Harnessing the Digital Transformation for Development of Electrified Aircraft Propulsion Control Systems

Energy & Mobility Technology, Systems, and Value Chain Conference and Expo
Authors Abstract
Hybrid electric aircraft propulsion is an emerging technology that presents a variety of potential benefits along with technical integration challenges. Developing these new propulsion architectures with their complex control systems, and ultimately proving their benefit, is a multistep process. This process includes concept development and analysis, dynamic simulation, hardware-in-the-loop testing, full-scale testing, and so on. This effort is being revolutionized and indeed enabled by new digital tools that support increasing the technology readiness level throughout the maturation process. As part of this Digital Transformation, NASA has developed a suite of publicly available digital tools that facilitate the path from concept to implementation. This paper describes the NASA-developed tools and puts them in the context of control system development for hybrid electric aircraft propulsion. The three MATLAB®-based software packages are the Toolbox for the Modeling and Analysis of Thermodynamic Systems (T-MATS), the Electrical Modeling and Thermal Analysis Toolbox (EMTAT), and the Thermal Systems Analysis Toolbox (TSAT). These tools are interactive, complementary, and compatible with each other. T-MATS is a modular thermodynamic modeling framework designed for creating custom component level models of jet engines. EMTAT is a modeling framework used to simulate a variety of power electronic devices, using both physics-based and power flow calculations. TSAT is a framework for modeling and analysis of dynamic heat transfer. These packages all consist of graphical, drag-and-drop, parameterizable building blocks representing various components of the system to be modeled, e.g., compressors, turbines, motors, energy storage devices, etc. They are designed to enable the user to model and simulate the end-to-end dynamic operation of a hybrid electric gas turbine engine powertrain at the timescale of the turbomachinery, capturing mechanical, electrical, and thermal interactions. This paper demonstrates through multiple examples how these tools have been used successfully in a variety of applications, including several of the early stages of hybrid electric gas turbine engine propulsion system development, from the initial system modeling to real-time interactive pilot-in-the-loop simulation to physical hardware-in-the-loop testing, each step bringing the technology closer to fruition.
Meta TagsDetails
Litt, J., "Harnessing the Digital Transformation for Development of Electrified Aircraft Propulsion Control Systems," SAE Int. J. Adv. & Curr. Prac. in Mobility 6(4):2158-2168, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/2023-01-1510.
Additional Details
Sep 5, 2023
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Journal Article