ARINC854 854 Cabin Equipment Network Bus
- Issuing Committee
- Content
This standard defines a new cabin network bus.
While ARINC Specification 485: Cabin Equipment Interfaces, Part 2, Physical Layer - In-seat Protocol defined a low-speed serial communications interface between electronic equipment in the passenger seat, it is design-focused on obtaining status from in-seat electronic equipment. ARINC Specification 854 is a messaging protocol but does not preclude using the bus for video streaming or multicast.
Cabin Equipment has evolved from the very simple to quite sophisticated systems. The resulting communications needs have surpassed the ability of ARINC 485 to provide the necessary data capacity and response times. The basic requirements for low latency, full duplex, elimination of ARINC 485 Master/Slave polling and lower weight drives the selection of 100BASE-T1 (per IEEE 802.3) as the preferred bus format.This document specifies the ARINC 854 Cabin Equipment Network Bus (CENBUS) utilizing a new, serial communications protocol based on IEEE 802.3 Clause 96 operating at 100 Mbps.