Automotive Engineering International 2004-08-01



  • Success by design
    Toyota is working to differentiate itself from the competition by continually evolving its unique design philosophy.
  • China overcapacity overstated?
    Automakers and suppliers are taking a "build it and they will come" approach to capacity in China.
  • Challenges aplenty in China
    From an underdeveloped infrastructure to insufficient policing of intellectual property rights, government and industry leaders in China are dealing with a multitude of challenges--and opportunities--as vehicle sales soar.
  • Testing adapts
    Growing vehicle complexity, globalization, and other industry trends are prompting companies to focus more on automation and standardization in their test programs.
  • Lightweight vehicle engineering
    Demand for performance and fuel economy make materials once considered too expensive increasingly attractive.
  • Interior motives
    Although the passenger compartment of a vehicle is where customers spend the most time, manufacturers are still at odds over whether it should be the car's showplace or a cost-cutting target.
  • The power of cooperation
    As they are made more powerful, robots are being linked for greater capability in the various shops of automobile plants.
  • Innovating the way forward
    At the biennial Innovation Symposium, DaimlerChrysler executives discussed some of the technologies that will help shape the future of the automobile.
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