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This SAE Standard was developed to provide a method for indicating the direction of engine rotation and numbering of engine cylinders. The document is intended for use in designing new engines to eliminate the differences which presently exist in industry.
Engine Power Test Code Committee
The process detailed within this document is generic and applies to the entire end-to-end health management capability, covering both on-board and on-ground elements, in both commercial and military applications throughout their lifecycle. This ARP addresses a gap in guidance related to usage of ground-based health management equipment for airworthiness credit, ensuring a level of integrity commensurate with the potential aircraft-level consequences of the relevant failure conditions. The practical application of this standardized process is detailed in the form of a checklist. The on-board elements described here are typically the source of the data acquisition used for off-board analysis. The on-board aspects relating to airworthiness and/or safety of flight, e.g., pilot notification, are addressed by existing guidance and policy documents. If a proposed health management capability for airworthiness credit involves modification of the on-board systems, the substantiation of those
E-32 Aerospace Propulsion Systems Health Management
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides design guidelines for aircraft mechanical control systems and components. Topics contained in this document include design requirements, system design and installation guidelines, and component design practices for primary flight controls, secondary flight controls, and utility controls.
A-6A3 Flight Control and Vehicle Management Systems Cmt
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of sheet 0.009 to 0.126 inch (0.23 to 3.20 mm) inclusive, in nominal thickness, alclad.
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This SAE Information Report describes a concept of operations (CONOPS) for a Cooperative Driving Automation (CDA) Feature for infrastructure-based prescriptive cooperative merge. This work focuses on a Class D (Prescriptive; refer to J3216) CDA infrastructure-based cooperative merge Feature, supported by Class A (Status-Sharing) or Class C (Agreement-Seeking) messages among the merging cooperative automated driving system-operated vehicles (C-ADS-equipped vehicles). This document also provides a test procedure to evaluate this CDA Feature, which is suitable for proof-of-concept testing in both virtual and test track settings.
Cooperative Driving Automation(CDA) Committee
This document provides an information report to the readers for the management of confidential data associated with hardware protected security environment (HPSE). The scope of the present document is common principles of confidential data, methodologies, conformance of SAE J3101 with regulations and standards, and use cases.
Vehicle Electrical System Security Committee
This Recommended Practice, Operational Definitions of Driving Performance Measures and Statistics, provides functional definitions of and guidance for performance measures and statistics concerned with driving on roadways. As a consequence, measurements and statistics will be calculated and reported in a consistent manner in SAE and ISO standards, journal articles proceedings papers, technical reports, and presentations so that the procedures and results can be more readily compared. Only measures and statistics pertaining to driver/vehicle responses that affect the lateral and longitudinal positioning of a road vehicle are currently provided in this document. Measures and statistics covering other aspects of driving performance may be included in future editions. For eye glance-related measures and statistics, see SAE J2396 (Society of Automotive Engineers, 2007) and ISO 15007-1 (International Standards Organization, 2002).
Driver Metrics, Performance, Behaviors and States Committee
This document includes recommendations of installations of adequate landing and taxiing lighting systems in aircraft of the following categories: a Single engine personal and/or liaison type b Light twin engine c Large multiengine propeller d Large multiengine turbojet e Military high-performance fighter and attack f Helicopter g Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (EVTOL) and Urban Air Mobility (UAM)
A-20B Exterior Lighting Committee
This standard covers ultra-thin wall low voltage primary cable intended for use at a nominal system voltage of 60 VDC (60 VAC rms) or less in surface vehicle electrical systems. The tests are intended to qualify cables for normal applications with limited exposure to fluids and physical abuse. This standard covers SAE conductor sizes which usually differ from ISO conductor sizes.
Cable Standards Committee
The intent of the specification is to present a functional set of requirements which define the user and hardware interfaces while providing sufficient capability to meet the misfire patterns for compliance demonstration and engineering development. Throughout this requirement, any reference to “ignition or injector control signal” is used interchangeably to infer that the effected spark ignition engine’s ignition control signal or the compression ignition engine’s injector control signal is interrupted, timing phased, or directly passed by the misfire generator. For spark ignition engines, the misfire generator behaves as a spark-defeat device which induces misfires by inhibiting normal ignition coil discharge. It does so by monitoring the vehicle’s ignition timing signals and suspends ignition coil saturation for selected cylinder firing events. The misfire generator will thereby induce engine misfire in spark ignited gasoline internal combustion engines; including rotary engines
Vehicle E E System Diagnostic Standards Committee
The scope of this document focuses on the setup and use of solid particle number (SPN) counting devices in both engine development and certification environments. The document reviews best practices for collecting and measuring samples from both raw and diluted exhaust gas streams across several sample probe insertion locations relative to installed aftertreatment devices. Appropriate dilution techniques, sample transfer processes, and temperature management techniques are included. Finally, performance and validation checks are covered to ensure that long-term degradation and instrument failures can be identified quickly. The particle size range targeted in this document is >23 nm, which aligns with the present EU SPN regulations and targets only solid particles. Current commonly available measurement devices are designed for counting efficiencies of 50% at 23 nm and 90% counting efficiencies at 40 nm so the contents of this document primarily address these particle sizes. It is
Emissions Standards Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) provides the general performance, design, installation, test, development, and quality assurance requirements for the flight control related functions of the Vehicle Management Systems (VMS) of military piloted aircraft. It also provides specification guidance for the flight control interfaces with other systems and subsystems of the aircraft.
A-6A3 Flight Control and Vehicle Management Systems Cmt
Incidents where a piece of ground support equipment or personnel damages an aircraft under the control of ground or maintenance operations that requires corrective action by aircraft maintenance personnel. Operations include, but are not limited to servicing, line maintenance, heavy maintenance, and aircraft movement, e.g., marshalling/pushback/tow/reposition/taxi.
AGE-3 Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Committee
This SAE Standard is concerned with the geometrical irregularities of surfaces of solid materials. It established definite classifications for various degrees of roughness and waviness and for several varieties of lay. It also provides a set of symbols for use on drawings and in specifications, reports, and the like. The ranges for roughness and waviness are divided into a number of steps, and the general types of lay are established by type characteristics. This standard does not define what degrees of surface roughness and waviness or what type of lay are suitable for any specific purpose. It does not specify the means by which any degree of such irregularities may be obtained or produced. Neither is it concerned with the other surface qualities such as luster, appearance, color, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, hardness, microstructure, and absorption characteristics, any of which may be governing considerations in specific applications. Sufaces, in general, are very complex
Surface Enhancement Committee
The SAE J1939 documents are intended for light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles used on or off road, as well as appropriate stationary applications which use vehicle derived components (e.g., generator sets). Vehicles of interest include, but are not limited to, on- and off-highway trucks and their trailers, construction equipment, and agricultural equipment and implements. The purpose of these documents is to provide an open interconnect system for electronic systems. It is the intention of these documents to allow electronic control units to communicate with each other by providing a standard architecture. This particular document, SAE J1939-22, describes the data link layer using the flexible data rate as defined in ISO 11898-1, December 2015. The flexible data rate capability in CAN (commonly called CAN FD) is implemented as a transport layer in order to allow for functional safety, cybersecurity, extended transport capability, and backward compatibility with SAE J1939DA.
Truck and Bus Control and Communications Network Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice defines a method for implementing a bidirectional, serial communications link over the vehicle power supply line among modules containing microcomputers. This document defines those parameters of the serial link that relate primarily to hardware and software compatibility such as interface requirements, system protocol, and message format that pertain to Power Line Communications (PLC) between Tractors and Trailers. This document defines a method of activating the trailer ABS Indicator Lamp that is located in the tractor.
Truck and Bus Control and Communications Network Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides information and guidance for the control of hazardous laser energy in the navigable airspace. This ARP does not address techniqies that pilots can apply to mitigate laser illuminations during a critical phase of flight. Such mitigation strategies are described in ARP6378.
G-10T Laser Safety Hazards Committee
This document covers the requirements for SAE implementations based on ISO 17987:2016. Requirements stated in this document will provide a minimum standard level of performance to which all compatible ECUs and media shall be designed. This will assure full serial data communication among all connected devices regardless of supplier. The goal of SAE J2602-1 is to improve the interoperability and interchangeability of LIN devices within a network by adding additional requirements that are not present in ISO 17987:2016 (e.g., fault tolerant operation, network topology, etc.). The intended audience includes, but is not limited to, ECU suppliers, LIN controller suppliers, LIN transceiver suppliers, component release engineers, and vehicle system engineers. The term “master” has been replaced by “commander” and term “slave” with “responder” in the following sections.
Vehicle Architecture For Data Communications Standards
This standard is applicable to all items used for manufacturing, maintenance, and repair of aviation, space, and defense products from the raw material to the final product (e.g., aircraft, structural items, constituent assemblies, standard parts, consumables with conformity and/or safety impact). This standard considers items dispositioned as scrap in accordance with 9100-series standards’ supporting nonconformity management, corrective action, or organization decisions (e.g., obsolescence, inventory management, missing traceability documentation). The requirements specified in this standard are complementary (not alternative) to contractual and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Should there be a conflict between the requirements of this standard and applicable statutory or regulatory requirements, the applicable statutory or regulatory requirements take precedence. This standard defines requirements and actions to be taken after the disposition decision to control the
G-14 Americas Aerospace Quality Standards Committee (AAQSC)
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) provides a system of graphic symbols and line codings that are intended primarily for usage in hydraulic and pneumatic system schematic diagrams for all types of aircraft.
A-6 Aerospace Actuation, Control and Fluid Power Systems
The purpose of this SAE Information Report is to specify the requirements necessary to fully define the Serial Data Communication Interface (SCI) used in the reprogramming of emission-related powertrain Electronic Control Units (ECU) in Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) vehicles. It is intended to satisfy new regulations proposed by the federal U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and California Air Resource Board (CARB) regulatory agencies regarding “pass-thru programming” of all On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) compliant emission-related powertrain devices. These requirements are necessary to provide independent automotive service organizations and after-market scan tool suppliers the ability to reprogram emission-related powertrain ECUs for all manufacturers of automotive vehicles. Specifically, this document details the SCI physical layer and SCI data link layer requirements necessary to establish communications between a diagnostic tester and an ECU. It further specifies additional
Vehicle E E System Diagnostic Standards Committee
This document is written to address acceleration and deceleration control issues related to heavy-duty trucks and buses greater than 10000 GVW.
Truck and Bus Brake Systems Committee
This document provides nomenclature and references to related documents for heavy vehicle event data recorders (HVEDR) for heavy-duty (HD) ground wheeled vehicles. The SAE J2728 series of documents consists of the following:
Truck and Bus Event Data Recorder Committee
The function of a multifunctional display (MFD) system is to provide the crew access to a variety of data, or combinations of data, used to fly the aircraft, to navigate, to communicate, and to manage aircraft systems. MFDs may also display primary flight information (PFI) as needed to insure continuity of operations. This document sets forth design and operational recommendations concerning the human factors considerations for MFD systems. The MFD system may contain one or more electronic display devices capable of presenting data in several possible formats. MFDs are designed to depict PFI, navigation, communication, aircraft state, aircraft system management, weather, traffic, and/or other information used by the flight crew for command and control of the aircraft. The information displayed may be combined to make an integrated display or one set of data may simply replace another. The information contained in this document can be applied to the design of all MFDs, including
G-10EAB Executive Advisory Group
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) discusses design philosophy, system and equipment requirements, environmental conditions, and design considerations for rotorcraft environmental control systems (ECS). The rotorcraft ECS comprises that arrangement of equipment, controls, and indicators which supply and distribute dehumidified conditioned air for ventilation, cooling and heating of the occupied compartments, and cooling of the avionics. The principal features of the system are: a A controlled fresh air supply b A means for cooling (air or vapor cycle units and heat exchangers) c A means for removing excess moisture from the air supply d A means for heating e A temperature control system f A conditioned air distribution system The ARP is applicable to both civil and military rotorcraft where an ECS is specified; however, certain requirements peculiar to military applications—such as nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) protection—are not covered. The integration of NBC
AC-9 Aircraft Environmental Systems Committee
Blade trackers measure: (a) rotor blade height and (b) lead-lag for use in a Rotor Track and Balance (RT&B) function in a Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS). HUMS is a generic term for a system used to measure, monitor, process, and store information relating to the functioning and usage of an aircraft's on-board primary systems, including the engine(s).
HM-1 Integrated Vehicle Health Management Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) is limited to the subject of compatibility of wiring as part of aircraft Electrical Wiring and Interconnect Systems (EWIS) installed in and around aircraft fuel tanks.
AE-8A Elec Wiring and Fiber Optic Interconnect Sys Install
This document defines a set of standard application layer interfaces called JAUS Environment Sensing Services. JAUS Services provide the means for software entities in an unmanned system or system of unmanned systems to communicate and coordinate their activities. The Environment Sensing Services represent typical environment sensing capabilities commonly found across all domains and types of unmanned systems in a platform-independent manner. At present, twelve services are defined in this document: Range Sensor: Determine the proximity of objects in the platform’s environment Visual Sensor: Provides common configuration and setup for different types of imaging systems Digital Video: A type of Visual Sensor that manages digital video Analog Video: A type of Visual Sensor that manages analog video Still Image: A type of Visual Sensor that manages and encodes individual digital images Digital Audio Sensor: Provides common configuration and setup for different types of audio streams
AS-4JAUS Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems Committee
This recommended practice details the actions required to install a MIL-PRF-29504/5, NSN 6060-01-6122316, socket fiber optic terminus alignment sleeve during assembly, using a special torque adapter and approved torque load to prevent backing-off of the alignment sleeve.
AS-3 Fiber Optics and Applied Photonics Committee
This specification establishes process controls for the repeatable production of aerospace parts by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF). It is intended to be used for aerospace parts manufactured using Additive Manufacturing (AM) metal alloys, but usage is not limited to such applications.
AMS AM Additive Manufacturing Metals
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