Heavy Duty Particle Measurement Programme (PMP): Exploratory Work for the Definition of the Test Protocol
- Event
- Content
- The heavy duty Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) inter-laboratory exercise consists of three parts: 1) the exploratory work to refine the measurement protocol, 2) the validation exercise where each lab will measure the emissions of a “golden” engine with two “golden” particle number systems simultaneously sampling from full and partial flow dilution systems, and 3) the round-robin where the emissions of a “reference” engine will be determined with a lab’s own particle number instrumentation. This paper presents the results of the exploratory work and describes the final protocol for testing in the validation exercise (and round robin) along with the necessary facility modifications required for compliance with the protocol. Key aspects of the protocol (e.g. filter material, flow rates at the full and partial flow systems, the pre-conditioning etc.) are explained and justified. Finally, the results of particle emissions measurements during the World harmonized and the European cycles are given focusing on volatility and the presence of non-volatile materials above and below 23 nm.
- Pages
- 19
- Citation
- Giechaskiel, B., Carriero, M., Martini, G., and Andersson, J., "Heavy Duty Particle Measurement Programme (PMP): Exploratory Work for the Definition of the Test Protocol," SAE Int. J. Engines 2(1):1528-1546, 2009, https://doi.org/10.4271/2009-01-1767.