Browse Topic: Fuel reformers

Items (161)
ABSTRACT Fuel Cell Systems offer high efficiency, quiet, clean, low signature power generation. To be useful for military applications they must use commonly available logistic fuels: JP8 is the primary fuel of choice. This paper reports the results of 1000 hour tests of innovative hardware to desulfurize and reform JP8. Results from early testing of a 6 kW fully integrated PEM fuel cell system operating on JP8 are also presented
George, PaulContini, VinceThornton, Doug
The global transition to alternative power sources, particularly fuel cells, hinges on the cost-effective production and distribution of hydrogen fuel. While green hydrogen produced through water electrolysis using renewable energy sources holds immense promise, it currently falls short of meeting the burgeoning demand for hydrogen. To address this challenge, alternative methods, such as steam reforming and partial oxidation of hydrocarbon fuels with integrated carbon capture, are poised to bridge the gap between supply and demand in the near to midterm. Steam reforming of methane is a well-established technology with a proven track record in the chemical industry, serving as a dependable source of hydrogen feedstock for decades. However, to meet the demand for efficient hydrogen storage, handling, and onboard reforming, researchers are increasingly exploring liquid hydrocarbon fuels at room temperature, such as methanol and ethanol. In this work, we have developed reformer models for
Hariharan, DeivanayagamChhatija, HarishBrown, JonathanGundlapally, Santhosh
Lean combustion has been well known to be an effective method to improve the thermal efficiency. However, leaner mixture is prone to cause the unstable combustion and poorer unburned hydrocarbon (UTHC) emissions. Pre-chamber turbulent jet combustion has been proved to enhance the combustion stability under ultra-lean conditions. However, more NOx is formed during the combustion, resulting in the fact that the tailpipe NOx emission is too high to be still not available for the real application. In this report, in order to achieve a higher air excess ratio while keeping lower UTHC emissions, and especially NOx emission, a new combustion technique which combined pre-chamber jet combustion with fuel reforming was proposed and experimentally demonstrated on a pre-chamber engine
In prior work, the EGR loop catalytic reforming strategy developed by ORNL has been shown to provide a relative brake engine efficiency increase of more than 6% by minimizing the thermodynamic expense of the reforming processes, and in some cases achieving thermochemical recuperation (TCR), a form of waste heat recovery where waste heat is converted to usable chemical energy. In doing so, the EGR dilution limit was extended beyond 35% under stoichiometric conditions. In this investigation, a Microlith®-based metal-supported reforming catalyst (developed by Precision Combustion, Inc. (PCI)) was used to reform the parent fuel in a thermodynamically efficient manner into products rich in H2 and CO. We were able to expand the speed and load ranges relative to previous investigations: from 1,500 to 2,500 rpm, and from 2 to 14 bar break mean effective pressure (BMEP). Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of the H/C ratio of the fuel on H2 production and on the engine
Szybist, JamesPihl, JoshHawa, HaniRoychoudhury, Subir
A fuel reforming technology using a low temperature oxidation was developed to improve a NOx reduction performance of HC-SCR (Hydrocarbons Selective Catalytic Reduction) system, which does not require urea. The low-temperature oxidization of a diesel fuel in gas phase produces NOx reduction agents with high NOx reduction ability such as aldehydes and ketones. A pre-evaporation-premixing-type reformer was adopted in order to generate a uniform temperature field and a uniform fuel/air premixed gas, and to promote the low temperature oxidation efficiently. As a fundamental study, elementary reaction analysis for n-hexadecane/air premixtures was carried out to investigate the suitable reformer temperature and fuel/air equivalence ratio for generation of oxygenated hydrocarbons. It was found that the reforming efficiency was highest at the reforming temperature around 623 to 673K, and aldehydes and ketones were produced. It was inferred that the NOx reduction performance by the reformed
Saito, IkuSato, ShinyaNomura, HiroshiSuganuma, YusukeMisaka, Haruka
As global climate change concerns lead the automotive industry to push towards manufacturing more sustainable automobiles, a number of technologies and powertrains have developed. Less common among these new powertrains are fuel cell systems due to their relatively high cost and requirement of an associated fuel reformation process. This reformer is needed if widely available hydrocarbon fuels are to be used. There are currently few initiatives combining fuel cell systems with internal combustion engines, but these initiatives are unable to mitigate the primary drawbacks of fuel cell systems. Current designs place the engine downstream of the fuel cells, resulting in the same need for prior fuel processing. In this work, a configuration is considered in which the engine is placed upstream of the fuel cell system, and its syngas-rich exhaust is fed directly into the fuel cell system for electricity production. Fuel-rich compression-ignition engine combustion can break down fuel into
Welles, Thomas S.Ahn, AndrewAkih Kumgeh, Benjamin
Methanol is a promising fuel for future spark-ignition engines. Its properties enable increased engine efficiency. Moreover, the ease with which methanol can be reformed, using waste exhaust heat, potentially offers a pathway to even higher efficiencies. The primary objective of this study was to build and validate a model for a methanol fueled direct-injection spark-ignition engine with on-board fuel reforming for future investigation and optimization. The second objective was to understand the combustion characteristics, energy losses and engine efficiency. The base engine model was developed and calibrated before adding a reformed-exhaust gas recirculation system (R-EGR). A newly developed laminar burning velocity correlation with universal dilution term was implemented into the model to predict the laminar burning velocity with the presence of hydrogen in the reforming products. At the same EGR ratio, there is a small increase in the engine efficiency with fuel reforming compared
Nguyen, Duc-KhanhSuijs, WardSileghem, LouisVerhelst, Sebastian
A high temperature and no oxygen atmosphere fuel reforming has been proposed for the purpose of exergy saving by theoretical analyzing the detailed exergy loss events of combustion process, the correctness and feasibility of this fuel reforming have been verified through experiments. The exergy behaviors of high temperature and no oxygen atmosphere fuel reforming have been extensively studied, and many benefits had been observed including: (1) simplifying the reforming device where catalysts are not necessary; (2) improving the total chemical exergy while effectively converting large moleculae to small moleculae; (3) improving the mixture’s ratio of specific heat that can promote work-extraction; and (4) lengthening the ignition delay that buys time for better mixing process. All of these benefits are conducive to a better organized HCCI combustion that may improve the engine second law efficiency
Yan, FengFu, Tieqiang
Hybridizing Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) with internal combustion engines is an attractive solution for power generation at high electrical conversion efficiency while emitting significantly reduced emissions than conventional fossil fueled plants. The gas that exits the anode of an SOFC operating on natural gas is a mixture of H2, CO, CO2, and H2O vapor, which are the products of the fuel reforming and the electrochemical process in the stack. In this study, experiments were conducted on a single-cylinder, spark-ignited Cooperative Fuel Research Engine using the anode off-gas as the fuel, at compression ratio of 11:1 and 13:1, engine speed of 1200 rev/min and intake pressure of 75 kPa, to investigate the combustion characteristics and emissions formation. A comparison was drawn with combustion with Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) at the same engine operating conditions. The experimental results revealed that the anode off-gas can be used as a potential alternative fuel for spark
Ran, ZhongnanAssanis, DimitrisHariharan, DeivanayagamMamalis, Sotirios
The Dual-Fuel (DF) combustion is a promising technology for efficient, low NOx and low exhaust particulate matter (PM) engine operation. To achieve equivalent performance to a DF engine with only the use of conventional liquid fuel, this study proposes the implementation of an on-board fuel reformation process by piston compression. For concept verification, DF combustion tests with representative reformed gas components were conducted. Based on the results, the controllability of the reformed gas composition by variations in the operating conditions of the reformer cylinder were discussed
Asai, GoTokuoka, YukiBayer, ThomasIshiguro, ShuntaroShibata, GenOgawa, HideyukiKobashi, YoshimitsuWatanabe, Yusuke
Range extender (REx) engines have promise for providing low-cost energy for future battery electric vehicles. Due to their restricted operation range, REx engines provide an opportunity to implement system-level schemes that are less attractive for engines designed for highly transient operation. This paper explores a thermochemical recuperation (TCR) scheme for a 2-cylinder BMW spark-ignition REx engine using a 1-D model implemented in GT-Power™. The TCR reactor employs a unique catalytic heat exchange configuration that enables efficient transfer of exhaust sensible and chemical enthalpy to steam reform the incoming fuel. The engine model without the TCR reactor was validated using experimental emissions and performance data from a BMW engine operating on a test stand. A custom integrated heat exchanger and catalyst model was created and integrated with the validated engine. A parametric modeling sweep was conducted with iso-octane as fuel over a range of reformed fuel fraction. With
Northrop, William F.Zarling, Darrick
The use of fuel reformate from catalytic processes is known to have beneficial effects on the spark-ignited (SI) combustion process through enhanced dilution tolerance and decreased combustion duration, but in many cases reformate generation can incur a significant fuel penalty. In a previous investigation, the researchers showed that, by controlling the boundary conditions of the reforming catalyst, it was possible to minimize the thermodynamic expense of the reforming process, and in some cases, realize thermochemical recuperation (TCR), a form of waste heat recovery where exhaust heat is converted to usable chemical energy. The previous work, however, focused on a relatively light-load engine operating condition of 2000 rpm, 4 bar brake mean effective pressure (BMEP). The present investigation demonstrates that this operating strategy is applicable to higher engine loads, including boosted operation up to 10 bar BMEP. By controlling the reforming catalyst boundary conditions, it is
Szybist, James P.Pihl, JoshHuff, SheanKaul, Brian
Onboard reforming has been proposed as a strategy for improving spark-ignited (SI) engine efficiency through knock reduction, dilution limit extension, improved thermodynamic gas properties, and thermochemical exhaust enthalpy recuperation. One approach to onboard fuel reforming is to combust fuel in the engine cylinder under rich conditions, producing a hydrogen-rich reformate gas--which can subsequently be recirculated into the engine. Hydrogen is the preferred product in this process due to its high flame speed and knock resistance, compared with other reformate constituents. In this work, the effects of engine operation, fuel composition and water injection were evaluated for their effect on reformate gas composition produced under rich combustion conditions. Engine parameters, including intake pressure, intake temperature, combustion phasing, and valve timing all had no significant impact on hydrogen yield at a given equivalence ratio. Fuel effects on hydrogen yield were more
Voice, Alexander K.Costanzo, Vincent
Powertrain simulations and catalyst studies showed the efficiency credits and feasibility of onboard reforming as a way to recover waste heat from heavy duty vehicles (HDVs) fueled by natural gas (NG). Onboard reforming involves 1) injecting NG into the exhaust gas recycle (EGR) loop of the HDV, 2) reforming NG on a catalyst in the EGR loop to hydrogen and carbon monoxide, and 3) combusting the reformed fuel in the engine. The reformed fuel has increased heating value (4-10% higher LHV) and flame speed over NG, allowing stable flames in spark ignition (SI) engines at EGR levels up to 25-30%. A sulfur-tolerant reforming catalyst was shown to reform a significant amount of NG (15-30% conversion) using amounts of precious metal near the current practice for HDV emissions control (10 g rhodium). Engine simulations showed that the high EGR levels enabled by onboard reforming are used most effectively to control engine load instead of waste-gating or throttling. This leads to 3% efficiency
Weiss, BrianBeutel, Tilman W.Chapman, Bryan R.Saathoff, Jonathan D.Merchant, ShamelMajano, Gerardo J.Weissman, Walter
In order to achieve high-efficiency and clean combustion in HCCI engines, combustion must be controlled reasonably. A great variety of species with various reactivities can be produced through low temperature oxidation of fuels, which offers possible solutions to the problem of controlling in-cylinder mixture reactivity to accommodate changes in the operating conditions. In this work, in-cylinder combustion characteristics with low temperature reforming (LTR) were investigated in an optical engine fueled with low octane number fuel. LTR was achieved through low temperature oxidation of fuels in a reformer (flow reactor), and then LTR products (oxidation products) were fed into the engine to alter the charge reactivity. Primary Reference Fuels (blended fuel of n-heptane and iso-octane, PRFs) are often used to investigate the effects of octane number on combustion characteristics in engines. Then PRF0 (n-heptane) and PRF50 (mixture of 50% n-heptane and 50% iso-octane by volume) were
Geng, ChaoLiu, Hai FengFang, XinghuiYang, ZhiCui, YanqingWang, YuFeng, LeiYao, Mingfa
Dual-fuel reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) combustion is a promising method to achieve high efficiency with near-zero NOx and soot emissions; however, the requirement to carry two fuels on board limits practical application. Advancements in catalytic reforming have demonstrated the ability to generate syngas (a mixture of CO and hydrogen) from a single hydrocarbon stream. This syngas mixture can then be used as the low reactivity fuel stream to enable single fuel RCCI combustion. The present effort uses a combination of engine experiments and system level modeling to investigate reformed fuel RCCI combustion. The impact of reformer composition is investigated by varying the syngas composition from 10% H2 to approximately 80% H2. The results of the investigation show that reformed fuel RCCI combustion is possible over a wide range of H2/CO ratios. A system level and second law analysis are performed on the highest efficiency operating points, and comparisons are made
Dal Forno Chuahy, FlavioKokjohn, Sage
Advancements in catalytic reforming have demonstrated the ability to generate syngas (a mixture of CO and hydrogen) from a single hydrocarbon stream. This syngas mixture can then be used to replace diesel fuel and enable dual-fuel combustion strategies. The role of port-fuel injected syngas, comprised of equal parts hydrogen and carbon monoxide by volume was investigated experimentally for soot reduction benefits under a transient load change at constant speed. The syngas used for the experiments was presumed to be formed via a partial oxidation on-board fuel reforming process and delivered through gaseous injectors using a custom gas rail supplied with bottle gas, mounted in the swirl runner of the intake manifold. Time-based ramping of the direct-injected fuel with constant syngas fuel mass delivery from 2 to 8 bar brake mean effective pressure was performed on a multi-cylinder, turbocharged, light-duty engine to determine the effects of syngas on transient soot emissions. A
Dal Forno Chuahy, FlavioOlk, JamenKokjohn, Sage
A key challenge for the practical introduction of dual-fuel reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) combustion modes in diesel engines is the requirement to store two fuels on-board. This work demonstrates that partially reforming diesel fuel into less reactive products is a promising method to allow RCCI to be implemented with a single stored fuel. Experiments were conducted using a thermally integrated reforming reactor in a reformed exhaust gas recirculation (R-EGR) configuration to achieve RCCI combustion using a light-duty diesel engine. The engine was operated at a low engine load and two reformed fuel percentages over ranges of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) rate and main diesel fuel injection timing. Results show that RCCI-like emissions of NOx and soot were achieved load using the R-EGR configuration. It was also shown that complete fuel conversion in the reforming reactor is not necessary to achieve sufficiently low fuel reactivity for RCCI combustion. Overall
Hwang, Jeffrey T.Kane, Seamus P.Northrop, William F.
In-cylinder thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR) in spark ignition natural gas engine was developed to reveal that thermochemical fuel reforming could increase H2 and CO concentration in reformed gas, leading to an increase of thermal efficiency and engine performance. Moreover, ethanol enrichment has been proved to have great potential to optimize TFR performance. In order to explain TFR phenomenon chemically, methane oxidation experiments were conducted in a laminar flow reactor with addition of ethanol and methanol at equivalent ratios of 1.5, 1.7, 1.9 and 2.1 from 948K to 1098K at atmospheric pressure. Experimental results showed that methanol have great ability to facilitate the oxidation of methane than that of ethanol. Meanwhile, the degree of methane conversion became more significantly as the equivalent ratio increased. Kinetic analysis of oxidation of methane with alcohol enrichment in a plug flow model was also conducted in this study. There was good agreement between
Deng, ZhiweiLi, AngZhu, LeiHuang, Zhen
Fuel reforming during a Negative Valve Overlap (NVO) period is an effective approach to control Low Temperature Gasoline Combustion (LTGC) ignition. Previous work has shown through experiments that primary reference fuels reform easily and produce several species that drastically affect ignition characteristics. However, our previous research has been unable to accurately predict measured reformate composition at the end of the NVO period using simple single-zone models. In this work, we use a stochastic reactor model (SRM) closed cycle engine simulation to predict reformate composition accounting for in-cylinder temperature and mixture stratification. The SRM model is less computationally intensive than CFD simulations while still allowing the use of large chemical mechanisms to predict intermediate species formation rates. By comparing model results with experimental speciation data from a single-cylinder engine, the presented work provides insight into the thermodynamic and kinetic
Kane, SeamusLi, XuesongWolk, BenjaminEkoto, IsaacNorthrop, William F.
In-cylinder reforming of injected fuel during an auxiliary negative valve overlap (NVO) period can be used to optimize main-cycle auto-ignition phasing for low-load Low-Temperature Gasoline Combustion (LTGC), where highly dilute mixtures can lead to poor combustion stability. When mixed with fresh intake charge and fuel, these reformate streams can alter overall charge reactivity characteristics. The central issue remains large parasitic heat losses from the retention and compression of hot exhaust gases along with modest pumping losses that result from mixing hot NVO-period gases with the cooler intake charge. Accurate determination of total cycle energy utilization is complicated by the fact that NVO-period retained fuel energy is consumed during the subsequent main combustion period. For the present study, a full-cycle energy analysis was performed for a single-cylinder research engine undergoing LTGC with varying NVO auxiliary fueling rates and injection timing. A custom alternate
Ekoto, IsaacWolk, BenjaminNorthrop, William
Syngas (synthesis gas) aided combustion from various fuel reforming strategies is of increasing interest in boosted lean burn SI engines due to its impact on dilution tolerance and knock resistance. Due to the interest in reformed fuels, more concrete understanding of how to leverage syngas supplementation under various lean conditions is essential to optimize engine performance and derive the most benefit from the availability of syngas in the combustion process. While the impact of syngas supplementation on combustion stability has been studied adequately, detailed understanding of the impact of syngas on knocking is still limited. Hence, this study investigates the effect of syngas (H2/CO) addition on knock tendency under boosted EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) and air diluted conditions. Syngas amount is controlled on an energy basis from 0% to 15% to compare the difference between EGR and air dilution. At first, several knock quantification methods are compared, and a suitable
Han, TaehoonLavoie, GeorgeWooldridge, MargaretBoehman, André
Engine experiments were conducted on a heavy-duty single-cylinder engine to explore the effects of charge preparation, fuel stratification, and premixed fuel chemistry on the performance and emissions of Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) combustion. The experiments were conducted at a fixed total fuel energy and engine speed, and charge preparation was varied by adjusting the global equivalence ratio between 0.28 and 0.35 at intake temperatures of 40°C and 60°C. With a premixed injection of isooctane (PRF100), and a single direct-injection of n-heptane (PRF0), fuel stratification was varied with start of injection (SOI) timing. Combustion phasing advanced as SOI was retarded between -140° and -35°, then retarded as injection timing was further retarded, indicating a potential shift in combustion regime. Peak gross efficiency was achieved between -60° and -45° SOI, and NOx emissions increased as SOI was retarded beyond -40°, peaking around -25° SOI. Optimal cases in
DelVescovo, DanKokjohn, SageReitz, Rolf
Methanol fueled spark ignition (SI) engines have the potential for very high efficiency using an advanced heat recovery system for fuel reforming. In order to allow simulation of such an engine system, several sub-models are needed. This paper reports the development of two laminar burning velocity correlations, corresponding to two reforming concepts, one in which the reformer uses water from an extra tank to produce hydrogen rich gas (syngas) and another that employs the water vapor in the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) stream to produce reformed-EGR (R-EGR). This work uses a one-dimensional (1D) flame simulation tool with a comprehensive chemical kinetic mechanism to predict the laminar burning velocities of methanol/syngas blends and correlate it. The syngas is a mixture of H2/CO/CO2 with a CO selectivity of 6.5% to simulate the methanol steam reforming products over a Cu-Mn/Al catalyst. The simulation was exercised over syngas contents in the blend, fuel-air equivalence ratios
Nguyen, Duc-KhanhVerhelst, Sebastian
In this study, the characteristics and the advantages on engine performance of the reformed molecule HCCI (RM-HCCI) combustion fueled with gasoline were investigated by exergy analysis. The processes of fuel reforming and the closed portion of the engine cycle were simulated integrated with chemical kinetics mechanism at varied compression ratio (CR) and constant speed conditions. Results showed the fuel reforming under high temperature and oxygen-free condition by the exhaust heat recovery and electric heating assistance could drive gasoline to transform to the small-molecule gas fuels, meanwhile enhanced the chemical exergy of the fuel. The reformed fuel contributed to extending ignition delay, so less dilution required in RM-HCCI engine when expanding high load compared with gasoline HCCI engine. Thus, RM-HCCI engine could achieve higher load than gasoline HCCI engine, with the improvements by 12%, 26%, and 31% at CR17, CR19, and CR21, respectively. Under the conditions of high
Yu, HaoSu, Wanhua
Many dual fuel technologies have been proposed for diesel engines. Implementing dual fuel modes can lead to emissions reductions or increased efficiency through using partially premixed combustion and fuel reactivity control. All dual fuel systems have the practical disadvantage that a secondary fuel storage and delivery system must be included. Reforming the primary diesel to a less reactive vaporized fuel on-board has potential to overcome this key disadvantage. Most previous research regarding on-board fuel reforming has been focused on producing significant quantities of hydrogen. However, only partially reforming the primary fuel is sufficient to vaporize and create a less volatile fuel that can be fumigated into an engine intake. At lower conversion efficiency and higher equivalence ratio, reforming reactors retain higher percentage of the inlet fuel’s heating value thus allowing for greater overall engine system efficiency. The experimental work described in this paper
Hwang, JeffreyLi, XuesongNorthrop, William
On-board fuel reforming offers a prospective clean combustion mode for the engines. The flexible cylinder engine strategy (FCE) is a new kind of such mode. In this paper, the combustion of the primary reference fuel of PRF90 was theoretically investigated in a homogeneous charge compression ignition engine to validate the FCE mode, mainly focusing on the ignition delay time, the flame speed, and the emissions. The simulations were performed by using the CHEMKIN2.0 package to demonstrate the fuel reforming process in the flexible cylinder, the cooling effect on the reformed products, and the combustions of the mixture of the fresh fuel and the reformed products in the normal cylinders. It was found that the FCE mode decreased the ignition delay time of the fuel by about 35 crank angles at a typical engine condition. The reaction pathways analyses indicated that methyl peroxide (CH3OOH), ketohydroperoxides (KETs), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were the key species to decrease the ignition
Wang, YangWei, LixiaJia, GuoruiYao, Mingfa
Improvement of thermal efficiency is an important problem for internal combustion engines. Fuel reforming with dehydrogenation reaction by exhaust heat is one of the measures to increase thermal efficiency using hydrogen mixed SI combustion. For this kind engine system, hydrous ethanol has a good potential. Furthermore, when the hydrous ethanol inject to combustion chamber directory, high compression combustion can be achieved by its large amount of latent heat. Therefore, fuel lubricity is an important check point for the hydrous ethanol reforming engine systems. In this study, effect of water concentrations within ethanol on the hydrous ethanol fuel lubricity has been evaluated using HFRR (High-Frequency Reciprocating Rig) test method. Wear scar diameter on 100 % of ethanol was around 700 μm which was a little better than gasoline lubricity. When the water concentration within ethanol was increased, the wear scar diameters were decreasing around 330 μm. Considering this phenomenon by
Oguma, MitsuharuMatsuno, MayumiKaitsuka, MasayoshiHigurashi, Kazuaki
In-cylinder thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR), which involves running one cylinder rich of stoichiometric and routing its entire exhaust back into the intake manifold, is an attractive method for improving engine performances. Compared with other hydrocarbon fuels, the chemical structure of methane is more stable owing to much shorter carbon chain. As ethanol contains hydroxyl in chemical structure, it potentially generates OH radical during the combustion. Therefore, adding ethanol into natural gas (NG) might help the thermochemical reforming process in engine cylinder. This paper focused on researching the effects of ethanol-NG combined in-cylinder TFR on engine performances, before which the effect of NG in-cylinder TFR was examined in detail. Cylinder #4 (TFR cylinder) was running rich and its cooled exhaust was coupled to the intake manifold of a four-cylinder engine during the experiments. For NG in-cylinder TFR, a rapid decrease of brake specific fuel consumption was found
He, ZhuoyaoXu, ZhenZhu, LeiZhang, WugaoFang, JunhuaLin, HeGuan, BinHuang, ZhenHu, JunjunChu, Limin
Negative Valve Overlap (NVO) is a potential control strategy for enabling Low-Temperature Gasoline Combustion (LTGC) at low loads. While the thermal effects of NVO fueling on main combustion are well-understood, the chemical effects of NVO in-cylinder fuel reforming have not been extensively studied. The objective of this work is to examine the effects of fuel molecular structure on NVO fuel reforming using gas sampling and detailed speciation by gas chromatography. Engine gas samples were collected from a single-cylinder research engine at the end of the NVO period using a custom dump-valve apparatus. Six fuel components were studied at two injection timings: (1) iso-octane, (2) n-heptane, (3) ethanol, (4) 1-hexene, (5) cyclohexane, and (6) toluene. All fuel components were studied neat except for toluene - toluene was blended with 18.9% nheptane by liquid volume to increase the fuel reactivity. Additionally, a gasoline surrogate matching the broad molecular composition of RD587
Wolk, BenjaminEkoto, IsaacNorthrop, William
Gasoline direct injection (GDI) engines have become very attractive in transportation due to several benefits over preceding engine technologies. However, GDI engines are associated with higher levels of particulate matter (PM) emissions, which is a major concern for human health. The aim of this work is to broaden the understanding of the effect of hydrogen combustion and the influence of the three way catalytic converter (TWC) on PM emission characteristics. The presence of hydrogen in GDI engines has been reported to reduce fuel consumption and improve the combustion process, making it possible to induce higher rates of EGR. A prototype exhaust fuel reformer build for on-board vehicle hydrogen-rich gas (reformate) production has been integrated within the engine operation and studied in this work. It is concluded that benefits on engine out soot emissions from the combustion of the reformate-gas are more noticeable in the engine operation conditions with a higher concentration of
Bogarra-Macias, MariaHerreros-Arellano, Jose M MartinTsolakis, AthanasiosYork, Andrew P.E.Millington, Paul
A fuel reformer system that uses a steam reforming reaction in the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) line with a catalyst was earlier proposed.(1) An analysis of engine test results revealed that not only hydrogen (H2) but also a H2 rich reformate additive in the air-fuel mixture was effective in suppressing knocking. To improve fuel economy via a high compression ratio, the knock limit is extended through the addition of H2 with its high octane number. In order to produce H2 on-board, we have proposed a fuel reformer for which the additions to the engine are an injector and a catalyst in the existing cooled EGR system. This method produces thicker H2 gas from gasoline by using heat and water vapor in the exhaust gas. The reformate mainly consists of H2, CO and CH4. The results of a previous study showed that hydrogen's high-speed flame had the effect of extending the EGR limit and that the reformate components besides hydrogen did not inhibit this effect.(1) Because the fuel has a
Ashida, KoichiHoshino, MakiMaeda, HirofumiAraki, TakashiHiraya, KojiYasuoka, Masayuki
On-board hydrogen generation technology using a fuel reforming catalyst is an effective way to improve the fuel efficiency of automotive internal combustion engines. The main issue to be addressed in developing such a catalyst is to suppress catalyst deterioration caused by carbon deposition on the catalyst surface due to sulfur adsorption. Enhancing the hydrocarbon and water activation capabilities of the catalyst is important in improving catalyst durability. It was found that the use of a rare earth element is effective in improving the water activation capability of the catalyst. Controlling the hydrocarbon activation capability of the catalyst for a good balance with water activation was also found to be effective in improving catalyst durability
Hoshino, MakiIzumi, TakaoAkama, HiroshiZaima, MasayukiHiraya, KojiAshida, KoichiAraki, TakashiMaeda, Hirofumi
Negative valve overlap (NVO) is a viable control strategy that enables low-temperature gasoline combustion (LTGC) at low loads. Thermal effects of NVO fueling on main combustion are well understood, but fuel reforming chemistry during NVO has not been extensively studied. The objective of this work is to analyze the impact of global equivalence ratio and available oxidizer on NVO product concentrations. Experiments were performed in a LTGC single-cylinder engine under a sweep of NVO oxygen concentration and NVO fueling rates. Gas sampling at the start and end of the NVO period was performed via a custom dump-valve apparatus with detailed sample speciation by gas chromatography. Single-zone reactor models using detailed chemistry at relevant mixing and thermodynamic conditions were used in parallel to the experiments to evaluate expected yields of partially oxidized species under representative engine time scales. Modeling efforts help identify physical mechanisms that further describe
Peterson, BrianEkoto, IsaacNorthrop, William
In light of the increasingly stringent efficiency and emissions requirements, several new engine technologies are currently under investigation. One of these new concepts is the Dedicated EGR (D-EGR®) engine. The concept utilizes fuel reforming and high levels of recirculated exhaust gas (EGR) to achieve very high levels of thermal efficiency. While the positive impact of reformate, in particular hydrogen, on gasoline engine performance has been widely documented, the on-board reforming process and / or storage of H2 remains challenging. The Water-Gas-Shift (WGS) reaction is well known and has been used successfully for many years in the industry to produce hydrogen from the reactants water vapor and carbon monoxide. For this study, prototype WGS catalysts were installed in the exhaust tract of the dedicated cylinder of a turbocharged 2.0 L in-line four cylinder MPI engine. The potential of increased H2 production in a D-EGR engine was evaluated through the use of these catalysts
Gukelberger, RaphaelGingrich, JessAlger, TerrenceAlmaraz, Steven
To improve the fuel economy via high EGR, combustion stability is enhanced through the addition of hydrogen, with its high flame-speed in air-fuel mixture. So, in order to realize on-board hydrogen production we developed a fuel reformer which produces hydrogen rich gas. One of the main issues of the reformer engine is the effects of reformate gas components on combustion performance. To clarify the effect of reformate gas contents on combustion stability, chemical kinetic simulations and single-cylinder engine test, in which hydrogen, CO, methane and simulated gas were added to intake air, were executed. And it is confirmed that hydrogen additive rate is dominant on high EGR combustion. The other issue to realize the fuel reformer was the catalyst deterioration. Catalyst reforming and exposure test were carried out to understand the influence of actual exhaust gas on the catalyst performance. Fresh catalyst showed good performance in generating hydrogen, but an aged catalyst generated
Ashida, KoichiMaeda, HirofumiAraki, TakashiHoshino, MakiHiraya, KojiIzumi, TakaoYasuoka, Masayuki
To explore the exergy loss of engine combustion process, entropy generations were numerically analyzed through detailed chemical kinetics. It revealed that the reformed fuel with simpler molecular tended to produce lower combustion irreversibility. Furthermore, a promising high efficiency RM- HCCI (Reformed molecule HCCI) combustion principle was proposed. In a RM-HCCI engine, hydrocarbon fuels were reformed into small molecule fuels under high temperature and low/no oxygen atmosphere before injection into the cylinder when the exhaust gas enthalpy to a certain extent was recovered, further improving the engine efficiency. The second law efficiency (η2nd) of a RM-HCCI combustion with a CR of 10 can be increased from 36.78% to 45.47% by coordination of multiple control parameters, and to 67.79% by raising CR from 10 to 100. The RM-HCCI has many advantages: (1) less exergy losses during combustion processes, (2) longer ignition delays and shorter but controlled combustion durations, (3
Yan, FengSu, Wanhua
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) converted a 2012 Buick Regal GS to use an engine with Dedicated EGR™ (D-EGR™). D-EGR is an engine concept that uses fuel reforming and high levels of recirculated exhaust gas (EGR) to achieve very high levels of thermal efficiency [1]. To accomplish reformation of the gasoline in a cost-effective, energy efficient manner, a dedicated cylinder is used for both the production of EGR and reformate. By operating the engine in this manner, many of the sources of losses from traditional reforming technology are eliminated and the engine can take full advantage of the benefits of reformate. The engine in the vehicle was modified to add the following components: the dedicated EGR loop, an additional injector for delivering extra fuel for reformation, a modified boost system that included a supercharger, high energy dual coil offset (DCO) ignition and other actuators used to enable the control of D-EGR combustion. In addition, the compression ratio of the
Chadwell, ChristopherAlger, TerrenceZuehl, JacobGukelberger, Raphael
Fuel injection into the negative valve overlap (NVO) period is a common method for controlling combustion phasing in homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) and other forms of advanced combustion. When fuel is injected into O2-deficient NVO conditions, a portion of the fuel can be converted to products containing significant levels of H2 and CO. Additionally, other short chain hydrocarbons are produced by means of thermal cracking, water-gas shift, and partial oxidation reactions. The present study experimentally investigates the fuel reforming chemistry that occurs during NVO. To this end, two very different experimental facilities are utilized and their results are compared. One facility is located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which uses a custom research engine cycle developed to isolate the NVO event from main combustion, allowing a steady stream of NVO reformate to be exhausted from the engine and chemically analyzed. The other experimental facility, located at Sandia
Szybist, James P.Steeper, Richard R.Splitter, DerekKalaskar, Vickey B.Pihl, JoshDaw, Charles
The regulations for mobile applications will become stricter in Euro 6 and further emission levels and require the use of active aftertreatment methods for NOX and particulate matter. SCR and LNT have been both used commercially for mobile NOX removal. An alternative system is based on the combination of these two technologies. Developments of catalysts and whole systems as well as final vehicle demonstrations are discussed in this study. The small and full-size catalyst development experiments resulted in PtRh/LNT with optimized noble metal loadings and Cu-SCR catalyst having a high durability and ammonia adsorption capacity. For this study, an aftertreatment system consisting of LNT plus exhaust bypass, passive SCR and engine independent reductant supply by on-board exhaust fuel reforming was developed and investigated. The concept definition considers NOX conversion, CO2 drawback and system complexity. The passive SCR significantly contributes to the total NOX conversion over a
Wittka, ThomasHolderbaum, BastianMaunula, TeuvoWeissner, Michael
Exhaust Gas Fuel Reforming has potential to be used for on-board generation of hydrogen rich gas, reformate, and to act as an energy recovery system allowing the capture of waste exhaust heat. High exhaust gas temperature drives endothermic reforming reactions that convert hydrocarbon fuel into gaseous fuel when combined with exhaust gas over a catalyst - the result is an increase in overall fuel energy that is proportional to waste energy capture. The paper demonstrates how the combustion of reformate in a direct injection gasoline (GDI) engine via Reformed Exhaust Gas Recirculation (REGR) can be beneficial to engine performance and emissions. Bottled reformate was inducted into a single cylinder GDI engine at a range of engine loads to compare REGR to conventional EGR. The reformate composition was selected to approximate reformate produced by exhaust gas fuel reforming at typical gasoline engine exhaust temperatures. The decision was guided by data from experimental work carried out
Fennell, DanielHerreros, Jose M.Tsolakis, AthanasiosXu, HongmingCockle, KirstyMillington, Paul
A study on the overall performance of an engine powered with hydrogen-enriched NG at stoichiometric condition, for different hydrogen shares have been described in this paper. The research has been carried on a General Motors Company X16SZR 4-cylinder, 4-stroke 1600 cm3 engine. Engine dynamometer tests were complemented with mathematical model calculations. Tested engine has been equipped with an aftermarket CNG feeding system where fuel is being injected into intake manifold simultaneously under low overpressure. Research program provided analysis for fuel blends with variable methane/hydrogen volume proportion (%): 100/0, 95/5, 90/10, 85/15, 80/20, 70/30, 60/40 and 50/50. Ignition timing and all other strategies, excluding EGR, remained unvaried. Testing procedure provided three different steady-state engine operation points for each of 8 different fuels: idle, high speed without load and full power at speeds in range of 1500-3500 rpm. The main aspect of the analysis was to identify
Flekiewicz, BartoszFlekiewicz, MarekKubica, Grzegorz
The nonroad Final Tier 4 US EPA emission standards require 88% reduction in NOx emission from the Interim Tier 4 standards. It is necessary to utilize aftertreatment technologies to achieve the required NOx reduction. The development of a fuel reformer, lean NOx trap (LNT) and optional selective catalytic reactor (SCR) on a John Deere 4045 nonroad engine is described in this paper. The paper discusses aftertreatment system performance, catalyst formulations and system controls of a fuel vaporizer, fuel reformer, LNT and SCR system designed to meet the nonroad Final Tier 4 emission standards. The 4045 John Deere engine was calibrated and integrated with the aftertreatment system. The system performance was characterized in an engine dynamometer performance test cell, durability test cell and on a vehicle. The catalyst performance was evaluated using aged catalysts and a detailed description of the LNT, DPF and SCR catalysts is provided. Test results show that the system performance met
McCarthy Jr, JamesYue, YongMahakul, BudhadebGui, XinqunYang, HanlongNgan, EvanPrice, Kenneth
This paper presents an analysis of combustion phasing in a controlled auto-ignition (CAI) engine fuelled with gasoline. Auto-ignition was achieved using an exhaust gas trapping method via negative valve overlap (NVO). Under slightly lean mixture conditions variable intake and exhaust valves timings were applied in order to analyze influence of amount of retained exhaust on auto-ignition timing and combustion duration. Combustion on-set was independent of exhaust valve closing event, which was responsible for amount of trapped residuals. However, it was found that auto-ignition timing was determined by intake valve timing. Combustion duration was affected by both exhaust and intake valve timings. Direct injection allowed for application of different mixture formation strategies including in-cylinder fuel reforming during the NVO phase. When fuel was injected in the late stage of NVO increase of air-fuel ratio (AFR) caused a retard of auto-ignition and reduction of heat release rate. In
Hunicz, Jacek
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