MS1003/2_201301 Lubricants, Industrial Oils, and Related Products Type D Compressor Oils - Specification - Addendum
- Issuing Committee
- Content
- The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Industrial Lubricants Committee has developed a number of industrial, non-production lubricant performance specifications. The purpose of these voluntary SAE specifications is to: a. Define minimum performance requirements for industrial lubricants. b. Provide lubricant suppliers with performance targets for a minimum number of key industrial lubricants. c. Improve the availability of these lubricants to member companies. d. Provide a plant oriented, user friendly, classification system using common test standards and properties.
- Pages
- 14
- Citation
- SAE International Technical Standard, Lubricants, Industrial Oils, and Related Products Type D Compressor Oils - Specification - Addendum, SAE Standard MS1003/2_201301, Cancelled January 2013, Issued January 2004,