Browse Topic: Splines
This paper addresses the uncertainty quantification of time-dependent problems excited by random processes represented by Karhunen Loeve (KL) expansion. The latter expresses a random process as a series of terms involving the dominant eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the process covariance matrix weighted by samples of uncorrelated standard normal random variables. For many engineering appli bn vb nmcations, such as random vibrations, durability or fatigue, a long-time horizon is required for meaningful results. In this case however, a large number of KL terms is needed resulting in a very high computational effort for uncertainty propagation. This paper presents a new approach to generate time trajectories (sample functions) of a random process using KL expansion, if the time horizon (duration) is much larger than the process correlation length. Because the numerical cost of KL expansion increases drastically with the size of time horizon, we partition it into multiple subdomains of
This ARP applies to turbine engines that are to be used in helicopters. It provides the engine designer guide lines in achieving a satisfactory turbine engine drive shaft connection.
This paper takes a review of fretting phenomenon on splines of the engaging gears and corresponding splines on shaft of automotive transmission and how it leads to failure of other components in the gearbox. Fretting is a special wear process which occurs at the contact area of two mating metal surfaces when subject to minute relative oscillating motion under vibration. In automotive gearbox, which is subjected to torsional vibrations of the powertrain, the splines of engaging gears and corresponding shaft may experience fretting, especially when the subject gear pair is not engaged. The wear debris formed under fretting process when oxidizes becomes very hard and more abrasive than base metal. These oxidized wear particles when comes in mesh contact with nearby components like bearings, gears etc. may damage these parts during operation and eventually lead to failure. In this paper, a case study is presented wherein fretting has been identified as the root cause of failures of some
This specification establishes the requirements for the following types of self-locking nuts: a Wrenching nuts: that is, hex, double hex, spline drive b Anchor nuts: that is, plate nuts, gang channel nuts, shank nuts The wrenching nuts and shank nuts are made of low alloy steels, and the nut elements of plate and gang channel nuts are made of carbon steels or low alloy steels and having MJ threads to ISO 5855/2. Nuts have 1100 MPa tensile strength class at room temperature. Maximum test temperature of parts at 235 °C.
This SAE Standard applies to hydraulic pumps and motors used on off-road self-propelled work machines as described in SAE J1116.
The advancement in embedded systems and positional accuracy with base station GPS modules created opportunity to develop high performance autonomous ground vehicles. However, the development of vehicle model and making accurate state estimations play vital role in reducing the cross track error. The present research focus on developing Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) with Kalman estimator for autonomous ground vehicle to track various routes, that are made with the series of waypoints. The model developed in the LQG controller is a kinematic bicycle model, which mimics 1/5th scale truck. Further, the cubic spline fit has been used to connect the waypoints and generate the continuous desired/target path. The testing and implementation has been done at APS labs, MTU on the mentioned vehicle to study the performance of controller. Python has been used for simulations, controller coding and interfacing the sensors with controller. From the results, it has been confirmed that, the vehicle
This concept for measuring worn splines provides a direct wear depth dimension by utilizing the unworn involute surface as a contact point from which to measure the depth of wear on the spline tooth at the pitch diameter. Fig. 1 shows spline wear patterns and pitch diameter gaging points.
This SAE Recommended Practice covers passive torque biasing axle and center differentials used in passenger car and light truck applications. Differentials are of the bevel gear, helical gear, and planetary types, although other configurations are possible.
This standard covers the design, performance, and test requirements for high strength, thin wall, commercial sockets, universal sockets, and box wrenches used for the attachment and detachment of metric spline drive, high strength, and high temperature aircraft fasteners. Inclusion of dimensional data in this standard is not intended to imply that all of the products described herein are stock production sizes. Consumers are requested to consult with manufacturers concerning lists of stock production sizes. This standard is based on, but not limited to, the following external spline wrenching system:
To fully define the following requirements for bolts with spline and hexagon heads of strength class up to but not including 1250 MPa: a Head dimensions (see 3.1) b Shank dimensions (see 3.2) c Geometric control (see 3.3) d Surface texture (see 3.4) This document is based on one class of thread after all processing, including coating or plating, has been completed as follows: tolerance class 4h6h. For particulars of thread, see AS1370. For thread runout and lead threads, see AS3062. To fully define the following requirements for nuts with spline, plain hexagon and castellated configurations of strength class up to and including 1100 MPa: a Nut dimensions (see 4.1) b Geometric control (see 4.2) c Surface texture (see 4.3) For particulars of threads, see AS1370. This document is based on the following classes of internal threads after all processing, including coating or plating, has been completed: Tolerance class 4H6H for sizes up to and including 5 mm Tolerance class 4H5H for size 6
This specification establishes the requirements for self-locking wrenchable nuts with thread sizes 0.7500 thru 1.5000 inches. The nuts are made of corrosion and heat resistant precipitation hardenable iron base alloy of the type identified under the Unified Numbering System as UNS S66286 and of 160,000 psi axial tensile strength at room temperature, with maximum conditioning temperature of parts at 800 °F.
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) is intended for use by those involved in the design of aircraft, missile, or space systems, and their support equipment to define the various types of fastener torque.
To fully define the following requirements for bolts with spline and hexagon heads of strength class up to but not including 1250 MPa: a Head dimensions (see 3.1) b Shank dimensions (see 3.2) c Geometric control (see 3.3) d Surface texture (see 3.4) This document is based on one class of thread after all processing, including coating or plating, has been completed as follows: tolerance class 4h6h. For particulars of thread, see AS1370. For thread runout and lead threads, see AS3062. To fully define the following requirements for nuts with spline, plain hexagon and castellated configurations of strength class up to and including 1100 MPa: a Nut dimensions (see 4.1) b Geometric control (see 4.2) c Surface texture (see 4.3) For particulars of threads, see AS1370. This document is based on the following classes of internal threads after all processing, including coating or plating, has been completed: Tolerance class 4H6H for sizes up to and including 5 mm Tolerance class 4H5H for size 6
This standard specifies the areas to be used in calculating stress or load values to be used in externally and internally threaded fastener procurement specifications for bolts, screws, nuts, and studs and for the information of designers.
In the emerging commercial vehicle sector, it is very essential to give a product to customer, which is very reliable and less prone to the failures to make the product successful in the market. In order to make it possible, the product is to be validated to replicate the exact field conditions, where it is going to be operated. Lab testing plays a vital role in reproducing the field conditions in order to reduce the lead time in overall product life cycle development process. This paper deals with the design and fabrication of the steering column slip endurance test rig. This rig is capable of generating wear on the steering column splines coating which predominantly leads to failure of steering column. The data acquired from Proving Ground (PG) was analyzed and block cycles were generated with help of data analyzing tools. Those block cycles were run with the help of this rig it consists of Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) to change the velocity of steering column, and torque applied
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