Browse Topic: Waste management

Items (141)
Innovators at the NASA Kennedy Space Center have developed a new optical sensor for measuring concentration in a liquid solution. The sensor was designed for measuring the pretreat solution concentration within the Universal Waste Management System (UWMS), a specialized toilet designed for the International Space Station (ISS) and other future missions. The sensor was developed to replace the current pretreat concentration sensor within the UWMS that uses electrical conductivity instead of light-based methods
Disposal of non-biodegradable plastic waste is one of the major hindrances for many countries. The research works in area of plastic waste management expands almost like every day. The conversion of waste to energy recovery is one of the promising techniques found to manage the waste plastic. Waste plastics have the dominating factor for fuel production since they have good heat of combustion and also their growing availability. The present work examines the potential of using blends of plastic oil (PO) with diesel in a direct injection diesel engine. The plastic oil is synthesized through pyrolysis process from mixed plastic waste, which has got more potential for scalable implementations. The present work includes the production of PO, characterization of the produced PO, performance and emission testing in a single cylinder four stroke VCR multi fuel engine. The engine is fueled with blends of plastic oil with diesel. Four blends of plastic oil with diesel (5% PO, 10% PO, 15% PO and
Sebastian, JilseJose, SachinVijayakumar, Anandhu
The interest towards hydrogen fueling in internal combustion engines (ICEs) is rapidly growing, due to its potential impact on the reduction of the carbon footprint of the road transportation sector in a short-term scenario. While the conversion of the existing fleet to a battery-electric counterpart is highly debated in terms of both technical feasibility and life-cycle-based environmental impact, automotive researchers and technicians are exploring other solutions to reduce, if not to nullify, the carbon footprint of the existing ICE fleet. Indeed, ICE conversion to “green” fuels is seen as a promising short-term solution which does not require massive changes in powertrain production and end-of-life waste management. To better evaluate potentials and challenges of hydrogen fueling, a clear understanding of fuel injection and mixture formation prior to combustion is mandatory. The paper reports a preliminary experimental and numerical characterization of high-pressure gas jets
Fontanesi, StefanoPostrioti, LucioMagnani, MauroMartino, ManuelBrizi, GabrieleCicalese, Giuseppe
Currently, alternative fuels produced from waste resources are gaining much attention to replace depleting fossil fuels. The disposal of waste plastic poses severe environmental problems across the globe. The energy embodied in waste plastics can be converted into liquid fuel by pyrolysis. The present work explores the possibility of utilizing waste plastic oil (WPO) produced from municipal plastic wastes and waste cooking oil (WCO) biodiesel produced from used cooking oil in a dual fuel reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI) mode. A single-cylinder light-duty diesel engine used for agricultural water pumping applications is modified to run in RCCI through suitable intake and fuel injection systems modifications. Alternative fuel blends, viz. WPO and WCO biodiesel with 20 vol. % in gasoline and diesel is used as a port and direct-injected fuels in RCCI. The premixed ratio and direct-injected fuel timings are optimized to achieve maximum thermal efficiency. The engine
Chidambaram, Arun RajKrishnasamy, Anand
Traditional methods of municipal domestic waste analysis and prediction lack precision, while most data’s sample size is not suitable for many neural networks. In this paper, combining the advantage of deep learning methods with the results of association analysis, a waste production prediction method TLSTM is proposed based on long short-term memory(LSTM). It is found that the most influencing factors are population, public cost, household and GDP. Meanwhile, the garbage production in Shanghai will continue to decline in the future, indicating the policy of refuse classification is effective. The R-square index and MSE index of the model were 0.55 and 76571.73 respectively, surpassing other state-of-the-art models. In cooperation with School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the dataset comes from the average data of the Shanghai Household Waste Management Regulation from 1980 to 2020. This research method has a certain guiding significance to
Tu, YunXiao, Zi XinShen, Na
The sweeper vehicle plays a very key role in maintaining the urban environment. If the sweeper vehicle can accurately and efficiently identify and classify the ground garbage in the working process, it can greatly improve the working efficiency of the sweeper vehicle and reduce the consumption of manpower. Although the deep learning algorithm based on DUC and PSPNet has high accuracy, the recognition speed is low. ENet is a lightweight network, which greatly improves efficiency, but significantly sacrifices accuracy. This paper presents an improved real-time detection lightweight network based on PSPNet, which takes into account the operation speed and accuracy. The network takes PSPNet as the backbone network, and increases the stride in the convolution process, to reduce the size of the feature map and reduce the amount of calculation. The Elu is selected as the activation function of neurons to select features and suppress noise, which improves the nonlinear fitting ability of the
Ou, ChunguoYang, ChunyunZeng, QingyuTan, Gangfeng
Professor Aaron Sadow of Ames Laboratory in Iowa is director of the Institute for Cooperative Upcycling of Plastics (iCOUP). The Institute has developed a chemical process that produces valuable biodegradable chemicals from discarded plastics, which are then used as surfactants and detergents in a range of applications
The energy demand of the world is keep increasing, major share of the demand is compensated by non-renewable fossil fuels. Automotive sector consumes a huge amount of fossil fuels, as majority of the segment use internal combustion as a prime mover. In the present era researches are carried to figure out the suitable replacements for fossil fuels to attain sustainable environment. One of the major challenge and keen interest of everyone is on waste management, several researches are aimed to bridge the gap between energy demand and waste management. In such way biofuels came into limelight a decade ago, still numerous works are carried in the area for creating socio economic friendly environment. Enormous studies have been carried out to assess their performance in the internal combustion engines, here in the present study performance of the working material against the biodiesel is studied. In order to optimize the material and its composition, there is need for characterization
Deepan Kumar, SadhasivamN, BoopalanPraveenkumar, NagarajanManojkumar, RKITHIYON JOSHVA, G ESAHAYA JUFERT ROY, J
Reliability and cost effectiveness of electronics demands its usage in all the wings of science and technology. Thus an attempt was made in this work to investigate the potential of using electronics for injecting primary fuel for the compression ignition engine used by farmers for agricultural purpose. In the first phase of the work, a new Electronic Control Unit (ECU) for primary fuel injection was developed and tested for its repeatability on fuel injection quantity for the different input voltages. Test engine was developed and tested under various load condition for its performance, emission, and combustion characteristics with neat diesel and Waste Cooking Oil Methyl Esters (WCOME) as baseline readings in the second phase of the work. In the third phase of work, the developed engine was modified to operate in duel fuel mode with developed ECU. In this work, ethanol was chosen as primary fuel due to its availability and less toxic nature as compared to other green fuels. Pilot
Nandagopal, SasikumarAnaimuthu, ShridharMayakrishnan, JaikumarRaja, SelvakumarBusireddy, VamshidharKovuru, Madhu
Experimental investigations carried out in a diesel engine incorporated with Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), fuelled with the blend of diesel and plastic oil along with an antioxidant additive (p-Phenylenediamine) are presented in this paper. Plastic oil is produced from waste plastics through the process of pyrolysis which could be a potential substitute to fossil diesel in diesel engine applications. Production of plastic oil provides solution to the global twin problems of plastic waste management and energy crisis. Investigations have been carried out with the test fuel separately, test fuel with the additive, test fuel with incorporation of EGR in the engine and test fuel with additive and EGR incorporation. Test results revealed that blend of diesel and plastic oil exhibited performance and emissions at par with pure diesel, 18% reduction in NO emission through EGR incorporation as compared to without EGR and 15% reduction in NO through use of antioxidant additive. It is found
Gnanasikamani, BalajiRajamanickam, Sathish KumarKasinathan, Suresh KumarMarimuthu, Cheralathan
In order to compensate energy demand while with replacement of fossil fuels at least to some extent, the development of alternative energy sources is evitable. Global warming and waste management policies have forced for the use of alternative fuels on engines. The production of fuel from plastic wastes will indeed tackle the environmental pollution problem of waste plastic management in the landfills. Plastics being derived from petrochemical source has higher amount of hydrocarbon which yield oil with high calorific value. Engine tests have been carried out using neat waste plastic oil and blends of waste plastic oil in proportions of 25%, 50%, and 75% with diesel as fuel. Combinatorial mathematics based approach has been adapted to choose the optimum blend for superior performance of the engine. Carbon hydrogen nitrogen sulphur analysis of waste plastic oil blends reveals that the amount of oxygen increases with increase in waste plastic oil percentage in blends. Results of
Pappula, BridjeshPeriyasamy PhD, PitchaipillaiKrishnan, PurushothamanGeetha, Narayanan Kannaiyan
The chemistry identification system is intended to support the proper and efficient recycling of rechargeable battery systems used in transportation applications with a maximum voltage greater than 12V (including SLI batteries). Other battery systems such as non-rechargeable batteries, batteries contained in electronics, and telecom/utility batteries are not considered in the development of this specification. This does not preclude these systems from adapting the format proposed if they so choose
Battery Standards Recycling Committee
As the market for plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles continues to grow, so too will the demand for advanced batteries using lithium-ion and other chemistries. The need to recycle advanced batteries will grow as well lest the batteries become a solid waste disposal problem. Currently, lithium recycling is an industry in its infancy, but one that will need to develop to meet expected growing demand. This considers policy issues that policymakers will need to address as the demand for advanced battery recycling emerges
Howes, John
Electrification of the transportation industry is increasing rapidly with batteries currently the technology of choice. At the end of life, the battery chemistry used to electrify the vehicle may not be easily identifiable. A simple, common identifier is required to allow consumers, service and waste management personnel to direct unknown battery types to appropriate recyclers or secondary use markets. Recyclers also benefit from this identifier as it allows them to sort, screen for potential contamination to existing process streams, and identify the manufacturer so they may contact them to find detailed information about the battery to ensure proper and safe recycling. The SAE Battery Recycling Committee has recommended that batteries be identified by battery system, miscellaneous hazards and date of manufacture be identified as part of chemistry identification code. For the lithium-ion chemistry it is further recommended that cathode and anode be specified. To avoid confusion and
Mackintosh, Todd F.
The Chennai is an one of Automotive hub of India due to it's Automotive Industry presence producing over 40% of the India's Vehicle and Components. During 2001-02, the Automotive Component Industries(ACI) in Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai has faced problems on infrastructure(Approach Road, Storm water drainage system, Sewerage System, Sewage treatment plant, Solid Waste Management, Landscaping, Street Lighting and Logistics/ Parking), technology, procurement, production and marketing. In the year 2004-05 under the Cluster Development Approach (CDA), they formed Auto Cluster (AC) got grant under Industrial Infrastructure Upgradation Scheme from Government of India under Public Private Partnership Concept and implemented UNIDO-AIEMA Auto Cluster Supplier Development Programme under Consolidated Project for SME development in India. Due to this the infrastructure, technology, procurement, production and marketing interrelationships taken place among ACI. The objective is to find the
Bhaskaran, E.
This AIR describes procedures for calculating emissions resulting from the main engines of commercial jet and turboprop aircraft through all modes of operation for all segments of a flight. Piston engine aircraft emissions are not included in this AIR. Some information about piston engine aircraft emissions can be found in FOCA 2007. The principal purpose of the procedures is to assist model developers in calculating aircraft emissions in a consistent and accurate manner that can be used to address various environmental assessments including those related to policy decisions and regulatory requirements. The pollutants considered in this document are: Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Total unburned Hydrocarbons (THC) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Water (H2O) Sulfur Oxides (SOx) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Methane (CH4) Non-Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC) Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOC) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Particulate Matter (PM2.5 and PM10) As indicated above, hazardous
A-21 Aircraft Noise Measurement Aviation Emission Modeling
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