Automotive Engineering International 2005-12-01



  • Assembly by design
    The latest product development software offers new tools to improve the body engineering process and deliver flexible manufacturing capability.
  • Measure twice, cut once
    The old carpenter's axiom is doubly true in the expensive realm of motorsport, where simulations provide a more cost-effective way to test ideas than trial-and-error.
  • 2005 technology in review
    AEI editors look back at some of the most significant engineering and innovation stories of the past year.
  • The new steels
    Lessons learned on where, when, why, and how to use new higher-strength materials is an information-sharing mandate of high order.
  • Nissan showcases advanced technology
    The underlying philosophy of the company's "Orchard Concept" R&D strategy is to direct its strengthened resources to "real, specifc technological innovation in the car that you see on a showroom floor," providing performance and functions that exceed customer expectations.
  • Wire trimming
    Technology advances, especially the increased use of networking, are helping to reduce vehicle wire count and bulk.
  • Gaining momentum
    Buoyed by much improved quality and customer satisfaction, Hyundai looks to move upmarket, develop its own hybrid vehicles, and invest in the future.
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