The present paper examined the machining of Nimonic 75 experimentally with hexagonal boron nitride-based cutting fluid. Three different types of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) nanofluids with various hBN concentrations and cutting variables (cutting speed and feed rate) are applied in turning experiments. Tool wear, cutting forces, roughness, residual stress, and chip morphology in machining Nimonic 75 alloy with the hBN nanofluids are analyzed. The effects caused by the variation of hBN concentration and cutting variables are discussed. The results show that cutting speed decrease the force, surface roughness, specific energy consumption, and chip reduction coefficient except for shear angle, friction coefficient, and residual stress. The increase in feed rate increases the machining characteristics and chip-tool interface indices parameters except for flank wear and specific energy consumption. Finally, the optimal weight concentration to minimize machining and chip-tool parameters is 0.50 wt.% of hBN in cutting fluid. The weighted desirability approach is applied to determine the optimal parameters for both characteristics.