SAE International Journal of Passenger Vehicle Systems

- Content
With an ISI impact factor of 0.5, the SAE International Journal of Passenger Vehicle Systems rigorously peer reviews and disseminates authoritative, non-biased original theoretical and applied research and informative case studies with respect to all the systems that comprise modern on-road passenger vehicles.... (continued)
To see available content for the SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars: Mechanical Systems (previous title of SAE International Journal of Passenger Vehicle Systems), see here.
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ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index, Web of Science)
Engineering Village (Ei Compendex)
IET Inspec
Japan Science and Technology (JST) Agency
- Editor in Chief
Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed, Eastern Michigan University, USA
Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed, P.E., is the director of the School of Engineering Technology at Eastern Michigan University. For over 20 years, he served as a professor of mechanical engineering and director of the Vehicle Integration & Durability Laboratory at Kettering University in Michigan. He is a well-recognized technical leader in vehicle integration, vehicle development, optimization, and validation. Dr. El-Sayed has been awarded the SAE International Medal of Honor, SAE’s most prestigious award. He is an SAE and ASME fellow, as well as the Editor-in-Chief of the SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars—Mechanical Systems and the SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility, the inaugural chair of the SAE Journals’ Committee, and the inaugural Editor-in-Chief of the SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing. In addition, Dr. El-Sayed is a member of the editorial boards of numerous other technical journals. He has served as a board member, advisor, and consultant to several organizations. Through his research, teaching, and industrial practice he has made important original contributions to advance the state of the art in product development, vehicle integration, design optimization, lean design, integrated design and manufacturing, and theoretical and applied mechanics. Dr. El-Sayed has over 30 years of industrial, teaching, and research experience, several patents granted, and more than 100 publications in his fields of expertise. He is an award-winning educator, especially in the areas of engineering capstone project courses and online education. Through his teaching and advising, he has contributed to the education of hundreds of engineers now engaged in the field of automotive engineering and product development. Dr. El-Sayed has also worked as a chief engineer, director of engineering, lead engineer, and subject matter expert in the automotive industry. At General Motors, he led the quality, durability, and reliability integration, development, and validation of several vehicles, platforms, and architectures.
- Editorial Board
- Content
Associate Editors
Rajavel Balaguru, Johnson Controls Inc, USA
Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors, USA
David Bryant, The University of Bradford, UK
Shuming Chen, Jilin University, China
Mark Gleason, Gleason Aero LLC, USA
Randy Gu, Oakland University, USA
Steven Hodges, Alion Science & Technology, USA
Valentin Ivanov, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany
Georgios Papaioannou, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Ron Semel, Ford Motor Company, USA
Stan Serpento, Retired, General Motors, USA
Gang S. Chen, Marshall University, USA
Kanwar Bharat Singh, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, USA
Kirk Thibault, Biomechanics Inc., USA
Chris Van Ee, Design Research Engineering, USA
Jay Zhou, JHZ Strategic QA, USA