NOTE—For leaf springs made to metric units, see SAE J1123. This SAE Standard is limited to concise specifications promoting an adequate understanding between spring maker and spring user on all practical requirements in the finished spring. The basic concepts for the spring design and for many of the details have been fully addressed in HS-J788, SAE Information Report, Manual on Design and Application of Leaf Springs, which is available from SAE Headquarters.
This SAE standard specifies operating procedure for the exposure of automotive interior trim materials in an outdoor behind-glass apparatus in which the temperature is controlled in a 24 hour cycle. The humidity is controlled during the dark (night) portion of the cycle.
This SAE lab recommended practice may be applied to corrosion test methods such as salt spray, filiform, Corrosion creep back, etc. This procedure is intended to permit corrosion testing to be assessed between Laboratories for correlation purposes.
This SAE Standard specifies basic tolerances and dimensions for inboard propeller-shaft ends, propeller hubs and keyways for shaft sizes 3/4 in (19 mm) through 8 in (203 mm).
This SAE standard provides test procedures, performance requirements, design guidelines and installation guidelines for full adaptive forward lighting systems (AFS).
Included in this SAE Standard are the detailed general and dimensional specifications applicable to flanged 12-point screws recognized as SAE Standard and intended for general use in automotive and other ground-based vehicles and industrial equipment. The inclusion of dimensional data in this standard is not intended to imply that all of the products described are stock production sizes. Consumers should consult manufacturers concerning availability of product.
This SAE Standard covers the Mini-Shed testing methodology to measure the rate of refrigerant loss from an automotive air conditioning (A/C) system. This SAE procedure encompasses both front and rear air conditioning systems utilizing refrigerants operating under sub-critical conditions.
This SAE Information Report is a summary of the initial recommendations of the SAE committee on Dual/Higher Voltage Vehicle Electrical Systems regarding the application of higher voltages in vehicle systems. This document does not attempt to address the technical merits of specific voltages or electrical system architectures.
This procedure incorporates test cycles that produce relative fuel economy data relating to long haul, short haul, and local driving patterns, or any combination of these and to those components developed to improve fuel economy for these patterns. The tests conducted on a specific vehicle are to reflect that vehicle's general mode of operation. The procedure is intended to be used under controlled, warmed-up conditions on a test tract or on suitable roads. A minimum of two vehicles running simultaneously is required. Test condition recommendations are provided for undertaking this engineering test. If it is necessary to conduct a test outside of these test conditions, the purpose of the test and the variant conditions should be recorded and noted whenever the results are reported.
This Information Report along with SAE J500 and J501 is generally understood to be technically obsolete for the design of new applications. However, it is listed for those existing applications where it may be required. For the design of new applications, consult ANSI B92.1-1970—Involute Splines and Inspections Standard. [The dimensions, given in inches, apply only to soft broached holes. The shaft dimensions depend upon the shape and material of the parts, their heat treatment, and methods of machining to give the required fit. The method and amount of "breaking" sharp corners and edges also depend upon the conditions and requirements of each application. The formula for theoretical torque capacity (pressure on sides of spline) in inch-pounds per inch of bearing length (L) and at 1000 psi pressure is: The tolerances allowed are for good construction and may be readily maintained by usual broaching methods. The tolerances selected for the large and small diameters will depend upon
This standard is for cutting edge sections typically used in earth-moving machinery defined in SAE J1116 and ISO 6165: a Scrapers as defined in ISO 7133. b Dozers as described in ISO 6747. c Loaders as described in ISO 7131. d Graders as described in ISO 7134. Hole spacing is defined ISO 7129. Hole conformation is defined in SAE J740.
This SAE Information Report is intended to provide the hydraulic system analyst with a procedure which will assist in the selection and use of high-pressure wire reinforced hydraulic hose assemblies. Many construction, agricultural, industrial, or commercial equipment systems utilize hydraulic hose assemblies that are subjected to irregular cyclic pressure variations (cannot be approximated by a constant amplitude pressure cycle). This document relates damage done by pressure cycles with the pressure-life performance curve for the hose assembly being evaluated, using a linear damage rule to predict fatigue life similar to that used for predicting metal fatigue life. More detailed information on the subject may be found in SAE Paper No. 880713. The accuracy of cumulative damage calculations is directly related to proper measurement of the service pressure history and pressure-life performance for the hose assembly being evaluated. Final selection of a hose assembly must also consider
This SAE Standard includes spur gear and direct drive type hand-cranked winches as used on boat trailers. This does not include brake type winches as used in boat lift, davit, or industrial applications.
The facilities used by domestic automotive manufacturers to provide accelerated corrosion aging of complete vehicles are described in general. The types of vehicles tested, general test methodology, and techniques used to determine test-to-field correlation are discussed. The different procedures used throughout the industry produce different results on various vehicle coatings, components, and systems. The key to successful interpretation of test results is a thorough understanding of the corrosion mechanisms involved and the effects of test limitations on these mechanisms.
This SAE Recommended Practice covers a high-quality corrosion-resisting steel wire, cold drawn, formed, and heat treated to produce uniform mechanical properties. It is magnetic in all conditions. It is intended for the manufacture of springs and wire forms that are to be heat treated after forming to enhance the spring properties. This document also covers processing requirements of the springs and forms fabricated from this wire.
This pneumatic spring terminology has been developed to assist engineers and designers in the preparation of specifications and descriptive material relating to pneumatic springs and their components. It does not include gas supply or control systems.
This SAE Standard covers disposable hydraulic and lube oil filter elements. This document is a general performance specification for filter elements and identifies performance criteria and test methods. Associated specification sheets (SAE J2321-1, J2321-2, and J2321-3, etc.) define configuration and performance requirements for specific elements.
This SAE Standard details a uniform method for classifying heat ratings of unshielded spark plugs.
This SAE Standard covers general, dimensional data, and methods of test for two types of general purpose nut and conical spring washer assemblies, designated Type LN and Type HN, intended for mass production and other operations where speed and convenience are paramount factors.
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