A Novel Method for Evaluation of Tire Structural Durability Performance

Symposium on International Automotive Technology
Authors Abstract
In a vehicle, tire is a safety critical component and hence its structural durability performance is of paramount interest to the vehicle users. Therefore, ensuring durability performance is an essential criterion to prevent fatal accidents, unusual road delays, etc. Generally, tire structural durability or endurance performance is ascertained in the indoor laboratory by freely rotating the tire on a smooth steel road wheel. The tire runs straight ahead at a fixed speed and load is applied incrementally till failure or pre-defined level (fixed load step or fixed running kilometer). Although the test conditions used in these types of tests take care of certain parameters but it requires inclusion of additional parameters to simulate more realistic tire operational conditions. One such parameter is camber angle in a vehicle, which is kept non-zero values (positive or negative) to achieve desired vehicle handling performance. Further, the roadways are also having in-built camber to facilitate rain water removal.
With this backdrop, the present work aims to capture the influence of camber angle (positive and negative) on tire durability. In this work, two different pattern of truck bus radial tire (one having rib pattern and another one having lug pattern geometry) were used for durability measurement purpose. Tire Groove surface temperatures were also measured during tire in running condition using Infrared Red thermographic technique. Static tire footprints were captured at various camber angle to understand the contact mechanics. Tire durability results revealed that increase in camber angle decreases the tire durability in terms of number of hours running till failure. In both the tire sizes, failure occurred at the shoulder area due to application of camber.
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Upadhyay, A., Kumar, S., Garg, R., Ray, K. et al., "A Novel Method for Evaluation of Tire Structural Durability Performance," SAE Int. J. Adv. & Curr. Prac. in Mobility 6(6):2777-2782, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/2024-26-0358.
Additional Details
Jan 16, 2024
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Journal Article