Browse Topic: Oxygen equipment

Items (451)
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) defines the overall requirements applicable to oxygen flow indication as required by Airworthiness Requirements of CS/FAR 25.1449 to show that oxygen is being delivered to the dispensing equipment. Requirements of this document shall be applicable to any type of oxygen system technology and encompass “traditional” pneumatic devices, as well electric/electronic indication
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This document provides guidance for oxygen cylinder installation on commerical aircraft based on airworthiness requirements, and methods practiced within aerospace industry. It covers considerations for oxygen systems from beginning of project phase up to production, maintenance, and servicing. The document is related to requirements of DOT-approved oxygen cylinders, as well to those designed and manufactured to standards of ISO 11119. However, its basic rules may also be applicable to new development pertaining to use of such equipment in an oxygen environment. For information regarding oxygen cylinders itself, also refer to AIR825/12
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This standard covers oxygen masks and breathing valves used with both panel mounted and mask mounted demand and pressure-demand oxygen regulators. Mask mounted oxygen regulators are covered under other standards, but when the mask mounted regulator incorporates an integral exhalation valve, the performance of this valve shall meet the requirements of this standard
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
Currently, existing civil aviation standards address the design and certification of oxygen dispensing devices that utilize oxygen sources supplying at least 99.5% oxygen. This Aerospace Information Report discusses issues relating to the use in the passenger cabin of oxygen enriched breathing gas mixtures having an oxygen content of less than 99.5% and describes one method of showing that passenger oxygen dispensing devices provide suitable hypoxia protection when used with such mixtures
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This document covers minimum performance standards for protective equipment used on the flight deck during rapid decompression (5 to 30 seconds) up to a maximum pressure altitude of 45000 feet. Equipment with the capability to adequately protect flight deck crew from hypoxia up to FL450 is anticipated to provide sufficient protection at lower altitudes
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This document is intended to give general instructions and directions for personnel performing maintenance and modification work on Oxygen Systems
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This standard covers regulators of the following types: Type I - Automatic Continuous Flow Type II - Adjustable Continuous Flow Type III - Pre-Set Continuous Flow Class A - Cylinder Mounted Class B - Line Mounted
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) is intended to apply to those oxygen regulators which supply gaseous oxygen at breathing pressures to meet physiological requirements of aircraft flight crew members. It defines the minimum performance requirements and testing for aircraft demand type breathing oxygen regulators
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This document defines the minimum degree of purity and maximum levels of certain deleterious impurities allowable for aviator's breathing oxygen at the point of manufacture or generation. It covers gaseous, liquid, and chemically generated oxygen, and oxygen supplied by in situ concentration and in situ electrolysis. Different limits are established for oxygen from different sources, in recognition of differences in the ways the oxygen is stored, dispensed, and utilized, taking into account the safety of the user. These limits are not intended to specifically reflect upon the relative capabilities or merits of various technologies. Procurement documents may specify more stringent limits, where required for specific applications. Medical oxygen is not covered by this standard. In the United States, medical oxygen is a prescription drug and complies with the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP). In Europe, medical oxygen specification compiles with the European Pharmacopoeia monograph (Ph
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This specification covers a stable, noncorrosive, water-soluble, highly-penetrating, fluorescent solution which may, but need not, be diluted with an appropriate amount of water for use
AMS K Non Destructive Methods and Processes Committee
These recommendations are to aid the international air transport industry by identifying a standard, minimum amount of safety instructions and procedures that should be provided in the PSIS. Aircraft operators are encouraged to customize the PSIS to their own operations. This document also provides recommendations for: a Passenger safety information briefings and associated materials, b Demonstration emergency equipment, c Ensuring passenger suitability for those seated in exit seats, d The standardization of safety briefings for passengers seated at exits who may be responsible for opening exits on transport aircraft during an emergency, and e A standardized protective brace position to reduce the severity of injury during severe turbulence, rapid deceleration, or a sudden impact. In addition, these recommendations pertain to briefings on aircraft on which the cabin crew would conduct the exit seat briefing, and to briefings on aircraft without cabin crew, on which pilots would
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This standard covers all types of oxygen breathing equipment used in non-military aircraft. It is intended that this standard supplements the requirements of the detail specification or drawings of specific components or assemblies (e.g., regulators, masks, cylinders, etc.). Where a conflict exists between this standard and detail specifications, detail specifications shall take precedence
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
There are four basic conditions requiring the dispensing of oxygen through oxygen masks to aircraft occupants in turbine powered aircraft during flight. The following conditions are derived from the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) as listed in Section 2
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This standard covers all types of manually operated high pressure oxygen, cylinder shut off valves for use in commercial aircraft. It is intended that the valve shall be attached to a pressure cylinder storing oxygen under a nominal pressure of 12.76 MPa (1850 psig) at 21 °C (70 °F). Upon opening the valve, oxygen will be permitted to discharge from the storage cylinder to the valve outlet and to other downstream components of the oxygen system. It shall also be possible to recharge the cylinder through the valve
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This specification covers the requirements for two types of oxygen pressure reducers
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) defines minimum standards of design, construction, and performance for two types of permanently installed, high pressure 12,800 kPa (1850 psig) and 13,800 kPa (2000 psig) oxygen system cylinder fill valves used in commercial aircraft. Refer to Purchaser's Specification for Requirements which are beyond the scope or level of detail provided in this document. One valve has an adjustable pressure sensitive closing valve to automatically control the final pressure for a correct amount of oxygen in the system. The second valve incorporates an automatic shutoff feature designed to limit system overpressurization in the event maintenance personnel do not stop system filling at the correct pressure. The intent of the fill valves is to control the rate of fill to limit the rise in temperature caused by compression heating to acceptable values, prevent oxygen back flow and prevent the ingestion of foreign matter that could cause contamination of the system. Note
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides design, operation, construction, test and installation recommendations for equipment that automatically presents supplemental oxygen masks to cabin occupants in the event of loss of cabin pressure. It specifically covers automatic presentation for transport category aircraft that operate above 30 000 ft (9144 m) altitude. It also provides guidance for similar equipment used in non-transport category aircraft, or aircraft operated below 30 000 ft (9144 m) altitude
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
The scope of this document is related to the particular needs of oxygen equipment with regards to packaging and transportation. The document provides guidance for handling chemical, gaseous and liquid oxygen equipment. It summarizes national and international regulations to be taken into account for transportation on land, sea and air and provides information on classification of hazardous material. The aim of this document is to summarize information on packaging and transportation of oxygen equipment. Statements and references to regulations cited herein are for information only and should not be considered as interpretation of a law. Processes to maintain cleanliness of components and subassemblies during processing and assembly or storage of work-in-progress are outside the scope of this document. Guidance on this can be obtained from ARP1176. Rules for transportation and shipment do not cover oxygen equipment installed in an interior monument, e.g., galley unit or in a fuselage
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) specifies criteria for the design, development, standardization, and comprehension testing of placards containing pictures, drawings, symbols, and/or written instructions for locating and operating aircraft emergency equipment. This ARP also provides guidance in the selection and implementation of warning placards intended to instruct occupants inside, and rescue personnel outside, the aircraft
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This report presents, paraphrased in tabular format, an overview of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) for aircraft oxygen systems. It is intended as a ready reference for those considering the use of oxygen in aircraft and those wishing to familiarize themselves with the systems requirements for existing aircraft. This document is not intended to replace the oxygen related FAR but rather to index them in some order. For detailed information, the user is referred to the current issue of the relevant FAR paragraph referenced in this report
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) defines the performance requirements for equipment to be used by untrained cabin occupants for protection from toxic and irritant atmospheres while on board and during evacuation of an aircraft
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This document covers information concerning the use of oxygen when flying into and out of high elevation airports for both pressurized and non-pressurized aircraft. Oxygen requirements for pressurized aircraft operating at high altitudes have for decades emphasized the potential failures that could lead to a loss of cabin pressurization coupled with the potential severe hypoxic hazard that decompressions represent. This document is intended to address the case where the relationship between cabin and ambient pressures are complicated by operations at high terrestrial altitudes. Operators who fly into these high-altitude airports should address the issues related to this environment because it carries the potential for insidious hypoxia and other conditions which can affect safety. It provides information to consider in developing operational procedures to address hypoxia concerns consistent with regulatory mandates. In some sections, procedures are discussed that may mitigate the
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This ARP delineates requirements for system cleanliness, test gas supply system, test stand design, environmental chamber definition, instrumentation, dynamic test equipment and testing procedures
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) describes test equipment and methods used for testing closed cycle or semiclosed cycle breathing devices of short duration that are designed to operate with a high partial pressure of oxygen in the breathing circuit. It is intended to supplement ARP1109 and ARP1398 for applications involving closed cycle or semiclosed cycle breathing equipment which may be evaluated to the requirements of AS8031 and/or AS8047
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This standard covers oronasal type masks which use a continuous flow oxygen supply. Each such mask comprises a facepiece with valves as required, a mask suspension device, a reservoir, or rebreather bag (when used), a length of tubing for connection to the oxygen supply source, and a means for allowing the crew to determine if oxygen is being delivered to the mask. The assembly shall be capable of being stowed suitably to meet the requirements of its intended use
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This standard is intended to apply to portable compressed gaseous oxygen equipment. When properly configured, this equipment is used either for the administration of supplemental oxygen, first aid oxygen or smoke protection to one or more occupants of either private or commercial transport aircraft. This standard is applicable to the following types of portable oxygen equipment: a Continuous flow 1 Pre-set 2 Adjustable 3 Automatic b Demand flow 1 Straight-demand 2 Diluter-demand 3 Pressure-demand c Combination continuous flow and demand flow
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) covers any protective system that serves the stated purpose
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This standard covers all types of oxygen breathing equipment used in non-military aircraft. It is intended that this standard supplement the requirements of the detail specification or drawings of specific components or assemblies, e.g., regulators, masks, cylinders, etc. Where a conflict exists between this and detail specifications, detail specifications shall take precedence
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This standard defines the minimum requirement for the design, construction and performance of continuous flow oxygen masks for crew and passengers of general aviation civil aircraft
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
There are four basic conditions requiring the dispensing of oxygen through oxygen masks to aircraft occupants in turbine powered aircraft during flight. The following conditions are derived from the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) as listed in Section 2
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
Various emergency situations may require the dispensing of oxygen to all occupants of aircraft during flight. During an emergency event, depending on the aircraft operational flight capability, all cabin occupants must be serviced by a mask presentation system connected to an operational oxygen source. Several regulations specify the functional characteristics and requirements of the oxygen systems for aircraft in support of different missions. These should be referred to for the exact functional performance requirements. It is not the intent of this document to ensure conformance with these regulations, but only to recommend general concepts for the location of the oxygen masks and oxygen system outlets for proper accessibility by the aircraft occupants, whether cabin occupants or crew members. Different requirements may apply when the mission of the pressurized aircraft or the operational altitude of the aircraft is not in excess of FL250. When the aircraft is operating above FL100
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This aerospace standard (AS) defines the requirements of portable protective breathing equipment for use during smoke/fire conditions on board an aircraft
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides information and recommended guidelines for handling carry-on baggage prior to emergencies and during the emergency evacuation of transport category aircraft. Recommendations are provided on limiting the size, amount, and weight of carry-on baggage brought into the cabin, improved stowage of carry-on baggage to minimize hazards to passengers in flight and during emergency evacuations, and procedures to ensure carry-on baggage is not removed during an emergency evacuation
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
AIR5933 provides an overview of contemporary technologies (i.e., sensors) that measure the proportion of oxygen in a gas. The use of these sensors in the aerospace environment, with its special constraints, is discussed and papers/reports with detailed information are summarized and referenced. The sensors are divided into expendable and non-expendable sensors. Expendable sensors are based on electrochemical properties, whereas non-expendable sensors rely on paramagnetic, photo-acoustic, electromagnetic, and laser spectroscopy properties
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This document presents a glossary of many terms found in literature related to aviation oxygen systems and associated topics. Such a listing can never be all inclusive, but the majority of important terms are anticipated to be included for reference
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) covers procedures or methods to be used for fabricating, handling, testing, and installation of oxygen lines in an aircraft oxygen system
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
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