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Items (211,951)
To provide specifications for lighting and marking of industrial wheeled equipment whenever such equipment is operated or traveling on a highway.
OPTC3, Lighting and Sound Committee
This SAE practice is intended for the sample preparation of test pieces for automotive wheels and wheel trim. The practice provides a consistent scribing method for use on test panels and or component parts with substrate chemical pretreatment and coating systems. Test specimens can then be subjected to various corrosion tests in order to evaluate performance without significant variations of the degree of exposure of the substrate. The scribing is used to create a break in the coating/finishing as can occur in the field through gravel and other damaging conditions. NOTE— Significant variability is attributed to surface contour, coating hardness/softness, operator reproducibility, and the scribing tool and it’s condition.
Wheel Standards Committee
This document describes particulate filter weigh-room recommended practices to provide guidance in the procedures and processes associated with gravimetric filter weighing of engine or vehicle particulate matter (PM) emissions. This recommended practice provides proper procedures to build and maintain a particulate filter weigh room or enclosure to meet the requirements of EPA's 40 CFR Part 1065 and ISO 14065 for obtaining low measurement uncertainty. The content of this recommended practice addresses the following areas: a Particulate Filter Weigh Room b Microbalance Requirements c Filter Conditioning and Handling Requirements d Weighing Process e Equipment Calibration and Maintenance
Emissions Standards Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice is intended as a guide toward standard practice and is subject to change to keep pace with experience and technical advances. This document provides standardized laboratory tests, test methods and equipment, and requirements for lighting devices covered by SAE Recommended Practices and Standards. It is intended for devices used on vehicles less than 2032 mm in width. Tests for vehicles larger than 2032 mm in overall width are covered in SAE J2139. Device specific tests and requirements can be found in applicable SAE technical reports.
Test Methods and Equipment Stds Committee
This SAE standard applies to self-propelled driver operated sweepers and scrubbers as defined in SAE J2130-1.
MTC2, Sweeper, Cleaner, and Machinery
This Aerospace Information Report (AIR) is presented in two parts. The first part is simply a summarization of design factors that must be considered in establishing vehicle specifications and design characteristics. The second part refers particularly to the performance characteristics of an aircraft tow tractor. Some definitions, formulas, data, and an example are provided mainly for assisting the specifying engineers of potential buyers and users of aircraft tow tractors in the evaluation and comparison of their requirements with the performance capabilities of the various tow tractors offered by the tow tractor manufacturers. Although the design engineers could also use the formulas and data in their calculations of the performance specifications of aircraft tow tractors, this AIR is not intended to provide the methods and all data necessary for detailed calculations and design of an aircraft tow tractor.
AGE-3 Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice defines requirements for equipment and supplies to be used in measuring shot peening arc height and other surface enhancement processes. It is intended as a guide toward standard practice and is subject to change to keep pace with experience and technical advances. Guidelines for use of these items can be found in SAE J443 and SAE J2597.
Surface Enhancement Committee
To provide the aerospace industry with guidance standards for aluminum alloy samples which have been exposed to corrosion conditions which promote exfoliation so as to evaluate susceptibility of products to exfoliation corrosion.
AE-1 Engine Accessory Installations Committee
SAE J3072 establishes requirements for a grid support inverter system function that is integrated into a plug-in electric vehicle (PEV), which connects in parallel with an electric power system (EPS) by way of conductively coupled, electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). This standard also defines the communication between the PEV and the EVSE required for the PEV onboard inverter function to be configured and authorized by the EVSE for discharging at a site. The requirements herein are intended to be used in conjunction with IEEE 1547-2018 and IEEE 1547.1-2020 or later versions.
Hybrid - EV Committee
This standard specifies the communications hardware and software requirements for fueling hydrogen surface vehicles (HSV), such as fuel cell vehicles, but may also be used where appropriate with heavy-duty vehicles (e.g., buses) and industrial trucks (e.g., forklifts) with compressed hydrogen storage. It contains a description of the communications hardware and communications protocol that may be used to refuel the HSV. The intent of this standard is to enable harmonized development and implementation of the hydrogen fueling interfaces. This standard is intended to be used in conjunction with the hydrogen fueling protocols in SAE J2601 and nozzles and receptacles conforming with SAE J2600.
Fuel Cell Standards Committee
E-30 Propulsion Ignition Systems Committee
IEEE-1394b, Interface Requirements for Military and Aerospace Vehicle Applications, establishes the requirements for the use of IEEE Std 1394™-2008 as a data bus network in military and aerospace vehicles. The portion of IEEE Std 1394™-2008 standard used by AS5643 is referred to as IEEE-1394 Beta (formerly referred to as IEEE-1394b.) It defines the concept of operations and information flow on the network. As discussed in 1.4, this specification contains extensions/restrictions to “off-the-shelf” IEEE-1394 standards and assumes the reader already has a working knowledge of IEEE-1394. This document is referred to as the “base” specification, containing the generic requirements that specify data bus characteristics, data formats, and node operation. It is important to note that this specification is not designed to be stand-alone; several requirements leave the details to the implementations and delegate the actual implementation to be specified by the network architect/integrator for a
AS-1A Avionic Networks Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) outlines the functional and design requirements for a b self-propelled belt conveyor for handling baggage and cargo at aircraft bulk cargo holds. Additional considerations and requirements may legally apply in other countries. As an example, for operation in Europe (E.U. and E.F.T.A.), the applicable EN standards shall be complied with.
AGE-3 Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Committee
This document covers the basis of, and test procedure for, an overspeed landing test on aircraft tires with rated speeds of 190 mph (306 km/h) and above. The conditions requiring an overspeed test, alternatives, test requirements and pass/fail criteria are addressed.
A-5C Aircraft Tires Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides the recommended procedure for obtaining desired preloads in aircraft wheel tie bolts when mounting tires and assembling the wheel. It is generally referred to as the snug-angle bolted joint assembly procedure. It is also known as the “torque-turn” procedure in the heavy equipment ground vehicle industry.
A-5A Wheels, Brakes and Skid Controls Committee
This document is intended to facilitate calculation of O-Ring tension testing values.
AMS CE Elastomers Committee
This Bulletin provides a brief description of tin whisker formation and describes various methods recommended by government and industry to reduce the risk of tin whisker-induced failures in electronic hardware. It is not a mandate nor does it contain any requirements. A tin whisker is a single crystal that emerges from tin-finished surfaces. Tin whiskers can pose a serious reliability risk to electronic assemblies that have pure tin finish. The general risks fall into several categories: [1, 2, 3, 8, 16] Short Circuits: The whisker can create a short circuit, either by 1) growing from an area at one potential to an area at another or 2) breaking free and later bridging these areas. In some cases, these shorts may be permanent and cause catastrophic system failures. A transient short may result if the available current exceeds the fusing current of the whisker, and the whisker can fuse open. The amount of current needed to fuse open the whisker depends on the atmospheric pressure and
CE-12 Solid State Devices
EIDM Enterprise Information and Data Management
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides guidance for the presentation of gas turbine engine transient performance models with the capacity to be implemented as computer programs operating in real time and is intended to complement AS681. Such models will be used in those applications where a transient program must interface with physical systems. These applications are characterized by the requirement for real time transient response. These models require attention to unique characteristics that are beyond the scope of AS681. This document is intended to facilitate the development of mathematical models and the coordination of their requirements with the user. It will not unduly restrict the modeling methodology used by the supplier. The objective of this document is to define a recommended practice for the delivery of mathematical models intended for real time use. Models used in this application may also be contained in deliverable computer programs covered by AS681.
S-15 Gas Turbine Perf Simulation Nomenclature and Interfaces
The scope of the test method is to provide stakeholders including fluid manufacturers, airport operators, brake manufacturers, aircraft constructors, aircraft operators and airworthiness authorities with a relative assessment of the effect of deicing chemicals on carbon oxidation. This simple test is only designed to assess the relative effects of runway deicing chemicals by measuring mass change of contaminated and bare carbon samples tested under the same conditions. It is not possible to set a general acceptance threshold oxidation limit based on this test method because carbon brake stack oxidation is a function of heat sink design and the operating environment.
A-5A Wheels, Brakes and Skid Controls Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) presents a recommended part numbering scheme for fluid system component parts, which may require complex standard numbers. Standardizing on certain numbering systems provides for numbering simplicity, ease of interchangeability and supersession (when required), standardization and limitation of usable codes. This ARP is similar to ISO/TC20/SC10 and its usage is recommended for commonality in international standard part numbering practices.
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
This standard covers the requirements for spherical, self-aligning, self-lubricating, bearings which are for use in the ambient temperature range of -65 to +160 °F (-54 to +71 °C) at high cyclic speeds 300 cpm (13 fpm) for liners with a thickness less than 0.015 inch. The scope of this standard is to provide a liner system qualification procedure for helicopter sliding bearings defined and controlled by source control drawings. Once a liner system is qualified, the source-controlled bearings are further tested under application conditions. Under Department of Defense (DoD) Policies and Procedures, any qualification requirements and associated Qualified Products List (QPLs) are mandatory for DoD contracts. Any materials relating to QPLs have not been adopted by SAE and are not part of this SAE technical document.
ACBG Plain Bearing Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) presents information on gas energy limited propulsion engine starting systems employed in commercial and military applications and remote industrial sites. The types of systems discussed utilize solid propellant cartridge gas, monopropellant hydrazine gas, bipropellant gas, compressed stored gas, and cryogenic stored nitrogen. Presented information conveys design features, performance capabilities and system limitations with methods of computing results.
AE-6 Starting Systems and Auxiliary Power Committee
Ultraviolet (UV) laser marking for aerospace wire and cable is now a well established and accepted process. The purpose of this report is to provide general information on the technical basis of marking systems that apply UV laser energy to the wire surface. This includes materials for UV laser marking; the key characteristics of UV lasers suitable for this application, in terms of the mark process requirements and operational requirements; the various types of UV lasers which meet the general requirements for wire marking; and the generic components of UV laser marking systems. Subjects beyond the scope of this report include other wire marking systems not utilizing UV lasers; legibility; and contrast measurement. The contents of this document are for information only. It is not intended that it should be used as the basis for marking process specifications or standards, which are covered by AS5469 Wire and Cable Marking Process, UV Laser.
AE-8A Elec Wiring and Fiber Optic Interconnect Sys Install
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) is intended to evaluate corrosion inhibiting properties of synthetic gas turbine lubricants and gearbox oils.
E-34 Propulsion Lubricants Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) contains methods used to measure the optical performance of airborne electronic flat panel display (FPD) systems. The methods described are specific to the direct view, liquid crystal matrix (x-y addressable) display technology used on aircraft flight decks. The focus of this document is on active matrix, liquid crystal displays (LCD). The majority of the procedures can be applied to other display technologies, however, it is cautioned that some techniques need to be tailored to different display technologies. The document covers monochrome and color LCD operation in the transmissive mode within the visual spectrum (the wavelength range of 380 to 780 nm). These procedures are adaptable to reflective and transflective displays paying special attention to the source illumination geometry. Photometric and colorimetric measurement procedures for airborne direct view CRT (cathode ray tube) displays are found in ARP1782. Optical measurement
A-20A Crew Station Lighting
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) covers procedures or methods to be used for fabricating, handling, testing, and installation of oxygen lines in an aircraft oxygen system.
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) delineates the minimum operational requirements that will ensure that perishable cargoes in insulated standard airborne containers are kept in prime condition during the ground handling and air transportation cycle for a maximum period of 36 h.
AGE-2 Air Cargo
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) defines recommended analysis and test procedures for qualification of pneumatically, electrically, manually, and hydraulically actuated air valves. They may be further defined as valves that function in response to externally applied forces or in response to variations in upstream and/or downstream duct air conditions in order to maintain a calibrated duct air condition (e.g., air flow, air pressure, air temperature, air pressure ratio, or air shutoff). Qualification testing performed on the airplane to verify compatibility of the valve function and stability as part of a complete system is outside the scope of this document. Refer to ARP1270 for design and certification requirements for cabin pressurization control system components. As this document is only a guide, it does not supersede or relieve any requirements contained in detailed Customer specifications.
AC-9 Aircraft Environmental Systems Committee
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