Automotive Engineering International 2001-08-01



  • Managing and remaking metals
    Who knew a hundred years ago that just under half of a 2001 model year vehicle would be manufactured out of dismantled, flattened, and shredded older vehicles?
  • Global viewpoints: Japan plans for the future
    Greater competition from Western and other Asian nations, as well as global environmental concerns, have focused the country's long-term technology and engineering strategies.
  • Hear the noise, feel the vibe
    There being no silver bullet for noise and vibration attenuation, suppliers are providing a variety of options for the OEM quest to provide a smooth and quiet ride.
  • Forum for fuel cells
    An in-depth, one-day fuel-cell summit, presented by AEI, allowed open discussion on the burgeoning technology from various stakeholders. This month's focus is on two keynote presentations that addressed some business and regulatory trends regarding the development and adoption of fuel cells.
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