Browse Topic: Lean NOx traps
Lean NOx trap is a dedicated DeNOx catalyst for lean hybrid gasoline engines. Noble metals (usually platinum group metals) play the role of catalytic sites for NOx oxidation and reduction, which have significant impact of the performance of LNT. This work focuses on the influence of noble metal catalysts on self-inhibition effect from the view of competitive adsorption between NO and CO, and investigates the influence of CO self-inhibition effect on the main by-product of LNT: N2O formation. Adsorption configurations for NO, CO and N2O on noble metal clusters supported by γ-Al2O3(100) are confirmed. For detailed investigation, electron structures are analyzed by investigating Bader charge, DOS (density of state), charge density differences and COHP (crystal orbital Hamilton population) of selected configurations.The results show that CO self-inhibition effect is caused by competitive adsorption between CO and NO. The essence of competitive adsorption between CO and NO is that
Even though the 3-way catalyst chemistry has been studied extensively in the literature, some performance aspects of practical relevance have not been fully explained. It is believed that the Oxygen Storage Capacity function of 3-way catalytic components dominates the behavior during stoichiometry transitions from lean to rich mode and vice versa whereas a number of mathematical models have been proposed to describe the dynamics of pollutant conversion. Previous studies have suggested a strong impact of Sulfur on the pollutant conversion after a lean to rich transition, which has not been adequately explained and modelled. Lean to rich transitions are highly relevant to catalyst ‘purging’ needed after exposure to high O2 levels (e.g. after fuel cut-offs). This work presents engine test measurements with an engine-aged catalyst that highlight the negative impact of Sulfur on pollutant conversion after a lean to rich transition. Sulfur appears to impact not only the available Oxygen to
For the regeneration of the Lean NOx Trap (LNT) a rich air-to-fuel ratio must be generated. This operation is very critical and has low combustion stability, especially in low load operation. A certain minimum engine load is always required for the regeneration phase. In the Real Driving Emissions this minimum engine load can be undercut over a long period of time. Hence, a reliable regeneration phase is not possible. The aim of these investigations is to extend the engine map range in which regeneration is possible towards lower loads. This is done by means of a variable valve train with second exhaust valve lift, which increases the internal residual gas amount. This in turns increases the temperature at start of combustion in the cylinder. Especially at low load and low combustion stability this leads to a stabilization of the combustion process. This advantage in combustion stability can be used for a reduction of the minimum engine load. The approach of this work consists of
A supervisory Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach is developed for an air path system for multi-mode operation in a diesel engine. MPC is a control method based on a predictive dynamic model of system and determines actuator control positions through the optimization of various factors such as tracking performances of target setpoints, moving speed of actuators, limits, etc. Previously, linear MPC has been successfully applied on the air path control problem of a diesel engine, however, most of these applications were developed for a single operation mode which has only one set of control target setpoint values. In reality, a single operation mode cannot cover all requirements of current diesel engines and this complicates practical implementations of linear MPC. The high priority targets for the development of diesel engines are low emissions, high thermal efficiency and robustness. These objectives require multi-mode operations such as a HP EGR (High pressure exhaust gas
The ever-stringent emission regulations are major challenges for the diesel fueled engines in automotive industry. The applications of advanced after-treatment technologies as well as alternative fuels [1] are considered as promising methodology to reduce exhaust emission from compression ignition (CI) engines. Using dimethyl ether (DME) as an alternative fuel has been extensively studied by many researchers and automotive manufactures since DME has demonstrated enormous potential in terms of emission reduction, such as low CO emission, and soot and sulfur free. However, the effect of employing DME in a lean NOX trap (LNT) based after-treatment system has not been fully addressed yet. In this work, investigations of the long breathing LNT system using DME as a reductant were performed on a heated after-treatment flow bench with simulated engine exhaust condition. The scope of the study covers the regeneration effectiveness of NOX on the LNT after-treatment system, the formation of the
To comply with the stringent future emission mandates of light-duty diesel engines, it is essential to deploy a suitable combination of emission control devices like diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), diesel particulate filter (DPF) and DeNOx converter (LNT or SCR). Arriving at optimum size and layout of these emission control devices for a particular engine through experiments is both time and cost-intensive. Thus, it becomes important to develop suitable well-tuned simulation models that can be helpful to optimize individual emission control devices as well as arrive at an optimal layout for achieving higher conversion efficiency at a minimal cost. Towards this objective, the present work intends to develop a one-dimensional Exhaust After Treatment Devices (EATD) model using a commercial code. The model parameters are fine-tuned based on experimental data. The EATD model is then validated with experiment data that are not used for tuning the model. Subsequently, the model was used for
The Diesel Particulate NOx Reduction (DPNR) system is used for simultaneous reduction of PM and NOx in diesel engine. DPF is used to trap particulate matter in diesel engines. NOx absorber technology removes NOx in a lean (i.e. oxygen rich) exhaust environment for both diesel and gasoline lean-burn GDI engines. The NOx storage and reduction catalyst is uniformly coated on the wall surface and in the fine pores of a highly porous filter substrate. Combination of these two components in the DPNR results in a compact size of the system. The base diesel engine model validated with pressure crank angle diagram and performance parameters such as Indicated mean effective pressure. This base engine’s exhaust emission is given as an input to the DPNR system. The surface reaction is connected to the DPF through chemcon template. The surface reaction is NOx storage and reduction chemical kinetics like Lean NOx Trap. The modelling of DPNR and Base engine is done using GT-SUITE. This paper
Look ahead information can be used to improve the powertrain’s fuel consumption while efficiently controlling exhaust emissions. A passenger car propelled by a Euro 6d capable diesel engine is studied. In the conventional approach, the diesel powertrain subsystem control is rule based. It uses no information of future load requests but is operated with the objective of low engine out exhaust emission species until the Exhaust After-Treatment System (EATS) light off has occurred, even if fuel economy is compromised greatly. Upon EATS light off, the engine is operated more fuel efficiently since the EATS system is able to treat emissions effectively. This paper presents a supervisory control structure with the intended purpose to operate the complete powertrain using a minimum of fuel while improving the robustness of exhaust emissions. A supervisory controller assisted by look ahead information, and using a supervisory control interface that works in concert with low level local
In Europe, the development and implementation of new regulatory test procedures including the chassis dynamometer (CD) based World Harmonised Light Duty Test Procedure (WLTP) and the Real Driving Emissions (RDE) procedure, has been driven by the close scrutiny that real driving emissions and fuel consumption from passenger cars have come under in recent times. This is due to a divergence between stated certification performance and measured on-road performance, and has been most pointed in the case of NOx (oxides of nitrogen) emissions from diesel cars. The RDE test is certainly more relevant than CD test cycles, but currently certification RDE cycles will not necessarily include the most extreme low speed congested or low temperature conditions which are likely to be more challenging for NOx after-treatment systems. To build understanding of the emissions and fuel consumption performance of the latest available diesel passenger cars, Concawe has conducted a study of the performance of
Improved Lean NOx Trap (LNT) catalysts with enhanced NH3 generation feature were developed for the small diesel engine. The next generation LNT system needs to perform good NOx conversions over the wide temperature range including below 200°C for urban driving and above 400°C for motorway of real road driving. However, the extended use of BaO, a component of LNT known to be very effective for high temperature NOx storage, results in the decrease of low temperature NOx conversion due to the degradation of NO oxidation associating with sulfur over time. The improvement of the low-temperature LNT performance is a key requirement for the real driving emission control as the best operation temperature for urea-SCR is above ~250°C. In this study, our next generation LNT with new washcoat architecture has demonstrated improved NOx removal efficiencies under the wider operation temperature window than the current production technology. The new LNT technology also offered an enhanced on-board
Lean-burn is an effective means of reducing CO2 emissions. To date, Homogenous Lean Charge Spark Ignition (HLSI) combustion, which lowers emissions of both CO2 and NOx, has been studied. Although HLSI realizes lower emission, it is a major challenge for lean-burn engines to meet SULEV regulations, so we have developed a new aftertreatment system for HLSI engines. It consists of three types of catalysts that have different functions, as well as special engine control methods. As the first stage in achieving SULEV emissions, this study focused on enhancing performance under lean conditions. HLSI engine exhaust gases contain high concentrations of hydrocarbons, including a large amount of paraffin, which are difficult to purify, rather than low concentrations of NOx. Therefore, the key point in low emissions is to purify not only NOx, but also high concentrations of paraffin at the same time. Other issues include maintaining high performance under stoichiometry operation and reducing N2O
Despite the trend in increased prosperity, the Indian automotive market, which is traditionally dominated by highly cost-oriented producion, is very sensitive to the price of fuels and vehicles. Due to these very specific market demands, the U-LCV (ultra-light commercial vehicle) segment with single cylinder natural aspirated Diesel engines (typical sub 650 cc displacement) is gaining immense popularity in the recent years. By moving to 2016, with the announcement of leapfrogging directly to Bharat Stage VI (BS VI) emission legislation in India, and in addition to the mandatory application of Diesel particle filters (DPF), there will be a need to implement effective NOx aftertreament systems. Due to the very low power-to-weight ratio of these particular applications, the engine operation takes place under full load conditions in a significant portion of the test cycle. These lead to further challenges in terms of high engine-out NOx emissions and non-optimum temperature window for
There are numerous off-road diesel engine applications. In some applications there is more focus on metrics such as initial cost, packaging and transient response and less emphasis on fuel economy. In this paper a combustion concept is presented that may be well suited to these applications. The novel combustion concept operates in two distinct operation modes: lean operation at light engine loads and stoichiometric operation at intermediate and high engine loads. One advantage to the two mode approach is the ability to simplify the aftertreatment and reduce cost. The simplified aftertreatment system utilizes a non-catalyzed diesel particulate filter (DPF) and a relatively small lean NOx trap (LNT). Under stoichiometric operation the LNT has the ability to act as a three way catalyst (TWC) for excellent control of hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). The two-mode diesel combustion concept was implemented on a 6.8L medium duty diesel engine and several
Typical Lean NOx Trap (LNT) catalyst composition includes precious metal components (Pt, Pd, and/or Rh), responsible for NO oxidation during lean operation and NOx reduction during rich operation. It was found that redox history of commercial LNT catalyst plays a significant role on deciding its NOx conversion under Lean/Rich cyclic condition. Further test had shown that fully formulated LNT catalyst being pre-reduced had shown much better NO reduction activity during the temperature-programmed reduction (TPRx) of NO than the same LNT catalyst being oxidized. The following study with Rh-only and Pt-only catalyst had demonstrated that Rh plays a key role on the large variation of the NO reduction function due to oxidation state change over LNT catalyst. Kinetic analysis of the NO reduction was performed in an attempt to elucidate the underlying mechanistic relationship, where it was found that NO reduction over reduced Rh can be well described by an Arrhenius equation with first-order
In order to meet LEV III, EURO 6C and Beijing 6 emission levels, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) can potentially implement unique aftertreatment systems solutions which meet the varying legislated requirements. The availability of various washcoat substrates and PGM loading and ratio options, make selection of an optimum catalyst system challenging, time consuming and costly. Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) methodologies have been used in industry since the 1990s. One of the earliest applications was at Motorola where the methodology was applied to the design and production of a paging device which Consumer Reports called “virtually defect-proof”.[1] Since then, the methodology has evolved to not only encapsulate complicated “Variation Optimization” but also “Design Optimization” where multiple factors are in play. In this study, attempts are made to adapt the DFSS concept and methodology to identify and optimize a catalyst for diesel applications. Lean NOx Trap (LNT) was selected
Lean NOx Traps (LNTs) are one type of lean NOx reduction technology typically used in smaller diesel passenger cars where urea-based Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems may be difficult to package . However, the performance of lean NOx traps (LNT) at temperatures above 400 C needs to be improved. The use of Rapidly Pulsed Reductants (RPR) is a process in which hydrocarbons are injected in rapid pulses ahead of a LNT in order to expand its operating window to higher temperatures and space velocities. This approach has also been called Di-Air (diesel NOx aftertreatment by adsorbed intermediate reductants) by Toyota. There is a vast parameter space which could be explored to maximize RPR performance and reduce the fuel penalty associated with injecting hydrocarbons. In this study, the mixing uniformity of the injected pulses, the type of reductant, and the concentration of pulsed reductant in the main flow were investigated. We found that all of these parameters are important for
Diesel exhaust after treatment solutions using injection, such as urea-based SCR and lean NOx trap systems, effectively reduce the emission NOx level in various light vehicles, commercial vehicles, and industrial applications. The performance of the injector is crucial for successfully utilizing this type of technology, and a simulation tool plays an important role in the virtual design, that the performance of the injector is evaluated to reach the optimized design. The virtual test methodology using CFD to capture the fluid dynamics of the injector internal flow has been previously developed and validated for quantifying the dosing rate of the test injector. In this study, the capability of the virtual test methodology was extended to determine the spray angle of the test injector, and the effect of the manufacturing process on the injector internal nozzle flow characteristics was investigated using the enhanced virtual test methodology. Several variations of injector key geometric
The drive to more fuel efficient vehicles is underway, with passenger car targets of 54.5 mpg fleet average by 2025. Improving engine efficiency means reducing losses such as the heat lost in the exhaust gases. However, reducing exhaust temperature makes it harder for emissions control catalysts to function because they require elevated temperatures to be active. Addressing this conundrum was the focus of the work performed. The primary objective of this work was to identify low temperature limiters for a variety of catalyst aftertreatment types. The ultimate goal is to reduce catalyst light-off temperatures, and the knowledge needed is an understanding of what prevents a catalyst from lighting off, why, and how it may be mitigated. Collectively these are referred to here as low temperature limiters to catalyst activity. This paper describes the work performed to identify low temperature limiters to catalyst activity for gasoline Three Way Catalyst (TWC), Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC
This review paper summarizes major developments in vehicular emissions regulations and technologies from 2014. The paper starts with the key regulatory advancements in the field, including newly proposed Non-Road Mobile Machinery regulations for 2019-20 in Europe, and the continuing developments towards real driving emissions (RDE) standards. An expert panel in India proposed a roadmap through 2025 for clean fuels and tailpipe regulations. LD (light duty) and HD (heavy-duty) engine technology continues showing marked improvements in engine efficiency. Key developments are summarized for gasoline and diesel engines to meet both the emerging NOx and GHG regulations. HD engines are demonstrating more than 50% brake thermal efficiency using methods that can reasonably be commercialized. Next, NOx control technologies are summarized, including SCR (selective catalytic reduction), lean NOx traps, and combination systems. Emphasis is on durability and control. Diesel PM (particulate matter
In diesel engine development, the new technology is coming out to meet the stringent exhaust emission regulation. The regulation demands more eco-friendly vehicles. Euro6c demands to meet not only WLTP mode, but also RDE(Real Driving Emission). In order to satisfy RDE mode, the new technology to reduce emissions should cover all operating areas including High Load & High Speed. It is a big challenge to reduce NOx on the RDE mode and a lot of DeNOx technologies are being developed. So the new DeNOx technology is needed to cover widened operating area and strict acceleration / deacceleration. The existing LNT(Lean NOx Trap) and Urea SCR(Selective Catalytic Reduction) is necessary to meet the typical NEDC or WLTP, but the RDE mode demands the powerful DeNOx technology. Therefore, the LNT & Urea SCR on DPF was developed through this study. This complex new technology consists of new catalysts(to reduce emissions), insulation(to improve fuel economy, and catalytic performance), and logical
Driven by the desire to implement low-cost, high-efficiency NOx aftertreatment systems, such as Three Way Catalysts (TWC) or Lean NOx Traps (LNT), a novel 6-Stroke engine cycle was explored to determine the feasibility of implementing such a cycle on a compression ignition engine while continuing to deliver fuel efficiency. Fundamental questions regarding the abilities and trade-offs of a 6-stroke engine cycle were investigated for near-stoichiometric and lean operation. Experiments were performed on a single-cylinder 15-liter (equivalent) research engine equipped with flexible valvetrain and fuel injection systems to allow direct comparison between 4-stroke and 6-stroke performance across multiple hardware configurations. 1-D engine simulations with predictive combustion models were used to support, iterate on, and explore the 6-stroke operation in conjunction with the experiments. Output from the experiments and simulations were then used to perform Availability and Energy balances
In this study several NOx storage materials have been investigated to see their NOx storage properties. And sulfur release properties of these materials have been also investigated. Based on these findings, new LNT catalyst was developed. In this new LNT catalyst Barium is supported on one basic material, and Strontium is coated in the whole catalyst with high dispersion. And it shows higher NOx storage performance against conventional LNT one even though 10g/L of sulfur was introduced to the catalysts. According to analysis results of new LNT catalyst after sulfur poisoning, it was found that sulfur was mainly adsorbed on Strontium selectively, and then it formed sulfate compound as SrSO4. On the other hand, another sulfate compounds could be hardly observed. And regarding Barium on basic material some analysis measurement said that it has not only better NOx storage function, but also better sulfur release function. The assumption why new LNT catalyst has high sulfur resistance is
The paper examines how the issue of lengthy development times can be mitigated by adopting a multivariable physics based control method for the development and deployment of complex engine control algorithms required for modern diesel engines equipped with Lean NOx Trap aftertreatment technology. The proposed approach facilitates manufacturers to consider lower cost powertrain configurations for selected markets while maintaining higher performance configurations for other markets. The contribution includes on-engine results from joint work between General Motors and Honeywell. The Honeywell OnRAMP Design Suite which applies model predictive control techniques was used for model identification, control design (using model predictive control) and its calibration. With no prior work on the engine this process of calibrating an engine model and achieving transient drive cycle control on the engine required ten days in the test cell and five days of offline work using the OnRAMP software.
Dimethyl ether(DME) is easily reformed into H2, since the chemical structure of DME does not feature direct C-C bonds, in contrast to diesel fuel. We have researched reforming catalysts for effectively generating H2 from the exhaust gases of a DME engine. The objective of this study is to evaluate the de-NOx performance of a combined system of RC(Reforming Catalyst) and LNT(Lean NOx Trap) for a DME engine according to reforming catalysts. The H2 generation of the reforming catalyst was observed under various conditions. CAT-A, CAT-B and CAT-C were prepared as reforming catalysts, and OC(Oxidation Catalyst) and LNT (Lean NOx Trap) were examined as commercial catalysts. The CAT-A catalyst has a higher amount of acid sites compared to the CAT-B and CAT-C catalysts. The CAT-A which is a mixing of mordenite and γ-Al2O3, has the highest H2 yield. However, the H2 yield decreased in the reforming reaction when CO2, NO and O2 coexisted. The NOx conversions of the combined system of fresh and
Currently, two consolidated aftertreatment technologies are available for the reduction of NOx emissions from diesel engines: Urea SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) systems and LNT (Lean NOx Trap) systems. Urea SCR technology, which has been widely used for many years at stationary sources, is becoming nowadays an attractive alternative also for light-duty diesel applications. However, SCR systems are much more effective in NOx reduction efficiency at high load operating conditions than light load condition, characterized by lower exhaust gas temperatures. One possible solution to improve the low temperature behavior, is the use of newly developed Advanced Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (A-DOC) which are capable to store NOx at low exhaust temperatures (typical of urban driving conditions) when SCR efficiency is low, and to release the stored NOx at higher temperatures (i.e., during extra-urban driving conditions) where the urea injected is effectively forming ammonia for the subsequent
Ammonia Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) and Lean NOx Trap (LNT) systems are key technologies to reduce NOx emission for diesel on-highway vehicles to meet worldwide tighter emission regulations. In addition DeNOx catalysts have already been applied to several commercial off-road applications. Adding the DeNOx catalyst to existing Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) emission control system requires additional space and will result in an increase of emission system back pressure. Therefore it is necessary to address optimizing the DeNOx catalyst in regards to back pressure and downsizing. Recently, extruded zeolite for DeNOx application has been considered. This technology improves NOx conversion at low temperature due to the high catalyst amount. However, this technology has concerned about strength and robustness, because the honeycomb body is composed of catalyst. A zeolite catalyst supported by a ceramic honeycomb structure resolves the strength
A predictive numerical model was developed to determine the impact of phosphorus exposure on the performance of flow through aftertreatment components such as Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOC) or Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) catalysts. The model is able to successfully determine the distribution of the phosphorus over the catalyst as a function of the aging history (temperature, flow rates, oil consumption rate, phosphorus content of the oil) as well as the component properties (diameter, length, cell density, wall thickness). The model then incorporates this information regarding the distribution of phosphorus over the catalyst surface to determine the impact of the phosphorus exposure on the overall catalytic activity. The model results were successfully validated using accelerated bench aging tests for the oxidation of hydrocarbons over DOC's and NH₃ oxidation and NOx reduction over SCR catalysts. The modeling approach and methodology should, however, be readily extendable to
This document describes a rigorous-engineering fuel-consumption test procedure that utilizes industry accepted data collection and statistical analysis methods to determine the change in fuel consumption for trucks and buses with GVWR of more than 10,000 pounds. The test procedure may be conducted on a test track or on a public road under controlled conditions and supported by extensive data collection and data analysis constraints. The on-road test procedure is offered as a lower cost alternative to on-track testing but the user is cautioned that on-road test may result in lower resolution (or precision) data due to a lack of control over the test environment. Test results that do not rigorously follow the method described herein are not intended for public use and dissemination and shall not be represented as a J1321-Type II test result.
Diesel exhaust aftertreatment systems are required for meeting Final Tier 4 emission regulations. This paper addresses an aftertreatment system designed to meet the Final Tier 4 emission standards for nonroad vehicle markets. The aftertreatment system consists of a fuel dosing system, mixing elements, fuel vaporizer, fuel reformer, lean NOx trap (LNT), diesel particulate filter (DPF), and an optional selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst. Aftertreatment system performance, both with and without the SCR, was characterized in an engine dynamometer test cell, using a 4.5 liter, pre-production diesel engine. The engine out NOx nominally ranged between 1.6 and 2.0 g/kW-hr while all operating modes ranged between 1.2 and 2.8 g/kW-hr. The engine out particulate matter was calibrated to approximately 0.1 g/kW-hr for various power ratings. Three engine power ratings of 104 kW, 85 kW and 78 kW were evaluated. Test results on aged catalysts show that the system performance met Final Tier 4
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