Browse Topic: Four wheel steering

Items (72)
Single lane changing is one of the typical scenarios in vehicle driving. Planning an appropriate lane change trajectory is crucial in autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicle research. Existing polynomial trajectory planning mostly uses cubic or quintic polynomials, neglecting the lateral jerk constraints during lane changes. This study uses seventh-degree polynomials for lane change trajectory planning by considering the vehicle lateral jerk constraints. Simulation results show that the utilization of the seventh-degree method results in a 41% reduction in jerk compared to the fifth-degree polynomial. Furthermore, this study also proposes lane change trajectory schemes that can cater to different driving styles (e.g., safety, efficiency, comfort, and balanced performance). Depending on the driving style, the planned lane change trajectory ensures that the vehicle achieves optimal performance in one or more aspects during the lane change process. For example, with the trajectory that
Lai, FeiHuang, Chaoqun
Path planning in parking scenarios for vehicles with Ackermann steering characteristics is a well studied problem in the literature. However, the recent emergence of four-wheel steering (4WS) chassis has brought new opportunities to the field of motion planning. Compared with front-wheel steering (2WS), 4WS vehicles offer higher flexibility and new maneuver modes such as CrabWalk. To utilize such new potential to further improve parking efficiency, this paper proposes a four-wheel steering oriented planning algorithm for parking scenarios. First, Hybrid A*-4WS is proposed to search for a coarse trajectory from the starting pose to the parking slot, with improved node expansion mechanism to incorporate four-wheel steering characteristics. Then a nonlinear programming (NLP) problem is formulated with four-wheel steering kinematic model to fully utilize the maneuver capability of 4WS vehicles, with OBCA used for collision avoidance constraints. Finally, the two algorithms are sequentially
Song, YufeiLiu, YuanzhiXiong, LuTang, Chen
With the modernization of agriculture, the application of unmanned agricultural special vehicles is becoming increasingly widespread, which helps to improve agricultural production efficiency and reduce labor. Vehicle path-tracking control is an important link in achieving intelligent driving of vehicles. This paper designs a controller that combines path tracking with vehicle lateral stability for four-wheel steer/drive agricultural special electric vehicles. First, based on a simplified three-degrees-of-freedom vehicle dynamics model, a model predictive control (MPC) controller is used to calculate the front and rear axle angles. Then, according to the Ackermann steering principle, the four-wheel independent angles are calculated using the front and rear axle angles to achieve tracking of the target trajectory. For vehicle lateral stability, the sliding mode control (SMC) is used to calculate the required direct yaw moment control (DYC) of the vehicle, and wheel torque distribution
Huang, BinYang, NuorongMa, LiutaoWei, Lexia
Vehicles equipped with articulated steering systems have advantages such as low energy consumption, simple structure, and excellent maneuverability. However, due to the specific characteristics of the system, these vehicles often face challenges in terms of lateral stability. Addressing this issue, this paper leverages the precise and independently controllable wheel torques of a hub motor-driven vehicle. First, an equivalent double-slider model is selected as the dynamic control model, and the control object is rationalized. Subsequently, based on the model predictive control method and considering control accuracy and robustness, a weight-variable adaptive model predictive control approach is proposed. This method addresses the optimization challenges of multiple systems, constraints, and objectives, achieving adaptive control of stability, maneuverability, tire slip ratio, and articulation angle along with individual wheel torques during the entire steering process of the vehicle
Huang, BinMa, MinruiMa, LiutaoCui, KangyuWei, Xiaoxu
In order to improve the trajectory tracking accuracy and yaw stability of vehicles under extreme conditions such as high speed and low adhesion, a coordinated control method of trajectory tracking and yaw stability is proposed based on four-wheel-independent-driving vehicles with four-wheel-steering. The hierarchical structure includes the trajectory tracking control layer, the lateral stability control decision layer, and the four-wheel angle and torque distribution layer. Firstly, the upper layer establishes a three-degree-of-freedom vehicle dynamics model as the controller prediction model, the front wheel steering controller is designed to realize the lateral path tracking based on adaptive model predictive control algorithm and the longitudinal speed controller is designed to realize the longitudinal speed tracking based on PID control algorithm. Then, the middle layer decides the rear wheel steering angle and the additional yaw moment to maintain the vehicle's yaw stability based
Fu, YaoXie, RenminKaku, ChuyoZheng, Hongyu
Compared to traditional vehicles, four-wheel independent drive and four-wheel independent steering (4WID-4WIS) vehicles have gained significant attention from researchers due to their enhanced control flexibility and superior handling performance. The steering angle deviation caused by dynamic toe angle changes in two-wheel steering (2WS) systems is often minimal and hence overlooked. However, the impact becomes notably significant in 4WIS systems. This article contrasts the tire slip angle differences between 2WS and 4WIS, and delves into the effects of dynamic toe angle variations on 4WIS control. Solutions are proposed both in terms of steering angle control and suspension design. Firstly, a dynamic model for the 4WID-4WIS vehicle is established. Secondly, a hierarchical tire force distribution strategy is designed for trajectory tracking. The upper layer utilizes a sliding mode controller and PID controller to determine the total required longitudinal, lateral forces, and yaw
Lu, AoLi, RunfengYu, YunchangJi, WenfeiHou, YufengTian, Guangyu
Multiple actuators equipped in electric vehicles, such as four- wheel steering (4WS) and four-wheel drive (4WD), provide more degrees of freedom for chassis motion control. However, developing independent control strategies for distinct actuator types could result in control conflicts, potentially degrading the vehicle's motion performance. To address this issue, a model predictive control (MPC) based steering-drive cooperated control strategy for enhanced agility and stability of electric vehicles with 4WD and 4WS is proposed in this paper. By designing the control constraints within the MPC framework, the strategy enables single-drive control, single-steering control, and steering-drive cooperative control. In the upper control layer, a linear time-varying MPC (LTV-MPC) is designed to generate optimal additional yaw moment and additional steering angles of front and rear wheels to enhance vehicle agility and lateral stability. In the lower control layer, a linear MPC (LMPC) based
Sun, HaoboZhang, LinZhao, ChunlaiWang, NianZhang, ZeyangChen, Hong
The pursuit of maintaining a zero-sideslip angle has long driven the development of four-wheel-steering (4WS) technology, enhancing vehicle directional performance, as supported by extensive studies. However, strict adherence to this principle often leads to excessive understeer characteristics before tire saturation limits are reached, resulting in counter-intuitive and uncomfortable steering maneuvers during turns with variable speeds. This research delves into the phenomenon encountered when a 4WS-equipped vehicle enters a curved path while simultaneously decelerating, necessitating a reduction in steering input to adapt to the increasing road curvature. To address this challenge, this paper presents a novel method for dynamically regulating the steady-state yaw rate of 4WS vehicles. This regulation aims to decrease the vehicle's sideslip angle and provide controlled understeer within predetermined limits. As a result, the vehicle can maintain a zero-sideslip angle during turns with
Guan, YihangZhou, HongliangJing, HouhuaMiao, Weiwei
An automatic collision avoidance control method integrating optimal four-wheel steering (4WS) and direct yaw-moment control (DYC) for autonomous vehicles on curved road is proposed in this study. Optimal four-wheel steering is used to track a predetermined trajectory, and DYC is adopted for vehicle stability. Two single lane change collision avoidance scenarios, i.e., a stationary obstacle in front and a moving obstacle at a lower speed in the same lane, are constructed to verify the proposed control method. The main contributions of this article include (1) a quintic polynomial lane change trajectory for collision avoidance on curved road is proposed and (2) four different kinds of control method for autonomous collision avoidance, namely 2WS, 2WS+DYC, 4WS, and 4WS+DYC, are compared. In the design of DYC controller, two different feedback control methods are adopted for comparison, i.e., sideslip angle feedback and yaw rate feedback. The simulation results demonstrate significant
Lai, Fei
Vehicle dynamic control could improve vehicle performance. Vehicle stability is vital to the determination of vehicle dynamic control strategy. The phase plane method is one of the most common methods to judge vehicle stability. To determine the 4WS (four-wheel steering) vehicle stability status faster and more accurately, a novel method to assess the vehicle stability is based on the vehicle sideslip angle and angular velocity ( β-β˙) phase plane. At first, the 2 DOF (degree of freedom) model with a nonlinear tire model is established to acquire β-β˙ phase plane. Then the boundary of the stability region generated by the current method is compared. A crosspoint-ellipse method is provided based on the boundary comparison with the ideal boundary. The boundary function determined by the crosspoint-ellipse method is fitted based on vehicle dynamic theory and the boundary analysis with different steering angles, velocity, and road adhesion coefficient. At last, the transition area between
Peng, DengzhiXia, ZuguoWang, LongLiu, Qing
Vehicular automation in the form of a connected and automated vehicle platoon is demanding as it aims to increase traffic flow and driver safety. Controlling a vehicle platoon on a curved path is challenging, and most solutions in the existing literature demonstrate platooning on a straight path or curved paths at constant speeds. This article proposes an algorithmic solution with leader-following (LF) communication topology and constant distance (CD) spacing for platooning homogeneous position-controlled vehicles (PCVs) on a curved path, with each vehicle capable of cornering at variable speeds. The lead vehicle communicates its reference position and orientation to all the follower vehicles. A follower vehicle stores this information as a virtual trail of the lead vehicle for a specific period. An algorithm uses this trail to find the follower vehicle’s reference path by solving an optimization problem. This algorithm is feasible and maintains a constant inter-vehicle distance. The
Bhaskar, RintuPotluri, RamprasadWahi, Pankaj
This work investigates the steering and wheel speed control of a completely custom built 8x8 scaled electric combat vehicle (SECV) which has been constructed to meet the Ackermann condition at low speeds. During remote control operation the scaled vehicle is capable of continuously maintaining and varying the individual wheel speed and individual wheel steering angles of all eight wheels in real time. Several steering scenarios have been developed including traditional (front 2-axle steering), fixed third axle (first, second and fourth axle steering), all wheel steering and crab steering (all wheels are parallel with same steering angle). The traditional, two axle steering scenario is experimentally tested for accuracy in this work with planned future research for experimental analysis of the other steering configurations. This work is conducted using Arduino software to control the physical SECV and TruckSim software to simulate the dynamics of the vehicle. The results obtained from
Kim, JunwooEl-Gindy, MoustafaEl-Sayegh, Zeinab
To tackle the over-actuated and highly nonlinear characteristics that four-wheel-independent-steering and four-wheel-independent -driving (4WIS/4WID) vehicles exhibit when tracking aggressive trajectory, a hierarchical controller with layers of computation-intensive modules is commonly adopted. The high-level linear motion controller commands the desired state derivatives of the vehicle to meet the overall trajectory tracking objectives. Then the system dynamic is inversed by the mid-level control allocation layer and the low-level wheel control layer to map the target state derivatives to steering angle and motor torque commands. However, this type of controller is difficult to implement on the embedded hardware onboard since the nonlinear dynamic inversion is typically solved by nonlinear programming. This article refines the dynamic inversion part of current hierarchical trajectory tracking controller for 4WIS/4WID vehicles with consideration of the nonlinear tyre/vehicle dynamics
Yu, YunchangLi, RunfengJi, WenfeiLu, ZiwangTian, Guangyu
The rapid development of city traffic makes the driving conditions faced by vehicles increasingly complex. The drive-by-wire chassis vehicle has the characteristics of four-wheel independent steering, four-wheel independent drive and four-wheel independent braking, which has become a current research hotspot because that can meet various complex working conditions. However, it is precisely because of the high degree of controllability of the drive-by-wire chassis that the research on the control strategy has become difficult. In this paper, an integrated control strategy based on the hierarchical algorithm framework is designed for the drive-by-wire chassis vehicle, which includes a centralized control layer, a tire force distribution layer and an actuator control layer. The centralized control layer is based on the model predictive control algorithm, which takes the vehicle longitudinal speed, lateral speed and yaw rate as the control objectives, and solves the total longitudinal
Wang, ZixuZheng, HongyuZong, ChangfuKaku, Chuyo
The purpose of this specification is to provide airplane operators and tow vehicle manufacturers with: a General design and operating requirements pertinent to test and evaluation of towbarless tow vehicles. Specific design requirements are provided in ARP4852 and ARP4853. b Test and evaluation requirements. The results of these test evaluations will determine if the loads induced by the tow vehicle will exceed the design loads of the nose gear, or are within the aircraft manufacturer’s limits so that they do not affect the certified safe limit of the nose gear. The results of these test evaluations will also determine if a stability problem may occur during pushback and/or maintenance towing operations with the tested airplane/tow vehicle combination. This document specifies general test requirements and a test evaluation procedure for towbarless tow vehicles (TLTV) intended for pushback and maintenance towing only. It is not meant for dispatch (operational) towing (see definitions in
AGE-3 Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Committee
Aiming at the test safety problems in the early stage of self-driving cars development, firstly the virtual vehicle on-board CAN data acquisition module of the present project was designed based on virtual LabVIEW. Then a wireless remote control system for the self-driving car was constructed, which integrated the built virtual vehicle on-board CAN data acquisition system, the remote real-time image monitoring module and the remote upper computer control module based on ZigBee wireless transmission. It can execute the environmental awareness training and continuous and complex motion manipulation testing of the vehicle without relying on the driver, which can solve the safety problems in the tests of initial development of self-driving cars. Finally, the four-wheel independent steering electric vehicle was used as the self-driving test vehicle, and the wireless remote control system was tested on the double lane change type path and S-type path. During the testing, the self-driving car
Zhou, SuXie, ZhengchunZhang, GangHirz, MarioShen, Wei
This research aims to model and assess autonomous vehicle controller while including a four-wheel steering and longitudinal speed control. Such a modeling process simulates human driver behavior with consideration of real vehicle dynamics’ characteristics during standard maneuvers. However, a four-wheel steering control improves vehicle stability and maneuverability as well. A three-degree of freedom bicycle model, lateral deviation, yaw angle, and longitudinal speed is constructed to describe vehicle dynamics’ behavior. Moreover, a comprehensive traction model is implemented which includes an engine, automatic transmission, and non-linear magic formula tire model for simulation of vehicle longitudinal dynamics. A combination of proportional integral derivative (PID) longitudinal controller and fuzzy lateral controller are implemented simultaneously to track the desired vehicle path while minimizing lateral deviation and yaw angle errors. Then, A linear quadratic regulator (LQR) based
Gafar, IbrahimOraby, WalidAly, Mahmoud Atef
The articulated steering system is widely used in engineering vehicles due to its high mobility and low steering radius. The design parameters have a vital impact on the selection of the steering system assemblies, such as the operation stroke, pressure, and force of the hydraulic cylinders during the steering process, which will affect the system weight. The system energy consumption is also relevant to the geometry parameters. According to the kinetic analysis of the steering system and dynamic analysis of the steering process, the kinetic model of an engineering vehicle steering system is built, and the length and pressure variation of the cylinder is calculated and validated by the field test. The influence of the factors is analyzed based on the established model. To lower the system weight, needed pressure, and force, the multi-objective particle swarm optimization method is initiated to optimize the geometry parameter of the articulated steering system. After optimization, the
Peng, DengzhiChen, LiTan, Gangfeng
In contrast to a normal vehicle, a 4-wheel steer (4WS) and 4-wheel independent drive (4WID) vehicle provides more flexibilities in vehicle dynamic control and better handling performance, since both the steer angle and drive torque of each wheel can be controlled. However, for motorsports, how much lap time can be improved with such a vehicle is a problem few discussed. So, this paper focuses on the racing line optimization and lap time improvement for a 4WS &4WID vehicle. First, we optimize the racing line and lap time of three given circuits with the genetic algorithm (GA) and interior-point method, and several objective functions are compared. Next, to evaluate the lap time improvement of 4WS & 4WID, a detailed vehicle dynamic model of our 4WS & 4WID platform vehicle is built in Carsim. To follow the racing line, a path following controller which contains a PID speed controller and a model predictive control (MPC) yaw rate controller is built. Moreover, a sliding mode (SMC) 4WS
Sun, YiwenLi, RunfengLu, ZiwangTian, Guangyu
Recently, customers' demands for future mobility have increased, such as movement in narrow spaces, increased driving freedom, and ease of parking. The key technology to meet these demands is the four-wheel independent steering system. In this study, we introduce the concept design process for a four-corner steering module and how to prove the design. In addition, we introduce a control method for basic driving modes, such as short U-turn, diagonal driving, crab driving, and zero radius turning. Finally, we propose a special driving mode using the instantaneous rotation center of the 4WS system.
Moon, Ha-KyungLee, Byung-KyuJeon, Gab-BaeSoon, HuhLee, Jae-WonSuh, Jee-YoonSeo, Mu-YeolOh, Kwang-Seok
In order to improve the performance of automatic emergency steering and collision avoidance of intelligent vehicle, two automatic steering control methods under ideal model following control are proposed. The two ideal reference models are the reference model with zero sideslip angle of vehicle gravity center and the reference model with no phase-lag in vehicle lateral acceleration. The control system adopts the combination of outer loop and inner loop. In the design of the outer loop controller, the optimal control is used to get the steering wheel angle needed to avoid collision. The inner loop controller uses feedforward and feedback control to get the required front and rear wheel steering angles. Taking vehicle two degrees of freedom (DOF) lateral dynamics model as the research object, the vehicle collision avoidance reference trajectory is obtained through the fifth-degree polynomial. The simulation test of automatic emergency steering and collision avoidance for vehicles
Lai, FeiHuang, ChaoqunChen, HuaTang, YuYang, HuiWang, Xiaoyu
Previous researches about vehicle lateral dynamics mainly focus on one or several specific working conditions and make simulation analysis in the time domain to compare the quality of the steering control system, which cannot compare the performance of the controller as a whole. In this article, an innovative concept was proposed to compare the vehicle steering controller. Combined with the bifurcation theory, the performance of three different steering control systems (front-wheel steering system, four-wheel steering system, and direct yaw-moment control [DYC] system) can be compared intuitively from the phase plane. First of all, taking the front-wheel steering system as the research object, the state phase trajectory of the vehicle under certain speed and different front-wheel steering angle inputs is analyzed, based on the established two degrees-of-freedom (2-DOF) model of vehicle lateral dynamics. Then the influence of the front-wheel steering angle and vehicle speed on the
Lai, FeiHuang, ChaoqunJiang, Chengyue
Lane-changing is a typical traffic scene effecting on road traffic with high request for reliability, robustness and driving comfort to improve the road safety and transportation efficiency. The development of connected autonomous vehicles with V2V communication provide more advanced control strategies to research of lane-changing. Meanwhile, four-wheel steering is an effective way to improve flexibility of vehicle. The front and rear wheels rotate in opposite direction to reduce the turning radius to improve the servo agility operation at the low speed while those rotate in same direction to reduce the probability of the slip accident to improve the stability at the high speed. Hence, this paper established Four-Wheel-Steering(4WS) vehicle dynamic model and quasi real lane-changing scenes to analyze the motion constraints of the vehicles. Then, the polynomial function was used for the lane-changing trajectory planning and the extended rectangular vehicle model was established to get
Ma, FangwuShen, YuchengNie, JiahongLi, XiyuYang, YuWang, JiaweiWu, Guanpu
Steering movement is the most basic movement of the vehicle, in the car driving process, the driver through the steering wheel has always been to control the direction of the car, in order to achieve their own driving intention. Four Wheel Steering (4WS) is an advanced vehicle control technique which can markedly improve vehicle steering characteristics. Compared with traditional front wheel steering vehicles, 4WS vehicles can steer the front wheels and the rear wheels individually for cornering, according to the vehicle motion states such as the information of vehicle speed, yaw velocity and lateral acceleration. Therefore, 4WS can enhance the handling stability and improve the active safety for vehicles. Based on the theory of Vehicle Dynamics and Sliding Mode Control, this paper investigates the following issues, Firstly, a 2DOF 2WS vehicle model is built up by using the state-space equations, which will be used to compare the 4WS vehicle model containing vehicle lateral and yaw
Zhang, JiaxuZheng, HongyuZhao, Mengdi
Compared with the traditional front-wheel- steering (FWS) vehicles, four-wheel-independent-steering (4WIS) vehicles have better handing stability and path-tracking performance. In view of this, a novel 4WIS electric vehicle (EV) with steer-by-wire (SBW) system is proposed in this paper. As to the 4WIS EV, a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) optimal controller is designed to make the vehicle track the target path based on the linear dynamic model. Taking the effect of uncertainties in vehicle parameters into consideration, a robust controller utilizing μ synthesis approach is designed and the controller order reduction is implemented based on Hankel-Norm approximation. In order to evaluate the performance of the designed controllers, numerical simulations of two maneuvers are carried out using the nonlinear vehicle model with 9 degrees of freedom (DOF) in MATLAB/Simulink. Simulation results show that the robust controller is superior to the LQR optimal controller in tracking accuracy in
Hang, PengChen, XinboLuo, FengmeiFang, Shude
This paper presents an integrated chassis controller with multiple hierarchical layers for 4WID/4WIS electric vehicle. The proposed systematic design consists of the following four parts: 1) a reference model is in the driver control layer, which maps the relationship between the driver's inputs and the desired vehicle motion. 2) a sliding mode controller is in the vehicle motion control layer, whose objective is to keep the vehicle following the desired motion commands generated in the driver control layer. 3) By considering the tire adhesive limits, a tire force allocator is in the control allocation layer, which optimally distributes the generalized forces/moments to the four wheels so as to minimize the tire workloads during normal driving. 4) an actuator controller is in the executive layer, which calculates the driving torques of the in-wheel motors and steering angles of the four wheels in order to finally achieve the distributed tire forces. Experimental verification is made to
Li, ChunshanSong, PanChen, GuoyingZong, ChangfuLiu, Wenchao
The “Model Architecture and Interfaces Recommended Practice for Ground Vehicle System and Subsystem Dynamical Simulation” defines the architectural structure of a ground vehicle system dynamical model by partitioning it into subsystem models and by defining subsystem interfaces required to enable plug-and-play operation of a dynamical simulation models. All types of ground vehicle were considered in the development of the architecture, such as, passenger cars, light and medium duty trucks, heavy duty tractor trailer trucks, and vehicles/equipment for military, farming, construction, and mining. Versatility of this architectural partitioning is demonstrated by showing how it can be applied to different vehicle configurations. Application examples of architecture are provided for a large number of the publicly known ground vehicle configurations in production, testing, or development. This recommended practice encompasses standards to enable seamless plug-and-play reusability of
Dynamical Modeling and Simulation Committee
Four-wheel independent control electric vehicle is a new type of x-by-wire EV with four wheels independent steering and four wheels independent drive/brake systems. In order to take full advantage of the vehicle's performance potential, this paper presents a novel integrated chassis control strategy. In the paper, the strategy is designed by the hierarchical control structure and divided into integrated control layer and allocation layer. By this method, the control logical can be modularized and simplified. In the integrated control layer, Model Prediction Control (MPC) is adopted to design the integrated control unit, which belongs to be a kind of local optimization algorithm with feedback correction features. Using this method could avoid the system performance degradation caused by the control model mismatch. The control allocation layer is to optimally distribute the vehicle control forces to the steering/driving/brake actuators on each wheel. In order to maximize the use of the
Chen, GuoyingZhang, Dong
The main characteristic of vehicle moving on road is related to its response to the drivers command and to environmental factors affecting the direction of motion of vehicle. The two basic problems in handling the vehicle are control of vehicle along the desired path and stabilization of the direction of motion of vehicle against external disturbances. The vehicle with best handling characteristics is the vehicle which can always be controlled by the driver. While parking the vehicle and doing sharp turnings the vehicle with two wheel steering cannot be more significant. The two wheel steering system takes large radius of turning and requires more space to take turn. Hence four wheel steering is preferable than two wheel steering systems. A multi-function four wheel steering system could improve directional stability at high speeds, sharp turning performance at low speeds, and parking performance of a vehicle. Generally there are three types of steering systems which include front
Vanamala, Uma Maheshwarkoganti, Raja Rao
This paper describes the use of a designed Fuzzy Logic Control for the purpose of integrating the driver’s steering input together with the four-wheel steering system (4WS) in order to improve the vehicle’s dynamic behavior with respect to yaw rate and body sideslip angle. The control objective is to obtain zero body sideslip angle by a two-dimensional rule table, which is created based on the error and on the change in the error of sideslip angle that is to be minimized. The dynamics of the model is developed with a three-degree of freedom nonlinear vehicle model including roll dynamics. The Magic Formula is applied in order to formulate the nonlinear characteristics of the tires. A lane change and steady state cornering simulations are performed to show the effectiveness of the control on transient motion body sideslip angle and yaw rate response time behaviors. During simulations, comparisons are done with the two-wheel steered vehicle and the control techniques studied previously.
Ozatay, EvrenUnlusoy, Samim Y.Yildirim, A. Murat
The tow vehicle should be designed for towbarless push-back and/or maintenance towing of regional type aircraft as specified in 1.3. The design will ensure that the unit will safely secure the aircraft nose landing gear within the coupling system for any operational mode. The purpose of this towing procedure is to achieve a safer and faster operation than is possible with conventional towing equipment.
AGE-3 Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Committee
The dynamics of a four wheel steering(4WS) system inherently has model uncertainties, resulting in degradation in performance. As a way to compensate the model uncertainties of the vehicle system, a nonlinear neural network control scheme is proposed and evaluated. The control scheme is composed of a conventional model reference control term and a compensator term. The compensator term is generated by an unsupervised neural network whose teaching signal is just error information between the actual plant and the reference model. This control scheme does not require an inverse dynamics of the plant or a Jacobian information of the learned plant, so that an on-line learning can be carried out. Since the teaching signal of this scheme is simple to compute in the control process, the fast convergence can be realized. The validity and effectiveness of the proposed control scheme for a vehicle four wheel steering are verified by computer simulations.
Kim, Hoyong
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