CFD-Based Comfort Parameter Evaluation of a Flow Vectoring Air Vent System for Car Cabins Using a Reduced Order Model

Authors Abstract
This computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study examines the comfort parameters of an innovative air vent concept for car cabin interiors using a reduced order model (ROM) and proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). The focus is on the analysis of the influence of geometric and fluid mechanical parameters on the resulting jet, in particular on the deflection angle of the airflow and the total pressure difference along the outlet geometry. Different parameters of the investigated system, such as the surface orientation, the outlet height, the separator distance, and the separator height, lead to different effects on the airflow structure. The results show that changes in the air vent surface orientation are always accompanied by an increase in the deflection angle and the total pressure difference. In contrast, the variation of the outlet height ratio positively influences the deflection angle and the total pressure difference in terms of the requirements for air vent geometries. The study also examines the interaction of the geometric parameters and reveals complex correlations that influence the resulting air jet. A comprehensive understanding of these influences makes it possible to adapt the design and implementation of new and innovative air vent concepts to meet specific requirements. By balancing design considerations and technical requirements, optimized solutions are characterized by a high deflection angle and a reduced overall pressure difference for improved system performance and efficiency. Therefore, this evaluation provides a final framework for the design and implementation of an innovative air vent concept based on the volume flow vectoring that is tailored to specific application requirements.
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Langhorst, S., Mrosek, M., Boughanmi, N., Schmeling, D. et al., "CFD-Based Comfort Parameter Evaluation of a Flow Vectoring Air Vent System for Car Cabins Using a Reduced Order Model," SAE Int. J. Passeng. Veh. Syst. 18(2), 2025,
Additional Details
Mar 03
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Journal Article