Fast Oxygen Based Transient Diesel Engine Operation
- Event
- Content
- Due to the advancements in passenger car Diesel engine design, the contribution of transient emission spikes has become an important fraction of the total emissions during the standardized test cycles, hence the interest of this work on dynamical engine operation, in particular on the improvement of NOX and PM emissions. This paper proposes to use a UEGO sensor (universal exhaust gas oxygen sensor) in the upstream of the turbine in combination with a Kalman filter to estimate the target quantities, namely in-cylinder oxygen concentration before and after combustion. This information is used to define the fuel injection as well as the values of the air path actuators. Test bench measurements with a production Diesel engine are presented, where the oxygen based approach is compared to the standard calibration during a fast load increase. It is shown that the torque response could be maintained while NOX as well as PM emission peaks were reduced significantly.
- Pages
- 9
- Citation
- Alberer, D., and del Re, L., "Fast Oxygen Based Transient Diesel Engine Operation," SAE Int. J. Engines 2(1):405-413, 2009,