TCV- A Unique Solution for HD Commercial BSIV Diesel Engine for Range of Altitude Operation

Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2017
Authors Abstract
BSIV implementation for commercial vehicle in pans India effectively from April 2017. It’s very challenging job for performance and emission engineer to meet engine performance & fuel economy with stringent emission norms for high power and torque density HD diesel engine. In Altitude, lack of air availability & combustion energy passes by mechanical waste gate, lead to lower boost at partial load in waste gate region; which in turn leads to poor engine performance & fuel efficiency and higher turbo speed. To control the turbocharger design speed limit various methodologies adopted like engine derating or optimizing the combustion parameters leads to poor vehicle performance. Combustion parameter optimsation is having limited scope for turbocharger speed control. In this paper we have identified the best cost effective technological solution “Turbo Control Valve (TCV) to meet the required boost pressure/airflow which leads to better engine performance and fuel efficiency at high altitude in part loads waste gate region. Adding to turbocharger speed is under the design limit & meeting the emission norms. Turbo control valve actuator concept will support us to control the position of waste gate according to the demand and the required boost pressure/airflow.
Meta TagsDetails
Rawat, S., Patchappalam, K., and Sahare, A., "TCV- A Unique Solution for HD Commercial BSIV Diesel Engine for Range of Altitude Operation," SAE Int. J. Engines 10(1):9-16, 2017,
Additional Details
Jan 10, 2017
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Content Type
Journal Article