Modeling Fresh Air Charge and Residual Gas Fraction on a Dual Independent Variable Valve Timing SI Engine

SAE World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
We propose a model of in-cylinder air mass and residual gas fraction of a turbocharged SI engine with Variable Valve Timing (VVT) actuators. VVT devices are used to produce internal exhaust gas recirculation at part load, providing beneficial effects in terms of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. At full load, VVT actuators permit to push back knock limit by scavenging fresh air to the exhaust pipes. Modeling in-cylinder composition is an essential task for control purpose. Actually, VVT actuators affect in-cylinder fresh air charge. This has an impact on engine torque output (leading to driveability problems), and on Fuel/Air Ratio (leading to pollution peaks). In this paper, we present a model of in-cylinder air mass and residual gas fraction using only commercial-line sensors (engine speed, intake manifold pressure and VVT actuators positions). It is designed for real-time control purpose. The model does not necessitate a lot of calibration time. The proposed method consists in modeling the quantity of fresh air going through the intake valve. The model is composed of three terms. All these terms have their own physical meaning: first term gives in-cylinder total mass, second term gives the gas mass that goes through both valves during the valve overlap (either backflow of burned gas, or scavenging of fresh air), and last term models the residual gas mass staying in the cylinder from one cycle to the next one.
Meta TagsDetails
Leroy, T., Alix, G., Chauvin, J., Duparchy, A. et al., "Modeling Fresh Air Charge and Residual Gas Fraction on a Dual Independent Variable Valve Timing SI Engine," SAE Int. J. Engines 1(1):627-635, 2009,
Additional Details
Apr 14, 2008
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Content Type
Journal Article