Browse Topic: Aircraft collision avoidance systems
The scope of this SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) is to discuss factors affecting visibility of aircraft navigation and anticollision lights, enabling those concerned with their use to have a better technical understanding of such factors, and to aid in exercising appropriate judgment in the many possible flight eventualities.
Recent advancements of electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft have generated significant interest within and beyond the traditional aviation industry, and many novel applications have been identified and are in development. One promising application for these innovative systems is in firefighting, with eVTOL aircraft complementing current firefighting capabilities to help save lives and reduce fire-induced damages. With increased global occurrences and scales of wildfires—not to mention the issues firefighters face during urban and rural firefighting operations daily—eVTOL technology could offer timely, on-demand, and potentially cost-effective aerial mobility capabilities to counter these challenges. Early detection and suppression of wildfires could prevent many fires from becoming large-scale disasters. eVTOL aircraft may not have the capacity of larger aerial assets for firefighting, but targeted suppression, potentially in swarm operations, could be valuable. Most
In this article, a formation flying technique designed for a multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (multi-UAV) system to provide low-cost and efficient solution for civilian and military applications is presented. First, a modular leader-follower formation algorithm was developed to accomplish the formation flying with off-the-shelf low-cost components and sensors. Second, a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller was utilized for velocity control of the UAVs to maintain the tight formation. Third, a particle swarm optimization-optimized reciprocal velocity obstacles (PSO-RVO) algorithm was utilized for obstacles avoidance and collision avoidance between the UAVs while navigating, with the aid of sonar ranging sensors onboard. The formation flying algorithm developed was tested through both simulation and experiment using two quadcopters with global positioning system (GPS) signals. For the simulation, the algorithm developed was tested on a virtual quadcopter using an open
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are envisioned to operate much closer to each other in low-altitude airspace than in the conventional high-altitude air traffic system and therefore impose challenges not only to the vehicle design but also to the development of a safe yet efficient low-altitude air traffic system. NASA Ames developed an air traffic simulation tool known as Flexible engine for Fast time evaluation of Flight environments (Fe3).
Researchers developed a sensor and software application to detect and avoid energized power lines in the vicinity of unmanned aerial systems (UAS). The goal is to provide drones sufficient time and distance to react, avoid wires, and navigate follow-on maneuvers.
Following a number of high-visibility collisions between aircraft on the airport surface, overall taxi operations have been brought under greater scrutiny. In addition, observation of taxi operations and the results of associated research programs have revealed that the efficiency of taxi operations could be significantly improved with available technologies and by applying a human centered design approach. Surface operations displays have been tested in prototype form and a number of manufacturers are moving toward product definition. This document provides guidance on the design of elements, which may be part of surface operations displays whose objectives would be to enhance safety and to improve overall efficiency of aircraft operations on the airport surface. Such efficiency increases should be realized not only in day-to-day operations, but should also be manifested in training for surface operations. This document sets forth functional and design recommendations concerning the
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) sets forth design and operational recommendations concerning the human factors/crew interface considerations and criteria for vertical situation awareness displays. This is the first of two recommended practice documents that will address vertical situation awareness displays (VSAD). This document will focus on the performance/planning types of display (e.g., the map display) and will be limited to providing recommendations concerning human factored crew interfaces and will not address architecture issues. This document focuses on two types of VSAD displays: a coplanar implementation of a profile display (side projection) and a conventional horizontal map display; and a 3D map display (geometric projection). It is intended for head down display applications. However, other formats or presentation methods, such as HUDs, HMDs and 3D audio presentations may become more feasible in the future. Even though the relationship of the vertical
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) sets forth design and operational recommendations concerning the human factors issues and criteria for cockpit display of traffic information systems. The visual and aural characteristics are covered for both the alerting components and traffic depiction/situation components. The display system may contain any one or a combination of these components Although the system functionality assumed for this document exemplifies fixed-wing aircraft implementation, the recommendations do not preclude other aircraft types. The recommendations contained in this document address both near and far term technology directed toward providing in flight traffic awareness, although the present version remains primarily focused on near term applications. Since this document provides recommendations, the guidance is provided in the form of “should” statements as opposed to the “shall” statements that appear in standards and requirements. The assumptions about
This document sets forth design and operational recommendations concerning the human factors issues and criteria for airborne collision and avoidance systems. The visual and aural characteristics are covered for the display of traffic information as well as the escape maneuver display on conventional and electronic flight decks. System utilization philosophy and flight deck integration considerations are also presented.
Contemporary air traffic management (ATM) challenges are both (1) acute and (2) growing at rates far outpacing established ways for absorbing technological innovation. Lack of timely response will guarantee failure to meet demands. Immediately that creates a necessity to identify means of coping and judging new technologies based on possible speed of adoption. Paralleling the challenges are developments in capability, both recent and decades old. Some steps (e.g., Global Positioning System (GPS) backup) are well known and, in fact, should have progressed further long ago. Others (e.g., sharing raw measurements instead of position fixes) are equally well known and, if followed by further flight tests initiated (and successful) years ago, would have produced a wealth of in-flight experience by now if development had continued. Other possibilities (e.g., automated pilot override) are much less common and are considered largely experimental. This SAE EDGE™ Research Report is aimed at
The bus sector is currently lagging behind when it comes to implementing autonomous systems for improved vehicle safety. However, in cities such as London, public transport strategies are changing, with requirements being made for advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) on buses. This study discusses the adoption of ADAS systems within the bus sector. A review of the on-road ADAS bus trials shows that passive forward collision warning (FCW) and intelligent speed assistance (ISA) systems have been successful in reducing the number of imminent pedestrian/vehicle collision events and improving speed limit compliance, respectively. Bus accident statistics for Great Britain have shown that pedestrians account for 82% of all fatalities, with three quarters occurring with frontal bus impacts. These statistics suggest that the bus forward collision warning system is a priority for inclusion in future vehicles to enhance the driver’s direct vision, and to increase reaction time for earlier
This document applies to laser proponents involved with the use of laser systems outdoors. It may be used in conjunction with AS4970, ARP5535, and ARP5572 and the ANSI Z136 series of laser safety standards.
AIR1608 ESTIMATION OF TOTAL ERROR IN ALTIMETRY proposes a method of estimating overall error of altimetry in order to provide a basis for safe vertical separation of aircraft.
Most of today’s collision-avoidance, in-flight-entertainment (IFE), air-to-ground-communications, and other avionics systems employ electronics packaging based on the Aeronautics Radio INC (ARINC) 600 standard. Compared to the older ARINC 404 standard dating from the 1970s that defined “black box” enclosures and racks within aircraft, ARINC 600 specified a Modular Concept Unit (MCU) – the basic building block module for avionics. An ARINC 600 metal enclosure can hold up to 12 MCUs, allowing a lot of computing power to be placed in a centralized “box.” By making it possible to run numerous applications over a real-time network, ARINC 600 enabled “next generation” integrated modular avionics (IMA).
Spinoff is NASA's annual publication featuring successfully commercialized NASA technology. This commercialization has contributed to the development of products and services in the fields of health and medicine, consumer goods, transportation, public safety, computer technology, and environmental resources.
Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are improving driver and pedestrian safety, providing vehicle capabilities such as pedestrian detection, lane departure warnings, collision avoidance, and much more. The increasing use of cameras throughout vehicles is enabling many ADAS capabilities. For ADAS applications involving cameras, one critical design challenge is to move image data from the camera to the processing unit and from the processing unit to each display as quickly and efficiently as possible.
This document covers the recommended lighting performance and design criteria for: a Left Forward Navigation Position Lights (Red) b Right Forward Navigation Position Lights (Green) c Rear Navigation Position Lights (White) d Anticollision Lights (1) Red Flashing Lights Top and Bottom Fuselage (2) White Flashing Strobe Lights Wing Tips and/or Tail (3) Red Flashing Beacon Light on Top of Vertical Tail
Electroimpact, in collaboration with Boeing, has developed an advanced robotic assembly cell, dubbed “The Quadbots.” Using Electroimpact’s patented Accurate Robot technology and multi-function end effector (MFEE), each robot can drill, countersink, inspect hole quality, apply sealant, and insert fasteners into the part. The cell consists of 4 identical machines simultaneously working on a single section of the Boeing 787 fuselage, two on the left, and two on the right. These machines employ “collision avoidance” a new feature in their software to help them work more synchronously. The collision avoidance software uses positional feedback from external safety rated encoders mounted to the motors on the robot. From this feedback, safe spaces, in the form of virtual boundaries can be created. Such that a robot will stop and wait if the adjacent robot is in, or going to move into its programmed work envelope. Another feature of the collision avoidance is to limit robot speeds when they are
This invention, developed at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, was originally conceived as a high-accuracy, high-sensitivity, bi-axial Sun angle sensor, but has also been proposed for applications involving the general field of precisely measuring the direction in which light travels toward the sensor. It has applications in spacecraft navigation, formation flying in space, space beacons, and automotive collision avoidance.
Researchers at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center have dramatically improved upon existing ground collision avoidance technology for aircraft. NASA’s system leverages leading-edge fighter safety technology, adapting it to civil aviation use as an advanced warning system. It offers higher fidelity terrain mapping, enhanced vehicle performance modeling, multidirectional avoidance techniques, more efficient data-handling methods, and user-friendly warning systems. The algorithms have been incorporated into an app for tablet/handheld mobile devices that can be used by pilots in the cockpit, enabling significantly safer general aviation. This will enable pilots to have access to this lifesaving safety tool regardless of what type of aircraft they are flying. The system also can be incorporated into electronic flight bags (EFBs) and/or aircraft avionics systems.
Aviation safety is a fundamental concern for all stakeholders. The traveling public demands the highest safety standards, but also wants convenience and reliability at a low price with minimal environmental impacts. Taking account of these sometimes competing demands can be challenging.
Aviation safety is one of the key focus areas of the aerospace industry as it involves safety of passengers, crew, assets etc. Due to advancements in technology, aviation safety has reached to safest levels compared to last few decades. In spite of declining trends in in-air accident rate, ground accidents are increasing due to ever increasing air traffic and human factors in the airport. Majority of the accidents occur during initial and final phases of the flight. Rapid increase in air traffic would pose challenge in ensuring safety and best utilization of Airports, Airspace and assets. In current scenario multiple systems like Runway Debris Monitoring System, Runway Incursion Detection System, Obstacle avoidance system and Traffic Collision Avoidance System are used for collision prediction and alerting in airport environment. However these approaches are standalone in nature and have limitations in coverage, performance and are dependent on onboard equipment. There is a need to
The technologies NASA develops don’t just blast off into space. They also improve our lives here on Earth. Life-saving search-and-rescue tools, implantable medical devices, advances in commercial aircraft safety, increased accuracy in weather forecasting, and the miniature cameras in our cellphones are just some of the examples of NASA-developed technology used in products today.
Data adaptive algorithms are the critically enabling technology for automatic collision avoidance system efforts at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center. These Armstrong-developed algorithms provide an extensive and highly efficient encoding process for global-scale digital terrain maps (DTMs) along with a real-time decoding process to locally render map data. Available for licensing, these terrain-mapping algorithms are designed to be easily integrated into an aircraft’s existing onboard computing environment, or into an electronic flight bag (EFB) or mobile device application. In addition to its use within next-generation collision avoidance systems, the software can be adapted for use in a wide variety of applications, including aerospace satellites, automobiles, scientific research, marine charting systems, and medical devices.
As the number of autonomous vehicles continues to increase for both commercial and military applications, collision avoidance algorithms are of the utmost importance to successfully execute missions in dynamic environments.
Abhishek Motayed, Ratan Debnath, Baomei Wen, Audie Castillo, Ting Xie, and Gavin Liu, N5 Sensors Inc., Rockville, MD
A unified approach to cooperative and non-cooperative Detect-and-Avoid (DAA) is a key enabler for Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) to safely and routinely access all classes of airspace. In this paper state-of-the-art cooperative and non-cooperative DAA sensor/system technologies for manned aircraft and RPAS are reviewed and the associated multi-sensor data fusion techniques are discussed. A DAA system architecture is presented based on Boolean Decision Logics (BDL) for selecting non-cooperative and cooperative sensors/systems including both passive and active Forward Looking Sensors (FLS), Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B). After elaborating the DAA system processes, the key mathematical models associated with both non-cooperative and cooperative DAA functions are presented. The Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) algorithm is adopted to estimate the state vector of the intruders and this is propagated to predict the
Accurate and robust tracking of objects is of growing interest amongst the computer vision scientific community. The ability of a multi-sensor system to detect and track objects, and accurately predict their future trajectory is critical in the context of mission- and safety-critical applications. Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) are currently not equipped to routinely access all classes of airspace since certified Detect-and-Avoid (DAA) systems are yet to be developed. Such capabilities can be achieved by incorporating both cooperative and non-cooperative DAA functions, as well as providing enhanced communications, navigation and surveillance (CNS) services. DAA is highly dependent on the performance of CNS systems for Detection, Tacking and avoiding (DTA) tasks and maneuvers. In order to perform an effective detection of objects, a number of high performance, reliable and accurate avionics sensors and systems are adopted including non-cooperative sensors (visual and thermal
The maturity reached in the development of Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) systems is making them more and more attractive for a vast number of civil missions. Clearly, the introduction of UAVs in the civil airspace requiring practical and effective regulation is one of the most critical issues being currently discussed. As several civil air authorities report in their regulations “Sense and Avoid” or “Detect and Avoid” capabilities are critical to the successful integration of UAV into the civil airspace. One possible approach to achieve this capability, specifically for operations beyond the Line-of-Sight, would be to equip air vehicles with a vision-based system using cameras to monitor the surrounding air space and to classify other air vehicles flying in close proximity. This paper presents an image-based application for the supervised classification of air vehicles. First, several vehicle images, taken from different points of view, are transformed using a descriptor of salient
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