The application of short burn durations at lean engine operation has the
potential to increase the efficiency of spark-ignition engines. To achieve short
burn durations, spark-assisted compression ignition (SACI) as well as active
pre-chamber (PC) combustion systems are suitable technologies. Since a
combination of these two combustion concepts has the potential to achieve
shorter burn durations than the application of only one of these concepts, the
concept of jet-induced compression ignition (JICI) was investigated in this
study. With the JICI, the fuel is ignited in the PC, and the combustion products
igniting the charge in the main combustion chamber (MC) triggered the
autoignition of the MC charge. A conventional gasoline fuel (RON 95 E10) and a
Porsche synthetic fuel (POSYN) were investigated to assess the fuel influence on
the JICI. Variations of the relative air/fuel ratio in the exhaust gas
(λex) were performed to evaluate both the occurrence of the JICI
and the dilution capability. To assess the sensitivity of the JICI, variations
of the engine speed and the engine load were performed. When using RON 95 E10, a
shift from a conventional PC combustion to the JICI was observed between
λex = 2.3 and λex = 2.5. The variations of the engine
speed and the engine load revealed an increased JICI intensity when the engine
speed decreased and when the engine load increased. When using POSYN, no JICI
was observed. The occurrence of the JICI was correlated to the knock resistances
of the fuels, i.e., the lower knock resistance of RON 95 E10 yielded the JICI,
whereas the higher one of POSYN did not. At λex = 2.8, applying POSYN
resulted in an increase of the burn duration of 5.5°CA, which was a relative
increase of 41%, compared to the use of RON 95 E10 due to the absence of the
JICI in case of POSYN. However, the application of POSYN resulted in the highest
net indicated efficiency (ηi,net). In particular, the application of
RON 95 E10 yielded a maximum of ηi,net = 41.5% at λex =
2.6, whereas using POSYN resulted in a maximum of ηi,net = 42.6% at
λex = 2.2 due to the higher knock resistance of POSYN.