Designing an Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Control Model for an Air-to-Ground Collaborative System

Authors Abstract
In autonomous technology, uncrewed aircraft systems have already become the preferred platform for the research and development of flight control systems. Although they are subjected to following and satisfying complicated scenarios of control stations, this high dependency on a specific control framework limits them in their application process and reduces the flight self-organizing network. In this article, we present a developed multilayer control system protocol with the additional supportive manned aircraft layer (Tender). The novelty of the introduced model is that uncrewed aircraft systems are monitored and navigated by the tender, and then based on the suggested scheme, data flows are controlled and transferred across the network by the developed cloud–robotics approach in the ground station layer. Therefore, it has been tried to design a semi-autonomous control network to gather data that combines human observation and the automotive nature of uncrewed aircraft systems. To ensure the accuracy and correctness of the model, we simulate our approach in the software-in-the-loop using its web-based interface with new configurations in the hardware and software architecture of the network. Results will be examined by the in-order per message delay, which has recorded a considerably low latency in both the uplink and downlink data transmission processes. This optimization is achieved along with maintaining the quality of data.
Meta TagsDetails
Millar, R., Laliberté, J., Mahmoodi, A., Hashemi, L. et al., "Designing an Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Control Model for an Air-to-Ground Collaborative System," SAE Int. J. Aerosp. 17(2):225-241, 2024,
Additional Details
Feb 19, 2024
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Content Type
Journal Article