Browse Topic: Acoustics

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ABSTRACT Curtiss-Wright has developed an acoustic based sensor technology for measuring friction, shock, and dynamic load transfer between moving parts in machinery. This technology provides a means of detecting and analyzing machine structure borne ultrasonic frequency sounds caused by friction and shock events between the moving parts of the machine. Electrical signals from the sensors are amplified and filtered to remove unwanted low frequency vibration energy. The resulting data is analyzed as a computed stress wave energy value that considers the amplitude, shape, duration and rates of all friction and shock events that occur during a reference time interval. The ability to separate stress waves from the lower frequency operational noise makes this technology capable of detecting damaged gears/bearings and changes in lubrication in equipment earlier than other techniques, and before failure progression increases cost of repair. Already TRL9 in adjacent industries, this technology
Reichenfeld, Curtis
Vehicle HVAC noise performance is an important vehicle design validation criterion since it significantly links the brand image of a vehicle. It affects the customer’s buying decision and the business of selling vehicles because it directly affects driving comfort. Customers expect continuous improvement in HVAC noise without compromising cooling performance. The process of cascading vehicle-level acoustic performance to subsystem and component levels becomes an important factor in the vehicle NVH development process. It was found that the component-level [HVAC unit without duct] performance of an HVAC system measured in an anechoic chamber was at par when compared to targets, whereas the subsystem-level performance [HVAC unit with duct and dashboard] was on the higher side of the targets. Advanced NVH tools were used to identify the source of noise at the subsystem level. It helped to locate the source and its transfer path. A design modification done at the transfer path location
Titave, Uttam VasantKalsule, ShrikantNaidu, Sudhakara
This study looks at the effects of low-viscosity fuel on high-pressure fuel pump durability. Several high-pressure fuel pumps were allowed to operate with low-viscosity fuel on a custom test stand until failure. Fuel-pumps lasted 0.3-294 hours before failure. The fuel pumps failed by experiencing a sharp rise in the low-pressure outlet fuel temperature due to scuffing of the camring-bucket interface. We describe a technique for analyzing acoustic emission sensor data to monitor the status of the fuel pump. Acoustic emission signals were able to detect a two-stage failure process of scuffing initiation on a single camring-bucket interface to propagation of damage to the other interfaces
Murthy, NikhilCoburn, VincentMatzke, CalebBerkebile, Stephen
When the brakes are released and the vehicle starts, the brakes and suspensions vibrate and the car body resonates at 10 to 300 Hz, which is called brake creep groan. This low-frequency noise is more likely to occur in high-humidity environments. As vehicles become quieter with the introduction of EVs, improving this low-frequency noise has become an important issue. It is known that the excitation force is the stick-slip between the brake rotor and pads, but there are few studies that directly analyze stick-slip occurring in a vehicle. Acoustic emission (AE) is a phenomenon in which strain energy stored inside a material is released as elastic stress waves, and AE sensing can be used to elucidate the friction phenomena. In this study, the AE sensing is used to analyze changes in the stick-slip occurrence interval and generated energy when creep groan occurs. As a result, it was confirmed that the AE signal increased with high humidity. Furthermore, the friction phenomena during creep
Toyoda, HajimeYazawa, YusukeArai, ShinichiOno, ManabuHara, YasuhiroHase, Alan
When traveling in an open-jet wind tunnel, the path of an acoustic wave is affected by the flow causing a shift of source positions in acoustical maps of phased arrays outside the flow. The well-known approach of Amiet attempts to correct for this effect by computing travel times between microphones and map points based on the assumption that the boundary layer of the flow, the so-called shear layer, is infinitely thin and refracts the acoustical ray in a conceptually analogy to optics. However, in reality, the turbulent nature of both the not-so-thin shear layer and the acoustic emission process itself causes an additional smearing of sources in acoustic maps, which in turn causes deconvolution methods based on these maps – the most prominent example being CLEAN-SC – to produce certain ring effects, so-called halos, around sources. In this paper, we intend to cast some light on this effect by describing our path of analyzing/circumventing these halos and how they are linked to the
Puhle, ChristofMeyer, AndyDöbler, Dirk
Design verification and quality control of automotive components require the analysis of the source location of ultra-short sound events, for instance the engaging event of an electromechanical clutch or the clicking noise of the aluminium frame of a passenger car seat under vibration. State-of-the-art acoustic cameras allow for a frame rate of about 100 acoustic images per second. Considering that most of the sound events introduced above can be far less than 10ms, an acoustic image generated at this rate resembles an hard-to-interpret overlay of multiple sources on the structure under test along with reflections from the surrounding test environment. This contribution introduces a novel method for visualizing impulse-like sound emissions from automotive components at 10x the frame rate of traditional acoustic cameras. A time resolution of less than 1ms eventually allows for the true localization of the initial and subsequent sound events as well as a clear separation of direct from
Rittenschober, ThomasKarrer, Rafael
From a Noise Vibration Harshness (NVH) perspective, electric vehicles represent a great opportunity since the noise of the combustion engine, dominant in many driving conditions, is no longer present. On the other hand, drivers accustomed to driving cars with a strong personality (for example typically sporty ones) may perceive "silence" as a lack of character. Our internal study, conducted with a jury of people, has in fact already shown that for half of customers silence should characterize (Battery Electric Vehicle - BEV) vehicle; but, at the same time, the other half of the jury expects feedback from the vehicle while driving. The silence inside the passenger compartment, from an NVH point of view, can therefore be compared to a blank sheet of paper, on which, if desired, sounds designed to satisfy the driving pleasure expected by the customer can be introduced. Starting from this scenario, the paper describes: the approach adopted to define how many and what are the levers to
Celiberti, LuciaBorgarello, LauraFalasca, VanniLolli, FrancescoMeriga, AlessandraMiglietta, PiercarloSoldati, Mirella
As palliative acoustic material mixtures and compositions become more complex, the ability to accurately simulate their acoustic performance within an installed NVH component is becoming increasingly difficult. Historically, Biot parameters and their associated TMM models have been used to simulate the acoustic performance of multi-layered material compositions. However, these simulations are not able to account for real-world complexities such as manufacturing imperfections or inter-layer gluing effects. The assumptions made by simulation models, such as the perfectly diffuse field, are rarely true in actual measurements, let alone in the vehicle, further increasing the uncertainty when comparing measurement versus simulation. There already exists widely accepted methods for obtaining Biot parameters for single-layer materials. Typically, a multi-layer simulation considers each individual layer in isolation rather than its interactions with the rest of the composition after heating
Harry, EvanMorris-Kirby, RodCaponio, EleonoraHoang, Minh Tan
Particle Dampers (PDs) are passive devices employed in vibration and noise control applications. They consist of a cavity filled with particles that, when fixed to a vibrating structure, dissipate vibrational energy through friction and collisions among the particles. These devices have been extensively documented in the literature and find widespread use in reducing vibrations in structural machinery components subjected to significant dynamic loads during operation. However, their application in reducing the vibration of vehicle body panels as well as vehicle interior noise has received, up to now, relatively little attention. Previous work by the authors [9] has proven the effectiveness of particle dampers in mitigating vibrations in vehicle body panels, achieving a notable reduction in structure-borne noise within the vehicle cabin with an additional weight comparable to or even lower than that of bituminous damping treatments traditionally used for this purpose. This effect may be
Sanchez Climent, Francisco VicenteBertolini, Claudio
In the acoustic study of the interior noise of a vehicle, whether for structure-borne or air-borne excitations, knowing which areas contribute the most to interior noise and therefore should be treated as a priority, is the main goal of the engineer in charge of the NVH. Very often these areas are numerous, located in different regions of the vehicle and contribute at different frequencies to the overall sound pressure level. This has led to the development of several “Panel Contribution Analysis” (PCA) experimental techniques. For example, a well-known technique is the masking technique, which consists of applying a “maximum package” (i.e., a package with very high sound insulation) to the panels outside of the area whose contribution must be measured. This technique is pragmatic but rather cumbersome to implement. In addition, it significantly modifies the dynamics and internal acoustics of the vehicle. In another well-known technique, the contribution of a certain area is defined
Di Marco, FedericoLafont, ThibaultBertolini, ClaudioGerges, Youssef
Computer modelling, virtual prototyping and simulation is widely used in the automotive industry to optimize the development process. While the use of CAE is widespread, on its own it lacks the ability to provide observable acoustics or tactile vibrations for decision makers to assess, and hence optimize the customer experience. Subjective assessment using Driver-in-Loop simulators to experience data has been shown to improve the quality of vehicles and reduce development time and uncertainty. Efficient development processes require a seamless interface from detailed CAE simulation to subjective evaluations suitable for high level decision makers. In the context of perceived vehicle vibration, the need for a bridge between complex CAE data and realistic subjective evaluation of tactile response is most compelling. A suite of VI-grade noise and vibration simulators have been developed to meet this challenge. In the process of developing these solutions VI-grade has identified the need
Franks, GrahamTcherniak, DmitriKennings, PaulAllman-Ward, MarkKuhmann, Marvin
The development of an effective Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) is not solely about adhering to safety regulations; it also involves crafting an auditory experience that aligns with the expectations of vulnerable road users. To achieve this, a deep understanding of the acoustic transfer function is essential, as it defines the relationship between the sound emitter (the speaker inside the vehicle) and the receiver (the vulnerable road user). Maintaining the constancy of this acoustic transfer function is paramount, as it ensures that the sound emitted by the vehicle aligns with the intended safety cues and brand identity that is defined by the car manufacturer. In this research paper, three distinct methodologies for calculating the acoustic transfer function are presented: the classical Boundary Element method, the H-Matrix BEM accelerated method, and the Ray Tracing method. Furthermore, the paper encompasses an assessment of the correlation between these methods and their
Calloni, MassimilianoHadjit, RabahSalvekar, PinakMusser, Chad
In electrified vehicles, auxiliary units can be a dominant source of noise, one of which is the refrigerant scroll compressor. Compared to vehicles with combustion engines, e-vehicles require larger refrigerant compressors, as in addition to the interior, the battery and the electric motors must be cooled. The compressor causes the acoustic excitation of other refrigeration circuit components and the chassis via pressure pulsations and vibration transmission, as well as emitting airborne sound directly. Sound measurements have been performed in an anechoic chamber to investigate the influence of operating conditions on the acoustics of an electric scroll compressor. This paper investigates the influence of the operating conditions on compressor acoustics and shows that rotation speed is the main factor influencing compressor noise. The sound spectra of fluid, structure and airborne noise are dominated by speed-dependent, tonal components. Additionally the effect of varying pressure
Saur, LukasBecker, Stefan
Positive displacement pumps are key components in automotive and hydraulic fluid systems, often serving as the primary power source and a major source of noise in both on-highway and off-highway vehicles. Specifically, gerotor pumps are widely utilized in vehicle coolant, lubricating, and other fluid systems for both conventional and electric powertrains. This study introduces a novel method for predicting noise in gerotor pumps by combining a Computational Acoustics (CA) approach with a 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach, both implemented in the Simerics–MP+ code. The CFD simulation includes the detailed transient motion of the rotors (including related mesh motion) and models the intricate cavitation/air release phenomena at varying pump speeds. The acoustic simulation employs a Ffowcs–Williams Hawkings (FW–H) integral formulation to predict sound generation and propagation based on the detailed flow field predictions from the CFD model. Simulations of two different
Taghizadeh, SalarNg, Kok ChianHoren, JezrahDhar, Sujan
Noise reduction is generally accomplished by applying appropriate noise control treatments at strategic locations. Noise control treatments consisting of poroelastic materials in layers are extensively used in noise control products. Sound propagation through poroelastic materials is governed by macroscopic material and geometric properties. Thus, a knowledge of material properties is important to improve the acoustical performance of the resulting noise control products. Since the direct measurement of these properties is cumbersome, these have been usually estimated indirectly from easily measurable acoustic performance metrics such as normal incidence sound transmission and/or absorption coefficient, measured using readily available impedance tube. The existing inverse characterization approaches fulfilled the estimation by curve fitting measured and predicted acoustic models. In this paper, in addition to the use of diffuse field performance metrics, a data driven machine learning
Raveendra, ChrisSalvekar, PinakRaveendra, Ravi
The challenges concerning noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) performance in the vehicle cabin have been significantly changed by the powertrain shift from a conventional drive unit with an internal-combustion engine (ICE) to electric drive units (eAxles). However, there is few research regarding the impact of electrification on NVH considering the influence of the context such as multi-stimuli and traffic rules during a real-life driving. In this study, the authors conducted test drives using EVs and ICEVs on public roads in Europe and conducted a statistical analysis of the difference in driver impression of NVH performance based on interviews during actual driving. The impression data were categorized into clusters corresponding to related phenomena or features based on driver comments. Furthermore, the vehicles data (vehicle speed, acceleration, GPS information, etc.) were recorded to associate the driver impressions with the vehicle’s conditions when the comments were made
Mise, ShionTorii, KenjiSellerbeck, PhilippHank, StefanIwano, HidetakaNishikoji, Takuya
One of the five major performances of vehicles, NVH(Noise, Vibration, Harshness), has recently emerged in electric vehicles, again. And, front loading NVH simulation is essential to respond nimbly to automotive industry these days. However, the two components of the simulation, mathematical sound absorption modeling equation, and the acoustic parameters, the input factor, is requiring improvement because of lack of robustness. In this study, we tried to strengthen, standardize, and refine the connectivity between micro (fine structure) and macro (acoustic parameter-related physical properties) characteristics, and improve the consistency with actual NVH performance. As a porous polymer material, polyurethane foam, which is widely used for the interior and exterior of automobiles, is treated as a target material. It is expected that further refining of the correlation between three-dimensional microstructure properties of foam such as pore, throat, strut, window, etc. and acoustic
Kim, Taeyoon
This research looks at the acoustic and mechanical characteristics of polypropylene (PP) composites supplemented with natural fibers to determine whether they are appropriate for automotive use. To generate composites that are hybrids, four diverse natural fibers, including Calotropis gigantea (CGF), jute, sisal, and kenaf, were mixed into PP matrices. The study examines how fiber type, frequency, and thickness affect sound absorption and mechanical strength. The results show that these natural fiber-reinforced composites have improved mechanical characteristics, with CGF (73.26 shore D value of Hardness), sisal (42.35 MPa tensile) and jute fibers showing particularly promising materials. Furthermore, the acoustic study emphasizes these materials’ frequency-dependent sound absorption properties, with particular efficacy in mid-frequency regions. Such organic reinforcement fiber materials’ acoustic performance is tested at 5 mm and 10 mm thicknesses. When a 5 mm thick sample is examined
Kaliappan, S.Natrayan, L.
Customer expectations for cabin tractors from comfort perspective has grown multifold in the recent years. Cabin noise and vibration is one of the crucial parameters which drives comfort feel for the customer. This would enable customer to remain comfortable during long working hours. Moreover, Cabin Tractors with lesser noise levels found to have better acceptance by Customers all over the world. The Nebraska reports studied for US based tractor shows evolution of trend of cabin noise in 80-100HP tractors in last couple of decades. Undoubtedly, tractor manufacturers have put lot of efforts towards meeting legislation demand & stringent customer requirements for European and US market. This paper presents the work carried out for investigating major contributing factors affecting tractor cabin Noise & Vibration for a Noisy cabin tractor. Virtual and experimental studies have been carried out to identify the principal source of noise and the transfer paths for cabin noise distinguishing
Chavan, AmitK, SomasundaramGunasekaran, PandiyanayagamChaudhari, Vishal VSati, Navin
E-Mobility and low noise IC Engines has pushed product development teams to focus more on sound quality rather than just on reduced noise levels and legislative needs. Furthermore, qualification of products from a sound quality perspective from an end of line testing requirement is also a major challenge. End of line (EOL) NVH testing is key evaluation criteria for product quality with respect to NVH and warranty. Currently for subsystem or component level evaluation, subjective assessment of the components is done by a person to segregate OK and NOK components. As human factor is included, the process becomes very subjective and time consuming. Components with different acceptance criteria will be present and it’s difficult to point out the root cause for NOK components. In this paper, implementation of machine learning is done for acoustic source detection at end of line testing. To improve the fault detection an automated intelligent tool has been developed for subjective to
Shukle, SrinidhiIyer, GaneshFaizan, Mohammed
Customer preference towards quieter vehicles is ever-increasing. Exhaust tailpipe noise is one of the major contributors to in-cab noise and pass-by-noise of the vehicle. This research proposes a silencer with an integrated acoustic valve to reduce exhaust tailpipe noise. Incident exhaust wave coming from the engine strikes the acoustic valve and generates reflected waves. Incident waves and reflected waves cancel out each other which results in energy loss of the exhaust gas. This loss of energy results in reduced noise at the exhaust tailpipe end. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed silencer on the vehicle, NVH (Noise, vibration, and harshness) performance of the proposed silencer was compared with the existing silencer which is without an acoustic valve. A CNG (Compressed natural gas) Bus powered by a six-in-line cylinder engine was chosen for the NVH testing. After NVH evaluation, it was found that when using the proposed silencer, overall exhaust tailpipe orifice noise
Singh, Har GovindKhandagale, AnupChoudhari, YogeshwarKalsule, DhanajiPetale, Mahendra
In automotive market, with competitive car prices, build quality of a car will be a major distinguishing factor. Consumer's need for acoustic comfort has evolved from the removal of annoying noises to perceived sound quality. Operational sounds from electromechanical systems like sunroof system, window regulator, door lock system, HVAC etc. directly interact with users’ senses. The perceived acoustics comfort of these sounds are direct indicators of vehicle character and can influence customer’s buying decision. With the reduction in product development time and stringent cost constraints, a proper structured target setting methodology to benchmark & evaluate these operational sounds is crucial. In this paper, such a target setting methodology is proposed and discussed for operational sound quality evaluation. Electromechanical noises from various vehicles are measured using binaural head measurement system. Using Simultaneous Categorical Scaling method, jury evaluation is performed
Somasundharam, SundaralingamManoj K, MridulRaj, GauravMohammed, RiyazuddinR, Prasath
For safety towards pedestrians and other road-vehicles, sound alert systems, like horns, have been in use since development of Automobiles. On the same line but with special purpose of preventing a Driver to sleep in a running vehicle, a Driver Monitoring System [DMS] is recently developed. For Electric Vehicles which are very quiet during starting and driving till 20 km/hr, Acoustic Vehicle Alert System (AVAS) is deployed in Europe and likely to be implemented in India soon. For all these Alert Devices, there are Standard Regulations across the world: ECE R-28 for Horns and ECE R-138 for AVAS. They, however, define only lower and upper dBA limits of the sound radiated by them. For DMS, no such regulation exists till today. With this, there has been a long time debate on what an optimal dBA level should be there, for all road-users as well as for vehicle- users inside the cabin. It should be adequate, on one side, from detectability point of view and, on the other side, it should not
A, Milind Ambardekar
A cutting-edge technology known as acoustic touch helps people see using sound. The technology has the potential to transform the lives of those who are blind or have low vision. The next-generation smart glasses translate visual information into distinct sound icons
In this study, a novel assessment approach of in-vehicle speech intelligibility is presented using psychometric curves. Speech recognition performance scores were modeled at an individual listener level for a set of speech recognition data previously collected under a variety of in-vehicle listening scenarios. The model coupled an objective metric of binaural speech intelligibility (i.e., the acoustic factors) with a psychometric curve indicating the listener’s speech recognition efficiency (i.e., the listener factors). In separate analyses, two objective metrics were used with one designed to capture spatial release from masking and the other designed to capture binaural loudness. The proposed approach is in contrast to the traditional approach of relying on the speech recognition threshold, the speech level at 50% recognition performance averaged across listeners, as the metric for in-vehicle speech intelligibility. Results from the presented analyses suggest the importance of
Samardzic, NikolinaLavandier, MathieuShen, Yi
As the vehicle electrification progresses and the demand for acoustic comfort increases, the NVH performance of brakes becomes more important theme. In-plane squeal of disc brake is one of phenomena that is difficult to countermeasure. In this study, we used array microphones to search for sound sources of in-plane squeal in order to elucidate the mechanism. The Microphones were set in the out-of-plane direction and the lateral direction of a disc in brake components on a full-sized dynamometer. In the vibration mode in which in-plane stretch vibration was dominant, the sparse and dense parts showed high sound pressure. 3D laser vibrometer was used to check displacements of the disc, and the result indicated a possibility that the sparse and dense parts could vibrate in the out-of-plane direction and generate the sound. Then, complex eigenvalue analysis (CEA) and acoustic simulation were conducted to validate the experimental results. Firstly, frequency of instability mode occurred in
Tanamachi, ShuheiMillsap, TomYamaguchi, Yoshiyuki
As HVAC noise is becoming one of the key factors to end users in terms of enhanced comfort, it is important to understand and evaluate various noise sources of HVAC in details. With detailed understanding of various sources, it becomes easier to take appropriate countermeasures in design and subsequently eliminate. There are many methods available in industry to investigate the noise sources in details however those options are expensive and time consuming and require deep understanding of the acoustic. Acoustical duct methods are one such method which proves to be very much helpful in identifying the noise sources from different aggregates like kinematics mechanism, door/damper, servomotors, heat exchangers etc. These sources are typically defined minor noise sources. The present paper describes the detailed investigation of those minor noise sources through the use of acoustical duct method. An existing HVAC from passenger car was considered for this study. In order to take the noise
Sen, SomnathGoel, Arunkumar
As the automotive industry is transitioning from conventional engine driven to electric battery driven, many of the vehicle aggregates are getting re-engineered and changing accordingly. Being air-conditioning manufacturer one of the aggregates that needs attention and focused effort is the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning system (HVAC). Acoustic comfort of electric vehicle gets impacted due to the HVAC noise in absence of engine and hence other noise sources becomes prominent which were earlier masked by the engine noise. It is important to understand the HVAC noise sources for implementing right countermeasures for masking the noise. There are three methods of noise source identification namely acoustical duct method, cocooning or lead covering method and near field method. Out of these method, acoustical duct method and near field methods are used for minor and major noise identification in this study. The present paper describes the comparative study of HVAC noise source
Goel, ArunkumarSen, Somnath
A team of researchers from Heidelberg University and Max Planck Institute for Medical Research have created a new technology to assemble matter in 3D. Their concept uses multiple acoustic holograms to generate pressure fields with which solid particles, gel beads, and even biological cells can be printed. These results pave the way for novel 3D cell culture techniques with applications in biomedical engineering
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. Poway, CA (858) 312-2810
This paper discusses on the reduction techniques adopted to reduce torque ripple in an electric machine, which in turn reduces the noise generated within electric machine during driving condition. Source-based noise reduction techniques such as the impact of slot-opening width, use of notches, use of wedges, and its combination are explained with specific design tips. Simulation results show that use of wedges results in 7% reduction in torque ripple when compared with other configurations. In addition to the torque ripple reduction, it also reduces overall system torque. Therefore, additional methods are discussed to increase the system torque and reduce torque ripple by 6
Karuppaian, AnupamaSwapnil, VyasBolagond, VrashabhaGupta, Sanjay
Electrification brings new benchmarks, tools, and challenges to the ongoing battle with noise, vibration and harshness. The complex science of analyzing and abating noise, vibration, and harshness has entered a “new frontier” as the industry transitions to electrified vehicles, experts in the NVH field tell SAE Media. New design and engineering challenges at the component, system, and full-vehicle levels continue to emerge as EV offerings expand beyond the initial wave of predominantly premium-spec products. Engineers note that benchmarking activity and the introduction of new analysis and testing tools related to NVH mitigation are at “crazy” levels. “Our interest in acoustically improved vehicles always is going to accelerate and the NVH technology must always meet customer expectations,” observed Pranab Saha, whose company Kolana & Saha Engineers in Waterford, Mich., specializes in acoustics, noise and vibration analysis and testing. He noted that some of the latest EV designs show
Brooke, Lindsay
Foaming materials such as 2C-PUR or expandable baffles are increasingly used in the car body acoustic package of modern passenger vehicles. Over the last several decades the primary function of foaming materials was the moisture sealing and airborne noise absorption / insulation in various areas of the car body such as pillars, door sills or other cavities. Recent developments also show an increasing application of expandable foams, functioning as structural dampers and reducing structure-borne noise transmission through frames and pillars. This paper summarizes the results of various studies that deal with the impact of expandable baffle materials on structure-borne noise in car bodies with special focus on mid and high frequencies which become more relevant in the acoustic optimization efforts of EV’s. Structural vibrations are evaluated experimentally on foamed generic frames and double sheet metal systems under free-free boundary conditions. The most promising candidate among
Unruh, OliverObst, Heike-UrsulaFuhrmann, BerndBautista, Jose
The automotive acoustics arena is rich with application opportunities for carbon neutral or climate positive parts. The design of potential “green” NVH solutions however cannot compromise the intended acoustical performance of the vehicles. This paper investigates the acoustical needs of OEM vehicles with an emphasis to apply green solutions. The acoustic solutions proposal in this paper compares and contrasts barrier densities, sealing characteristics between traditional and carbon neutral acoustical barriers. It also compares important material properties. Furthermore, these comparisons demonstrate that vehicular acoustic performance need not be compromised as the industry moves towards more climate friendly initiatives. Lastly, the paper identifies an ideal application for planet friendly, carbon neutral NVH solutions. This is accomplished by using acoustical barrier applications that are production ready and commercially available today. None of these carbon neutral NVH solutions
Cleaver, RyanBrouckaert, Richard LawrenceSkestone, Andrew
Pass-by noise measurement is mandatory for automotive manufacturers for conformity of production. With evolving of pass-by noise requirements (under 68 dB in 2024), all the stakeholders should be able to comply with this criterion. OEMs, suppliers of passive acoustic treatments, road manufacturers and tire manufacturers are concerned and should deploy efforts to provide solutions for control of exterior noise. In this regard, simulations are preferable over measurement campaigns as they can provide fast feedback on passive exterior treatments for exterior noise control. In the particular case of Lightyear vehicles, the main contributors to pass-by noise are tires and in-wheel motors. Considering that, a contribution of each of these two sources of noise to pass-by noise will be described. Tire noise sources and motor noise sources will be replaced by simple monopole sources. The best monopole source location for both tires and motors is discussed. Actran vibro-acoustic Finite Element
Lysak, AlinaKocsis, AttilaXavier, Robin
The transport refrigeration market is in a transformation like what automotive experienced over the last 20 years using a systems engineering approach complemented with complex attribute optimization to manage product development. With a heavy push for electrification due to government regulations, sustainability initiatives, and designing the products to align with the OEMs electrified platforms Noise, Vibration, and Harshness (NVH) must be considered. Understanding the above along with refined customer expectations the NVH attribute has become even more critical to product quality. This paper showcases the acoustic design of an electrified system using a system engineering approach to achieve unit level targets deploying a system engineering V-model philosophy. Unit level requirements were set and flowed down to component level requirements. A 1D acoustic tool was developed leveraging classic physical acoustics theory and legacy product knowledge to target set what was possible for
Clark, AdamStinson, MattWang, Jingdou
This contribution describes a novel method for visualizing leakages in automotive structures using a rotating linear array of a few digital ultrasound microphones in combination with a multi-frequency ultrasound transmitter. The rotating array scans the incident sound field generated by the ultrasound transmitter on a circular area. In a typical measurement setup, the ultrasound transmitter is placed in a cavity (e.g. car interior, trunk or similar) and operates at distinct harmonic frequencies at around 40kHz in an omnidirectional fashion. The rotating linear array is operated on the outside of the cavity and captures the sound field escaping through small leakages. While the reduced hardware complexity allows for the design of a lightweight, handheld sound imaging device, the algorithmic portion of the measurement system requires special attention. In fact, established methods of sound imaging like beamforming and nearfield holography cannot be applied to signals stemming from moving
Rittenschober, Thomas
Traditionally vehicles are designed for wind noise under ideal steady wind conditions. But, passenger comfort is affected by high modulation of cabin noise while cruising in traffic due to variations of instantaneous wind speed and direction from driving through large-scale turbulence. In consequence, designing a vehicle for the best performance in a low-turbulence wind tunnel may lead to issues during on-road conditions. To predict the interior noise corresponding to on-road turbulence, a simulation approach is proposed combining an upstream turbulence flow simulation with an SEA vehicle model. This work is an extension of existing well validated procedures for steady wind conditions. Time-segmented transient loads on panels and steady-state structural acoustics transfer functions are combined, producing interior noise results for a series of overlapping time segments. This interior noise prediction, as a function of time, captures the modulation of wind noise results, which are then
Moron, PhilippeWu, LongPowell, RobertSenthooran, Sivapalan
Speaker performance in Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) plays a crucial role for pedestrian safety. Sound radiation from AVAS speaker has obvious directivity pattern. Considering this feature is critical for accurately simulating the exterior sound field of electrical vehicles. This paper proposes a new process to characterize the sound directivity pattern of AVAS speaker. The first step of the process is to perform an acoustic testing to measure the sound pressure radiated from the speaker at a certain number of microphone locations in a free field environment. Based on the geometry of a virtual speaker, the locations of each microphone and measured sound pressure data, an inverse method, namely the inverse pellicular analysis, is adopted to recover a set of vibration pattern of the virtual speaker surface. The recovered surface vibration pattern can then be incorporated in the full vehicle numerical model as an excitation for simulating the exterior sound field. In this study
Yang, WenlongWang, ChongZhang, Qijun
Piezoelectrically driven Synthetic Jet Actuators (SJAs) are a class of pulsatile flow generation devices that promises to improve upon steady forced cooling methods in air flow generation, surface cleaning and heat transfer applications. Their acoustic emissions and vibrations, an intrinsic by-product of their operation, needs to be mitigated for applications in noise-sensitive contexts. Already used for aerodynamic control [1, 2], thrust vectoring [3], spray control [4], and heat transfer [5, 6], they are increasingly being considered for sensor lens cleaning in automobiles. In this study, the sound generation mechanisms of SJAs are discussed and an active noise reduction method is proposed and evaluated. Driven with a single frequency sinusoidal input, SJAs produce acoustic emissions at harmonic frequencies within the frequency range of speech communication. The sound pressure levels of those emissions are commensurate with that of other automotive subsystems and electronic
He, ZixinMongeau, LucTaduri, RahulMenicovich, David
Layered materials are one of the most commonly used acoustical treatments in the automotive industry, and have gained increased attention, especially owing to the popularity of electric vehicles. Here, a method to model and couple layered systems with various layer types (i.e., poro-elastic layers, solid-elastic layers, stiff panels, and fluid layers) is derived that makes it possible to stably predict their acoustical properties. In contrast with most existing methods, in which an equation system is constructed for the whole structure, the present method involves only the topmost layer and its boundary conditions at two interfaces at a time, which are further simplified into an equivalent interface. As a result, for a multi-layered system, the proposed method splits a complicated system into several smaller systems and so becomes computationally less expensive. Moreover, traditional modeling methods can lose stability when there is a large disparity between the magnitudes of the waves
Song, GuochenhaoMo, ZhuangBolton, J Stuart
In the current changing noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) landscape, there is an increased amount of collaboration between NVH engineers and other attribute engineering groups to solve complex issues. One of these complex issues is ride comfort. An increasing amount of ride comfort development is happening between NVH and ride and handling (R&H) engineers. To apply a NVH process to a R&H phenomenon, it is important to ensure that both the transducer selection as well as analysis method will be applicable over the frequency range of interest. Specifically for ride comfort development, the validation of the use of strain gauges and accelerometers along with source path contribution analysis, or transfer path analysis, is key to bridging the gap between NVH and R&H. A source path contribution, also known as a transfer path analysis, model can be utilized to understand the contributions from various sources, both structural and acoustic, to a given set of receivers in the interior of a
Thom, BrianBlanco, DavidCaltagirone, Elizabeth
Helmholtz resonator is a very common anechoic measure, and it is widely used in pipe acoustic fields. Based on the enlightenment of the classic Helmholtz resonator, this paper proposes a headrest resonator model and extends it to the acoustic field of the passenger cabin to improve the road noise in the car. Firstly, through the theoretical model of Helmholtz resonator, the relationship between its resonance frequency and the geometric size of the resonator is clarified. Secondly, the influence of the headrest resonator on the acoustic field characteristics of the car is studied through finite element simulation analysis. It is demonstrated that the headrest resonator is placed in the car, and the sound pressure distribution characteristics of the passenger's inner ear near the resonance frequency change significantly. At the same time, through 3D printing, a sample of the headrest resonator is made. In addition, the acoustic test of the passenger cabin-headrest resonator coupling
Yan, ZhangChen, LiangsongSong, JunBao, Jian
In the context of automotive air boosting systems, such as turbochargers and full-cell compressors, earlier and more realistic noise evaluations are crucial in evaluating the impact a design has on the final acoustic performance perceived by the end user in the vehicle cabin environment. This requires a combined assessment of the acoustic sources from boosting systems, other vehicle interior noise sources, and the acoustic transfer path from the boosting system to the vehicle cabin. Performing such an assessment experimentally cannot be done early in development with representative hardware and can be expensive. Also, managing such an assessment entirely through simulations is very complex and error prone. The present study proposes a hybrid approach to tackle this noise challenge. This methodology combines the noises of high-speed rotating machine simulated rotor-dynamic and electromagnetic simulation processes, their transformation from frequency to time domain, and coupling with
Rigault, AlexandreBhat, ChaitanyaDendievel, Clement
As part of the update process to SAE J1637, “Laboratory Measurement of the Composite Vibration Damping Properties of Materials on a Supporting Steel Bar”, the Acoustical Materials Committee commissioned a round robin study to determine the current laboratory-to-laboratory variation, and to better understand best practices for composite loss factor measurements. Guidance within the current standard from a previous round robin study indicates a coefficient of variation of 35% for laboratory-to-laboratory measurements. It was hoped that current instrumentation and test practices would yield lower variability. Over the course of 5 years, 10 separate laboratories tested 4 bars: three damped steel bars and one bare steel bar. The bars were tested at -20°C, -5°C, 10°C, 25°C, 40°C, and 55°C. The damping materials were intentionally selected to provide low damping, moderate damping, and high damping to illustrate difficulties in determining the composite loss factor with increased damping
Deshpande, SatyaMoritz, Charles
Tortuosity, viscous characteristic length and thermal characteristic length are three important parameters for estimating the acoustic performance of porous materials, and it is usually measured by ultrasonic measurement technology, which is costly. In this paper, a method for identifying the tortuosity, viscous characteristic length and thermal characteristic length for the porous fiber materials mixed with kapok fiber and two kinds of other fiber materials is proposed. The tortuosity is calculated by using the porosity and high-frequency normal sound absorption coefficient of porous materials. According to the normal sound absorption coefficient curve of porous materials under plane wave incidence, viscous characteristic length and thermal characteristic length are identified through the Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Lafarge (JCAL) model and genetic algorithm by using the measured parameters, the calculated tortuosity and static thermal permeability. The measured parameters include static
Chen, BinquanKang, YingziXie, XinxingZhang, QuShangguan, Wen-Bin
A multilayer acoustic treatment constructed of fibrous acoustic absorption material combined with dissipative acoustic material achieves a low profile and is lightweight and multi-functional, with properties that are desirable for NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) treatments. The dissipative material consists of microfibers and acoustically active particles; this material was introduced in the last SAE NVH conference: A Novel Dissipative Acoustic Material [1]. In this paper, the acoustic performance of the multilayer treatment was evaluated by using random incidence absorption and transmission loss measurements, as well as in-vehicle experiments. Absorption and transmission loss were additionally modeled using the transmission matrix method (TMM). In the in-vehicle test, an OEM wheelhouse liner with Trim, for an SUV, was evaluated utilizing this new multilayer 3M treatment
Gan, KimTongHerdtle, ThomasAnderson, BrianYoo, Taewook
To reduce the noise in the frequency range of 100Hz~1000Hz, a metamaterial structure composed of lightweight frame, hard membrane-like material and added mass is proposed in this paper. The advantage of this structure is that it is lightweight and the membrane-like material does not need to be stressed in advance. Finite element method (FEM) and experiment are used to investigate the sound transmission loss (STL) performance of the metamaterial structure. The results show that the peak STL is caused by the local resonance of the added mass and the membrane-like material. The valley versus frequency results from the resonance frequencies of metamaterial structure, and it is divided into three resonance frequencies: resonance frequencies from added mass, membrane-like material and frame. Frame resonance will influence vibration of membrane-like material, if the frequency of frame resonance is close to the frequency at peak STL, the frequency at peak STL will be changed and the amplitude
Yang, Xu-HaoKang, YingziXie, XinxingZhang, QuShangguan, Wen-Bin
From the early 1980’s through 2015, the engineering community has witnessed dramatic changes in the technology for mitigating sound in vehicles. Throughout these years, vehicle noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) engineers were skilled and talented in testing vehicles, and at conducting laboratory studies of materials and trim-insulator components. This paper surveys a wide variety of processes that NVH automotive engineers use to develop trim-insulator packages which are effective in reducing cab-interior noise while being esthetically appealing. Analytical models are used to cascade overall cab-interior sound pressure level (SPL) targets to trim-insulator performance targets. This paper also reviews how sound absorption is employed to reduce cab-interior SPL. Acoustical material laboratory tests are briefly described along with the role they play in selecting trim-insulator products for vehicles. And finally, body shell acoustical isolation is examined, and a mathematical
Wentzel, Richard
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