Novel Approach to the Mechanism of Aerodynamic Forces

Authors Abstract
This study consists of a novel approach based on Classical Mechanics to explain the aerodynamic forces on a body in motion relating to a fluid. This new approach does not require the presence of viscosity to generate the forces and is compatible with the Kutta condition. The physical reasoning of the approach is outlined with the introduction of the aerodynamic suction effect of the body. Next, the mathematical expressions and a code that models the physical phenomena are developed. These are applied for the case of a sphere immersed in a moving fluid and then an airfoil. An initial validation of this new approach is performed by a comparison of the theoretical results and the available results of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) airfoils. This new mathematical approach is especially valid for high Reynolds numbers where viscosity can be neglected. The new codes based on this approach is less complex than other computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approaches based on conventional Navier-Stokes (NS) equations and can be coded easily to obtain lift and drag coefficients and forces of airfoils within a good margin of accuracy in relation to experimental data.
Meta TagsDetails
Castillo Acero, M., and Doria, J., "Novel Approach to the Mechanism of Aerodynamic Forces," SAE Int. J. Aerosp. 16(2):209-219, 2023,
Additional Details
Feb 7, 2023
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Content Type
Journal Article