Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have been used as the main power source for Electric vehicles (EVs) in recent years. The mechanical behavior of LIBs subject to crush loading is crucial in assessing and improving the impact safety of battery systems and EVs. In this work, a detailed 3D finite element model for a commercial vehicle battery was built, in order to better understand battery failure behavior under various loading conditions. The model included the major components of a prismatic battery jellyroll, i.e., cathodes, anodes, and separators. The models for these components were validated against the corresponding material coupon tests (e.g., tension and compression). Then the components were integrated into the cell level model for simulation of jellyroll loading and damage behavior under three types of compressive indenter loading: (1) Flat-end punch, (2) Hemispherical punch and (3) Round-edge wedge. The comparisons showed reasonable agreement between modeling and experiments. With the validated numerical model, parametric studies were further performed to analyze the effect of separator anisotropy, to highlight its important role in the overall structural response of LIBs.