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This test code describes tests for determining characteristics of hydraulic positive displacement pumps used on off-road self-propelled work machines as referenced in SAE J1116.
CTTC C1, Hydraulic Systems
Researchers are bringing together multiple areas of technical expertise to improve LVAD performance and outcomes. One team will develop a smart magnetically levitated (Maglev) drive system that can sense the body’s physiological changes and automatically adjust the pump speed to meet the patient’s daily output requirement, such as for exercising and sleeping.
Curtiss-Wright Corporation Davidson, NC
Motor temperature plays a critical role in controlling pump speed and regulating coolant flow to prevent overheating during motor operation. Presently, negative temperature coefficient (NTC) sensors are commonly used for motor temperature measurement, typically installed at the motor winding’s end for ease of installation. However, in oil spray-cooled motors, the temperature distribution is uneven due to the spray pipe, leading to lower temperatures near the pipe compared to other areas. This results in a challenge where relying solely on NTC measurements at the winding end may not meet the motor’s cooling requirements. To address this issue and improve temperature signal accuracy, a novel approach has been developed that utilizes four signals derived from the motor controller: motor speed, motor torque, along with oil pump speed, oil temperature. Employing the lumped parameter method, a model established in Simulink aims to estimate the average temperature in the motor’s high
Lu, JunjieLi, QiangChen, BinglinZhu, LunzhiWu, JianYan, Pingtao
For many patients waiting for a donor heart, the only way to live a decent life is with the help of a pump attached directly to their heart. This pump requires about as much power as a TV, which it draws from an external battery via a seven-millimeter-thick cable. The system is handy and reliable, but it has one big flaw: despite medical treatment, the point at which the cable exits the abdomen can be breached by bacteria.
The benefits introduced by the replacement of conventional centrifugal pumps with volumetric machines for Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) cooling were experimentally and theoretically proven in literature. Sliding Rotary Vane Pumps (SVRPs) ensure to achieve an interesting reduction of ICEs fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Despite volumetric pumps are a reference technology for ICE lubrication oil circuits, the application in ICE cooling systems still not represent a ready-to-market solution. Particularly challenging is the case of Heavy-Duty ICEs due to the wide operating range the pump covers in terms of flow rate delivered and pressure rise. Generally, SVRPs are designed to operate at high speeds to reduce machine dimensions and, consequently, the weight. Nevertheless, speed increase could lead to a severe penalization of pump performance since the growth of the friction losses. They produce wear phenomena which require expensive surface treatments or, more generally, the
Fatigati, FabioDi Bartolomeo, MarcoPallante, FrancescoLo Biundo lng, GiuseppeCipollone, Roberto
A Gerotor pump is a positive displacement pump consisting of inner and outer rotors, with the axis of inner rotor offset from axis of outer rotor. Both rotors rotate about their respective axes. The volume between the rotors changes dynamically, due to which suction and compression occurs. Due to their high-speed rotations, a Gerotor pump may be subjected to erosion due to cavitation. This paper details about the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) based methodology that has been used to capture cavitation bubbles, which might form during the operation of Gerotor pump and to identify the erosion zone which might be occur due to cavitation bubble getting burst near the surface layers of the gears. A full scale (3D) transient CFD model of a Gerotor pump has been developed using commercial CFD code ANSYS FLUENT. The most challenging part of this CFD flow modeling is to create a dynamic volume mesh that perfectly represents the dynamically changing rotor fluid volume of the Gerotor pump
Vasudevan, Dinesh BabuTuraga, Vijay Kumar
As medical devices in today’s modern medicine continue to advance, they require power supplies that allow them to perform an ever-widening roles. These lightweight, wearable — and even implantable — medical devices comprise everything from activity/exercise watches, hearing aids, and medical call buttons to pacemakers, insulin pump monitors, and neuro- or gastric stimulators, as well as implantable cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators (ICDs). The rechargeable batteries used in these devices must provide for such vital functions as monitoring, signal processing, collecting and transmitting data, and providing specialized electronic pulses when needed to stimulate cardiac output and other physiological activity.
Pump systems are ubiquitous in medical and life science products, from blood pressure monitors and drug-delivery devices, to pipettors and diagnostic instruments. As the demand for smaller, less intrusive — sometimes even wearable — products grow, engineers must meet these expectations without compromising on pump system performance.
In the process of injection molding, the vacuum pump rear housing is prone to warping deformation and volume shrinkage, which affects its sealing performance. The main reason is the improper control of the injection process and the large flat structure of the vacuum pump rear housing, which does not meet its production and assembly requirements (the warpage deformation should be controlled within 1 mm and the volume shrinkage within 8.6%). To address this issue, this study initially utilized orthogonal experiments to obtain training samples and conducted a preliminary analysis using gray relational analysis. Subsequently, a predictive model was established based on a one-dimensional convolutional neural network (1D CNN). Input parameters from the injection molding process, including melt temperature, mold temperature, packing pressure, packing time, injection pressure, injection time, and cooling time, were used while warping deformation and volume shrinkage were considered as outputs
Hua, JunyiFan, XiyingGuo, YonghuanZhang, XinranZhu, ZhiweiZhang, Lanfeng
With the use of the stepped surface of the friction pairs of the stepped bearings (SB) in the high-speed centrifugal pumps, its liquid film thickness is suddenly changed and it was discontinuously distributed in the direction of motion of pump. To ensure the continuity of the liquid film thickness and enhance the lubrication efficiency of the pump, based on the lubrication model of the SB, two other structures of the inclined surfaces [inclined bearings (IB)] and curved surfaces [curved bearings (CB)] used to replace stepped surfaces of the SB are investigated, respectively. Under the same conditions of the minimum thickness of the liquid film and initial dimensions of the sliding friction pairs, the influence of both the thickness ratio (α) of the liquid film and dimension ratio (β) in the direction of motion of SB, IB, and CB on the bearing capacity and friction coefficient of the liquid film are simulated and analyzed, respectively. Based on the optimal ratios {α and β} of SB, IB
Chen, HanxinGuo, XiaoyanNguyen, Vanliem
This paper presents investigation study done on improvement in coolant pump hydraulic efficiency by proposing novel design of impeller blade for internal combustion engine. In typical coolant pump design, hydraulic efficiency plays a very important role in defining performance characteristics of coolant pump. Hydraulic efficiency is inversely proportional to drag imposed on impeller blades. In current investigation, coolant pump’s impeller blade design is optimized by taking inspiration from Biomimicry. Tubercles design is adopted on tip of impeller blades. Considerable literature study indicates tubercle design has never been tested in IC Engines in automotive industry. Design calculations along with CFD work has been carried out in order to adopt tubercles design on impeller blade tip. The virtual results are encouraging, with efficiency improvement in range of 1% to 4% by means of analytical & CFD calculations at coolant pump component level. Though investigation is carried out on
Barve, AmolRoy Pratihar, SudeshnaMokashi, OnkarPatil, Naveen
Until recently, microscopic robotic systems have had to make do without arms. Now, a team at ETH Zurich has developed an ultrasonically actuated glass needle that can be attached to a robotic arm. This lets them pump and mix minuscule amounts of liquid and trap particles.
Compact off-highway machines should be as maneuverable, versatile and energy-efficient as possible. Key to achieving these goals is the electronification of the working hydraulics. New mini excavators, wheel loaders and track loaders from the Eurocomach brand, which is part of the Italian Sampierana Group, demonstrates the improvements that can be gained by utilizing electrohydraulic pump control and software. Sampierana first launched the electronification of its working hydraulics on its six-ton mini excavators. “Our compact construction machines are used for a wide variety of jobs,” said Giuseppe Fabbri, technical manager at Sampierana. “Loading, excavating or digging should be very accurate or quick and productive to perform, as needed, and also support a wide range of tools - from shovels to hammers or mowers.”
Malimpensa, Mattia
Electric vehicles (EV) have become very significant and potential way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on a worldwide scale. EV also provides Energy security, as it reduces the dependency on petroleum producing countries of the world. Similar to the conventional Internal Combustion Engine Cars, in Electrical Vehicles also the efficient air conditioning system is very important for providing thermal comfort and for giving safe driving conditions. In Air Conditioning systems for EV, the heating option is available in the form of Electrical heaters and Heat Pump systems. The Heat pumps have become more popular compared to the electrical Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) heaters because of their highly efficient and energy saving designs. However, there are still some issues with using heat pumps. One of such issue is their less Coefficient of performance (COP) at low ambient conditions. Experimental results also show that the driving range decreases by using the electric heating
Dagar, AakashSharma, NishantSuman, SaurabhKushwah, Yogendra Singh
Most of the world is covered in oceans, which are unfortunately highly polluted. One of the strategies to combat the mounds of waste found in these very sensitive ecosystems — especially around coral reefs — is to employ robots to master the cleanup. However, existing underwater robots are mostly bulky with rigid bodies, unable to explore and sample in complex and unstructured environments, and are noisy due to electrical motors or hydraulic pumps. For a more suitable design, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) in Stuttgart looked to nature for inspiration.
This specification covers hand and air operated, solvent and oil spray guns.
AMS J Aircraft Maintenance Chemicals and Materials Committee
This document covers evaluation techniques for determining the power consumption characteristics of engine driven hydraulic pumps used on heavy-duty trucks and buses. The testing technique outlined in this SAE Recommended Practice was developed as part of an overall program for testing and evaluating fuel consumption of heavy-duty trucks and buses. The technique outlined in this document provides a description of the test to be run to determine power consumption of these engine driven components, the type of equipment and facilities which are generally required to perform these tests are discussed in SAE J745. It is recommended that the specific operating conditions suggested throughout the test be carefully reviewed on the basis of actual data obtained on the specific vehicle operation.
Truck and Bus Aerodynamics and Fuel Economy Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) has been compiled to provide information on hydraulic systems fitted to the following categories of military vehicles. Attack Airplanes Fighter Airplanes Bombers Anti-Sub, Fixed Wing Airplanes Transport Airplanes Helicopters Boats
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The heat pump with low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants is imperative for the electric vehicle (EV) to slow down global warming and extend the driving range while meeting passengers' thermal comfort in low ambient temperatures. However, there are no appropriate refrigerants. To provide long-term and environmental-friendly refrigerants in the heat pump for EVs, herein, we reported newly developed low-GWP refrigerant mixtures, i.e., DL3B, whose GWP is lower than 140, the flammability (lower flammability limit and burning velocity), saturation pressure, lubricant miscibility, material compatibility were experimentally tested. A test bench that can investigate the performance of an R410A prototype was built. The drop-in tests of the DL refrigerant were carried out to evaluate the capacities and COPs for both cooling and heating modes in the EV heat pump system. Results showed that DL3B has similar saturation pressure to R410A, good miscibility with original lubricant and is
Yu, BinbinQian, ChenyiOuyang, HongshengShi, Jun-YeGuo, ZhikaiChen, Jiangping
The invention of the diesel common rail (DCR) fuel system has enabled a complete new performance scope for the operation of the Diesel Engine. Among the most important characteristics, the DCR fuel system provides increased fueling flexibility in both quantity and timing, improved packaging, relatively low weight, and attractive cost to the fuel system integrator. The four main top level requirements for DCR pumps have been identified: (1) Efficiency, (2) Function and Performance, (3) Size and Weight, and (4) Cost. In this paper, the development of key features of Stanadyne’s Modular DCR (MDCR) pump platform will first be described. Design strategies for fuel metering, robustness to debris, increased pressure, increased speed, and increase in B10 life for both an automotive MDCR pump and a heavy duty MDCR pump will be presented. Detailed results from an in-depth analysis of the pumps will be presented. Results of performance testing and durability testing will be presented. Finally
Stroia, Bradlee
SAE/USCAR-46 defines test methods and outputs for engine oil pump bench testing. Performance and durability testing are the primary focus of this standard. This is written to specifically address testing of electronically controlled variable displacement pumps but can be adapted to mechanically controlled pumps and other pump technologies as needed. This standard outlines critical inputs and outputs in order to perform the testing and report results, but does not specifically set the acceptance standards or pass/fail criteria. Acceptance criteria must be set by the customer.
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There are about 64 million cases of heart failure worldwide. According to the American Heart Association, 6.2 million adults in the United States have heart failure and that number is estimated to increase to 8 million by 2030. Heart failure is a progressive clinical syndrome characterized by a structural abnormality of the heart, in which the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood to meet the body’s requirements.
The development of microfluidic systems for lab-on-a-chip (LoC) and organ-on-a-chip (OoC) applications require precise fluid flow control. Typically, on-chip flows are controlled by integrating a microfluidic chip with external pumps that deliver fluid flow at the microscale (typically on the order of mL/min) through the microchannels. To this end, commercially available flow devices such as extrusion syringe pumps, peristaltic pumps, and pneumatic pumps have been widely used.
Gasoline compression ignition (GCI) is a promising combustion technology that can help the commercial transportation sector achieve operational flexibility and meet upcoming criteria pollutant regulations. However, high-pressure fuel injection systems (>1000 bar) are needed to enable GCI and fully realize its benefits compared to conventional diesel combustion. This work is a continuation of previous durability studies that identified three key technical risks after running gasoline-like fuel through a heavy-duty, common rail injection system: (i) cavitation damage to the inlet check valve of the high-pressure pump, (ii) loss of injector fueling capacity, (iii) cavitation erosion of the injector nozzle holes. Upgraded hardware solutions were tested on a consistent 400- to 800-hour NATO durability cycle with the same gasoline-like fuel as previous studies. The upgraded pump showed no signs of abnormal wear or cavitation damage to the inlet check valve. In contrast to previous studies
Tzanetakis, TomMedina, RobertoGarg, RajeshPeng, QianMoon, Chi YoungSforzo, Brandon A.Powell , Christopher F.
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) covers the design and installation requirements for hydraulic systems (up to 8000 psig [56 MPa]) for ground support equipment (GSE). This ARP is derived from AS5440, which provides hydraulic system requirements for aircraft. The recommendations herein are primarily intended for GSE that exchange hydraulic fluid with the aircraft, such as hydraulic service carts, rather than GSE with non-interfacing hydraulic systems. The GSE may be mobile, portable, or stationary.
AGE-3 Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report presents the following factors that affect hydraulic pump life and performance: a The need to supply hydraulic fluid at the correct pressure and quality to the pump inlet port b Considerations for the pump output c Factors to be considered for the pump case drain lines d The mounting of the hydraulic pump e Hydraulic fluid properties, including cleanliness
A-6C4 Power Sources Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) covers the design and installation requirements for hydraulic systems (up to 8000 psig [56 MPa]) for ground support equipment (GSE). The GSE may be portable or stationary.
AGE-3 Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Committee
Blast cleaning may be defined as a mechanical pre-treatment process in which a suitable stream of solid particles is propelled with sufficient velocity against a work surface to cause a cleaning or abrading action when it comes in contact with the workpiece. Blast cleaning may be employed for a variety of purposes. It is a well-established method for removing sand from castings and burrs or scale from forgings, mill products, or heat treated parts; to promote machinability; and to minimize the possibility of interference in actual operation. In addition to this use, blast cleaning also produces a suitable surface for downstream industrial coatings. All these objectives are often accomplished in the one operation. As a general understanding, this document pertains to blast cleaning only. Any reference to shot peening or other processes is only to explain a context or concept related to blast cleaning. Processes prior to and/or after blast cleaning are entirely possible, but they do not
Surface Enhancement Committee
Within automotive sector, there are several high-performance applications, like, for instance, those referred to racing and motorsport, where cooling needs are usually fulfilled by simple circuits with conventional low-efficiency pumps. The cooling needs in these applications are represented by low flow rates delivered (in the range of 10 - 50 L/min). The operating conditions of these small pumps are usually characterized by very high revolution speeds, which intrinsically cause low efficiency and critical intake phenomena (cavitation) if the design is not specifically optimized to address these concerns. Hence, in this paper a small-size pump operating in the racing sector has been designed using a model-based approach, built and tested having reached both high efficiency (aimed to 50%) and absence of intake operational problems (cavitation). Starting from the specific cooling request (design flow rate equal to 14.0 L/min and pressure rise equal to 2.5 bar), the very limited space
Mariani, LuigiDi Giovine, GiammarcoFremondi, FabrizioDi Battista, DavideCarminati, AlessandroCipollone, RobertoFatigati, FabioDi Bartolomeo, MarcoCamagni, Umberto
An emerging challenge for the extrusion press industry is older hydraulics technology. Many presses continue using inefficient and unreliable hydraulic pumps.
Electronic expansion valve as a throttle element is widely used in heat pump systems and flow characteristics are its most important parameter. The flow characteristics of the electronic expansion valve (EXV) with a valve port diameter of 3mm are studied, when the refrigerant R134a is used as the working fluid. The main factors affecting the flow characteristics are researched by adopting the orthogonal experiment method and single factor control method, for example, inlet pressure, inlet temperature, outlet pressure and valve opening. The results show that the expansion valve opening degree has the greatest influence on mass flow rate. In view of the complicated phase change of the refrigerant passing through electronic expansion valve, it is difficult to model the flow characteristics accurately. Based on the measured experimental data, an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm whose learning factor can be dynamically adjusted is used to optimize the initial weights and
Liang, GaoshuaiLi, LipingShangguan, Wen-Bin
The injection strategy as well as the overall efficiency of the diesel engine are tightly related to the performance of the high-pressure injection pump. The paper deals with the modeling of a latest generation Common Rail injection pump, aiming at the characterization of its performance in terms of volumetric- and torque-efficiency. A lumped parameter approach is adopted; with reference to a commercial pump widely used in the field of light diesel engines, a dynamic model of the piston-cylinder pair is built, taking its mechanical drive, the hydraulic supply and delivery systems into account. Based on in-depth experimental activities that provide the performance diagrams of pump, the lumped-parameter model is built and assessed. Given the current strong interest in the use of alternative fuels that limit CO2 emissions, the pump model has been implemented to simulate, beside the standard diesel, the use of biofuel. The modeling assumption have been thoroughly described and the details
Cavallo, Domenico MarioChiavola, OrnellaFrattini, EdoardoPalmieri, Fulvio
As one of the key components of the heat pump system, the electronic expansion valve mainly plays the role of throttling and reducing pressure in the heat pump system. The refrigerant flowing through the orifice will produce complex phase change. It is of great significance to study the internal flow field by means of CFD calculations. Firstly, a three-dimensional fluid model is established and the mesh is divided. Secondly, the phase change model is selected, the material is defined and the boundary conditions are determined. According to the principle of the fluid passing through thin-walled small holes, the flow characteristics of electronic expansion valve are theoretically analyzed. Then the flow characteristics of expansion valve are numerically calculated, and a bench for testing mass flow rate of the expansion valve is built. Then the theoretical value, CFD value and experimental value are compared to verify the correctness of the established three-dimensional fluid model. The
Liang, GaoshuaiLi, LipingShangguan, Wen-Bin
Due to the advantages of compact structure, stable operation, and low cost, the gerotor pumps are widely used in the cooling and lubricating system of automobiles. The multi-arc combined gerotor pump is a gerotor pump with a special profile. In this paper, the calculation method of the inner and outer rotor profile of the above-mentioned pump is introduced, and its meshing characteristics are analyzed. In general, three kinds of clearances would be processed to ensure the operation of the pump, named as tip clearance, axial clearance, and radial clearance. These clearances have a great impact on the performance of the pump so that it is important to design them. In response to this problem, this paper established a flow field characteristics model of the multi-arc combined gerotor pump based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method, and the effectiveness of the model is then verified through experiments. The influence of the three types of clearances on the flow field
jiang, YueLi, MinWang, YonggangZhen, RanShangguan, Wen-Bin
Fuel saving and, consequently, CO2 emissions reduction are the main driver of internal combustion engine development for the transportation sector. Among the several technological options presently available for this purpose, those related to thermal management and, in particular, engine cooling optimization, seem to have additional value thanks to their easiness to be applied on board, without invasive modification of the engine and the vehicle. Typically, centrifugal pumps are adopted, but their efficiency is highly dependent on their revolution speed, suffering of it during real operation. Volumetric pumps can overcome this issue, having an efficiency ideally independent on rotational speed. In this work, triple-screw pump has been considered as a technological replacement for the centrifugal one, since it is a consolidated technology in other sectors, but never considered in engine cooling. Hence, a comprehensive zero-dimensional mathematical model of this pump has been proposed
Di Giovine, GiammarcoDi Battista, DavideMariani, LuigiDi Bartolomeo, MarcoFatigati, FabioFremondi, FabrizioCamagni, UmbertoCarminati, AlessandroCipollone, Roberto
Centrifugal pumps are widely used in different thermal fluid systems in automobile industries. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of such a thermal fluid system depends on the accurate component modeling of the system components. This paper presents CFD analysis of a centrifugal pump with two different approaches: Transient (moving grid) and the steady state - Multiple Reference Frame (MRF) methods using a commercial CFD solver Simerics MP+®. In addition, flow and pressure drop data obtained using CFD simulations of a vehicle coolant hydraulic system was compared to results from rig test data. The Transient method incorporates the real motion of the pump blades geometry and temporal flow solutions are obtained for instantaneous positions of the blade geometry. In MRF approach, the flow governing equations for the stationary zone are solved in the absolute/inertial reference frame, whereas flow in the moving zone is solved in the relative/non-inertial reference frame. This
Ahmed, RayhanMotin, AbdulSrinivasan, ChiranthZhang, Yi
Computational expenses aside, simulating and optimizing pumps operating at pressures near the liquid’s saturation pressure needs complete modeling of cavitation physics. This becomes critical in high-temperature applications since the saturation pressure increases with temperature and the pumps become more prone to cavitation. In the present work, the performance of a centrifugal pump was improved by delaying the sudden onset of cavitation at higher flow rates through constrained optimization of impeller geometry. The optimized designs generated over 25% higher head at the operating point and performed better than the baseline design across the range of operation. Constraints were dictated by geometric/ packaging limitations in order to ensure that the optimized impeller can be retrofitted into an existing fluid-power system. A Gaussian Process Regressor (GPR) based metamodel was constructed utilizing a database of designs generated through Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS). Their
Doddamane, AnupBallani, AbhishekDecker, JoeMaiti, DipakPatil, VeeranagoudaWang, DemingWeirich, MichaelDing, HuiJohn, Tennyson
The working principle and performance test method of the gerotor pump with multi-arc combined profile are introduced. According to the formation method of the rotor tooth profile, the calculation method of the inner rotor tooth profile is introduced, and the meshing characteristics of the inner and outer rotors are analyzed. On this basis, a calculation method for the displacement and instantaneous flow rate of the gerotor pump with multi-arc combined profile is proposed. In addition, a calculation model of the flow field characteristics of the gerotor pump with multi-arc combined profile is established, and the validity of the model is verified by experiments. Based on the model of traditional single-arc gerotor pump and the model of the gerotor pump with multi-arc combined profile, the flow rate, internal flow velocity, pressure distribution and gas volume fraction distribution under different working conditions are calculated respectively. The results show that: compared with the
Jiang, YueLi, MinWang, YonggangZhen, RanShangguan, Wen-Bin
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