Browse Topic: Integrated modular avionics
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This document is applicable to commercial and military aircraft fuel quantity indication systems. It is intended to give guidance for system design and installation. It describes key areas to be considered in the design of a modern fuel system and builds upon experiences gained in the industry in the last 10 years.
This Aerospace Standard (AS), establishes minimum performance standards for those sensors, computers, transponders, and airplane flight deck controls/displays which together comprise a Takeoff Performance Monitor (TOPM) System. This standard also defines functional capabilities, design requirements, and test procedures. A TOPM system is intended to monitor the progress of the takeoff and to provide advisory information which the crew may use in conjunction with other available cues to decide to continue or abort the takeoff. See Appendix A for supplementary information relating to NTSB, CAA, and ad hoc committee concerns and background information.
Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) system comprises IMA platform and hosted applications. The IMA platform provides the hosted applications with shared resources, e.g. computing, memory, communication, health monitoring resources. As a bridge between them, the IMA configuration data specifies how these shared resources are allocated to each hosted application. The IMA configuration data, which is different from real hardware and software code, should be validated and verified as an important portion of IMA system. After a brief introduction of IMA system, development processes, and general means of compliance for certification, this paper proposed an Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) model of IMA configuration based on a case study of airborne datalink system. Based on the model, the IMA configuration data is abstracted and categorized into several types, with the correspondent means of compliance identified for each type. Furthermore, the associated roles and
Most of today’s collision-avoidance, in-flight-entertainment (IFE), air-to-ground-communications, and other avionics systems employ electronics packaging based on the Aeronautics Radio INC (ARINC) 600 standard. Compared to the older ARINC 404 standard dating from the 1970s that defined “black box” enclosures and racks within aircraft, ARINC 600 specified a Modular Concept Unit (MCU) – the basic building block module for avionics. An ARINC 600 metal enclosure can hold up to 12 MCUs, allowing a lot of computing power to be placed in a centralized “box.” By making it possible to run numerous applications over a real-time network, ARINC 600 enabled “next generation” integrated modular avionics (IMA).
This document is applicable to commercial and military aircraft fuel quantity indication systems. It is intended to give guidance for system design and installation. It describes key areas to be considered in the design of a modern fuel system, and builds upon experiences gained in the industry in the last 10 years.
In the Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) domain, THALES developed a high performance communication network named SAEN (Self Adaptive Embedded Network). SAEN is a switchless network solution, fully embedded in a single Network Component Interface (NCI), aimed to interconnect easily several modules of a system, in any mesh network topology. Once each module is equipped with its network component, just connect them together to realize the wanted topology and switch ‘on’ the modules power supplies. At power-on, all the nodes of the network aggregate to form a complete global and coherent network, autonomously managing its configuration and the optimal static routing between any emitter and receiver. The constituted network is deterministic, autonomous, self-discovering, and auto-adapting to the network variations and guarantees an optimal routing in any situation of the graph, as long as a path exists. The interest of managing mesh topology resides in the intrinsic robustness offered by
In the aerospace industry, as the modern avionics systems became more and more complex, the Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) architecture has been proposed as a replacement of the federated architecture, in order to offer better solutions on SWaP constraints (Size, Weigh and Power). However, the development process of IMA avionics systems is much more difficult. This paper aims to propose to the aerospace industry a set of time-effective and cost-effective solutions for the integration and functional validation of IMA systems. Based on MBE methodology, which is considered as an interesting solution for the IMA systems development [8], this paper proposes a design flow, that integrates three steps of refinement, for the configuration and the validation of IMA platforms. In the first step of the design flow, the modeling language AADL is used to describe the IMA architecture. The AADL modeling environment OCARINA, a code generator initially designed for the real-time operating system
This document outlines the development process and makes recommendations for total antiskid/aircraft systems compatibility. These recommendations encompass all aircraft systems that may affect antiskid brake control. It focuses on recommended practices specific to antiskid and its integration with the aircraft as opposed to more generic practices recommended for all aircraft systems and components. It defers to the documents listed in Section 2, for generic aerospace best practices and requirements. The documents listed below are the major drivers in antiskid/aircraft integration: 1 ARP4754, Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems 2 ARP4761, Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and Equipment 3 RTCA DO-178, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification 4 RTCA DO-254, Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware 5 RTCA DO-160, Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for
Since 2000, avionics is facing several changes, mostly driven by technological improvements in the electronics industry and innovation requirements from aircraft manufacturers. First, it has progressively lost its technological leadership over innovation processes. Second, the explosion of the electronics consumer industry has contributed to shorten even more its technology life cycles, and promoted the use of COTS. Third, the increasing complexity of avionics systems, which integrate more and more functions, have encouraged new players to enter the market. The aim of this article is to analyze how technological changes can affect the competitiveness of avionics firms. We refer to criticality levels as a determinant of the market competitiveness. Certification processes and costs could stop new comers to bring innovations from the consumer electronics industry and protects traditional players. The study will compare three avionics systems regarding their patent dynamics since 1980
For Orion Exploration Flight Test One (EFT-1), the unit-under-test for flight software verification has been chosen as the entire integrated flight software load. At the time of this reporting, the unit test tool, while powerful, operates on very small units, usually classes. This leaves a sizable gap between unit testing and verification. Orion flight software is divided into ARINC 653 partitions, and partition level testing is in this large gap.
An Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) architecture provides a common platform for software partitions with shared processing and input/output (I/O) resources. A key feature of the IMA architecture is I/O partitioning. An IMA system will prevent one software partition from changing an I/O resource that is owned by another software partition. This prevents one software partition from controlling the outputs of another due to hardware fault or software error. The IMA system must have protection mechanisms in place to enforce the I/O partitioning.
The Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) architecture has been a crucial concern for the aerospace industry in developing more complex systems, while seeking to reduce space, weight and power (SWaP), as well as development, certification and production time. From a software perspective, that objective pushes developers to migrate toward safety critical space and time partitioning environment. However, mainstream commercial real-time operating systems (RTOS) offering such partitioning can be restrictive in early development due to very high licensing costs. That situation is even more striking when considering that low-cost alternatives could instead be used for system modeling and early simulation before acquisition of a target platform. This paper reviews existing low-cost and open-source development environments to propose a novel design flow. The proposed methodology starts with model-based analysis in the AADL modeling language. Then, configuration files and software integration code
The design of integrated modular avionics (IMA) for next-generation aircraft is a significant challenge for the industry in terms of complexity, time-to-market, certification and design effort. Because of those constraints, traditional hand-coding may no longer be a cost-effective option, especially for DO-178C Design Assurance Level (DAL) A Safety-critical applications. While the use of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) HMI-modeling tools could be a more efficient option, its introduction in an existing environment may result in high risk and effort. This paper presents the approach for the evaluation of the SCADE Display tool for a primary flight display (PFD) application. In this evaluation, a subset of a previously developed PFD was re-modeled with SCADE Display. The creation of the model served as an evaluation of the usability and the flexibility of the tool. The integration of the generated code on an existing platform was evaluated. To evaluate the impact on platform resources
This document is one of a set covering the whole spectrum of aircraft interaction with lightning. This document is intended to describe how to conduct lightning direct effects tests and indirect system upset effects tests. Indirect effects upset and damage tolerance tests for individual equipment items are addressed in DO-160/ED-14. Documents relating to other aspects of the certification process, including definition of the lightning environment, zoning, and indirect effects certification are listed in Section 2. This document presents test techniques for simulated lightning testing of aircraft and the associated systems. This document does not include design criteria nor does it specify which items should or should not be tested. Acceptable levels of damage and/or pass/fail criteria for the qualification tests must be approved by the cognizant certification authority for each particular case. When lightning tests are a part of a certification plan, the test methods described herein
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