SAE International Journal of Aerospace

- Content
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With an ISI impact factor of 0.3, the SAE International Journal of Aerospace is the preeminent source for peer-reviewed, cutting-edge engineering research within the aerospace industry. The journal is an essential resource for anyone in industry, academia, government, and research organizations trying to understand the latest progress in aerospace engineering. It covers both mature and emerging technologies, and includes technical articles on current technology, archival-quality historic findings, and research articles on the future of aerospace engineering... (continued)
Published Focus Issues
- 2023 Special Issue on Uncrewed Aircraft Systems and Autonomy, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 2022 Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning in Aerospace, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 2021 Joint Open Access Special Issue from SAE International Journal of Aerospace and International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management
- 2020 Special Issue on Innovations for Sustainable Aviation, Volume 13, Issue 2
- Indexed in
- Content
ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index, Web of Science)
Engineering Village (Ei Compendex)
IET Inspec
Japan Science and Technology (JST) Agency
- Editor in Chief
Dr. Ravi Rajamani, Independent Consultant; Research Professor, University of Connecticut; President, IDCA, USA
Ravi Rajamani is an independent consultant who has accumulated close to 30 years of experience in the area of aerospace propulsion and energy, specifically in data analytics and model-based methods for controls and diagnostics. He has many publications to his name including a book (Electric Flight Technology: The Unfolding of a New Future), book chapters, journal and conference papers, and patents. Prior to his current job, Ravi worked at Meggitt, United Technologies Corporation, and General Electric Company. Dr. Rajamani has a BTech (ME) from IIT Delhi, an MS (Automation) from IISc, Bangalore, an MBA from the University of Connecticut, and a PhD (EE) from the University of Minnesota. He is active within SAE’s Propulsion Health Management (E-32) and Integrated Vehicle Health Management (HM-1) committees; and its Electric Aircraft, Digital & Data, and IVHM Steering Groups. He is also active in the PHM Society, serving on its board of directors, and he was the general chair of the 2014 European PHM conference in Nantes, France. Ravi was formerly a Visiting Professor of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing at Cranfield University. He has been elected a fellow of SAE and IMechE and is a recipient of the SAE Forest R. McFarland Award. He also serves as a board member of the Edison Tech Center in Schenectady, NY.
- Editorial Board
- Content
Associate Editors
Dan Fogarty, The Boeing Company, USA
T. Hikmet Karakoc, Eskisehir Technical University, Turkey
Kyriakos I. Kourousis, University of Limerick, Ireland
Chetan S. Kulkarni, SGT. Inc, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Jeremy Laliberté, Carleton University, Canada
Chien-Shing Lee, Purdue University, USA
Y. Charles Lu, University of Kentucky, USA
José Carlos Páscoa, Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Qiulin Qu, Beihang University (BUAA), China
Dnyanesh G. Rajpathak, General Motors R&D, USA
Anapathur Ramesh, The Boeing Company, USA
Stuart Taylor, Raytheon - Space and Airborne Systems, USA
Andy Wallington, The Boeing Company, USA
Yaseen Zaidi, Cranfield University, UK