Nitric Oxide (NO) can significantly influence the autoignition reactivity and this can affect knock limits in conventional stoichiometric SI engines. Previous studies also revealed that the role of NO changes with fuel type. Fuels with high RON (Research Octane Number) and high Octane Sensitivity (S = RON - MON (Motor Octane Number)) exhibited monotonically retarding knock-limited combustion phasing (KL-CA50) with increasing NO. In contrast, for a high-RON, low-S fuel, the addition of NO initially resulted in a strongly retarded KL-CA50 but beyond the certain amount of NO, KL-CA50 advanced again. The current study focuses on same high-RON, low-S Alkylate fuel to better understand the mechanisms responsible for the reversal in the effect of NO on KL-CA50 beyond a certain amount of NO. Experiments were conducted to measure the responses of KL-CA50 and trace-autoignition CA50, the latter being indicative of CA50 at which end-gas autoignition starts to become measurable from the apparent heat-release rate. Chemical-kinetics simulations were conducted to reveal the role of NO for end-gas autoignition, with a specific focus on sequential autoignition in a thermally stratified end-gas.
The simulation results reveal that the magnitude of low-temperature heat release (LTHR) generally increases with NO. However, the relative importance of NO for enhancing LTHR diminishes when the LTHR inherent to a fuel’s chemistry is strong, such as at lower temperatures in a thermal boundary layer. This rendered more uniform LTHR within a hypothetical thermal boundary and led to a more sequential (i.e. slower) autoignition event. It was also revealed that a change in compression ratio influences the importance of intermediate-temperature heat release (ITHR) due to changes of the temperature-pressure history of the end-gas. Together with the condition where end-gas autoignition occurs more sequentially, the shorter time spent in LTHR and ITHR regime can counter the increase in autoignition reactivity at high NO levels and allow KL-CA50 to advance.