Browse Topic: Soils

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ABSTRACT Researchers at Caterpillar have been using Finite Element Analysis or Method (FEA or FEM), Mesh Free Models (MFM) and Discrete Element Models (DEM) extensively to model different earthmoving operations. Multi-body dynamics models using both flexible and rigid body have been used to model the machine dynamics. The proper soil and machine models along with the operator model can be coupled to numerically model an earthmoving operation. The soil – machine interaction phenomenon has been a challenging matter for many researchers. Different approaches, such as FEA, MFM and DEM are available nowadays to model the dynamic soil behavior; each of these approaches has its own limitations and applications. To apply FEA, MFM or DEM for analyzing earthmoving operations the model must reproduce the mechanical behavior of the granular material. In practice this macro level mechanical behavior is not achieved by modeling the exact physics of the microfabric structure but rather by
Alsaleh, Mustafa
ABSTRACT Discrete Particles are just as they sound, individual particles that represent Air, Soil and HE (High Explosives). They are not based upon a continuum theory and should not be confused with SPH (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) which is a full Lagrangian continuum theory. The modeling of Air, Soil and HE (High Explosives) with discrete particles requires millions of particles to accurately model the blast event. The innovation in software coupled with the advent of GPU Technology provides an efficient and robust solution to perform the analyses. Consider that the latest GPU processor, the Tesla K40, based upon NVIDIA Kepler™ Architecture, has 12 GB of GDDR5 memory and 2880 CUDA Cores. A standard workstation with an NVIDIA Tesla GPU is all that is required to perform the calculations and the benefits are a high degree of accuracy and simplified model setup. To demonstrate the use of Discrete Particles to model the blast event and show the effectiveness of GPU computing, the
Mindle, Wayne L.Gasbarro, Michelle D.Olovsson, Lars
A new robotic suction cup which can grasp rough, curved, and heavy stone, has been developed by scientists at the University of Bristol. The team, based at Bristol Robotics Laboratory, studied the structures of octopus biological suckers, which have superb adaptive suction abilities enabling them to anchor to rock
In the last decades, the locomotion of wheeled and tracked vehicles on soft soils has been widely investigated due to the large interest in planetary, agricultural, and military applications. The development of a tire-soft soil contact model which accurately represents the micro and macro-scale interactions plays a crucial role for the performance assessment in off-road conditions since vehicle traction and handling are strongly influenced by the soil characteristics. In this framework, the analysis of realistic operative conditions turns out to be a challenging research target. In this research work, a semi-empirical model describing the interaction between a tire and homogeneous and fine-grained soils is developed in Matlab/Simulink. The stress distribution and the resulting forces at the contact patch are based on well-known terramechanics theories, such as pressure-sinkage Bekker’s approach and Mohr-Coulomb’s failure criterion. The force exerted by the soil on the sidewall of the
Zerbato, LucaVella, Angelo DomenicoGalvagno, EnricoVigliani, AlessandroData, SilvioSacchi, Matteo Eugenio
Off-roading is the scenario of driving a vehicle on unpaved surfaces such as sand, gravel, riverbeds, rocks, and other natural terrain. Vehicle designed for that purpose requires jumping from height due to uneven surfaces/patches. This also requires them to sustain a high amount of loads acting upon them on impact. Thus, off-roading vehicles should not only provide intended vehicle dynamics performance but at the same time should be durable as well. Drop test which is done in a controlled environment is a widely used method to validate the durability of vehicle in such scenarios wherein the vehicle is dropped from a certain predefined height. In Multibody dynamics simulation, drop test was replicated and acceleration data computed at different locations in the vehicle were correlated with actual physical test data. Correlation was done for different drop heights. This paper presents relevant details of the virtual vehicle modeling, loadcase, test data & subsequent correlation. This
Kaka, VaibhavJain, Arvind
The manufacturing landscape is undergoing a transformation, propelled by the need for innovative, efficient, and precise technology that can effectively replace expensive manual labor. This article examines advancements in Flexiv’s material abrasion technology, specifically focusing on sanding and polishing applications and the utility of force control technology
Dust testing of vehicles on unpaved roads is crucial in the development process for automotive manufacturers. These tests aim to ensure the functionality of locking systems in dusty conditions, minimize dust concentration inside the vehicle, and enhance customer comfort by preventing dust accumulation on the car body. Additionally, deposition on safety-critical parts, such as windshields and sensors, can pose threats to driver vision and autonomous driving capabilities. Currently, dust tests are primarily conducted experimentally at proving grounds. In order to gain early insights and reduce the need for costly physical tests, numerical simulations are becoming a promising alternative. Although simulations of vehicle contamination by dry dust have been studied in the past, they have often lacked detailed models for tire dust resuspension. In addition, few publications address the specifics of dust deposition on vehicles, especially in areas such as door gaps and locks. Many authors
Yigci, IbrahimStrohbücker, VeithKunze, MilesSchatz, Markus
Lunar landing and launch pads represent critical infrastructure for enabling a sustained presence on the Moon or other planetary bodies. Such a Moon presence would require repeated lunar landings and takeoffs, preferably near an outpost or habitat. In the absence of takeoff and landing pads, such vehicles could project lunar regolith at high velocities, sandblasting the surrounding infrastructure and causing damage
Storing energy is one of the key challenges for implementing sustainable but intermittent electricity sources like solar and wind. Engineers at Sandia National Laboratories are collaborating with New Mexico-based CSolPower LLC to develop a very affordable method of accomplishing that storage
Tippers used for transporting blue metal, construction and mining material is designed with different types of load body to suit the material being carried, capacity and its application. These load bodies are constructed with high strength material to withstand forces under various operating conditions. Structural strength verification of load body using FEM is conducted, by modelling forces due to payload as a pressure function on the panels of the load body. The spatial variation of pressure is typically assumed. In discrete element method (DEM) granular payload material such as gravel, wet or dry sand, coal etc., can be modelled by accounting its flow and interaction with structure of load body for prediction of force/pressure distribution. In this paper, coupled FE-DEM is used for determining pressure distribution on loading surfaces of a tipper body structure of a heavy commercial vehicle during loading, unloading and transportation. This pressure is mapped onto the load body
Sadasivam, SivasankaranLoganathan, EkambaramMahalingam, Manikandan
Brazil has a robust agricultural sector; however, the mechanization of crops causes several problems in the physical soil structure, including surface compaction. Compaction reduces crop productivity and producer profits. The intensity of compaction varies depending on the wheelset model used, tire type, water content, and soil load applied. Recent studies have shown that soil compaction in sugarcane can be attenuated by maintaining the vegetation cover (straw biomass) on the surface after harvesting. The present study used different tire models to evaluate the interaction between wheelset-soil as a function of different amounts of biomass left over from the sugarcane harvest. A physical simulation system (fixed tire testing unit) was used for the tests. The wheelsets were subjected to controlled loads on tanks with confined and standardized soil samples. The treatments consisted of 3 tire models (p1: road radial, composed of double wheelset - 2×275/80R22.5; p2: agricultural radial
Filho, Aldir Carpes MarquesSartorio, Simone D. M.Martins, Murilo B.Lanças, Kléber P.
The mechanization of crops causes problems in soil structure as it causes compaction. Compaction can be severe depending on the type of tire adopted in the field. Producers are concerned with selecting wheelsets that harm the soil less and remembering to save resources when buying agricultural tires. Agricultural tires are more expensive than road tires, and truck tires can be an alternative for producers to save money. The present study evaluated the interaction between wheelset and ground in a fixed tire testing unit, comparing the impact of different tire models on bare ground. The 6 treatments performed consisted of 3 tire models (p1: road radial, composed of double wheelset - 2×275/80r22.5; p2: agricultural radial - 600/50r22.5; and p3: agricultural diagonal - 600/50-22.5) versus two contact surfaces, one rigid and the other with bare agricultural soil. Seven response variables were used to apply Regression analysis and descriptive statistics. Agricultural tires applied less
Filho, Aldir Carpes MarquesMedeiros, Simone D. S.Martins, Murilo B.Lanças, Kléber P.
In India, agriculture is a vital part of the country’s economy and almost everything depends on it. It takes a lot of time and effort for the farmer to remove the leftover root vegetables and crops in soil. Even after manually removing these crops, they can’t fully recover the leftover thing. This process takes more time and is challenging for the farmer. Due to human error, around 20-30% of the crops and root crops are left out in the field. Unfortunately, poor farmers can’t afford the necessary equipment to remove these crops. Generally, Root crops are cultivated by root crop harvester through diggers present under the chassis in the middle which are seen randomly by operators and cultivated or else through cameras which are highly cost and not affordable by all the farmers, hard to maintain and not technically strong by the farmers to operate the cameras. Hence, it is aimed to design a Plough machine to take the left over root crops in the field as well as to loosen/break up the
Deepan Kumar, SadhasivamM, BoopathiSridhar Raj, SKarthick, K NP, Vivek KumarR, BalamuruganS, Iniya Mounika
In Penn’s Clean Energy Conversions Lab, researcher Peter Psarras and colleagues are repurposing waste from industrial mines, storing carbon pulled from the atmosphere into newly formed rock. The team sees great environmental potential in mine tailings, the sand and sludge left behind after the sought-after ore gets removed. With samples in the lab, they’re trying to determine just how much calcium and magnesium each contains, how to best carbonate it with CO2, how and where they can store the result, and whether the process is scalable
Litter is not only a problem on Earth. According to NASA, there are currently millions of pieces of space junk in the range of altitudes from 200 to 2000 kilometers above the Earth’s surface, which is known as low-Earth orbit (LEO). Most of the junk is comprised of objects created by humans, like pieces of old spacecraft or defunct satellites. This space debris can reach speeds of up to 18,000 miles per hour, posing a major danger to the 2612 satellites that currently operate at LEO. Without effective tools for tracking space debris, parts of LEO may even become too hazardous for satellites
When asked about the most dreaded tasks on the manufacturing floor, many teams point to sanding, grinding, or polishing. These unforgiving tasks can be tedious, time-consuming, and hazardous, leading to respiratory illnesses and repetitive motion injuries. In today’s economic climate, finding workers willing to perform these taxing jobs can be challenging. Yet, they are often necessary when assembling metal, composite, or other parts into manufactured products
A team at Delft University of Technology has built a new technology on a microchip by combining two Nobel Prize-winning techniques for the first time. This microchip could measure distances in materials at high precision — e.g., underwater or for medical imaging. The work is now published in Nature Communications. Because the technology uses sound vibrations instead of light, it is useful for high-precision position measurements in opaque materials. The instrument could lead to new techniques to monitor the Earth’s climate and human health
Exploring and developing permanent infrastructure on Mars requires the development of technologies to enable safe and efficient operations, from landing, roving, and extravehicular activities (EVAs) to prospecting, evaluating, acquiring, extracting, and utilizing local resources. Martian regolith is likely to be the main resource used for initial Martian in situ resource utilization (ISRU) to lessen the amount of resources and supplies that must be launched at high cost from Earth and take up precious cargo space
Quasicrystalline (QC) coatings were evaluated as leading-edge protection materials for rotor craft blades. The QC coatings were deposited using high velocity oxy-fuel thermal spray and predominantly Al-based compositions. Ice adhesion, interfacial toughness with ice, wettability, topography, and durability were assessed. QC-coated sand-blasted carbon steel exhibited better performance in terms of low surface roughness (Sa ~ 0.2 μm), liquid repellency (water contact angles: θadv ~85°, θrec ~23°), and better substrate adhesion compared to stainless steel substrates. To enhance coating performance, QC-coated sand-blasted carbon steel was further exposed to grinding and polishing, followed by measuring surface roughness, wettability, and ice adhesion strength. This reduced the surface roughness of the QC coating by 75%, resulting in lower ice adhesion strengths similar to previously reported values (~400 kPa). The durability of polished QC coating was evaluated using sand and rain erosion
Yang, QimengDolatabadi, AliGolovin, Kevin
The analysis of lipid biomarkers has gained increasing importance within environmental and archaeological fields because biomarkers are representative of plant and animal sources. Proven gold standard laboratory techniques for lipid biomarker extraction are laborious, with many opportunities for human error. As a solution, NASA Ames Research Center has developed a novel technology that provides an autonomous, miniaturized fluidic system for lipid analysis. The technology, in a single instrument, can accept an unprocessed soil, rock, or ice sample, comminute the sample, extract lipids via sonication and blending, filter out mineral residue, concentrate the analyte, and deliver the aliquot to downstream analytical instruments for molecular characterization, without requiring intervention from a human operator
Scientists have uncovered how heavy, motorized objects climb steep slopes — a newly discovered mechanism that also mimics how rock climbers navigate inclines. The finding stems from a series of experiments in which motorized objects were placed in liquid and then moved up tilted surfaces. These “micro-swimmers” are about 20 times heavier than the fluid they swim in but they were able to climb almost vertical steep slopes
Researchers from MIT’s Improbable Artificial Intelligence Lab, part of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), have developed a legged robotic system that can dribble a soccer ball under the same conditions as humans. The bot used a mixture of onboard sensing and computing to traverse different natural terrains such as sand, gravel, mud, and snow, and adapt to their varied impact on the ball’s motion. Like every committed athlete, “DribbleBot” could get up and recover the ball after falling
A team of researchers at University of California, Riverside, has moved a step closer to finding a use for the hundreds of millions of tons of plastic waste produced every year that often winds up clogging streams and rivers and polluting our oceans
“This is the equivalent of having a wearable health sensor on your body that tells you in real-time what’s happening. Think of it as a wearable for the soil,” said Dr. Shalini Prasad. “We are excited about the potential for our soil sensors to provide more accurate testing of living soil in its ecosystem
The physical characteristics of Mars's soil have an impact on how easily a spacecraft can land and navigate the planet's surface. On the surface of Mars, wheeled robots known as "rovers" were planted to carry out scientific investigations on the planet's historical temperature, surface geology, and possibilities for past or current life. The challenges of guiding mobile robots across terrain that is sloping, rocky, and deformable have brought to light the significance of creating precise simulation models of the tire and mars soil interaction. In this paper, current efforts to create a terramechanics-based model of rover movement using a Non-Pneumatic (NP) tire on planetary surfaces are discussed. Since no rocks or soils have been brought back to Earth from Mars, Martian simulants are frequently used for testing rovers and other devices for Mars terrain research. Using a Finite Element Analysis-based NP tire model that is modeled and tested, in addition to a dry loose Martian soil that
Sidhu, Charanpreet SinghEl-Sayegh, ZeinabLy, Alfonse
Ionospheric variability is a critical consideration for communication systems, GNSS, and space asset management. At high magnetic latitudes, the convergent magnetic field acts as a lens, focusing electromagnetic power originating from solar wind-magnetosphere interactions into a limited latitudinal range. The geometry and ensuing complex coupling processes result in extreme multi-scale time-dependent variations in the structure and composition of the ionized gases in Earth’s outer atmosphere. Understanding the mechanisms and technological consequences of these interactions benefits from distributed heterogeneous time-dependent measurements of the ionosphere-thermosphere-magnetosphere system, and their application as constraints on predictive space weather models
The oceans make up 71 percent of Earth’s surface and absorb about 30 percent of the carbon dioxide (CO2) that is released into the atmosphere. For the past 2.6 billion years, the oceans have been converting CO2 to ocean fish food (phytoplankton) through the process of photosynthesis. Now, a technology developed by Ocean-Based Climate Solutions, a startup located in Santa Fe, NM, is converting CO2 to phytoplankton using wave energy
Scientists at NASA’s Langley Research Center have developed a novel concept for a lunar navigation system based on the reverse-ephemeris technique. Typically, range-related signal measurements from the Earth’s surface are used to locate and track orbital objects (satellites) and establish the ephemeris describing their orbits. For this reverse-ephemeris lunar navigation concept, the process is reversed to give lunar surface position fixes using the known ephemeris of a satellite in lunar orbit
To make sure our buildings and infrastructure are earthquake-safe, we must understand how seismic activity affects different structures. Two major research efforts funded by the Department of Energy (DOE) seek to fill in the gaps and provide resources for researchers and engineers to study earthquakes across scales, from the initiation of seismic waves at the fault rupture site deep underground, to the interactions between shaking soil and individual structures at the surface
Under the influence of the interactions between the vibratory drum/wheel and deformable terrains, the ride comfort of the soil compactors is greatly affected. Therefore, the isolation systems of the cab and driver’s seat of the soil compactors have been researched and developed to improve ride comfort. Based on the existing research results, this study provides an overview of the development of the isolation systems of the cab and driver’s seat of the soil compactors. The research result shows that the cab isolations used by the semi-active hydraulic mounts (SHM) or semi-active hydraulic-pneumatic mounts (SHPM) can greatly improve the driver’s ride comfort and control the cab shaking, whereas the driver’s seat suspension embedded by the negative stiffness structure (NSS) strongly improves the driver’s ride comfort. To further improve the driver’s ride comfort and reduce the cab shaking, a combination of the driver’s seat suspension added by the NSS and the cab isolations used by the
Zhang, LiNguyen, VanliemWang, ChunxiaXu, ShaoyongLi, Haitao
A small amount of simulated crushed Martian rock mixed with a titanium alloy made a stronger, high-performance material in a 3D-printing process that one day could be used on Mars to make tools or rocket parts. The parts were made by Washington State University researchers with as little as 5 percent up to 100 percent Martian regolith, a black powdery substance meant to mimic the rocky, inorganic material found on the surface of Mars
Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can globally monitor dynamic processes on the Earth’s Surface. The last SAR to be developed and deployed by NASA was in the year 2000. This system’s high costs inhibited development of new and improved designs. NASA has now developed a new, state-of-the-art SAR system that can provide capabilities beyond established systems and at a fraction of the cost
The concept of remote sensing, which is defined as sensing information of an object or objects from far away, has been a major endeavor from the very beginning of space exploration. With this exploration from outer space came a myriad of opportunities that not only answered questions about other worlds, but also allowed us to explore our own world. This includes a better understanding of the earth’s surface: land, water, and atmosphere
California-based 3DEO unveiled in February its new metal 3D printing platform and patented technology, Saffron. The proprietary platform has been in development for the past five years. “Until now, we have revealed very little about our patented technology, and for good reason - we felt we had a tiger by the tail and wanted to gain as much advantage as possible,” said Matt Sand, 3DEO's co-founder and president. Using a hybrid additive manufacturing (AM) process that leverages binder jetting and CNC machining, the next-generation printer achieves superior results in terms of surface finish, material properties and dimensional accuracy, Sand said. The build area is 81 sq. in. (523 sq. cm), covered by eight spindles operating at 60,000 rpm with micron-level positional accuracy. Depending on part geometry or print speed required, the printer can automatically vary layer thickness anywhere from 50 to 500 microns
Gehm, Ryan
When a vehicle moves over uneven ground, motion of the sprung and unsprung masses causes dynamic shifting in the load transmitted to the ground, making the normal reaction in the tire-soil patch a continuously changing wheel parameter that may affect vehicle performance. At high loads, sinkage of the wheel can become high as the wheel digs into the soil. At low loads, the wheel can have difficulty acquiring sufficient traction. Additionally, steerability of the wheel can be diminished at very low loads. Controlling the damping forces in the suspension that is usually used to improve ride quality and stabilize motion of the sprung mass can result in an increase in the dynamic variation of the wheel normal reaction and cause vehicle performance deterioration. In this paper, a method is developed to establish boundary constraints on the dynamic normal reaction to maintain reasonable tire-terrain mobility characteristics. Using an inverse dynamics approach, a time history of the dynamic
Paldan, JesseVantsevich, VladimirGorsich, DavidSingh, AmandeepGoryca, JillMoradi, Lee
Transporting a single brick to Mars is extremely expensive, making the future construction of a Martian colony seem impossible. Scientists have now developed a way to potentially overcome this problem by creating a concrete-like material made of extraterrestrial dust along with the blood, sweat, and tears of astronauts
Rotavator is an active tillage implement for breaking the Soil and for the preparation of seed bed for cultivation. The Farmers are currently facing problem due to usage of sub optimal speed of Rotavator which results in more fuel consumption, takes more time for completion of operation. Also, the Current Rental models work on Tractor + Implement as rental combination and customer not able to rent Rotavator as a standalone implement due to non-availability of Tracking information such as hours of utilization on Rotavator. Farmers not able to maintain the service periodicity, if oil change not done in prescribed duration then it may result in improper maintenance and breakdown of the Rotavator. To overcome these problems a smart Rotavator developed consists of an electronic unit fitted on the Rotavator shaft to measure the speed of the shaft rotation and in turn convert to Rotavator speed and also able to convert into Hours of usage based on the starting and stopping of the rotavator
Natarajan, Saravananjaydeep, Desaichamankar, ketankumar, Narendarsingha, Partha
This article describes the real-time simulation of a tire model for the off-highway sector. The off-highway area is characterized by soft surfaces. The additional deformation of the ground can result in more complex interactions between the tires and ground than in the on-highway area. The basics for these relationships are explained using normal and shear stress models. Aspects such as elastic tires, sinking due to slip, and multipass are also described. It is explained how soft soil modeling is used by a height field model to calculate the deformations of the soil and the resulting tire forces. Particular emphasis is placed on the calculation time and the numerical stability. The implementation in an existing real-time-capable vehicle model is described, which is important to provide a comprehensive simulation solution. During the validation it could be shown that the implemented height field can correctly map the soft soil properties. In combination with the developed tire model
Schulte, FrankZubert, ThomasRoeser, DennisMeyer, NorbertKluge, Torsten
The United Nations predicts that by 2050 many areas of the planet may not have enough fresh water to meet the demands of agriculture if we continue our current patterns of use. One solution to this global dilemma is the development of more efficient irrigation, central to which is precision monitoring of soil moisture, allowing sensors to guide ‘smart’ irrigation systems to ensure water is applied at the optimum time and rate
For remote sensing spectrometers, wavelength-scanned laser emissions are used to capture the absorption spectrum of targets to perform measurement of soil and/or gas. Previous techniques to accomplish these measurements have involved combining multiple fixed-wavelength lasers to detect a single species, limiting the scope and effectiveness of the instruments
Off-road vehicle operation requires constant decision-making under great uncertainty. Such decisions are multi-faceted and range from acquisition decisions to operational decisions. A major input to these decisions is terrain information in the form of soil properties. This information needs to be propagated to path planning algorithms that augment them with other inputs such as visual terrain assessment and other sensors. In this sequence of steps, many resources are needed, and it is not often clear how best to utilize them. We present an integrated approach where a mission’s overall performance is measured using a multiattribute utility function. This framework allows us to evaluate the value of acquiring terrain information and then its use in path planning. The computational effort of optimizing the vehicle path is also considered and optimized. We present our approach using the data acquired from the Keweenaw Research Center terrains and present some results
Pandey, VijitashwaBos, Jeremy P.Ewing, JordanKysar, SamOommen, ThomasSmith, WilliamJayakumar, ParamsothyGorsich, David
The rolling hills of Mars or the Moon are a long way from the nearest tow truck. That’s why the next generation of exploration rovers will need to be good at climbing hills covered with loose material and avoiding entrapment on soft granular surfaces
The development of modern autonomous automotive technology depends heavily on the reliable performance of external sensors that are vulnerable to soiling. Existing active cleaning devices, such as washers and wipers, are relatively complex and expensive. Furthermore, little research has been done on alternative soiling mitigation strategies and devices for sensors. With the emerging trend of replacing side-mirrors with camera monitor systems, it is important for such systems to stay clean in adverse weather in order to provide critical navigation information. To meet this need, a passive aerodynamics-based cleaning device was investigated. A converging vent device was integrated into the side-camera housing and the subsequent degree of soiling was estimated at a wind speed of 20 m/s (72 km/h), representing urban and suburban driving speeds. The vent outlet height and outlet jet angle of the vent device were varied and the variants were compared to the non-vented reference model. The
Collings, WilliamPao, Wing YiAgelin-chaab, Martin
The design trend for interior parts of cars in light colors in shades of beige and grey is a global reality and has increased the demand in new models replacing traditional black color. One of the most important features for the appearance is to keep the color and stay clean the surface of the car interior parts. This development aims to improve the resistance to dirt and staining on artificial leather applied in seat cover with light colors. Comparative dirt and staining trials were conducted with soil, coffee and indigo jeans through abrasion testing by Crocking, followed by clean fabric removal. The performance evaluation was done by through microscopy assays, spectrophotometry to analyze color variation after dirt test in the original samples and dirt test in the same samples exposed to XENON and heat for aging. Finally, this development brings solutions that improves consumer satisfaction. The improved life cycle performance of the car seat surfaces kept clean is the core of this
Sheilla, SantanaPatrícia, YoshimuraJoão, MarcalLuiz, HurtadoEloy, MontenegroPaulo, Neto
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