Intelligent Energy - Cognitive AI to Augment the Human Knowledge

International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants
Authors Abstract
Andrew Grove (founder CEO Intel) defines strategic inflectionpoints as what happens to a business when a major event alters itsfundamentals. The Covid-19 pandemic is one such historic event thatis changing fundamental business assumptions in the Oil industry.Companies with a hunter-gatherer mindset will ride this wave withthe help of technologies that make their operations lean andefficient. Current developments in AI, specifically aroundCognitive Sciences is one such area that will empower the earlyadopters to a many-fold improvement in engineering and researchproductivity. This paper explores 'how to augment the humanintelligence with insights from engineering literature, leveragingCognitive AI techniques?'. The key challenge of acquiringknowledge from engineering literature (patents, books, journals,articles, papers etc.) is the sheer volume at which it growsannually (100s of millions existing and new papers growing at 40%year-on-year as per IDC). 6 million+ patents are filed every year,of which a mere 20-40% are relevant to any technology domain. It ishumanely impossible to scour, review and take the right decisionsby reading them all. This paper describes key cognitive techniqueslike concept extraction, cause-effect formulation, sentimentanalysis, document summarization, topic modeling, automaticmetadata extraction etc., that conforms to the analyticalmethodology used by E&P researchers worldwide. Such techniquescan also be applied to legacy internal data of energy companies,empowering digitalization and knowledge management initiatives. Cognitive techniques have been around for a while now (firstgeneric patents from IBM in early 1990s) but have never beenapplied to the engineering world, until the 2010s when IHS Markit(under entity Invention Machine Corp.) patented and productizedthis as an engineering research, problem solving and innovationplatform. This paper also explores the efficiency gains and valuesaccrued by the researcher community, while using IHS Markit'sCognitive AI platform.
Meta TagsDetails
Ghosh, A., "Intelligent Energy - Cognitive AI to Augment the Human Knowledge," SAE Int. J. Adv. & Curr. Prac. in Mobility 3(3):1344-1350, 2021,
Additional Details
Mar 8, 2021
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Journal Article