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This SAE Recommended Practice establishes recommended procedures for the issuance, assignment, and structure of Identification Numbers on a uniform basis by states or provinces for use in an Assigned Identification Number (AIN).
VIN - WMI Technical Committee
This document contains information and guidance necessary for the development of a representative, repeatable validation program that may be utilized to assess the capability of SHM systems. The nature of SHM data differs from that seen in traditional nondestructive evaluation (NDE) applications in that the position of SHM sensors is fixed and SHM data can be available much more frequently (if not continuously) over time. This document presents methodologies that can be used to arrive at SHM capability while considering the unique nature of SHM deployment. Each SHM system must be considered independently to determine the applicability and limitations of the guidance contained here for each SHM system being assessed.
Aerospace Industry Steering Committee on Structural Health
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) developed by a broad cross section of personnel from the aviation industry and government agencies is offered to provide state-of-the-art information for the use of individuals and organizations designing new or upgraded turboshaft engine test facilities.
EG-1E Gas Turbine Test Facilities and Equipment
ARP876 is intended to provide specific recommended procedures for the prediction of gas turbine jet exhaust system noise sources. Procedures are issued as separate sections, to allow for future updating as additional methods, consistent with state-of-the-art, become available.
A-21 Aircraft Noise Measurement Aviation Emission Modeling
This standard covers the requirements for spherical, self-aligning, self-lubricating, bearings which are for use in the ambient temperature range of -65 to +160 °F (-54 to +71 °C) at high cyclic speeds 1400 cpm (15 fpm). The scope of this standard is to provide a liner system qualification procedure for helicopter sliding bearings defined and controlled by source control drawings. Once a liner system is qualified, the source-controlled bearings are further tested under application conditions. Under Department of Defense (DoD) Policies and Procedures, any qualification requirements and associated Qualified Products List (QPLs) are mandatory for DoD contracts. Any materials relating to QPLs have not been adopted by SAE and are not part of this SAE technical document.
ACBG Plain Bearing Committee
This document outlines the functional and design requirements for baggage/cargo tow tractors used for airline services.
AGE-3 Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Committee
The purpose of this SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) is to provide recommendations which will lead to the standardization of passageway door operation in all transport aircraft, by providing in the design, features which will result in minimum exit passage blockage and jamming.
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) defines impulse test procedures that are recommended for hydraulic components.
A-6 Aerospace Actuation, Control and Fluid Power Systems
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) provides information demonstrating the need for establishing design and performance standards for aircraft crash axes.
S-9A Safety Equipment and Survival Systems Committee
Outline drawings from all known pump manufacturers for the various size pumps listed in MIL-P-7740 were requested and those received have been combined to make up the various outline drawings. There has been prepared a composite outline drawing enclosing all of the individual outline drawings. Since the pump manufacturers' drawings will change over a period of time and complete detail is not shown, it is not possible to make a detailed mockup of any specific pump. These drawings are intended to provide information concerning the general space requirement for variable delivery pumps, and could be used to manufacture a composite mockup to indicate roughly the space required on a new engine design.
A-6C4 Power Sources Committee
This Aerospace Standard establishes the diameter - pitch combinations of ISO metric 60° screw threads recommended for use in the aerospace industry for metric module shaft or bearing retaining screw threads.
E-25 General Standards for Aerospace and Propulsion Systems
A tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) is a means to electronically measure and report the current tire pressure. Some systems are capable of transmitting the information to the flight deck while other systems are for use on the ground by maintenance personnel (only). This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) document is intended to establish overall component and system function guidelines and minimum performance levels for a TPMS. The system should visually indicate the tire inflation pressure status. These guidelines include, but are not limited to: a) Design recommendations for system components, which: 1 monitor tire inflation, and, 2 are located in/on the tire/wheel assembly, landing gear axle, and/or aircraft avionics compartment. b) Recommended performance and safety guidelines for a TPMS.
A-5 Aerospace Landing Gear Systems Committee
This document addresses measurement uncertainty and consumer risk as they relate to AS8879 thread inspection. It describes the rationale, theory and methodology used to generate the technical content of the AS5870. The document describes how to calculate measurement consumer risk. It documents all of the calculation methods which industry employs today to calculate what is commonly called measurement uncertainty (Appendices A, B, C, D, E and F). These, in turn, are used to calculate measurement uncertainty ratios which are required inputs to calculate measurement consumer risk. Users of this document can apply the information described herein for the evaluation of the capability of their measurements based on the measurement consumer risk. It involves the analysis of the measurement (product) distribution and biases of both the product and measurement system distributions. It protects the consumer from the worst case distribution results.
E-25 General Standards for Aerospace and Propulsion Systems
This document provides an overview of currently available and need to be developed modeling and simulation capabilities required for implementing robust and reliable Aerospace WDM LAN applications.
AS-3 Fiber Optics and Applied Photonics Committee
This document (AIR6005) provides the framework for the specifications of a WDM OBN within the SAE AS5659 WDM LAN Specification document family, in particular, the Transparent Optical Backbone Network Specification. This framework includes potential requirements, technical background, investigation and context to support the writing of SAE’s WDM LAN specifications documents. The SAE’s AS6005 WDM OBN document describes a transparent optical network which contains optical components and optical interfaces to perform optical transport, optical add/drop, optical amplification, optical routing, and optical switching functions. The conforming optical signal interfaces for the data plane of the WDM OBN are defined. The conforming signal interfaces for the control and management planes of this network are also defined. The control and management plane signals may be either electrical or optical. If successful, a WDM LAN standard is anticipated to include multiple variants that may get created
AS-3 Fiber Optics and Applied Photonics Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) presents flexure fatigue strength of tube fitting joints in the form of graphs showing applied deflection D and total calculated axial stress S versus number of cycles to failure N. The graphs have been prepared from data obtained by actual testing conducted in accordance with ARP1185.
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
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