The Application of Simplified Loadpath Models to Improve Body Structure Knowledge
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- Content
- Simplified Loadpath Models (SLMs) of the advanced body in white (BIW) design concept provide a highly flexible and rapid platform to explore body structure loadpath alternatives and conduct performance:weight optimization. The SLM modelling process combines higher order Beam and Bush finite elements with coarsened Shell-meshed panels to represent the body structure. While the benefits of loadpath optimization through Beam element parameter variation is well-documented and applied extensively for these types of models, this paper covers another valuable benefit of the SLMs; to provide a better understanding of the sensitivities and influence of joint stiffnesses on key body structure attributes. This data provides valuable information that can be leveraged to support more intelligent and efficient body structure joint designs.
- Pages
- 7
- Citation
- Truskin, J., "The Application of Simplified Loadpath Models to Improve Body Structure Knowledge," SAE Int. J. Adv. & Curr. Prac. in Mobility 2(6):3406-3412, 2020,