Browse Topic: Sodium

Items (236)
The grain refinement of aluminium alloy has the potential for various engineering utilization like automotive, marine, and aviation. Besides, the choice of grain refinement influences better performance and compatibility action. Aluminium alloy processed with zirconium grain refinement, high cost and risk of grain coarsening reasons, this research focused on Ti-C grain refinement with sodium modifier for T6 processing by aluminium alloy (AA6013) made by stir cast route. Impacts of Ti-C grain refinement with sodium modifier T6 processing on microstructural behaviour, hardness, and tensile performance are investigated, and the hardness and tensile are followed by ASTM E384 and ASTM E8 standards. The AA6013-T6 (1:1 Ti/C) with 0.15Na is found to have better grain refinement and found the TiC particle during the casting process, which leads to better enhancement of overall mechanical behaviour. The hardness, ultimate tensile, elongation percentage, and Young's modulus of AA6013-T6 (1:1 Ti/C
Venkatesh, R.Manivannan, S.Daniel Das, A.Mohanavel, VinayagamSoudagar, Manzoore Elahi Mohammad
Anode-free sodium metal batteries (AFSMBs) with initial zero sodium anodes are promising energy-storage devices to achieve high energy density and low cost. The morphology and reversibility of sodium controls the cycling lifespan of the AFSMBs, which is directly affected by the separator. Here, we compared the sodium deposition and corresponding electrochemical behaviors under the influence of three commercial separators, which were Celgard 2500, Al2O3-coated PP separator and glass fiber (denoting as 2500, C-PP and GF). Firstly, the reversibility of sodium plating/stripping was tested using half-cells, where coulombic efficiencies were stable at ~99.89% for C-PP and GF compare to 99.65% for 2500, indicating more dead sodium were formed for 2500. Then, the morphologies of deposited sodium were compared using optical microscopy. Compared to inhomogeneous sodium growth under 2500, C-PP obtained more flatter sodium layer with less height difference, attributing to the high mechanical
Qin, NanJin, LimingZheng, Jim P.
University of Chicago Pritzker Molecular Engineering Professor Y. Shirley Meng’s Laboratory for Energy Storage and Conversion (LESC) has created the world’s first anode-free sodium solid-state battery.
Sodium (Na), which is over 500 times more abundant than lithium (Li), has recently garnered significant attention for its potential in sodium-ion battery technologies. However, existing sodium-ion batteries face fundamental limitations, including lower power output, constrained storage properties, and longer charging times, necessitating the development of next-generation energy storage materials.
A unique wristwatch contains multiple modules, including a sensor array, a microfluidic chip, signal processing, and a data display system to monitor chemicals in human sweat. It can continuously and accurately monitor the levels of potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), and calcium (Ca2+) ions.
Sodium is used as a coolant in the fast reactor’s primary and secondary loops to transfer enthalpy from the reactor and transport it to the expander. However, handling sodium is difficult, and it can be hazardous if it comes into contact with air, which causes an exothermic reaction. During maintenance of sodium loop components, isolation is typically accomplished with valves. The valve leaking is caused by the seal or the gland. Seal leakage is compensated because it occurs within the line, but gland leakage should be zero because the liquid is harmful. To address this requirement, the author attempted to design a special type of valve in which sodium is allowed to rise through an annular path along the stem and heat transfer is augmented in such a way that the required enthalpy is evacuated to freeze sodium inside the annular path, confirming the fail-safe zero gland leakage. A finned tube assembly is fitted around the stem to achieve this concept of expanded surface heat transfer
Kudiyarasan, SwamynathanBiswas , Sitangshu Sekhar
Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have invented and patented a new cathode material that replaces lithium ions with sodium and would be significantly cheaper. The cathode is one of the main parts of any battery. It is the site of the chemical reaction that creates the flow of electricity that propels a vehicle.
The present investigation pertains to effect of different levels of modifiers (Na) in the Al-11.1Si hypo-eutectic alloy casting process. The investigation deals with the porosity analysis of the hypo-eutectic Al-Si alloy casting with varying master alloy, composition and holding time. The modifiers used for the investigation is sodium. Four levels of compositions addition of modifier as sodium is selected for the casting process which are 0.03%, 0.06%, 0.09%, &0.12%. The holding times selected for each composition are 10min, 20min and 30min respectively. The introduction sodium to an Al-Si alloy results in a complete transformation of Si particles, changing them from coarse plates to fine fibres, irrespective of the cooling conditions. The reduction in eutectic growth temperature due to sodium addition was consistently associated with the degree of modification, regardless of the initial microstructure coarseness. Employing modification treatment significantly enhances elongation to
Manivannan, S.Daniel Das, A.Suresh Balaji, R.Marimuthu, S.
In the quest for sustainable materials for automotive interior trim, jute fiber is gaining traction due to its characteristics, which align with other renowned natural fibers. This study aimed to assess the efficacy of sodium bicarbonate as a treatment for jute fibers in comparison to conventional alkaline treatments. Both treated and untreated fibers were examined. Results showed that alkali-processed fibers demonstrated enhanced crystallization, thermal resistance, and surface quality relative to untreated ones. Specifically, alkali-treated jute fibers exhibited a degradation onset at 261.23°C, while those treated with sodium bicarbonate began degrading at 246.32°C. Untreated fibers had a degradation onset at 239.25°C. Although both treatments improved the thermal stability of the fiber, sodium bicarbonate processing, while beneficial, was slightly less effective than the traditional alkaline method. Overall, the research underscores the potential of sodium bicarbonate as an
Malladi, AvinashKaliappan, SeeniappanNatrayan, L.Mahesh, V.
A new sensor — so cheap and simple to produce that it can be hand-drawn with a pencil onto paper treated with sodium chloride — could clear the way for wearable, self-powered health monitors for use not only in “smart diapers” but also to predict major health concerns like cardiac arrest and pneumonia.
A new sensor could help workers in daycares, hospitals, and other settings provide more immediate care to their charges. The new sensor — so cheap and simple to produce that it can be hand drawn with a pencil onto paper treated with sodium chloride — could clear the way for wearable, self-powered health monitors for use not only in “smart diapers” but also to predict major health concerns like cardiac arrest and pneumonia.
A new battery design could help ease integration of renewable energy into the nation’s electrical grid at lower cost, using Earth-abundant metals, according to a study just published in Energy Storage Materials. A research team, led by the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, demonstrated that the new design for a grid energy storage battery built with the low-cost metals sodium and aluminum provides a pathway toward a safer and more scalable stationary energy storage system.
Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a thin, flexible, stretchy sweat sensor that can show the level of glucose, lactate, sodium, or pH of your sweat — at the press of a finger. It is the first standalone wearable device that allows the sensor to operate independently — sans any wired or wireless connection to external devices — to directly visualize the measurement’s results.
Cheap and abundant, sodium is a prime promising candidate for new battery technology. But limited performance of sodium-ion batteries has hindered their large-scale applications. Now, a research team from the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed a sodium-ion battery with greatly extended longevity in laboratory tests.
This specification establishes testing methods for testing chemical composition in nickel- and cobalt-based alloys.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
Currently the preferred technology to power electric vehicles, lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, has become too expensive for long-duration grid-scale energy storage systems — not to mention that lithium itself is becoming more and more elusive.
This specification covers the engineering requirements for preparing surfaces of both virgin and filled polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) materials for bonding and the properties resulting from the treatment.
AMS P Polymeric Materials Committee
This specification covers the procurement of granular heat-treating salts suitable for use in the molten state.
AMS B Finishes Processes and Fluids Committee
The challenges of energy storage — which require the capacity to bank an intermittent and seasonally variable supply of solar energy — have kept the technology from being economically competitive. Researchers have used low-cost materials to create rechargeable batteries that will make energy storage more affordable. These materials could also provide a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative to lithium-ion batteries that currently dominate the market but are slow to charge and have a knack for catching fire.
This SAE Recommended Practice describes an empirical method for determining the theoretical ash content of aviation piston engine lubricating oils by calculating the equivalent weight of metallic oxides formed at 775 °C based on the metallic elemental concentration. The calculation method of ash determination may be used as an alternate to ASTM D 482 for application to the standards for aviation piston engine lubricating oils.
E-38 Aviation Piston Engine Fuels and Lubricants
This specification covers a low-carbon steel in the form of sheet and strip coated on both faces with aluminum-silicon alloy by the hot-dip process.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
Biodiesel production from Cucurbita pepo L. was explored in the present investigation. Bio-oil extraction from pumpkin seed was achieved using Soxhlet extraction method. Optimization of input process parameters for achieving the maximum pumpkin seed biodiesel (PkSBD) by a single-stage transesterification process using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and methanol has been studied. A rotatable central composite design (RCCD) with 20 experimental trial runs was designed using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to understand the interdependency between alcohol-to-bio-oil ratio, catalyst loading, and reaction duration. The developed model predicted maximum PkSBD at 0.84 v/v methanol-to-bio-oil ratio, 3.48 g/g catalyst loading, and 91.7 min reaction duration as 98.87%, and this was also validated experimentally. The physicochemical characterization was identified by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis, which revealed the presence of palmitic and linolenic acid in prominent
Hariram, VenkatesanNagapraveen, V.Jaganathan, R.Godin John, J.Seralathan, S.Micha Premkumar, T.
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) describes a method for classifying the frequencies of analysis of solutions used in the processing of metals, such as electroplating, anodizing, and conversion coating and associated processes but usage is not limited to such applications.
AMS B Finishes Processes and Fluids Committee
Several elements affect the structure of eutectic silicon in hypoeutectic aluminum alloys [1, 2, 3, 4]. Among them, calcium has been investigated to a lesser extent compared to the typically used sodium and strontium. In order to enhance the thermal fatigue strength of a small engine, the morphology of eutectic silicon in hypoeutectic aluminum-silicon alloys is controlled by the addition of calcium. In addition, the castability and mechanical properties are investigated. Hence, samples containing different amounts of calcium are prepared at different cooling rates during solidification. The results revealed that, with the increase in the calcium amount and the cooling rate, eutectic silicon exhibits a fine morphology in cross-sectional images. Particularly, with the addition of at least 62 mass ppm of calcium in a specific range of cooling rates, refined eutectic silicon is obtained. In order to clarify additional effects of the added calcium, the amount of dissolved gas, fluidity, and
Watanabe, KentaroMotoyama, KojiroWatanabe, TomokazuIshihara, KazuhiroMaeda, Fujio
As a consequence of the ongoing evolution of engines, where performance is continuously improving and the use of alternative fuels is being adopted by many engine manufacturers, thermal working conditions of the exhaust valves are increasingly critical. In order to better resist the higher temperature levels of the exhaust gases, current development ranges from improvement of the cooling concept for the overall system, new materials for valve set components up to the upgrade of the exhaust manifold material. Change in the design of several valvetrain components due to the increased thermal loads is a logical consequence of this technical evolution process. Hollow exhaust valves filled with Sodium (Na) are a known technology that is widely used in passenger car engines to improve thermal behavior and to avoid the need to change to expensive materials (Ni-base alloys). Nevertheless, shaker-cooling effect of Na for engine speeds below 3.000 [rpm] has been questioned in the past and this
Zenklusen, FernandoCoenca, MarcioPuck, Alexander
The main objective is to Extraction of cellulose fibers using mechanical ball milling process and chemical treatment methods. The fibers are incorporated with an epoxy matrix to make composite plates. Mechanical properties such as tensile strength, flexural strength, and impact energy are evaluated. Ball milling is the mechanical extraction method of producing nano size powder. The increase in milling process results in the chance of occurring nanofibers. The ball milling process is carried out without any chemical treatment process. In chemical treatment methods, three different kinds of treatment are performed namely sodium hypochlorite, sulphuric acid and acetic acid. Using hand layup methods these fibers are incorporated into the epoxy matrix to fabricate composite plates. In my study nanosized fiber is not obtained, only 28 micron fibers are converted into 3-4 microns. Mechanical properties show that chemically treated sodium hypochlorite samples give better mechanical properties
K, VigneshwaranMurugadoss, PalanivendhanGokul, K
Laser and electro-optic technologies are under development to remotely measure sodium (Na) by adapting existing LiDAR technology with spaceflight heritage. The developed instrumentation will serve as the core for planning a heliophysics mission targeted to study the composition and dynamics of Earth's mesosphere based on a spaceborne LiDAR that will measure the mesospheric Na layer.
The metal layers at mesospheric altitudes are excellent tracers of neutral atmosphere dynamics, and have been used since the 1960s to study the chemistry and dynamics of the mesosphere. Ablation from meteors is believed to be the chief source of metals such as Na, Mg, K, Fe, and Ca in the middle atmosphere. Due to its relative abundance, large backscatter cross-section, and visible atomic transition, sodium (Na) has been used extensively for lidar studies of the mesosphere.
Internal diesel injector deposits (IDID) are now a well understood phenomenon and a standard test procedure has been developed and partially approved by the Coordinating European Council (CEC). The engine test procedure has been approved for simulation of sodium soap deposits by dosing the test fuel with a sodium salt and dodecenyl succinic acid (DDSA), whilst amide lacquer deposits simulation by dosing the test fuel with a low molecular weight (MWt) polyisobutylene succinimide (PIBSI) is still under development. The solubility of these contaminants in the base fuel should be reasonably constant to achieve consistent results. With the introduction of diesel from varying sources, this study focused on the effect of near-zero aromatics EN 15940 compliant gas-to-liquids GTL diesel, very similar to hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), on IDID severity across two different engine platforms, and the response of a modern deposit control additive. The test results showed that, with the same level
de Goede, StefanBarbour, RobertVelaers, AdrianSword, BrianBurton, DanielMokheseng, Konrad
A satellite-borne sodium lidar will provide key measurements that elucidate the complex relation between the chemistry and dynamics of the Earth’s mesosphere, and thus provide a thorough understanding of the composition and dynamics of this region. The inclusion of a well-characterized mesosphere in global models is essential for weather and climate prediction in the lower atmosphere. It also will help to elucidate the complex vertical coupling processes through which atmospheric weather affects space weather. Furthermore, once the technique is developed, it can be used to study the composition of other planetary atmospheres, which is identified as a key point in the recent Planetary Decadal Survey.
These guidelines are intended for those engineers and scientists who evaluate the corrosion performance of painted automotive parts in laboratory cyclic tests. The guidelines are intended to help ensure that the results of the tests can be used to reach conclusions concerning the variables under study without being confounded by the test procedure itself. The guidelines also serve as a means to assist users of this type of test in obtaining good inter-laboratory agreement of results.
Materials, Processes and Parts Council
This specification covers a procedure for revealing the macrostructure and microstructure of selected titanium alloys.
AMS B Finishes Processes and Fluids Committee
This specification covers the engineering requirements for preparing surfaces of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) for bonding and the properties resulting from the treatment.
AMS P Polymeric Materials Committee
Improvements in the efficiency of internal combustion engines and the development of renewable liquid fuels have both been deployed to reduce exhaust emissions of CO2. An additional approach is to scrub CO2 from the combustion gases, and one potential means by which this might be achieved is the reaction of combustions gases with sodium borohydride to form sodium carbonate. This paper presents experimental studies carried out on a modern direct injection diesel engine supplied with a solution of dissolved sodium borohydride so as to investigate the effects of sodium borohydride on combustion and emissions. Sodium borohydride was dissolved in the ether diglyme at concentrations of 0.1 and 2 % (wt/wt), and tested alongside pure diglyme and a reference fossil diesel. The sodium borohydride solutions and pure diglyme were supplied to the fuel injector under an inert atmosphere and tested at a constant injection timing and constant engine indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP). The 0.1
Hellier, PaulLadommatos, NicosHeaden, TomBennington, Stephen
Internal Diesel Injector Deposits (IDIDs) have been known for some time. With the latest powertrains becoming ever more sophisticated and reliant on efficient fuel delivery, the necessity for a continued focus on limiting their formation remains. Initial studies probed both carbonaceous based/ashless polymeric and sodium salt based IDIDs. The reported occurrence of the latter variety of IDID has declined in recent years as a result of the removal of certain additives from the diesel distribution system. Conversely, ashless polymeric based deposits remain problematic and a regular occurrence in the field. The body of work presented in this contribution is an extension to that reported in SAE paper 2014-01-1401 which showed how a particular Fuel Borne Catalyst (FBC) additive has the ability to significantly reduce the formation of ashless polymeric deposits formed from the reaction of Poly-isobutylene Succinic Imides (PIBSI) with fatty acid and the ability for the same additive to also
Dallanegra, RomaeoCaprotti, Rinaldo
There have been reports of internal injector deposits causing problems in diesel engines in the field from 2008. Such problems manifest themselves as rough idling, power loss, high emissions, high-pressure fuel pump wear, injector sticking, internal component corrosion and engine failure. These reports coincided with the use of common rail diesel injection systems and of ultra-low sulphur fuels introduced because of emission regulation demands. The injection systems have design features that are more conducive or susceptible to deposit formation such as severe high temperature and pressure operating conditions, the tolerances of critical parts, and lower force internal component actuation. The changes to fuels have also affected the fuels ability to solubilise these deposits. The deposits formed manifest themselves in complex form in the field, often being mixtures of inorganic and organic compounds. One sub-group of this complex picture that is of current major interest is “sodium
Reid, JacquelineCook, StephenBarker, Jim
The use of Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) as a means to meet ever more stringent worldwide Particulate Matter/ Particle Number (PM/ PN) emissions regulations is increasing. Fuel Borne Catalyst (FBC) technology has now been successfully used as an effective system for DPF regeneration in factory and service fill as well as retrofit applications for several years. The use of such a technology dictates that it be stable in long term service and that it remains compatible with new and emerging diesel fuel grades. In order to ensure this, neat additive stability data have been generated in a very severe and highly transient temperature cycle and a large selection of current (Winter 2012) market fuels have been evaluated for stability with this FBC technology. Results indicate that FBC technology remains suitable. The incidence of Internal Diesel Injector Deposits (IDIDs) is increasing, particularly for advanced FIE systems. These deposits generate a variety of field issues that can, in
Dallanegra, RomaeoCaprotti, Rinaldo
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