training should be adjusted according to local demands. There are a wide variety of winter seasons and differences of the involvement between deicing operators, and therefore the level and length of training should be adjusted accordingly. However, the minimum level of training shall be covered in all cases. As a rule of thumb, the amount of time spent in practical training should equal or exceed the amount of time spent in classroom training.
G-12T Training and Quality Programs Committee
This foundation specification (AMS1428L) and its associated category specifications (AMS1428/1 and AMS1428/2) cover three types of deicing/anti-icing fluids, each in the form of a non-Newtonian fluid.
G-12ADF Aircraft Deicing Fluids
14-day material test to determine the cyclic effects of runway deicing compounds on cadmium plated parts.
G-12RDP Runway Deicing Product Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) establishes standard phraseology for the communication procedures during aircraft ground deicing/anti-icing operations. NOTE: The minimum requirements to accomplish an aircraft deicing/anti-icing operation are specified in AS6285. Clear concise standard phraseology between the groundcrew and flightcrew is an important part of the deicing/anti-icing process. It plays a key role in the overall safety of the deicing program. Historically, flightcrew and groundcrew have had to deal with differing communication scripts at multiple airport locations. This has led to unsafe situations, including aircraft moving before the deicing process has been fully completed.
G-12M Methods Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) describes methods that are known to have been used by aircraft manufacturers to evaluate aircraft aerodynamic performance and handling effects following application of aircraft ground deicing/anti-icing fluids (“fluids”), as well as methods under development. Guidance and insight based upon those experiences are provided, including: Similarity analyses. Icing wind tunnel tests. Flight tests. Computational fluid dynamics and other numerical analyses. This ARP also describes: The history of evaluation of the aerodynamic effects of fluids. The effects of fluids on aircraft aerodynamics. The testing for aerodynamic acceptability of fluids for SAE and regulatory qualification performed in accordance with AS5900. Additionally, Appendices A to E present individual aircraft manufacturers’ histories and methodologies which substantially contributed to the improvement of knowledge and processes for the evaluation of fluid aerodynamic effects.
G-12ADF Aircraft Deicing Fluids
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes the minimum standard requirements for message boards (MBs) at designated deicing facilities. The design of aircraft deicing facilities is covered by ARP4902. Standards for the deicing facility management system are outside the scope of this document.
G-12DF Deicing Facilities Committee
To control ice formation on a plane, even when it’s in flight, researchers created a de-icing method that exploits how frost grows on pillar structures to suspend ice as it forms into a layer that’s easier to remove.
This test method provides stakeholders (runway deicing/anti-icing product manufacturers, users, regulators, and airport authorities) with a relative ice penetration capacity of runway deicing/anti-icing product, by measuring the ice penetration as a function of time. Such runway deicing/anti-icing products are often also used on taxiways and other paved areas. This test method does not quantitatively measure the theoretical or extended time of ice penetration capability of ready-to-use runway deicing/anti-icing product in liquid or solid form.
G-12RDP Runway Deicing Product Committee
This test method provides stakeholders (runway deicing/anti-icing product manufacturers, users, regulators, and airport authorities) with relative ice melting capacity of runway deicing/anti-icing products, by measuring the amount of ice melted as a function of time. Such runway deicing/anti-icing products are often also used on taxiways and other paved areas. This test method does not quantitatively measure the theoretical or extended time ice melting capability of ready-to-use runway deicing/anti-icing product in liquid or solid form.
G-12RDP Runway Deicing Product Committee
This test method provides stakeholders (runway deicing/anti-icing product manufacturers, users, regulators, and airport authorities) with relative ice undercutting capacity of runway deicing/anti-icing products, by measuring the area of ice undercut pattern as a function of time. Such runway deicing/anti-icing products are often also used on taxiways and other paved areas. This test method does not quantitatively measure the theoretical or extended time of ice undercutting capability of ready-to-use runway deicing/anti-icing products in liquid or solid form.
G-12RDP Runway Deicing Product Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes the aerodynamic flow-off requirements and test procedures for AMS1424 Type I and AMS1428 Type II, III, and IV fluids used to deice and/or anti-ice aircraft. The objective of this standard is to ensure acceptable aerodynamic characteristics of the deicing/anti-icing fluids as they flow off of aircraft lifting and control surfaces during the takeoff ground acceleration and climb. Aerodynamic acceptance of an aircraft ground deicing/anti-icing fluid is based upon the fluid’s boundary layer displacement thickness (BLDT) on a flat plate, measured after experiencing the free stream velocity time history of a representative aircraft takeoff. Acceptability of the fluid is determined by comparing BLDT measurements of the candidate fluid with a datum established from the values of a reference fluid BLDT and the BLDT over the dry (clean) test plate. Testing is carried out in the temperature range at which the fluid, undiluted and diluted, is to be used
G-12ADF Aircraft Deicing Fluids
This document establishes the general requirements for the quality management of aircraft ground deicing/anti-icing systems and processes. It covers the areas of: Quality system, documentation, and control of records; Management responsibility; Resource management; Product realization; and Measurement, analysis, and improvement. This document defines these areas and their key aspects so they can be practically managed, and that deicing operations can become safer with time. In alignment with AS6285 and AS6286, the primary focus of this standard is on the deicing/anti-icing of aircraft using deicing and anti-icing fluids.
G-12T Training and Quality Programs Committee
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