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This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) discusses past and present approaches for monitoring the landing gear structure and shock absorber (servicing), opportunities for corrosion detection, methods for transient overload detection, techniques for measuring the forces seen by the landing gear structure, and methods for determining the fatigue state of the landing gear structure. Landing gear tire condition and tire pressure monitoring are detailed in ARP6225, AIR4830, and ARP6137, respectively. Aircraft Brake Temperature Monitoring Systems (BTMS) are detailed in AS1145.
A-5 Aerospace Landing Gear Systems Committee
The material provided in this document consists of recommendations related to the design, analysis, testing, and intended functions of head up displays (HUDs) for transport category airplanes. The content of the document is limited to statements of general design and installation considerations, including display function criticality and compliance considerations; symbology, coding, clutter, dimensionality, and attention getting requirements; equipment installation; display visual characteristics; failure modes; information display and formatting; specific integrated display and mode; and system verification.
A-4HUD Head-up Display Subcommittee
This report provides a concept of operations needed to evaluate a CDA Feature for a permissive left turn across opposing traffic, with infrastructure guidance. The Feature uses CDA cooperation levels including status-sharing and agreement-seeking, and a set of test scenarios (functional, logical, and concrete) is developed to evaluate this CDA Feature.
Cooperative Driving Automation(CDA) Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) describes the Architecture Framework for Unmanned Systems (AFUS). AFUS comprises a Conceptual View, a Capabilities View, and an Interoperability View. The Conceptual View provides definitions and background for key terms and concepts used in the unmanned systems domain. The Capabilities View uses terms and concepts from the Conceptual View to describe capabilities of unmanned systems and of other entities in the unmanned systems domain. The Interoperability View provides guidance on how to design and develop systems in a way that supports interoperability.
AS-4JAUS Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems Committee
This document provides guidance for ECS design for UA primarily by reference to existing applicable SAE AC-9 documents with indication of how they would apply and how they may need to be adapted for UA. This document provides guidance related to environmental control for onboard equipment, cargo, animals, and passengers. This document cannot provide detail design guidance for all potential types of UA. Limited information is available for ECS requirements for UA that may carry passengers, but it should be expected that the same comfort and safety standards would be applied to UA as prescribed in current civil aviation authority rules and military specifications. Additional requirements unique to UA can be expected for totally autonomous UA operation with no provision for flight or ground crew monitoring and intervention in the event of ECS failures or malfunctions. This document does not pertain to the related ground stations that may be controlling the UA.
AC-9 Aircraft Environmental Systems Committee
This specification established (1) the common requirements for hydraulic units capable of functioning as starters and as pumps suitable for use in aircraft and missiles and (2) the methods to be used for demonstrating compliance with these requirements.
A-6C4 Power Sources Committee
The terms and definitions in this document describe the functions performed within an ADS, as defined in SAE J3016. Where possible we have attempted to capture the language that is already in use within the automated driving development community. Where needed, we have added new terms and definitions, including clarifying notes to avoid ambiguity. SAE J3131 deals primarily with Level 4 and Level 5 ADS features.
On-Road Automated Driving (ORAD) Committee
The purpose of this SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) is two-fold: to inform the reader of the extent of effort that went into the development of the Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS); and to capture for posterity the domain analysis that provides the underpinnings for the work by the AS-4 Committee (Unmanned Systems).
AS-4JAUS Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems Committee
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