Browse Topic: Charging stations

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This SAE Technical Information Report (TIR) is based on the initial assumption that a system level standard covering all aspects of EV charging components and use cases would grow to be too large for one comprehensive document. Hence, the SAE J3271 work group was launched with five subtopics that could be subsections of one standard or a separate document for each topic. In this document, all five subtopics are compiled into one document. The recommended practice level documents will follow this structure, with added detail and streamlined content. The five subtopics that are now subsection numbers in this document include: SAE J3271/1 (see 5.1) Electromechanical Coupler Specifications SAE J3271/2 (see 5.2) Communication and Controls SAE J3271/3 (see 5.3) Cables/Cable Handling, Cooling, and Automated Connection Systems SAE J3271/4 (see 5.4) Use Cases Including Grid Interconnection, Black Start, and Bidirectional Power Transfer SAE J3271/5 (see 5.5) Interoperability Testing Requirements
Hybrid - EV Committee
Heavy-duty vehicles, particularly those towing higher weights, require a continuous/secondary braking system. While conventional vehicles employ Retarder or Engine brake systems, electric vehicles utilize recuperation for continuous braking. In a state where HV Battery is at 100% of SOC, recuperated energy from vehicle operation is passed on to HPR and it converts electrical energy into waste heat energy. This study focuses on identification of routes which are critical for High Power Brake Resistors (HPRs), by analyzing the elevation data of existing charging stations, the route’s slope distribution, and the vehicle’s battery SOC. This research ultimately suggests a method to identify HPR critical vehicle operational routes which can be useful for energy efficient route planning algorithms, leading to significant cost savings for customers and contributing to environmental sustainability.
Thakur, ShivamSalunke, OmkarAmbuskar, MandarPandey, Lokesh
Adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) reduces air pollution by reducing harmful gas emissions. Such adoption, however, needs a reliable and convenient charging infrastructure, including smart EV charging. Renewable energy sources such as solar photovoltaic cells, battery and wind energy systems can address these infrastructural gaps which work in conjunction with main grid power supply thereby providing low-cost electricity. This paper introduces an energy management algorithm for integrated renewable and grid power sources available at charging stations across India that considers techno-economic and environmental factors. The current work proposes a supervisory controller model that manages the load power demand of the charging station. The controller effectively deploys low cost energy sources based on the status of all available power supplies and reduces the overall charging costs in real time. The energy management algorithm ensures adequate stand-alone energy generation and
Shukla, AnkitKushwah, Yogendra SinghSuman, Saurabh
Transportation contributes 27% of the greenhouse gas emissions in the US. Governments worldwide are developing new programs to hasten the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in the transition to zero-emission vehicles. However, the success of EV adoption generally depends on user preferences. This study explores what we can find out about consumer preferences while accounting for unobserved heterogeneity. Consumer choices for EVs, including plug-in EVs (PEVs) and fuel-cell EVs (FCEVs), are analyzed using the California Vehicle Survey (2019) data. Several factors are examined, including the availability of clean source energy (installed solar panels) at home, preferable location for recharging PEVs, past driving experience with EVs, availability of public charging infrastructure, and sociodemographic factors. A mixed multinomial (random parameter) logit model is estimated, exploring the associations between the selected variables and EV consumer preferences while accounting for
Moradloo, NastaranMahdinia, ImanKhattak, Asad
While weaponizing automated vehicles (AVs) seems unlikely, cybersecurity breaches may disrupt automated driving systems’ navigation, operation, and safety—especially with the proliferation of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technologies. The design, maintenance, and management of digital infrastructure, including cloud computing, V2X, and communications, can make the difference in whether AVs can operate and gain consumer and regulator confidence more broadly. Effective cybersecurity standards, physical and digital security practices, and well-thought-out design can provide a layered approach to avoiding and mitigating cyber breaches for advanced driver assistance systems and AVs alike. Addressing cybersecurity may be key to unlocking benefits in safety, reduced emissions, operations, and navigation that rely on external communication with the vehicle. Automated Vehicles and Infrastructure Enablers: Cybersecurity focuses on considerations regarding cybersecurity and AVs from the
Coyner, KelleyBittner, Jason
The emergence of connected vehicles is driven by increasing customer and regulatory demands. To meet these, more complex software applications, some of which require service-based cloud and edge backends, are developed. Due to the short lifespan of software, it becomes necessary to keep these cloud environments and their applications up to date with security updates and new features. However, as new behavior is introduced to the system, the high complexity and interdependencies between components can lead to unforeseen side effects in other system parts. As such, it becomes more challenging to recognize whether deviations to the intended system behavior are occurring, ultimately resulting in higher monitoring efforts and slower responses to errors. To overcome this problem, a simulation of the cloud environment running in parallel to the system is proposed. This approach enables the live comparison between simulated and real cloud behavior. Therefore, a concept is developed mirroring
Weiß, MatthiasStümpfle, JohannesDettinger, FalkJazdi, NasserWeyrich, Michael
As the market for electric vehicles grows, so does the demand for appropriate charging infrastructure. The availability of sufficient charging points is essential to increase public acceptance of electric vehicles and to avoid the so-called “charging anxiety”. However, the charging stations currently installed may not be able to meet the full charging demand, especially in areas where there is a general lack of grid infrastructure, or where the fluctuating nature of charging demand requires flexible, high-power charging solutions that do not require expensive grid extensions. In such cases, the use of mobile charging stations provides a good opportunity to complement the existing charging network. This paper presents a prototype of a mobile charging solution that is being developed as part of an ongoing research project, and discusses different use cases. The solution presented consists of a semi-autonomous robotic platform equipped with a high voltage battery and multiple charging
Wessel, PatriciaFaßbender, MaxGerz, JonathanAndert, Jakob
The ongoing energy transition will have a profound impact on future mobility, with electrification playing a key role. Battery electric vehicles (EVs) are the dominant technology, relying on the conversion of alternating current (AC) from the grid to direct current (DC) to charge the traction battery. This process involves power electronic components such as rectifiers and DC/DC converters operating at high switching frequencies in the kHz range. Fast switching is essential to minimise losses and improve efficiency, but it might also generate electro-magnetic interferences (EMI). Hence, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing is essential to ensure reliable system operations and to meet international standards. During DC charging, the AC/DC conversion takes place off-board in the charging station, allowing for better cooling and larger components, resulting in increased power transfer, currently up to 350 kW. The EMC requirements for this charging method are outlined in IEC 61851
Supa Stölben, Inti RunaBeltle, MichaelTenbohlen, Stefan
Future electric vehicles will be more efficient, more powerful, and will be able to hold more energy in their batteries than today’s EVs. Those big “mores” require countless small improvements beyond the headline component — batteries. One of the richest target areas is power-electronics technology and components used throughout the EV ecosystem. A new generation of power electronics will be found in tomorrow’s EVs, charging stations, and related infrastructure components.
The operation management of electric Taxi fleets requires cooperative optimization of Charging and Dispatching. The challenge is to make real-time decisions about which is the optimal charging station or passenger for each vehicle in the fleet. With the rapid advancement of Vehicle Internet of Things (VIOT) technologies, the aforementioned challenge can be readily addressed by leveraging big data analytics and machine learning algorithms, thereby contributing to smarter transportation systems. This study focuses on optimizing real-time decision-making for charging and dispatching in large-scale electric taxi fleets to improve their long-term benefits. To achieve this goal, a spatiotemporal decision framework using Bi-level optimization is proposed. Initially, a deep reinforcement learning-based model is built to estimate the value of charging and order dispatching under uncertainty. The model considers the long-term costs and benefits of different tasks and guides whether electric
Lyu, YelinWang, NingTian, Hangqi
Radical greenhouse gases emissions reduction necessity is bringing deep evolution in mobility behaviors and is the core reason for a significant diversification of automotive powertrain technologies, making it more and more complex for customers to find the best suited technology. This paper proposes a customer-oriented approach that translates needs into technical requirements that can be used as choice guidelines. First, customers answer a small survey on their driving habits and the class of car they want. Real life driving cycles are then recorded, and Simulink simulations, based on lowest equivalent consumption calculations, allow to identify and size an ideal powertrain that can then become a benchmark for vehicle final selection. As a methodology development step, this paper focused on Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV), and on two case studies: a customer driving in urban areas with a small city car, and another
Couillandeau, MatthieuEl Ganaoui-Mourlan, OuafaeMiliani, El HadjCarlos Da Silva, DanielOussedik, NassilaLombard, TristanMendes Alves, Breno
It is an important factor in electric vehicles to show customers how much they can drive with the energy of the remaining battery. If the remaining mileage is not accurate, electric vehicle drivers will have no choice but have to feel anxious about the mileage. Additionally, the potential customers have range anxiety when they consider Electric Vehicles. If the remaining mileage to drive is wrong, drivers may not be able to get to the charging station and may not be able to drive because the battery runs out. It is important to show the remaining available driving range exactly for drivers. The previous study proposed an advanced model by predicting the remaining mileage based on actual driving data and based on reflecting the pattern of customers who drive regularly. The Bayesian linear regression model was right model in previous study. In addition, in order to improve performance, the driver's regular driving pattern is recognized in advance before driving and it is reflected in the
Joo, Kihyungkim, Lina
Electric vehicles are gaining popularity as an alternative to conventional gasoline-powered vehicles since they provide a cleaner and more environmentally friendly form of mobility. The market of electric vehicles is expanding, and the availability of dependable and effective sustainable charging infrastructure is needed to satisfy this expansion. This has prompted researchers to look for innovative alternative charging systems that can offer effective charging while reducing emissions such as fuel cells. In this study, the viability and sustainability of employing fuel cells as electric vehicle charging stations in Egypt, as an example of the MENA region, were studied from the technical and economic point of views. The technical analysis used a simulation for the whole fuel cell system, which was provided by MathWorks MATLAB Simulink software. The economic analysis for the system included the capital and the operational costs for two hydrogen sources, grey hydrogen, and green hydrogen
Abdulrazeq, MostafaAbdel-Rehim, Ahmed A.
This paper presents a simulation approach to assess the impact of changes to the charge point infrastructure and policies on Electric Vehicle (EV) user satisfaction, combining both market drivers with the practicalities of EV usage. An agent-based model (ABM) approach is developed where a large number of EVs, that represent the user population, drive within a region of interest. By simulating the driver’s response to their charging experience, the model allows large scale trends to emerge from the population to guide infrastructure policies as the number of EVs increases beyond the initial early adopter market. The model incorporates a Monte Carlo approach to generate EV and driver agent instances with distinct characteristics, including battery size, vehicle type, driving style, sensitivity to range. The driver model is constructed to respond to events that may increase range anxiety, e.g. increasing the likelihood of charging as the driver becomes more anxious. A charge point
Fussey, PeterAkin-Onigbinde, AkintomiwaSkarvelis-Kazakos, Spyros
In the emerging economies, there is a growing adoption of electric vehicles into fleet vehicles. With the steady increase in this business area, there is a demand for the innovation in the battery charging methodologies. The swappable charging method is one such charging method that is gaining prominence. Battery swapping involves replacing an EV’s depleted battery with a fully charged one. This approach can significantly reduce wait times for drivers, as swapping batteries typically takes only few minutes, similar to the time it takes to refuel an ICE vehicle. With battery swapping, EV owners can avoid concerns related to battery degradation, since they receive a fully charged, well-maintained battery during each swap. Research is being done either to reduce the cost of operation of Battery Swapping station (BSS), or to reduce the waiting time for the users by charging fast. But focusing on the cost reduction, BSS may not be able to meet the demand of the users and by focusing only on
Gera, ChiranjeeviHolavanahalli, Shashank
Twenty DC fast chargers and amenities are available, but the most important detail is that everything works. The move to electrification has hit a snag. The charging infrastructure hasn't quite lived up to the needs of those with EVs. The Inflation Reduction Act requires that charging stations have a 97% uptime to qualify for government funds. According to a plethora of studies, approximately 20% (or more) of stations encountered by EV drivers have some sort of issue that results in a failed session. Of those charging companies, Electrify America has become a bit of a punching bag. Its relatively large footprint in the DC fast-charging sector means that its stations are visited more often than others and its issues become far more visible.
Baldwin, Roberto
With increase in number of EVs on Indian roads, poised EV makers to produce innovative and pragmatic concept of electric vehicle features. The concept of bidirectional charging is one of that and which is creating buzz and curiosity among EV buyers. The bidirectional charging enables EV owners to lend the power to grid, other vehicles or use for other auxiliary applications. This paper focuses on idea of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) level 1, level 2 AC charging using J1772 standard, and level 3 DC fast charging using ISO 15118 or DIN 70121. where one user can lend a range of few kilometers to other based on requirement as a helping hand. This paper proposes a new idea which enable vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) charging using ISO 15118, DIN70121 and J1772 protocol. In V2V charging, source vehicle shall function as a mobile charging source (EVSE) and other shall function as a sink (EV). The idea of making source vehicle as charging station involves sink vehicle authentication and managing the
Kumar, RohitPenta, AmarVenugopal, Karthick BabuSahu, HemantArya, Harshita
Prime concern for electric vehicle where the application of the vehicle is public transport, is the charging of vehicle and operation of its infrastructure. Such an example of operating the EV buses is under the GCC (gross cost contract) model, with high operation time and comparatively lesser time for charging. It is challenging to meet these requirements. To counter this situation in fleet operated busses it is proposed to adapt an automated charging method which involves minimum man power intervention and automated mechanism to connect & disconnect the charging connectors. This paper proposes an automated pantograph mechanism based method of charging EV buses, meeting requirements as per SAE J3105 & ISO 15118 standards, which would be an ideal way to resolve the current situation. In the above mentioned pantograph type charging, the charging station or depot will have an infrastructure including charger whose input will be from grid, and the charging dispenser will be pantographs
Gullyal, AvinashAhmed, YasirAmancharla, Naga ChaithanyaKinjalkar, Milind
Nowadays the EV car industry is getting more evolved, and OEMs are providing more autonomous and IoT features in the vehicle to provide more comfort to users. Government and local authorities are upgrading the charging infrastructure in the different areas of the cities like shopping malls and near petrol pumps. One of the problems with the EV vehicle is the charging duration, which is time-consuming. Each time a person visits a charging station, there is a probability that the charger would be occupied also human assistance is required to insert the charging gun into the vehicle. This paper proposes a smart parking ecosystem with induction chargers connected to a wireless network and gives an idea about how an EV vehicle is connected to the same network for information exchange between vehicles and wireless induction chargers. This paper discusses a situation in which, if all parking lots with chargers are occupied and the subject vehicle is parked within the geofence area without a
Sahu, HemantArya, HarshitaPenta, AmarKumar, RohitSaha, Sudipta
The battery electric buses (BEB) are set as key tools to enable cities to meet their challenging transport environmental targets, i.e. the reduction of Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, improvement of local air quality, as well as to provide a quieter system for both passengers and the urban community. The recent evolutions of the traction battery technology, with increasing battery energy and power densities, battery durability and dynamic performance, driven by both the light and heavy duty vehicles segment, has opened the way for a series of transit bus electrification initiatives, focused on the evaluation of the feasibility of the BEB technology for the zero local emission bus fleet targets, already set by transit authorities in some important cities worldwide. In this context, as important as the onboard electric traction technology itself, currently already mature for BEB test trials, is the required electric charging infrastructure and its inherent operational effects, which
Barbosa, Fábio C.
Biogas is developing as a possible replacement for fossil fuels as the globe shifts to sustainable energy sources. Organic waste, including food waste, agricultural waste, and sewage, decomposes to produce biogas. Biogas is a fuel that can be used to create electricity, heat homes, and power vehicles. The popularity of electric cars (EVs) is rising as a result of their zero emissions. EVs and biogas can work together to create a sustainable transportation option. The viability of EV charging stations powered by biogas is the main topic of this techno-economic inquiry. The study involves the evaluation of the technical and economic elements of the proposed system. The technical aspects cover power generation, the EV charging system, the biogas storage system, the biogas production process, and the biogas purification process. The capital cost, operating cost, and revenue from the charging station are all considered economic factors. The collection and processing of organic waste is a
Deepan Kumar, SadhasivamPC, MuruganS, JayakrishnanArun, M UL, NaveenR, Poomani
Electric vehicles play a huge part in today’s transportation system and their increased use would rid us the downfalls of conventional vehicles. A part integral to this overhaul of EVs is the implementation of wireless charging station. It is necessary to set up a wide range of charging networks in a user-friendly environment in order to facilitate the adoption of electric transportation. As a result, the main goal of this work is to present a viable substitute solution that uses Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) technology to charge electric vehicles (EVs) without any plug-in issues. This work proposes on a static wireless power transfer technology for Electric Vehicles. A high-efficiency wireless power transfer system for electric vehicles is virtually designed using matlab with a maximum power point tracking for solar panel, DC-DC and AC-DC converter. A scaled down version of the prototype for the same is built with more environmental friendly solar power supplied wireless charging and
R, RajarajeswariV, PraveenaD, Suchitra
In this research paper, a novel bi-level approach has been introduced to enhance grid flexibility through a flexible power management system, taking into account the availability of renewable and adaptable resources. The proposed optimization strategy focuses on minimizing the total daily idle time of Electric Vehicles (EVs) by optimizing charging processes at both Fast Charging Station (FCSs) and user-level charging. The objectives of FCS energy management and EV idle time are considered as lower and upper-level models, respectively, which are optimized by the proposed bi-level strategy with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The investigation confirms the effectiveness and reliability of the recommended optimization strategy. Test results highlight its success in enhancing financial gains for charging stations and EV users, benefiting grid operators and consumers alike. The outcomes reveal a notable decrease in the FCS day-to-day charge rate, dropping from $3795.84 to
Jeba J, EvangelinD, Suchitra
This work proposes a new type of charger for an Electric vehicle (EV) battery. There are many problems with the existing EV charger and one of them is the poor power factor. The main reason for this is the Diode Bridge Rectifier (DBR), which is used at the source side of the existing charger. In the new configuration instead of DBR a landsman converter is used at the source end. The landsman Converter further cascaded to an Isolated Fly back converter which charges the battery. The PI controller is used to control the DC output voltage of the landsman converter to generate the required voltage given as a reference. The Flyback converter is also controlled using the PI controller. Comparison is made between both configurations by comparing the THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) response of both circuits. Furthermore, a new type of configuration that uses both DBR and Landsman converter is simulated in MATLAB and results are compared with other configurations. Further, the proposed system
N, KalaiarasiR, Mohammed Abdullah
SAE International announced in late June, 2023, that it intended to standardize the Tesla-developed North American Charging Standard (NACS) EV charging connector for North America. SAE then created the J3400 NACS Task Force to expedite creation of the J3400 NACS Electric Vehicle Coupler standard. Grayson Brulte, host of SAE's Tomorrow Today podcast, subsequently interviewed Christian Thiele, Director, Global Ground Vehicle Standards, SAE International, and Dr. Rodney McGee, Ph.D., P.E. Chairman, SAE J3400 NACS Task Force and Chief Engineer at the University of Delaware, regarding the work of the J3400 Task Force and other aspects of standardization as electrification technology proliferates throughout the light- and heavy-duty vehicle sectors. This Q&A is an abbreviated portion of that interview and the podcast can be heard in its entirety at:
In an announcement that could change the balance of power in the still-formative EV charging-station race, seven global automakers said they will work together to create an expansive DC-fast-charging network that would mean high-powered charging at far more locations in North America. Stating a goal of installing at least 30,000 high-powered DC charging points in urban and highway locations were General Motors, Stellantis, Honda, BMW Group, Hyundai, Kia and Mercedes-Benz Group. The group did not say when the full number of chargers would be operational, but did say the first stations should open in the summer of 2024 in the United States.
Clonts, Chris
The road transportation sector is undergoing significant changes, and new green scenarios for sustainable mobility are being proposed. In this context, a diversification of the vehicles’ propulsion, based on electric powertrains and/or alternative fuels and technological improvements of the electric vehicles charging stations, are necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The adoption of internal combustion engines operating with alternative fuels, like methanol, may represent a viable solution for overcoming the limitations of actual grid connected charging infrastructure, giving the possibility to realize off-grid charging stations. This work aims, therefore, at investigating this last aspect, by evaluating the performance of an internal combustion engine fueled with methanol for stationary applications, in order to fulfill the potential demand of an on off-grid charging station. In addition, the possibility to recover the thermal power from the exhaust gas for cogeneration
Perrone, DiegoCastiglione, TeresaFalbo, LuigiBova, SergioD'Epiro, Clino
This study assesses the capabilities of dynamic wireless power transfer with respect to range extension and payload capacity of heavy-duty trucks. Currently, a strong push towards tailpipe CO2 emissions abatement in the heavy-duty transport sector by policymakers is driving the development of battery electric trucks. Yet, battery-electric heavy-duty trucks require large battery packs which may reduce the payload capacity and increase dwell time at charging stations, negatively affecting their acceptance among fleet operators. By investigating various levels of development of wireless charging technology and exploring various deployment scenarios for an electrified highway lane, the potential for a more efficient and environmentally friendly battery sizing was explored. Furthermore, the additional energy provided by the eRoad can be beneficially exploited by commercial fleet operators to extend the range of electric trucks, reduce the purchase cost by adopting rightsized battery packs
Costantino, TrentalessandroMiretti, FedericoSpessa, Ezio
SAE International announced that it will standardize the Tesla-developed North American Charging Standard (NACS) charging connector for EVs. The global engineering organization that engages nearly 200,000 engineers, technical experts and volunteers said in a press release that it will work to help with deployment of the NACS connector, an alternative to the longstanding SAE J1772 Combined Charging System (CCS) connector, after Ford, General Motors and a number of EV public-charging equipment suppliers recently indicated they intend to adopt the NACS connector design. “Standardizing the NACS connector will provide certainty, expanded choice, reliability and convenience to manufacturers and suppliers and, most of all, increase access to charging for consumers,” explained Frank Menchaca, president of Sustainable Mobility Solutions, an innovation arm of SAE's parent company, Fullsight. The organization in a statement credited the U.S.'s Joint Office of Energy and Transportation for
Visnic, Bill
It was impossible to miss in late May what surely will be one of the year's highest-profile electrification stories. Ford, quickly followed by GM and many others, announced they will adopt the Tesla-developed “North American Charging Standard” (NACS) EV charging connector (see pg. 4). The shift ostensibly displaces the SAE International-developed Standard J1772 “Combined Charging System” (CCS) connector that has been the predominant connector standard for just about every EV that isn't a Tesla. Although most who've handled both connectors wouldn't argue the NACS connector and its thinner cable generally is more user-friendly, the more impactful aspect of the connector transition “deal” was that much of Tesla's vaunted Supercharger public DC fast-charging network - some 12,000 chargers at 2000 sites in North America - will be available to non-Tesla EVs starting next year. This was the Holy Grail for Ford, GM and others anxious to reassure current and future EV purchase “intenders
Visnic, Bill
Electric vehicles (EVs) suffer from long charging time and inconvenient charging due to limited charging stations, which are the main causes of drivers’ range anxiety. Real-time and accurate driving range prediction can help drivers plan journeys, alleviate range anxiety, and promote EV development. However, predicting the EV driving range is challenging due to different weather, road conditions, driver habits, and limited available data. To address this issue, this article proposes a novel digital twin-based driving range prediction method. First, a one-year real-world EV dataset in Beijing is utilized. Detailed feature selection is conducted for the dataset, and six key features are extracted: battery SOC, consumed battery SOC, battery total voltage, battery maximum cell voltage, battery minimum cell voltage, and mileage already driven. Then, a random forest method is used to train the EV driving range prediction model using the features described earlier. Four prediction models with
Zhuo, ShilongLi, HengBin Kaleem, MuaazPeng, HuiWu, Yue
One evening earlier this year, I found myself at a convenience-store gas station with eight pumps and one EV fast-charger. I'd been vectored there by the charge provider's phone app. As I exited the freeway, the app indicated the charger was in service and unoccupied. Good news, as the EV that I was test-driving was “running on fumes” - that old-school term for when IC-engine vehicles' fuel tanks are close to dry. “Seek charging immediately,” the vehicle warned! I didn't want to risk trying to make it home, eight miles away.
Brooke, Lindsay
This document covers the general physical, electrical, functional, testing, and performance requirements for conductive power transfer, primarily for vehicles using a conductive ACD connection capable of transferring DC power. It defines conductive power transfer methods, including the infrastructure electrical contact interface, the vehicle connection interface, the electrical characteristics of the DC supply, and the communication system. It also covers the functional and dimensional requirements for the vehicle connection interface and supply equipment interface. New editions of the documents shall be backwards compatible with the older editions. There are also sub-documents which are identified by a SAE J3105/1, SAE J3105/2, and SAE J3105/3. These will be specific requirements for a specific interface defined in the sub-document. SAE J3105: Main document, including most requirements. ○ SAE J3105/1: Infrastructure-Mounted Cross Rail Connection ○ SAE J3105/2: Vehicle-Mounted
Hybrid - EV Committee
The number of electric vehicles is increasing in line with the global carbon reduction targets. More households are installing electric charging points to complement the existing charging infrastructure. The increasing electricity prices affected by the global energy/economic crisis however pushed more households towards coupling their charging points with renewable energy generation and storage systems to manage the supply and demand of energy more effectively. In this study, an electric charging station equipped with Photovoltaic panels and an electric storage system utilising second-life Electric Vehicles (EV) batteries is designed and analysed. Various electricity generation capacities are considered to be installed on the roof of the case study building ranging from 5m2 and 20m2. The second-life batteries are disposed from EVs with an 80% state of health. MATLAB Simulink is used for mathematical modelling of system. The second-order equivalent circuit model (ECM) is employed for
Salek, FarhadMorrey, DeniseHenshall, PaulResalati, Shahaboddin
The availability of DC Fast Charging Stations (DCFCs) is considered a fundamental step for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). To mitigate the impact of high-power charging events on the grid, DCFCs are often equipped with stationary energy storage and renewable energy resources. In literature, many methods have been proposed to design, control, and optimize the performance of multi-sources DCFCs. Many of the research contributions use the averaged EV charging power consumption as input, not the real-time event-based power request. This paper aims at comparing the effects of average-based and event-based EV charging power profiles on the design and control of multi-sources DCFCs. An algorithm that generates event-based EV charging power profiles has been developed based on the data from the California Energy Commission (CEC) report and NREL's EVI-Pro I tool. Multiple scenarios can be generated based on different weekday and weekend energy consumptions, EV penetrations
D'Arpino, MatildeSingh, GurpreetKoh, Myung Bae
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