To establish the acceptance criteria of surface discontinuities of bolts and screws.
This procedure covers vehicle operation and electric dynamometer (dyno) load coefficient adjustment to simulate track road load within dynamometer inertia and road load simulation capabilities.
SAE J1362 presents graphical symbols for use on operator controls and other displays on off-road work machines as defined in SAE J1116, plus mobile cranes, but excluding agricultural tractors. Symbols for agricultural tractors are covered by ASABE S304, ISO 3767-1, and ISO 3767-2.
The purpose of this specification is to provide airplane operators and tow vehicle manufacturers with: a General design and operating requirements pertinent to test and evaluation of towbarless tow vehicles. Specific design requirements are provided in ARP4852 and ARP4853. b Test and evaluation requirements. The results of these test evaluations will determine if the loads induced by the tow vehicle will exceed the design loads of the nose gear, or are within the aircraft manufacturer’s limits so that they do not affect the certified safe limit of the nose gear. The results of these test evaluations will also determine if a stability problem may occur during pushback and/or maintenance towing operations with the tested airplane/tow vehicle combination. This document specifies general test requirements and a test evaluation procedure for towbarless tow vehicles (TLTV) intended for pushback and maintenance towing only. It is not meant for dispatch (operational) towing (see definitions in
This SAE Recommended Practice provides procedures for determining shot peening coverage and relating coverage to part exposure to the media stream. Effectiveness of shot peening is directly dependent on coverage. Inadequate or excessive coverage can be detrimental to fatigue strength and component life.
This SAE Recommended Practice identifies and defines requirements relating to the safe integration of the fuel cell system, the hydrogen fuel storage and handling systems (as defined and specified in SAE J2579) and high voltage electrical systems into the overall Fuel Cell Vehicle. The document may also be applied to hydrogen vehicles with internal combustion engines. This document relates to the overall design, construction, operation and maintenance of fuel cell vehicles.
This document is an information report and intended to provide an overview of the Clock Extension Peripheral Interface (CXPI) protocol.
This SAE Recommended Practice is intended for qualification testing for brake drums used on highway commercial vehicles with air brakes using an inertia-dynamometer procedure. This document consists of two distinct tests: Part A, durability and speed maintenance test, and Part B, heat check drag sequence test. Each test can be considered to be an independent evaluation of the brake drum which tests different properties.
Instructions on this chart are intended to be used as a ready reference by personnel responsible for servicing off-road self-propelled work machines described in SAE J1116, categories 1, 2, 3, and 4. Detailed maintenance and service guidelines are reserved for maintenance, operator, and lubrication manuals as defined in SAE J920.
This SAE Standard was prepared by Technical Committee 1, Engine Lubrication, of SAE Fuels and Lubricants Council. The intent is to improve communications among engine manufacturers, engine users, and lubricant marketers in describing lubricant performance characteristics. The key objective is to ensure that a correct lubricant is used in each two-stroke-cycle engine.
This SAE Standard provides test procedures, requirements, and guidelines for a parking lamp.
This document defines the test procedures and performance limits of steady state and transient voltage characteristics for 12 V, 24 V, or 48 V electrical power generating systems used in commercial ground vehicles.
This SAE Standard establishes the test procedures, performance requirements, and criteria necessary to evaluate minimum safety and reliability requirements of a children’s snowmobile as identified in 1.2.
The information in this SAE Recommended Practice has been compiled by Technical Committee 1 (Engine Lubrication) of the SAE Fuels and Lubricants Division. The intent is to provide those concerned with the design and maintenance of two-stroke-cycle engines with a better understanding of the properties of two-stroke-cycle lubricants. Reference is also made to test procedures which may be used to measure the chemical and physical characteristics of these lubricants.
This SAE Standard provides testing and functional requirements to meet specified minimum performance criteria for electronic probe-type leak detectors. The equipment specified here will identify smaller refrigerant leaks when servicing motor vehicle air conditioning systems, including those engineered with improved sealing and smaller refrigerant charges to address environmental concerns and increase system efficiency. This document does not address any safety issues concerning the equipment design or use beyond that of sampling a flammable refrigerant, save those described in 3.1 and 3.2 of this document. All requirements of this standard shall be verified in SAE J2911.
This SAE Recommended Practice describes the basic content requirements, barcode specifications, and functional test specifications of the vehicle identification number (VIN) label. On the vehicle, the VIN label is to be mounted in a readily accessible location for use of a barcode scanning device.
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides to the aerospace industry a procedure for the consistent and accurate calculation of fuel flow using turbine flowmeters during development, production, and post overhaul/repair gas turbine engine testing.
This SAE Recommended Practice applies to off-road, self-propelled work machine categories of earthmoving, forestry, road building and maintenance, and specialized mining machinery as defined in SAE J1116.,
The purpose of this SAE Recommended Practice is to establish uniform test procedures for measuring and rating air delivery and cooling capacity of truck and off-road self-propelled work machines used in earth moving, agriculture, and forestry air-conditioner evaporator assemblies. It is the intent to measure only the actual cooling capacity of the evaporator. It is not the intent of this document to rate and compare the performance of the total vehicle air-conditioning system.
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes for trucks, buses, and multipurpose passenger vehicles with GVW of 4500 kg (10 000 lb) or greater: a Minimum performance requirements for the switch for activating electric or electro-pneumatic windshield washer systems. b Uniform test procedures that include those tests that can be conducted on uniform test equipment by commercially available laboratory facilities. The test procedures and minimum performance requirements, outlined in this document, are based on currently available engineering data. It is the intent that all portions of the document will be periodically reviewed and revised as additional data regarding windshield washing system performance is developed.
The purpose of this document is to provide the user with the procedures needed to properly assemble and disassemble the 50th percentile male Hybrid III dummy, certify its components and verify its mass and dimensions. Also within this manual are guidelines for handling accelerometers, repairing flesh and setting joints.
This procedure establishes a recommended practice for establishing the sensitivity of the chest displacement potentiometer assembly used in the Hybrid III family of Anthropomorphic Test Devices (ATDs, or crash dummies). This potentiometer assembly is used in the Hybrid III family to measure the linear displacement of the sternum relative to the spine (referred to as chest compression). An inherent nonlinearity exists in this measurement because a rotary potentiometer is being used to measure a generally linear displacement. As the chest cavity is compressed the potentiometer rotates, however the relationship between the compression and the potentiometer rotation (and voltage output) is nonlinear. Crash testing facilities have in the past used a variety of techniques to calibrate the chest potentiometer, that is to establish a sensitivity value (mm/(volt/volt) or mm/(mvolt/volt)). These sensitivity values are used to convert recorded voltage measurements to engineering units, in this
This document presents a catalog of safety sign text and artwork that can be used by any ready mixed concrete truck manufacturer to warn of common hazards.
With many corporations and suppliers conducting development and validation tests at different climatic wind tunnel sites, there is an increasing need for a recommended best practice that defines a process by which climatic wind tunnels can be correlated. This document addresses the test methods and metrics used to correlate results from different facilities, independent of location, for heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and powertrain cooling (PTC) development. This document should be used as a guideline to make sure key aspects of tunnel testing are covered when comparing various climatic wind tunnel facilities. The depth of the correlation program is ultimately influenced by program objectives; therefore, a correlation program, for the intent and purposes of this document, can range from just a few tests to a full analysis that involves multiple vehicle tests identifying limitations and statistical boundaries. Using recommendations in this document will eliminate most
The purpose of this SAE Recommended Practice is to establish guidelines for the automatic transmission and hydraulic systems engineer to design rectangular cross section seals for rotating and static grooved shaft applications. Also included are property comparisons of polymeric materials suitable for these applications. Historically, material covered in this document is not intended to include aluminum contact applications.
This SAE Recommended Practice describes two-dimensional 95th percentile truck driver side view, seated stomach contours for horizontally adjustable seats (see Figure 1). There is one contour and three locating lines to accommodate male-to-female ratios of 50:50, 75:25, and 90:10 to 95:5.
This Recommended Practice provides a procedure to locate driver seat tracks, establish seat track length, and define the SgRP in Class B vehicles (heavy trucks and buses). Three sets of equations that describe where drivers position horizontally adjustable seats are available for use in Class B vehicles depending on the percentages of males to females in the expected driver population (50:50, 75:25, and 90:10 to 95:5). The equations can also be used as a checking tool to estimate the level of accommodation provided by a given length of horizontally adjustable seat track. These procedures are applicable for both the SAE J826 HPM and the SAE J4002 HPM-II.
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) defines the parameters that describe the performance of an analog link transported over an optical fiber interconnect system suitable for aerospace applications.
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